Troubleshooting JBO-25222

If, upon accessing deployed business components, you get the exception JBO-25222 (Unable to Create Application Module), one of the following may be the problem:

If your business components are deployed in local mode, they may not be on the classpath.

If this is the cause of the error, the exception will usually be followed by a different exception, JBO-25002: Definition emp_bc.Emp_bcModule of type ApplicationModule not found. If this occurs, make sure you've followed all of the following steps:

  1. Made a library from your business components
  2. Added the library to your client's project properties
  3. Included the library on the "libraries" page when you created a deployment profile for your client.
  4. Copied the library with your client to 9iAS.
  5. Included all the files you copied (including the library) in the classpath in

You may have unresolved classes on the server.

Try the following SQL*Plus script to resolve any unresolved classes on Oracle8i.

set termout off
set echo off
set heading off
set pages 999
set linesize 2000
set feedback off
select 'alter java class "'|| replace(dbms_java.longname(object_name),'/','.')||
'" resolve;'
from user_objects
where object_type='JAVA CLASS'
and status = 'INVALID'
spool C:\temp\resolve.sql
spool off
set echo on
set termout on

Note: As written, the C:\temp directory is used to output the script so you can run it again later. If you do not have a C:\temp directory available, or would rather store the script elsewhere, change the directory location before running the script. To re-run the script later, simply enter @c:\temp\resolve.sql at the SQL*Plus command prompt.

You may not have granted Java2 permissions

If this is the cause of the error, there will be permissions errors in the database trace file.

Note: The location of the database trace file varies from installation to installation, but in a default Windows NT installation, the file will be in the directory <ORACLE_HOME>\admin\orcl\udump and will have the form orcl????.trc.

Your Java pool size may be too small

Business Components for Java deployed as EJBs work best with a Java pool size of at least 50MB. Edit your init.ora file and check the java_pool_size parameter. If it is under 50MB, change it, restart your database, and try your connection again.

Related Topics:

Troubleshooting Deployed Projects
Troubleshooting JBO-25222 (Unable to Create Application Module)
Troubleshooting org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: Peer disconnected socket
Troubleshooting org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM (null Strings are illegal in IIOP)