Business Components

Class Canonizer


public class Canonizer
extends java.lang.Object

This class provides functions to help test harnesses coerce Strings into various canonical forms.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CANONIZED
Method Summary
static void addClassNameTransform(java.lang.String canonicalClassName, java.lang.String[][] productClassNames)
static void addMessageTransform(int id, java.lang.String canonicalMessage, java.lang.String[][] productMessages)
          adds a message transformation to the list, messages which are not for the SQLBuilder currently in force are ignored so the caller can write: aMT("drop table error", new String[][] { {SQLBuilder.OLITE, "POL-123 dropped table", "drop table error"}, {SQLBuilder.ORACLE, "ORA-456 droop the tibble", "drop table error"} });
static void addStandardCanonizers()
static java.lang.String canonizeExceptionClassName(java.lang.Exception ex)
static java.lang.String canonizeMessage(java.lang.String productMessage, boolean doMassage)
          this method searches through the list of registered messages, and transforms the message if a match is found.
static java.lang.String canonizeString(java.lang.Object data)
          An attempt to insulate the Kava test from the format vagaries of different JDBC drivers.
static int getDateFormat()
static java.lang.String massageExceptionMsg(java.lang.String s)
          as the name suggests, removes random irregularities from exception messages - different versions of JDBC drivers have slightly different line terminating strategies...sigh Tnis converts all line separators to \r\n and always returms \r\n at the end of a message TODO: retval should be a StringBuffer for efficiency
static void removeClassNameTransforms()
static void removeMessageTransforms()
static void setDateFormat(int format)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CANONIZED


public static final int JDBC_TIMESTAMP


public static final int ORACLE_DDMONYY
Method Detail


public static void setDateFormat(int format)


public static int getDateFormat()


public static void addMessageTransform(int id,
                                       java.lang.String canonicalMessage,
                                       java.lang.String[][] productMessages)
adds a message transformation to the list, messages which are not for the SQLBuilder currently in force are ignored so the caller can write: aMT("drop table error", new String[][] { {SQLBuilder.OLITE, "POL-123 dropped table", "drop table error"}, {SQLBuilder.ORACLE, "ORA-456 droop the tibble", "drop table error"} });


public static void addClassNameTransform(java.lang.String canonicalClassName,
                                         java.lang.String[][] productClassNames)


public static void removeMessageTransforms()


public static void removeClassNameTransforms()


public static java.lang.String canonizeMessage(java.lang.String productMessage,
                                               boolean doMassage)
this method searches through the list of registered messages, and transforms the message if a match is found. eg: The message passed in is "JBO-423 Bad Thing in expression: wombat billy and there is a registered transform "JBO-423 Bad Thing" --> "$CANON-423 Bad Thing" we get "$CANON-423 Bad Thing in expression wombat billy


public static java.lang.String canonizeExceptionClassName(java.lang.Exception ex)


public static java.lang.String canonizeString(java.lang.Object data)
An attempt to insulate the Kava test from the format vagaries of different JDBC drivers. For example: if you perform a getObject on a database column that is of type NUMBER(7,2), then the Olite JDBC driver returns a BigDecimal with a scale of 2 - reasonable. Sadly, the 816 JDBC driver has the controversial behaviou that it returns a BigDecimal with scale that id **Data Dependent*! So if the value is 800.00 you get a scale of zero, and if value is 3.14 you get a scale of 2. So, this function is a collection of ad-hoc rules which canonizes the string form of a data attribute to minimize the change in output scripts.


public static java.lang.String massageExceptionMsg(java.lang.String s)
as the name suggests, removes random irregularities from exception messages - different versions of JDBC drivers have slightly different line terminating strategies...sigh Tnis converts all line separators to \r\n and always returms \r\n at the end of a message TODO: retval should be a StringBuffer for efficiency


public static void addStandardCanonizers()

Business Components