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Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Release Notes
Release 2 (9.0.2)

Part Number A97272-01
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Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence

Release Notes

Release 2 (9.0.2)

April 2002

Part No. A97272-01

This document summarizes the differences between Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence and its documented functionality.

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes

1 Certification and System Requirements

Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence is certified only against Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database.

2 Configuration Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and their workarounds for Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence.

2.1 Oracle9i Database Patch Install Recommended for Use With Clickstream Intelligence (Bug #2280228)

A Load Clickstream or Refresh Materialized Views process may fail due to an error in one or more jobs that comprise the "Refresh Materialized Views" subprocess. The following errors may appear for the failed job(s):

ORA-12008: error in materialized view refresh path

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguements: [qes3tPinTT2], [], [], 
[], [], [], [], []

If the errors above appear for a (failed) job within a failed "Refresh Materialized Views" subprocess, you must install the Patch Set for Oracle Data Server (ID: 1502843; Patchset: 2271678). It can be downloaded from Oracle MetaLink:

Following successful login with a valid username and password, click Patches from the menu on the left side of your screen. Provide the following Patch Download data. Fields that are not listed below require no modification and should retain default values.

Click the Submit button. From the list of patches displayed, click the link for Patchset: 2271678 - the Patch Set for Oracle Data Server. Download the patch, following the instructions provided in the ReadMe file.

2.2 Loading Web Logs That Contain Multiple Cookies (Bug #2258601)

Cookies can be used to identify visitors, users, and sessions for your Clickstream sites. The cookie string portion of a URL usually contains several cookies. Most Web log formats write the cookies to a log file and separate each with a semicolon (;). Other log formats may separate cookies in a string with alphanumeric characters, spaces, or both.

The Clickstream Loader requires the use of a semicolon to separate cookies in a cookie string. If this requirement is not met, the Loader will be unable to parse out the cookies.

As an example, consider the cookie string below in which cookie values are separated by a semicolon and a space (as with Apache Web server logs):

Cookie String: "COOKIE1=dms; COOKIE2=joaz; COOKIE3=604"

If you use cookies to identify users of a site, for example, the Loader matches only the first cookie in the string (COOKIE1) and ignores the other cookies. This outcome is suitable if COOKIE1 is the only cookie name you defined for the site. If however, you've defined other cookie names (such as COOKIE3) that appear in the middle or toward the end of the cookie string, those cookies will not be matched because the Loader expects the cookie name to begin immediately after the semicolon (and does not skip the space character that follows the semicolon).

A workaround for the issue above involves modifying the cookie name(s) that were defined via the Runtime Administrator. In the example above, if you want the Clickstream Loader to find COOKIE3 in a string that separates cookies with a semicolon and space character, then simply change the cookie name so that it begins with a space character. For example, you would change the name 'COOKIE3' to ' COOKIE3' (written with a space character before the cookie name).

2.3 Post-Installation Tasks: Infrastructure Database

Follow the steps below to begin using Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence with the infrastructure database provided with Oracle9i Application Server.

  1. Use the Oracle9iAS Universal Installer to install Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence. For Oracle9iAS installation details, see the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide.

  2. Install the Patch Set for Oracle Data Server, as described in Section 2.1, "Oracle9i Database Patch Install Recommended for Use With Clickstream Intelligence (Bug #2280228)".

  3. Modify the pre-generated passwords that were automatically created during installation. To do this, use Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM). For specific information about completing this task, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide.

  4. Continue post-installation tasks as described below. The following steps require use of Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator, which is part of Oracle9i Developer Suite (Oracle9iDS).

    • Create an End User Layer (EUL) with the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator EUL Manager Dialog. Instructions for creating an empty EUL can be found in the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide.

    • Use the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Import Wizard to populate the EUL with the Clickstream EUL objects contained in the clickstream_intelligence_eul_full.eex file. This file is located in the following directory:


      where CLICK_HOME is the directory in which Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence is installed, and the LANG variable is the code for the language selected during Oracle9iAS installation.

      For information about populating the EUL with Clickstream metadata, see the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide.

