Business Components

Class FindForm


public class FindForm
extends DataWebBeanImpl

The FindForm Data Web Bean generates a search form. The generated search form can be one of these types:

JDeveloper's JSP Element wizard instantiates the FindForm class in a jsp:useBean tag in a .jsp file. Along with the class, the wizard also includes an ID and a scope declaration set to request. If you change the scope to any other value, you will have to handle possible multithreading issues.

The definition of a FindForm provided by the wizard includes these methods: setTargetUrl, setUseSimpleMode, setReleaseApplicationResources, initialize, and render. For example:

 <jsp:useBean   class="oracle.jbo.html.databeans.FindForm"  id="ffdetail"
                     scope="request" >

 	ffdetail.initialize(application,session, request,response,out,

The value assigned to the setReleaseApplicationResources method determines whether the Application Module is released after the FindForm Data Web Bean processes it. Typically, the value should not be set to true unless this is the last Web Bean to be processed in the JSP page.

Since the FindForm bean generates an HTML form, you need to actually make use of it in two JSP pages. One page will use the FindForm by initializing it and calling the render() method to generate the query submission UI. The target page would also make use of the FindForm and call render(), but the receiving page would be sent extra URL parameters that let the FindForm Web Bean know that it needs to execute the query instead of rendering the query screen.

For example, consider this code snippet from the file DeptView_Query.jsp generated by the Web Application Wizard. The snippet renders the FindForm, then lets you navigate through the query results one record at a time.

 <jsp:useBean id="RowQuery" class="oracle.jbo.html.databeans.FindForm"
 	RowQuery.initialize(application, session , request, response, out,



 <jsp:useBean   class="oracle.jbo.html.databeans.NavigatorBar"  id="tb"
                        scope="request" />
 tb.initialize(application,session, request,response,out,
 String sImageBase = (String)session.getValue("ImageBase");


      // code to define toolbar buttons

 <jsp:useBean id="RowViewer"
         class="oracle.jbo.html.databeans.ViewCurrentRecord" scope="request">
 	RowViewer.initialize(application, session , request, response, out,

The code snippet above initially renders the FindForm in the DeptView_Query.jsp. When the user clicks the "Add Condition" or "Clear Query" buttons, the if(RowQuery.queryWasExecuted()) test will fail and the .jsp page will continue to render the FindForm.

Since setTargetUrl() is set to DeptView_Query.jsp, the FindForm will be rendered "in-place". That is, DeptView_Query.jsp acts as its own target page.

When the user clicks "Execute Query", the FindForm query will be executed and the if(RowQuery.queryWasExecuted()) test will pass. The results of the query will be displayed by the ViewCurrentRecord Data Web Bean. In this case, the ViewCurrentRecord Data Web Bean acts as the receiving page described above. Note that although this example uses the ViewCurrentRecord Data Web Bean to display the results, any appropriate Date Web Bean, such as RowSetBrowser, can be used.

Field Summary
protected  boolean bSimpleMode
protected  boolean bWasExecuted
protected  java.lang.String sAttribute
protected  int simpleEditLength
protected  java.lang.String sTarget
protected  java.lang.String sTargetUrl
protected  boolean useJS
protected  boolean useRoundedCorners
Fields inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.html.DataWebBeanImpl
attributeRenderers, bReleaseApplication, dispAttrs, qView, sApplication, sRowSetName
Fields inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.html.WebBeanImpl
application, ctx, out, page, request, response, session
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void clearQueryConditions()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void clearSimpleMode()
          Disables the simple search form UI and enables the advanced search form UI.
 void execute()
          Executes the query defined by the query definition.
 QueryDefinition getQueryDefinition()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 int getSimpleEditLength()
          Retrieves the length of the edit control used in the rendering of the simple query form.
 java.lang.String getTargetUrl()
          Retrieves the URL being used as the target where the results of this Web Bean are displayed.
 java.lang.String getUrlTargetWindow()
          Returns the name of the window or form in which the row target URL will be displayed.
 boolean isSimpleMode()
          Determines whether the simple search mode of the FindForm UI is enabled.
 boolean queryWasExecuted()
          Determines whether the FindForm bean has executed the query.
 void render()
          Renders the Find Form.
 void renderSimpleForm()
          Renders the simple form version of the query form.
 void saveQueryDefinition()
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void setSimpleEditLength(int nLength)
          Sets the length of the edit control used in the rendering of the simple query form.
 void setTargetUrl(java.lang.String sUrl)
          Sets the URL being used as the target where the results of this Web Bean are displayed.
 void setUrlTargetWindow(java.lang.String sTarget)
          Identifies the window or frame that will display the row target URL specified by the setTargetUrl() function.
 void setUseJS(boolean bSet)
 void setUseSimpleMode(java.lang.String sAttribute)
          Directs the FindForm bean to use the simple mode of the FindForm UI.
Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.html.DataWebBeanImpl
clearDisplayAttributes, getApplicationFromContext, getApplicationName, getAttributeLabel, getDisplayAttributeDefs, getDisplayAttributes, getDisplayFieldRenderer, getEditFieldRenderer, getRowFromKey, getRowKey, getRowSet, getViewObjectName, handleCommit, initialize, initialize, initialize, internalInitialize, isAppStateful, releaseApplicationResources, releaseApplicationResources, setDisplayAttributes, setDisplayFieldRenderer, setDisplayFieldRenderer, setEditFieldRenderer, setEditFieldRenderer, setReleaseApplicationResources, setRowSet, shouldDisplayAttribute
Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.html.WebBeanImpl
generateScriptSrc, getCookie, getOut, getRenderingContext, getRequest, getRequestVariable, getUniqueName, initBeanForJS, initialize, initialize, initialize, render, setRequestVariable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String sTargetUrl


