Oracle8i JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A83724-01


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Error Handling and Optimizations

This section has two focuses: 1) the functionality of XA exceptions and error handling; and 2) Oracle optimizations in its XA implementation. The following topics are covered:

The exception and error-handling discussion includes the standard XA exception class and the Oracle-specific XA exception class, as well as particular XA error codes and error-handling techniques.

XA Exception Classes and Methods

XA methods throw XA exceptions, as opposed to general exceptions or SQL exceptions. An XA exception is an instance of the standard class javax.transaction.xa.XAException or a subclass. Oracle subclasses XAException with the oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException class.

An OracleXAException instance consists of an Oracle error portion and an XA error portion and is constructed as follows by the Oracle JDBC driver:

public OracleXAException()


public OracleXAException(int error)

The error value is an error code that combines an Oracle SQL error value and an XA error value. (The JDBC driver determines exactly how to combine the Oracle and XA error values.)

The OracleXAException class has the following methods:

Mapping between Oracle Errors and XA Errors

As of release 8.1.6 of Oracle8i, Oracle errors correspond to XA errors in OracleXAException instances as documented in Table 16-1.

Table 16-1 Oracle-XA Error Mapping
Oracle Error Code  XA Error Code 

ORA 3113  


ORA 3114  


ORA 24756  


ORA 24764  


ORA 24765  


ORA 24766  


ORA 24767  


ORA 25351  


all other ORA errors  


XA Error Handling

The following example uses the OracleXAException class to process an XA exception:

try {
   ...Perform XA operations...
} catch(OracleXAException oxae) { 
  int oraerr = oxae.getOracleError();
  System.out.println("Error " + oraerr);
  catch(XAException xae)
{...Process generic XA exception...}

In case the XA operations did not throw an Oracle-specific XA exception, the code drops through to process a generic XA exception.

Oracle XA Optimizations

Oracle JDBC has functionality to improve performance if two or more branches of a distributed transaction use the same database instance--meaning that the XA resource instances associated with these branches are associated with the same resource manager.

In such a circumstance, the prepare() method of only one of these XA resource instances will return XA_OK (or failure); the rest will return XA_RDONLY, even if updates are made. This allows the transaction manager to implicitly join all the transaction branches and commit (or roll back, if failure) the joined transaction through the XA resource instance that returned XA_OK (or failure).

The transaction manager can use the OracleXAResource class isSameRM() method to determine if two XA resource instances are using the same resource manager. This way it can interpret the meaning of XA_RDONLY return values.

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