  5. Access the Clickstream Intelligence Home page at the following URL:


    The HOST is the name of the computer on which Clickstream Intelligence is installed, and the PORT is the logical channel on which the host listens for requests.

  6. Log on to the Runtime Administrator with the username clkrt and the password you defined via OEM.

  7. Define and configure the Runtime Administrator parameters that specify the way you want data to be acquired and processed from Web server log files. For additional information about the Runtime Administrator, see the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

  8. Load Web server log file data into the infrastructure database. For information about the Clickstream Load process and other database processes, see the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

  9. Enable viewing of Clickstream Analytics by creating a "Private" database connection. To do this, go to the Clickstream Intelligence Home page and click the Analytics- Discoverer Viewer link. The Connect to Discoverer Viewer page appears.

  10. Click Create Connection. The Connection Details page appears. Provide the Connection Name, Connection Description, and Locale (the language used to view Clickstream Analytics).

  11. Provide the following Database Connection Details:

    • User Name: enter clkana.

    • Password: the clkana schema password you defined via OEM.

    • Database: the SID for the Oracle9iAS metadata repository.

  12. Click Apply. You return to the Connect to Discoverer Viewer page.

  13. To access Clickstream Analytics, click the link for the name of the (private) connection you created.

2.4 Installing the Infrastructure Database in a Language Other Than English (Bug #2242087)

When the infrastructure database provided with Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS) is installed in a language other than English, the user must run the clkinstall script immediately after Oracle9iAS installation. This script is located in the following directory:


The CLICK_HOME variable represents your Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence home. To select the language for the Clickstream Intelligence Runtime Administrator and Clickstream Analytics, enter the following command:

./clkinstall seed --click-home=/m/clickdev/ --hostname=HOST 
--sid=SID --port=PORT --rtadmin-lang=RTADMIN_LANG 

In the expression above, HOST is the name of the machine in which the infrastructure database is installed, SID is the database system ID, PORT is the logical channel on which the host listens, RTADMIN_LANG is the language that will be used for the Clickstream Intelligence Runtime Administrator, and ANALYTICS_LANG is the language in which Clickstream Analytics will be viewed.

You must run the clkinstall script prior to changing the database password for the SYS user, since the script requires the (unmodified) password change_on_install when connecting to the database.

2.5 Dedicated Clickstream Database Installation Log File (Bug #2277753)

The following clarification applies to Appendix B: "Installing a Dedicated Clickstream Database," located within Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

To view details related to database installation, see the log file install-click.log located in the following directory:


The variable ORACLE_HOME represents the directory in which Oracle9iAS was installed.

2.6 Dedicated Clickstream Database "Typical" Install (Bug #2277779)

The following clarification applies to Appendix B: "Installing a Dedicated Clickstream Database," located in Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

When using the Clickstream Database Installation Wizard to configure and tune a customer database, it should be noted that the "Typical" install option assumes that tablespaces have already been set up in the database. Therefore, when the "Typical" install option is selected from the Tablespace Option page, all steps (and pages) related to tablespace sizing and configuration are skipped. The Tablespace Selection page is displayed next, followed by the Summary page.

2.7 Post-Installation Tasks: Dedicated Clickstream Database

Follow the steps below to begin using Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence with a dedicated Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database.

  1. Use the Oracle9iAS Universal Installer to install Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence. For Oracle9iAS installation details, see the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide.

  2. Install Oracle9i Enterprise Edition database and set the database password.

  3. Install the Patch Set for Oracle Data Server, as described in Section 2.1, "Oracle9i Database Patch Install Recommended for Use With Clickstream Intelligence (Bug #2280228)"

  4. Launch the Clickstream Database Installation Wizard by entering the following command:

    clkinstall --click-home-CLICK_HOME

    where the CLICK_HOME variable represents the directory in which Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence is installed.

    The Clickstream Database Installation Wizard guides you through installation of the two Clickstream database schemas and enables you to define the passwords for each schema. It modifies and defines information contained in the file, including the host, port, and SID of the Enterprise Edition database.

