Oracle Database Cache Concepts and Administration Guide

Part Number A88706-01


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Managing Oracle Database Cache

To manage your Oracle Database Cache environment, you use Cache Manager, a component of Oracle DBA Studio. Cache Manager provides a Java interface that lets you start and stop caching for one or more middle-tier caches, monitor the ratio of hits to misses, modify which data is cached, and modify the synchronization policy.

Enabling and Disabling Routing to the Cache

Occasionally, as when you perform maintenance on a node, upgrade software, or change the memory allocation for a cache, you may need to start or stop a cache. Likewise, when you want to test the performance of the queries without Oracle Database Cache, you can pause the routing of queries to a middle-tier cache.

Using Cache Manager, you can start or stop caches or pause or resume routing on one or more caches. The General page shows the current state of the cache and lets you change the state:

Select an option to change the state of the cache:

When you click Apply, Oracle Database Cache changes the state of the cache.


If you stop a cache and then restart it, you must also restart your application so that the application can reconnect to the cache. 

To start or stop caches or to pause or resume query routing on all caches, select the Caches folder and choose one of the following from the Object menu:

A progress box displays the results of the operation. When the operation is complete, click Close to close the progress box.

You can also use the cache management API to enable and disable routing. To enable or disable routing of queries, you can use the DBMS_SET_ROUTING_STATE procedure. For more information, see "SET_ROUTING_STATE Procedure".

To enable or disable routing of PL/SQL subprograms (procedures and functions) and anonymous blocks to the cache, you can use the DBMS_ICACHE.SET_FLAG procedure. See "SET_FLAG Procedure" for more information.

To check whether the routing of PL/SQL subprograms is enabled or disabled, you can use the DBMS_ICACHE.GET_FLAG function. See "GET_FLAG Function" for more information about this function.

Monitoring Your Oracle Database Cache Environment

Cache Manager helps you to monitor your Oracle Database Cache environment. It provides information about which queries are hits and which are misses, as well as information about hits and misses per second, processor time, and memory usage.

To monitor a cache, select the cache from the Navigator tree. Cache Manager displays the property sheet for the cache.

Monitoring Hit and Miss Statistics

To view information about which queries are hits and which are misses, select the Hit/Miss Statistics tab. A hit is a query that was satisfied in the middle-tier cache. A miss is a query that could not be satisfied in the cache and that was routed to the origin database.

Text description of hit_miss.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration hit_miss.gif

By selecting an option from the View box, you can display statistics for the following categories of queries:

The page shows the following information about the top 50 queries in the selected category:

If a query is a miss, but has been executed many times, consider adding the tables listed in the query to the cache.

Sometimes, the query may be marked as a miss, but the table is already cached. In this case, the user information in the cache may need to be updated. For example, the user's password may have changed in the origin database, but that information has not been propagated to the cache. To update the user information in the cache, select the cache from the Navigator tree and choose Update User List from the drop-down menu.

To refresh the statistics, click Refresh. However, even when you click Refresh, you may not receive the most up-to-date statistics, because, by default, the statistics are gathered once every 5 minutes.

You can also use the DBA_ICACHE_QUERY_STATS view, provided by Oracle Database Cache, to retrieve information about hit and miss statistics. For more information, see Appendix A.

Resetting Hit and Miss Statistics

You can reset the hit and miss statistics for the cache by clicking Reset. Consider resetting when you add or remove several tables from the cache. Resetting the statistics resets the hit and miss count to zero, making it easier to see which queries are being executed most frequently at the current time.

You can also reset the statistics using the DBMS_ICACHE.RESET_STATS procedure. See "RESET_STATS Procedure" for more information.

Monitoring Performance

To view other performance information about the cache, select the Performance Monitor tab.

Text description of perf_mon.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration perf_mon.gif

The page shows the following:

You can customize the charts and view additional information by right-clicking. The context menu shows the options for that chart.

You can also monitor performance using the DBA_ICACHE_AGGREGATE_STATS view, provided by Oracle Database Cache. For more information, see Appendix A.

Modifying Which Data Is Cached

Using Cache Manager, you can add tables and PL/SQL objects to one or more caches or remove tables and PL/SQL objects from one or more caches, as the following sections describe.


