Oracle9iAS Web Cache Administration and Deployment Guide
Release 2.0.0

Part Number A90372-04
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Oracle Web Cache Directory Structure

This appendix describes the installed Oracle Web Cache directory structure.

When you install Oracle Web Cache, all subdirectories are under a top-level $ORACLE_HOME/webcache directory on UNIX and an ORACLE_HOME\webcache directory on Windows. Table A-1 describes the directory structure components of the $ORACLE_HOME/webcache directory on UNIX and the ORACLE_HOME\webcache directory on Windows.

Table A-1 Oracle Web Cache Directory Structure
Directory/File  Contents 

/bin directory on UNIX

\bin in the ORACLE_HOME directory on Windows 

Contains the Oracle Web Cache binaries, including the webcached main executable and the webcachectl command-line tool. On UNIX, webcachectl is symbolically linked to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory, which is set in the path during installation. 

/docs directory on UNIX

\docs directory on Windows 

Contains documentation and online help for Oracle Web Cache Manager 

/examples directory on UNIX

\examples directory on Windows 

Contains unsupported Oracle Web Cache scripts for invalidation and personalized attributes and system administration scripts for debugging. Read readme.examples.html in the directory for further information about the scripts. 

internal.xml and internal_admin.xml files  

Contains internal configuration settings 

/lib directory on UNIX 

Contains library files 

/invalidation directory on UNIX

\invalidation directory on Windows 

Contains the Document Type Definition (DTD) file WCSinvalidation.dtd for invalidation requests and responses 

/logs directory on UNIX

\logs directory on Windows 

Contains event and access logs 

/mesg directory on UNIX

\mesg directory on Windows 

Contains message files 


Contains important release information 

/utl directory on UNIX

\utl directory on Windows 

Contains a utility to convert release 1.0 configuration files to a format supported by release 2.0 


Contains configuration parameters set by Oracle Web Cache Manager 

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