protected boolean bWasExecuted


protected boolean bSimpleMode


protected java.lang.String sAttribute


protected java.lang.String sTarget


protected boolean useRoundedCorners


protected boolean useJS


protected int simpleEditLength
Constructor Detail


public FindForm()
Method Detail


public void setSimpleEditLength(int nLength)
Sets the length of the edit control used in the rendering of the simple query form.

nLength - length of the edit control, measured in characters.


public int getSimpleEditLength()
Retrieves the length of the edit control used in the rendering of the simple query form.

length of the edit control, measured in characters.


public void setUrlTargetWindow(java.lang.String sTarget)
Identifies the window or frame that will display the row target URL specified by the setTargetUrl() function. That is, it identifies the window or form that will display the results generated by this web bean. If you did not specify a row target URL by using setTargetUrl(), then do not use this function. Also, if you are not using HTML FRAMES, there is no need to specify this function.

sTarget - window or form used to display the row target URL.


public java.lang.String getUrlTargetWindow()
Returns the name of the window or form in which the row target URL will be displayed. That is, it returns the name of the window or form where the results of this Web Bean will be displayed.

name of the window or form in which the HTML FORM will be displayed.


public void setUseSimpleMode(java.lang.String sAttribute)
Directs the FindForm bean to use the simple mode of the FindForm UI. The simple form of the UI displays a single edit control where you can enter the query criteria to be embedded in a SQL LIKE clause. The sAttribute parameter is the name of the View Object attribute to be used as part of the query. If you want to search multiple attributes with the same condition, you can use this method with a comma-delimited list. For example, setUseSimpleMode("Job,JobDesc").

If you want to use the advanced UI, follow setUseSimpleMode with clearSimpleMode. For example:


sAttribute - name of the View Object attribute used as part of the query.


public void clearSimpleMode()
Disables the simple search form UI and enables the advanced search form UI. The advanced UI includes fields that let you specify:


public boolean isSimpleMode()
Determines whether the simple search mode of the FindForm UI is enabled.

true if the simple search mode UI is enabled; false if the advanced search mode is enabled.


public boolean queryWasExecuted()
Determines whether the FindForm bean has executed the query. This method can be executed only when the user clicks the "Execute" button in the FindForm UI or presses the "Enter" key while in the simple search mode of the UI.

true if the FindForm bean executed the query; false otherwise.


public java.lang.String getTargetUrl()
Retrieves the URL being used as the target where the results of this Web Bean are displayed.

target URL where this Web Bean's results are displayed.


public void setTargetUrl(java.lang.String sUrl)
Sets the URL being used as the target where the results of this Web Bean are displayed.

sUrl - target URL where this Web Bean's results are displayed.


public void saveQueryDefinition()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Saves the current definition of a query while a user adds additional conditions to it. When the user clicks the "Add Condition" button in the advanced find form UI the Web Bean handles the form submission and calls saveQueryDefinition() to save the current query definition.


public void clearQueryConditions()
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Removes the conditions entered for a query in a form submission. When the user clicks the "Clear Condition" button, the Web Bean handles the form submission and calls clearQueryConditions() to remove any conditions entered in the Find Form UI.


public QueryDefinition getQueryDefinition()
Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Returns the QueryDefinition stored in the session object. There is only one query definition active within a session. After the query is executed, the query definition is cleared.

the active QueryDefinition object for this session object.


public void setUseJS(boolean bSet)


public void execute()
Executes the query defined by the query definition.


public void renderSimpleForm()
                      throws java.lang.Exception
Renders the simple form version of the query form. The simple form is rendered as a single edit field in which the user enters the search pattern. The value entered by the user then becomes part of a LIKE '%%' query. Use the simple form of the find window when you want to generate a more web-like query.

If you use renderSimpleForm(), the simple Find Form UI will be rendered regardless of whether you specified clearSimpleMode().


public void render()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Renders the Find Form. This function calls the renderSimpleForm() function if the simple form UI has been enabled by using the useSimpleMode() function. If clearSimpleMode() has been specified, the advanced Find Form UI will be rendered instead.
render in class WebBeanImpl

Business Components