  5. Complete all Clickstream Database Installation Wizard steps as described in Appendix B of the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

  6. To be sure that Apache server utilizes the modifications you made to the file (via the Clickstream Intelligence Database Installation Wizard), stop and then re-start all application server processes with the following commands:

    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall 
    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

    In the expressions above, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable represents the directory in which Oracle9iAS is installed.

  7. Continue post-installation tasks as described below. The following steps require use of Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator, which is part of Oracle9i Developer Suite (Oracle9iDS).

    • Create an EUL with the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator EUL Manager Dialog. Instructions for creating an empty EUL can be found in the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator's Administration Guide.

    • Use the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Import Wizard to populate the EUL with the Clickstream EUL objects contained in the clickstream_intelligence_eul_full.eex file. This file is located in the following directory:


      CLICK_HOME is the directory in which Oracle9i Clickstream Intelligence is installed, and the LANG variable is the code corresponding to the language selected during Oracle9iAS installation.

      For further information about populating the EUL with Clickstream metadata, see the Oracle9i Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide.

  8. Access the Clickstream Intelligence Home page at the following URL:


    The HOST is the name of the computer on which Clickstream Intelligence is installed, and the PORT is the logical channel on which the host listens for requests.

  9. Log on to the Runtime Administrator with the username clkrt and the password you defined with the Clickstream Database Installation Wizard.

  10. Define and configure the Runtime Administrator parameters that specify the way you want data to be acquired and processed from Web server log files. For detailed information about the Runtime Administrator, see the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

  11. Load Web server log file data into the Clickstream Intelligence database. For information about the Clickstream Load and other database processes, see the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

  12. Enable viewing of Clickstream Analytics by creating a "Private" database connection. To do this, go to the Clickstream Intelligence Home page and click the Analytics- Discoverer Viewer link. The Connect to Discoverer Viewer page appears.

  13. Click Create Connection. The Connection Details page appears. Provide the Connection Name, Connection Description, and Locale (the language used to view Clickstream Analytics).

  14. Provide the following Database Connection Details:

    • User Name: enter clkana as your user name.

    • Password: the clkana schema password you defined via the Clickstream Database Installation Wizard.

    • Database: the SID for the dedicated (Enterprise Edition) Clickstream Intelligence database.

  15. Click Apply. You return to the Connect to Discoverer Viewer page.

  16. To access Clickstream Analytics, click the link for the name of the (private) connection you just created.

2.8 Changing Oracle9iAS Default Display Settings (Bug #2305244)

Upon accessing the Clickstream Intelligence Home page, some buttons or images may not display properly (or may not appear at all). This behavior can be corrected by changing the Oracle9i Application Server DISPLAY variable (which is set to localhost:0 upon installation of Oracle9iAS).

To do this, access the file in the following directory:


In the expression above, ORACLE_HOME is the location in which Oracle9iAS is installed. Within the file, replace localhost:0 with the following:


In the expression above, the HOST is the name of the machine running the valid x-server, and the PORT is the number of the port where the x-server is running.

After the DISPLAY variable has been modified, you must stop and then re-start all application server processes with the following commands:

ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall 

ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

In the expressions above, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable represents the directory in which Oracle9iAS was installed.

2.9 Warning Message When Importing EUL (Bug #2269141)

When importing the EUL objects contained in the clickstream_intelligence_eul_full.eex file (see Post-Installation sections above), the following message may be displayed:

Users should disregard this message and its implications. Identifiers containing the specified characters do not affect use of Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence, and will not impact future product releases.

3 The Collector Agent

This section clarifies errata and other issues related to the Clickstream Intelligence Collector Agent. Additional information about the Collector Agent can be found in the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

3.1 Standalone Collector Agent- Additional Install Steps (Bug #2278598, #2298910, #2214669)

Additional installation steps have been added to Appendix C: "Installing a Standalone Collector Agent" in the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

After downloading the the Collector Agent install files that match the platform of your server, complete the following tasks:

It is important to note that parameters contained in the and agent.xml files are displayed with default values. If you want to add another Collector Agent or modify individual parameter values, you must directly edit the appropriate configuration file(s).