When you add a table to or remove a table from a cache, Oracle Database Cache changes the status of all queries that were marked as misses to "Unknown." When Oracle Database Cache receives a query marked as Unknown, it attempts to find the data in the cache. If the query cannot be satisfied in the cache, Oracle Database Cache routes the query to the origin database and marks the query as a miss. 

Adding Tables to One Cache

You can add tables to one cache by using the property sheet of the cache. Take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the cache.

  2. Select the Cached Tables tab and then click the Add Tables to Cache icon.

  3. Cache Manager displays the Add Tables to Cache dialog box.

    Text description of change_cache_tab2.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration change_cache_tab2.gif

  4. To add a table to the cache, expand the schemas and select the table from the Available Tables list. Click the right arrow (>) to move the table to the Cached Tables list.

    You can also remove tables using this dialog box by selecting the table from the Cached Tables list. Click the left arrow (<) to move the table to the Available Tables list.

    As you move tables to or from the Cached Tables list, Cache Manager updates the information in the Disk Space Available and Disk Space Required for Cached Tables boxes. If the tables use more disk space than the Disk Space Available, Cache Manager warns you that it cannot add all of the tables. It adds as many tables as the disk space allows.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Apply.

When you add very large tables to a cache, the operation may take some time to complete.

Adding PL/SQL Objects to One Cache

You can add PL/SQL objects to one cache by using the property sheet of the cache. Take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the cache.

  2. Select the Cached PL/SQL tab and then click the Add PL/SQL Objects to Cache icon.

  3. Cache Manager displays the Add PL/SQL Objects to Cache dialog box.

    Text description of addplsql.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration addplsql.gif

    To add a PL/SQL object to the cache, expand the schemas and folders in the Available PL/SQL Objects list. Then, select the PL/SQL object. Click the right arrow (>) to move the PL/SQL object to the Cached PL/SQL Objects list.

    You can also remove PL/SQL object using this dialog box by selecting the PL/SQL object from the Cached PL/SQL Objects list. Click the left arrow (<) to move the object to the Available PL/SQL Objects list.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Apply.

Adding Tables and PL/SQL Objects to One or More Caches

To add tables or PL/SQL objects (packages, procedures, and functions) to one or more caches at the same time, use the Add Wizard. With the wizard, you can add tables to one or more caches and specify the synchronization policy for each table and add PL/SQL objects to one or more caches.

To invoke the Add Wizard, select the Caches folder from the Navigator tree and choose Object -> Add Objects to Caches. Then, take the steps outlined in "Using the Add Wizard to Set Up Caches".

Removing Tables from One Cache

You can remove tables from one cache by using the property sheet of the cache. Take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the cache.

  2. Select the Cached Tables tab. Then, select the table and click the Remove Cached Tables icon.

  3. Click Apply.

Removing PL/SQL Objects from One Cache

You can remove PL/SQL objects from one cache by using the property sheet of the cache. Take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the cache.

  2. Select the Cached PL/SQL tab. Then, select the PL/SQL object and click the Remove Cached PL/SQL Objects icon.

  3. Click Apply.

Removing Tables and PL/SQL Objects from One or More Caches

To remove tables and PL/SQL objects from one or more caches, you can use the Remove Wizard. Take the following steps:

  1. To invoke the wizard, select the Caches folder from the Navigator tree and choose Object -> Remove Objects from Caches.

  2. The wizard displays the Welcome page. Click Next.

  3. The Select Caches page shows the caches from which you can remove objects. By default, the Available Caches list is empty because all available caches are listed in the Selected Caches list. Click the left arrow (<) to move caches from the Selected Caches list so that the list contains only those caches from which you want to remove objects.

    Text description of remove_cache.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration remove_cache.gif

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Select Objects page, the Cached Objects list shows the objects that are cached in one or more of the caches. In the Cached Objects list, expand the schemas and the folders and select the objects that you want to remove from the caches. Click the right arrow (>) to move the objects to the Objects to Be Removed list.

    Text description of remove_table.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration remove_table.gif

  6. Click Next.

  7. The wizard displays the Summary page. Click Finish.

The wizard displays a progress box. When it completes the operation, the selected objects are removed from the caches.

Modifying Characteristics of a Cache

Using the property sheet of a cache, you can change the characteristics of that cache, including the memory and disk space allocated to the cache and the synchronization policy of a table.

Modifying the Memory Allocated to a Cache

To change the amount of memory allocated to a cache, take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the cache.

