Business Components

Class ReadXMLException

Direct Known Subclasses:
AttributeReadXMLException, RowReadXMLException

public class ReadXMLException
extends JboException

Thrown when reading an xml document fails for a RowSet or a Row. This exception could contain an array of exceptions thrown while reading a RowSet, one exception per Row.

JDeveloper 3.2
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected ReadXMLException(java.lang.String msgId, java.lang.Object[] msgParams)
          Constructs a new instance.
  ReadXMLException(java.lang.String tagString, java.util.Vector exc)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getXMLTag()
Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.JboException
addToDetails, getBaseMessage, getDetailMessage, getDetails, getErrorCode, getErrorParameters, getJboExceptionHelper, getLocalizedBaseMessage, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getProductCode, getResourceClass, getResourceName, getTypeNameFromId, isLocalizable, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setApplicationModule, setDetails, setErrorParameters
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ReadXMLException(java.lang.String msgId,
                           java.lang.Object[] msgParams)
Constructs a new instance.
tagString - The tag for the xml-node for which the read operation failed.
exc - A bag of exceptions collected. The xml-read operation attempts to read each row's xml and on exception, adds that to this bag


public ReadXMLException(java.lang.String tagString,
                        java.util.Vector exc)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getXMLTag()

Business Components