3.2 Standalone Collector Agent Install Directory Variable (Bug #2305526)

The clarification below applies to Appendix C, "Installing a Standalone Collector Agent," located in the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

All commands and references to the CLICK_HOME and COLLECTOR_HOME variables have been replaced with:


The INSTALL_DIR variable represents the directory in which you installed the standalone Collector Agent. To avoid confusion, the term "Collector Home" is no longer used to represent the directory in which the standalone Collector Agent was installed.

3.3 Standalone Collector Agent- Filter Pattern (Bug #2208473)

The following clarification applies to Appendix C, "Installing a Standalone Collector Agent," located in the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

When the Filter Pattern definition is specified for the agent.xml file, it is important to emphasize that this filter pattern is used to select (and not exclude) the files you want to process from the Web server. Thus, data packets are created from log data in the files that are selected via the filter pattern that you specified.

3.4 Standalone Collector Agent Parameters (Bug #2239934)

When multiple standalone Collector Agents have been installed, log file and data packets storage locations must be unique between different Collector Agents. Specifically, values for the logFileLoc and packetHome parameters (contained within the and agent.xml files) must be unique for each configured Collector Agent.

3.5 Collector Agent Status in OEM (Bug #2186956)

A Collector Agent status of Down or Unknown in OEM indicates that the Collector Agent is stopped. To start the Collector Agent, use the following command:

CLICK_HOME/bin/clkagtctl start AGENT_NAME

where CLICK_HOME is the variable that represents the directory in which Clickstream Intelligence is installed, and AGENT_NAME is the name of the Collector Agent that must be started.

4 Clickstream Intelligence Daemons

This section both clarifies and adds information about actions related to the Collector Server and the Execution Engine.

4.1 Clickstream Daemons - Commands (Bug #2188536, #2188628, 2143198)

To start or stop the Execution Engine or Collector Server, enter the following commands, respectively:

clkctl start DATABASE_LOGIN

clkctl stop DATABASE_LOGIN

In the expressions above, DATABASE_LOGIN is equal to the username for the Runtime Administrator schema, which should be entered as clkrt.

To connect to a Clickstream database instance other than the one specified in the file, the following commands must be used with the variables below:

clkctl start DATABASE_LOGIN

clkctl stop DATABASE_LOGIN

where DATABASE_LOGIN = username/password@HOST:PORT:SID

The username entered must be clkrt, the password corresponds to the one defined for the clkrt schema, the HOST is the name of the machine on which the database is installed, the PORT is the HTTP port number on which the host listens, and SID represents the Oracle SID.

To abort the Execution Engine or Collector Server, enter the following command:

clkctl abort DATABASE_LOGIN

where DATABASE_LOGIN is equal to the appropriate variable(s) described above.

This command stops the daemons when a process is hanging or is taking too long to complete. After using the abort command, the user must run the execln.sql script located in the following directory:


To view the status of the Clickstream daemons, use the command below:

clkctl status DATABASE_LOGIN

where DATABASE_LOGIN equals the appropriate variables described above.

4.2 Starting and Stopping Daemons When the Database is Down (Bug #2129334)

Because authentication is done via the database, users cannot start and stop the Clickstream daemons when the database is down. To perform the desired clkctl operations, users must restart the database and then run the appropriate commands (start, stop, or abort) again.

5 Processes and Execution States

This section contains information related to the database processes and execution states described in the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

5.1 Load Clickstream Process (Bug #2015050)

When the Load Clickstream process is executed, the Interface Tables are first truncated (emptied) before Web log data is loaded into the Clickstream Intelligence database.

If a user has loaded external (non-Web) data into the Interface Tables, the Load Dimensions process must be subsequently run so that interface table data can be loaded into the database dimensions. If the user loads external/non-Web data into the Interface Tables and then proceeds with a Load Clickstream process, all Interface Table data will be lost when the Interface Tables are truncated prior to execution of the Clickstream Load.