  2. Select the Cached Tables tab, and then enter the new amount in the Memory Allocated box.

    Text description of incr_mem1.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration incr_mem1.gif

  3. Click Apply.

Note that the change will not take effect until the next time the cache and applications are started.

Modifying the Disk Space Allocated to a Cache

You can modify the amount of disk space available for a cache in the following ways:

Note that performance improves if you allocate the disk space in large amounts. That is, performance is better if you allocate disk space using a few large files rather than many smaller files.

To modify the amount of disk space allocated to a cache, take the following steps to invoke the Change Allocated Disk Space dialog box:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the cache.

  2. From the Cached Tables tab, click Change.

  3. Cache Manager displays the Change Allocated Disk Space dialog box, which shows the files that hold the allocated disk space for the cache.

To increase the amount of disk space allocated to a cache by adding a new file, take the following steps:

  1. In the Change Allocated Disk Space dialog box, enter the following information in the last row:

    • For File Name, enter the name for the file.

    • For File Directory, enter the full specification for an existing directory on the middle-tier node that will hold the file. Note that the naming convention must follow the rules for the middle-tier node.

    • For Size, enter the size, in megabytes, for the file.

      Text description of incr_disk2.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration incr_disk2.gif

  2. Click OK. Cache Manager updates the Disk Space Allocated field on the Cache Tables page.

  3. Click Apply. Cache Manager adds the new file to the cache.

You can delete a file if you have not yet clicked Apply to add the additional file. The row will display an icon in the left column. To delete the file, take the following steps:

  1. From the Change Allocated Disk Space dialog box, select the file.

  2. Click the Remove File icon.

  3. Click OK, then Apply.

To increase the amount of disk space allocated to a cache by increasing the size of an existing file, take the following steps:

  1. In the Change Allocated Disk Space dialog box, enter the new amount, in megabytes, in the Size field for a particular file.

  2. Click OK. Cache Manager updates the Disk Space Allocated field on the Cache Tables page.

  3. Click Apply. Cache Manager increases the size of the data file.

To decrease disk space allocated to the cache, you can decrease the size of one or more existing files. Take the following steps:

  1. In the Size column for a particular file, enter the new size. It must not be less that the amount of disk space shown in the Used column.

  2. Click OK. Cache Manager updates the Disk Space Allocated field on the Cache Tables page.

  3. On the property page, click Apply. Cache Manager decreases the size of the file.

Modifying the Synchronization Policy

The synchronization policy establishes how and how often the data in the cache is refreshed from the origin database. When you set up a middle-tier cache, you specified the synchronization policy for each table in that cache. Sometimes, though, the frequency or extent at which the data in the origin database is modified does not stay the same, necessitating a change to the synchronization policy for a table.

For example, for an online catalog, prices and merchandise are changing more rapidly than when you first created the cache. Instead of refreshing the data once a week, you want to refresh it once a day.

To modify the synchronization policy for a table, take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the cache.

  2. Select the Cached Tables tab. This page displays the tables in the cache and the synchronization policy for each.

  3. For each table that you want to modify, click in the Synchronization Policy column and select an option from the drop-down list.

    Text description of change_synch.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration change_synch.gif

  4. If you selected Incremental, Scheduled, or Complete, Scheduled, select a Synchronization Start Time. Then, enter a Synchronization Interval and select a Synchronization Unit, such as minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

    For example, for the table BOOKS, you could select a start time of 02-Feb-2000 3:00 AM, an interval of 1, and a unit of 1 Week. In this case, the table would be refreshed once a week at 3:00 a.m., beginning on February 2.

  5. Click Apply.

Note that while you can easily change the synchronization policy from scheduled to not scheduled, changing the policy from Complete to Incremental or Incremental to Complete consumes more resources and may take considerable time if the table is very large.

Synchronizing Data

When the synchronization policy of a table is not scheduled, you must initiate the synchronization of the table using Cache Manager. Even if the synchronization policy is Scheduled, you may decide that you want to initiate the action, rather than wait until the next scheduled synchronization.

For example, the table SPORTSWEAR for your online catalog is scheduled for synchronization in two days, but the data in the origin database has changed substantially with the addition of new spring clothing and markdowns on winter clothing. You do not want to wait for the scheduled synchronization to update the data in the caches.

