Business Components

Package oracle.jbo.server

Contains the implementation of middle tier components.


Interface Summary
BusinessObject Implemented by top-level Entity Objects that aggregate Entity Objects.
ConnectionPoolManager Declares ConnectionPoolManager operations.
ContainerObject Implemented by classes that provide server-side containers for components.
ContainerObjectListener Implemented by subscribers to container object events.
DBTransaction Interface representing the server side of database connections and transactions.
Entity Defines the middle-tier representation of database rows.
EntityListener Implemented by classes that receive events generated by operations on Entity Object rows.
JboEventListener Implemented by classes that subscribe to JboEvents.
JboMessageListener Internal: Applications should not use this interface.
JboMessageManager Internal: Applications should not use this interface.
SQLBuilder Internal: Applications should not use this interface.
TransactionHandler Implemented by classes that customize transaction operations.
TransactionHandlerFactory Factory to create TransactionHandlers.
TransactionListener Implemented by subscribers to transaction events, generated during the commit and rollback operations.
TransactionPostListener Implemented by subscribers to transactions events generated during a transaction post operation.
ValidationListener Implemented by Entity Objects and other Business Objects that need to provide validation logic to be performed during various validation events generated by the framework.
ValidationManager Implemented by DBTransaction and Entity to maintain a list of validation listeners.

Class Summary
ApplicationModuleDefImpl The base class for all generated ApplicationModule classes.
ApplicationModuleImpl The base class of Application Modules.
AttributeDefImpl AttributeDefImpl is an implementation class for the AttributeDef interface in the middle tier server.
AttributeListImpl The middle-tier manager for name/value pairs.
BaseSQLBuilderImpl Internal: Applications should not use this interface.
ComponentObjectImpl Abstract class for ComponentObjectImpl.
ConnectionCredentials Internal: Applications should not use this class.
ConnectionPoolManagerFactory A factory for creating instances of the designated ConnectionPoolManager implementation.
ContainerObjectEvent The events generated when a component is added to or removed from a ContainerObject.
ContainerObjectImpl The implementation of the ContainerObject interface.
DatabaseTransactionFactory The factory for creating DBTransaction instances.
DBTransactionImpl The superclass of classes representing connections of middle-tier objects to databases.
DefaultTxnHandlerFactoryImpl The default implementation of the TransactionHandlerFactory interface.
DefaultTxnHandlerImpl The default implementation of the TransactionHandler interface.
EntityAssociation Describes the relationship between two Entity Objects.
EntityDefImpl Defines metadata for Entity Object classes.
EntityEvent An event delivered to an EventListener to notify of changes to data at the Entity Object level.
EntityImpl This class implements the middle-tier representations of database rows.
InitialContextImpl Internal: Applications should not use this class.
JavaTypeMapEntries Populates TypeMap Entries for BC4J Designtime and Runtime to map a Database column type to a java-class type and also to jdbc-sqltype and id.
JboEventObject The event transmitter for JboEvent instances.
JboMandatoryAttributesValidator Implements non-null validation for mandatory attributes.
JboMessageObject Internal: Applications should not use this class.
JboMultiCaster Implements the chaining of event listeners in the event system.
JboPrecisionScaleValidator Implements precision and scale validation for numeric attributes and length validation for string and character attributes.
JDBCInteract Internal: Applications should not use this class.
MetaObjectManager A static class used for accessing meta-objects.
NamedObjectImpl The base class for all business objects.
NullDBTransactionImpl Internal: Applications should not use this class.
OLiteSQLBuilderImpl OracleLite-specific implementation of the SQLBuilder interface.
OracleSQLBuilderImpl Oracle-specific implementation of the SQLBuilder interface.
OracleTypeMapEntries Populates Oracle-database specific TypeMap Entries for BC4J Designtime and Runtime to map a Database column type to a java-class type and also to jdbc-sqltype and id.
QueryCollection The QueryCollection represents the result of executing a ViewRow.
QueryDumpRunProg Internal: Applications should not use this class.
RowImpl Base class for Entity Rows and View Object Rows.
SequenceImpl An encapsulation of a database sequence.
SessionImpl The default server-side implementation of the Session interface.
SQL92SQLBuilderImpl SQL92-specific implementation of the SQLBuilder interface.
SQLBuilderFactory A facility for creating instances of the designated SQLBuilder class.
SQLValueImpl A representation of SQL data objects.
TransactionEvent The events generated by DBTransaction during post and commit transactions.
ValidationBeanLoader Internal: Applications should not use this class.
ViewLinkImpl Implements the ViewLink interface, the middle-tier class that manages a master-detail relationship between two View Objects.
ViewObjectImpl The implementation of the ViewObject interface, the middle-tier class that manages database queries and the view rows that result from executing queries.
ViewRowImpl A View Object Row.
ViewRowSetImpl The middle-tier class that manages collections of view rows that result from executing a query.
ViewRowSetIteratorImpl The middle-tier class that enables the user to iterate through row sets.

Exception Summary
Debug Internal: Applications should not use this class.

Package oracle.jbo.server Description

Contains the implementation of middle tier components.

Business Components