5.2 Load Dimensions Process (Bug #2188594)

It should be noted that the Load Dimensions process does not load data into the interface tables; it simply transfers existing interface table data into the database levels that are used to populate the dimensions. Thus, the user must handle the loading of external or non-Web data into the interface tables before running the Load Dimensions process.

5.3 The Unrecoverable Execution State (Bug #2188618)

A process may reach the Unrecoverable execution state when a user restarts the Execution Engine while a process is running, or if a job loses its database connection during execution. When the Unrecoverable process status is displayed, the user must click the Undo button before any new database processes can be run.

5.4 The Stop Button (Bug #2188618)

When the user selects the Stop button on the Process Details page of the Runtime Administrator, it should be noted that the process does not actually stop until all currently running jobs are executed. This can cause the process to remain in the Stopping state for an extended period of time.

When the Stopped state is finally reached, the process is still not entirely finished. To completely terminate a Stopped process, the user must click the Undo button.

5.5 Subprocess Status Sometimes Inaccurate (Bug #2248483)

When monitoring the status of a subprocess on the Subprocesses page, the status may suddenly change from Running to Failed. To restore the proper status (Running), refresh the Web page by clicking your browser's Refresh button.

This sudden status change only occurs during process execution, and is not indicative of the true subprocess status. The correct status for the subprocess is displayed when the process is complete.

6 Clickstream Intelligence and WebCache (Bug #2179410)

If WebCache and Clickstream Intelligence are not installed on the same machine, the port number of the WebCache listener must be specified in the following Apache configuration file:


In the expression above, IAS_HOME represents the Oracle9iAS home directory in which Clickstream Intelligence is installed.

When Clickstream Intelligence and WebCache are installed on the same machine, modification is not required because the configuration file is automatically updated by the Oracle9iAS Universal Installer.

7 Additional Information

This section provides additional information that may be helpful when installing, configuring, or using Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence.

7.1 Language Codes

The following list of language codes correspond to the languages available for the clickstream_intelligence_eul_full.eex file that is mentioned in Section 2.3, "Post-Installation Tasks: Infrastructure Database" and Section 2.7, "Post-Installation Tasks: Dedicated Clickstream Database".

7.2 Case-Insensitive Log Fields (Bug #2263438)

Log file formats supported by Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence contain some log fields that are case-insensitive. Case-insensitive log fields are converted to lower-case when loaded into the Clickstream Intelligence database.

Case-insensitive log fields include the following:

For information about log types supported by Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence, see Appendix A of the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide.

7.3 Discoverer Viewer- Selection of Dates (Bug #2305242)

When using Discoverer Viewer in conjunction with Clickstream Analytics, the process of selecting a date (or date range) for a report is problematic and requires a workaround.

When required to specify a date, you must click the corresponding flashlight icon, which prompts the Select Value pop-up window to appear. The functionality that enables date selection within this window is not currently operational, and the following workaround must be applied:

  1. Select Is Exactly from the pull-down menu.

  2. In the adjacent field, type a percent sign (%).

  3. Click the Go button.

  4. Select a date from those displayed in the Results section.

7.4 Clickstream Analytics- "Bytes Transferred" Activity Reports (Bug #2278163)

The following clarification pertains to results displayed in the "Bytes Transferred by Date" and "Bytes Transferred by Hour" worksheets found within the Activity workbook in Clickstream Analytics.

Due to the default configuration of Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence, certain file types, such as .gif and .jpeg files, do not contribute to the number of bytes of a given Web page. As a result, data displayed in both the "Bytes Transferred per Date" and "Bytes Transferred per Hour" reports may appear lower than normal. This is expected behavior, however, since the reports count only bytes contained in the page itself and not other (linked) content, such as images.

7.5 Terminology Used Throughout Documentation

Clarification is provided for terms used in both the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence User's Guide and the Oracle9iAS Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide, in relation to terminology used throughout the Oracle9i Application Server documentation set.

The infrastructure database that is installed as part of the Oracle9i Application Server install is also referred to as the metadata repository.

A dedicated (or standalone) Clickstream Intelligence database is synonymous with the phrase customer database.

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