Cache Manager lets you synchronize tables in two ways:

The following sections describe these methods.

Synchronizing Data in One Cache

To initiate the synchronization of some or all of your tables in one cache, take the following steps:

  1. Select the cache from the Navigator tree.

  2. Select the Cached Tables tab. Then, click the check box in the Synchronize Data? column for the table or tables you want to synchronize.

    Text description of synch_now.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration synch_now.gif

  3. Click Apply.

If the synchronization policy of a table is Complete, Cache Manager performs a Complete synchronization on the selected table immediately. Similarly, if the synchronization policy of a table is Incremental, Cache Manager performs an Incremental synchronization immediately.

Synchronizing Data in More than One Cache

To initiate the synchronization of some or all of your tables in more than one cache, you use the Synchronize Wizard. The wizard synchronizes the tables in parallel. For example, if you want to synchronize TABLE_A and TABLE_B on Cache1 and Cache2, the wizard starts the synchronization of TABLE_A on both Cache1 and Cache2. The operations on multiple caches run in parallel. When the synchronization of TABLE_A is completed on Cache1, the wizard starts the synchronization of TABLE_B on Cache1.

If the synchronization policy of a table is Complete, the Synchronize Wizard performs a Complete synchronization on the table immediately. Similarly, if the synchronization policy of a table is Incremental, the Synchronize Wizard performs an Incremental synchronization immediately.

To synchronize tables immediately, take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the Caches folder. Choose Object -> Synchronize Cached Objects.

  2. Cache Manager displays the Synchronize Wizard Welcome page. Click Next.

  3. The Select Caches page shows the caches that you can synchronize. By default, the Available Caches list is empty because all available caches are listed in the Selected Caches list. To synchronize tables in only particular caches, select the caches that you do not want to synchronize and click the left arrow (<) to move those caches to the Available Caches list.

  4. Click Next.

  5. The Select Objects page shows the tables that are cached in one or more of the selected caches and the synchronization policy of each table. In the Cached Objects list, expand the schemas and the Table folder. Then, select the tables that you want to synchronize. Click the right arrow (>) to move the tables to the Objects to Be Synchronized list.

    Text description of synch_table.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration synch_table.gif

    On this page, you can also select PL/SQL objects to be synchronized. See "Synchronizing PL/SQL Objects" for information about synchronizing the metadata of PL/SQL Objects.

  6. Click Next.

  7. The wizard displays the summary page. Click Finish.

Oracle Database Cache immediately synchronizes the selected tables using the synchronization policy that is specified for each table. That is, if a table has a synchronization policy of Complete (whether or not it is Scheduled), Oracle Database Cache immediately performs a complete synchronization. If a table has a synchronization policy of Incremental (whether or not it is Scheduled), Oracle Database Cache immediately performs an incremental synchronization.

If the tables are very large and the synchronization method is Complete, the operation may take some time to complete. Similarly, if the tables are very large and the synchronization method is Incremental and there are many changes to the data in the origin database, the operation may take some time to complete.

Synchronizing PL/SQL Objects

If you update the definition (the metadata) of a PL/SQL object (a package, procedure, or function) in the origin database, you should update the definition in the cache by synchronizing the PL/SQL object in the cache with the PL/SQL object in the origin database.

Note that you cannot schedule the synchronization of a PL/SQL object.

Synchronizing PL/SQL Objects in One Cache

To initiate the synchronization of some or all of the PL/SQL objects in one cache, take the following steps:

  1. Select the cache from the Navigator tree.

  2. Select the Cached PL/SQL tab. Then, click the check box in the Synchronize? column for the PL/SQL object or objects you want to synchronize.

    Text description of synch_plsql.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration synch_plsql.gif

  3. Click Apply.

Oracle Database Cache synchronizes the metadata of the PL/SQL objects in the cache with the metadata of the PL/SQL objects in the origin database.

Synchronizing PL/SQL Objects in One or More Caches

To initiate the synchronization of some of all of your PL/SQL objects in one or more caches, you use the Synchronize Wizard. Take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the Caches folder. Choose Object -> Synchronize Cached Objects.

  2. Cache Manager displays the Synchronize Wizard Welcome page. Click Next.

  3. The Select Caches page shows the caches that you can synchronize. By default, the Available Caches list is empty because all available caches are listed in the Selected Caches list. To synchronize PL/SQL objects in only particular caches, select the caches that you do not want to synchronize and click the left arrow (<) to move those caches to the Available Caches list.

  4. Click Next.

  5. The Select Objects page shows the tables and PL/SQL objects that are cached in one or more of the selected caches. In the Cached Objects list, expand the schemas and the Procedure, Function, or Package folders. Then, select the PL/SQL objects that you want to synchronize. Click the right arrow (>) to move PL/SQL objects to the Objects to Be Synchronized list.

    Text description of synch_plsql2.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration synch_plsql2.gif

    On this page, you can also select tables to be synchronized. See "Synchronizing Data" for information about synchronizing the data in tables.

  6. Click Next.

  7. The wizard displays the summary page. Click Finish.

Oracle Database Cache immediately synchronizes the selected PL/SQL objects in the selected caches.

Updating Users

When you install Oracle Database Cache, the installation procedure reads the list of users in the origin database and propagates the list of users and the attributes of the users to the cache. (The procedure copies only the user-defined database users, not system-defined database users, such as SYS and SYSTEM.) As a result, you can cache objects from the schemas associated with these users in your cache, and applications can access data owned by these users.

If a new user-defined database user has been added to the origin database, you must add that user to the cache before you can cache objects from that user's schema. Similarly, if an attribute, such as the password, of an existing user is modified in the origin database, you must update the attribute in the cache. If you do not update the password, for example, applications invoked by that user will not be able to access data in the cache.

If a user is dropped from the origin database, you must drop the user from the cache. If you do not, queries on tables in that user's schema continue to access the data in the cache. In addition, synchronization of the table may fail.

To add or drop a user or update the user's attributes, use Cache Manager to update the list of users for one cache or for all caches associated with an origin database. To maintain consistency between the origin database and all caches, Oracle Corporation recommends that you update users for all caches at the same time.

To update the list of users and their attributes for all caches associated with one origin database, take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the Caches folder.

  2. Right-click, then choose Update All User Lists from the drop-down menu.

  3. Cache Manager displays a confirmation box. Click OK.

Cache Manager updates the user list for all caches and displays a progress box. If Cache Manager cannot update the user list for a cache, perhaps because the cache is not running, it displays a message.

To update the list of users and their attributes for one cache, take the following steps:

  1. From the Navigator tree, select the cache.

  2. Right-click, then choose Update User List from the drop-down menu.

  3. Cache Manager displays a confirmation box. Click OK.

Cache Manager updates the user list for the selected cache and displays a progress box.

To see the date when the user list was last updated for a cache, check the User List Last Updated at field on the General page.


For applications to make use of the updated user list, you must restart your application. 

Using the Configuration Assistant to Reconfigure a Cache

To make most changes to a middle-tier cache, such as adding or removing tables or modifying the memory or disk space allocation, you can use Cache Manager, the management interface for Oracle Database Cache.

However, you must use the Oracle Database Cache Configuration Assistant to reconfigure the following characteristics of the cache:

In addition, you can use the Configuration Assistant to change the cache name, although you can also accomplish this using Cache Manager.

The Configuration Assistant file is named wtacca and is located in the bin subdirectory of the Oracle home. To modify a cache, invoke the Configuration Assistant by using the following command on the cache node:

$ wtacca

The Configuration Assistant displays the Welcome page. To modify your cache, click Next and take the following steps:

  1. On the Credentials page, enter the following information:

    If you enter a user name that is not valid or that does not have SYSDBA privileges, or if you enter an invalid password, the Configuration Assistant returns an error and allows you to enter another value.

  2. Click Next.

  3. On the Cache Information page, you can modify the following information:

    • For Cache Node, if your system contains more than one network card, you can enter a host name for the middle-tier node.

    • For Port Number, you can change the port number for the listener for Oracle Database Cache. You can enter any valid port number that is not in use.

    • For Cache Name, you can change the name of the cache. You can enter any string that uniquely identifies the cache, although Oracle Corporation recommends that you use only alphanumeric characters. Do not use a single quotation mark (').

      Text description of ca_cache_info.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ca_cache_info.gif

  4. Click Next.

  5. The Summary page provides information about the origin database, the cache, and the changes to be made. Click Finish.

The Configuration Assistant displays a progress box informing you of the results of the modifications.

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