Oracle9iAS Web Cache Administration and Deployment Guide
Release 2.0.0

Part Number A90372-04
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Event Log Messages

This appendix describes the common information, warning, and error event log messages. It contains these topics:

Information Events

Table E-1 lists the common event log informational messages.

Table E-1 Information Events
Message  Description 
Startup Initialization Events 

Listening on ADMINISTRATOR port port address ip_address 

The listening port number and IP address for administration requests. 

Listening on INVALIDATION port port address ip_address 

The listening port number and IP address for invalidation requests. 

Listening on NORM port port address ip_address 

The listening port number and IP address for Web browser requests to Oracle Web Cache. 

Listening on STATISTICS port port address ip_address 

The listening port number and IP address for statistics monitoring requests. 

The cache server is started by the admin server at startup 

The Oracle Web Cache admin server process started the cache server process.  

The admin server started successfully 

The Oracle Web Cache admin server process successfully started. 

The cache server started successfully 

The Oracle Web Cache cache server process successfully started. 

Shutdown Events 

SIGTERM caught - program will shut down once all connections are complete. 

A UNIX event that specifies that Oracle Web Cache will shut down once all connections are complete.  

The server is exiting 

Oracle Web Cache is shutting down. 

Operational Events 
There was a network failure before the transaction was completed  

Oracle Web Cache terminated the connection to the Web browser. 

Invalidation Events 

<Invalidation>Exact URI URL has been invalidated successfully 

The URL is successfully invalidated. 

<Invalidation>URI URI is not cacheable 

The URL is not cacheable document and cannot be invalidated. 

<Invalidation>number URLs with prefix prefix have been successfully invalidated 

The number of URLs by a particular prefix that have been successfully invalidated. 

<Invalidation>Requested URI URI is not found in the cache. URI is not invalidated 

The URL is not in the cache and cannot be invalidated. 

Warning Events

Table E-2 lists the common event log warning messages.

Table E-2 Warning Events
Message  Description 
Startup Initialization Events 

The admin server couldn't start the cache server, running in admin-only mode 

The admin server process is unable to start the cache server process. This may due to a listening port conflict. 

Oracle Web Cache Memory-Related Events 
No space left for adding the Content-Length header for KeepAlive headers URI: URI 

Oracle Web Cache does not have enough memory to allocate memory for Keep-Alive headers.

For each response from the application Web server that does not contain a Content-Length field in the header, Oracle Web Cache allocates extra memory for Keep-Alive headers.  

Response cookie header too large 

The response cookie from the application Web server is too large for Oracle Web Cache.  

Application Web Server Events 

<Admin Server>Concurrent administration exceeded limit 

The number of concurrent connections (capacity) to the application Web servers has been exceeded 

Connect Failed: Origin Web Server not accepting Connection 

The application Web server is not accepting connections from Oracle Web Cache. This event could indicate that the application Web server is down. 

Last-Modified time time is AFTER current time time, using current time instead 

The Last-Modified field in the response header is after the current time. Oracle Web Cache will use the current time instead.  

Origin Server module got an ABORT; Errno: error_number URI: URI 

Oracle Web Cache detects a problem with the application Web server. error_number can be one of the following:

3 - low memory

    There is not enough memory for the webcached executable to run.

4 - LB fail

    All of the application Web servers are down, disabling the load balancing feature.

5 - socket connect fail

    The application Web server is down.

6 - socket create fail

    The Oracle Web Cache computer has run short of system resources.

7 - send request fail

    The request to the application Web server has failed.

8 - bad input stream to send

    Oracle Web Cache is unable to send the HTTP request body to the application Web server.

9 - recv fail

    Oracle Web Cache is unable to receive responses from the application Web server.

10 - create header fail

    Oracle Web Cache is unable to process the HTTP response header message from the application Web server.

11 - header too big

    The HTTP response header message from the application Web server is too large.


Expiration time beyond year 2038, setting to MAX_LONG

time time overflow, setting to MAX_LONG 

The time set for the document goes beyond the year 2038, which is the maximum time limit on Sun Solaris.  

Error Events

Table E-3 lists the common event log error messages.

Table E-3 Error Events
Message  Description 
Startup Initialization Events 

Failed to start the server 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to open listening ports. 

Oracle Web Cache Cache failed to initialize 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to initialize the cache server process. 

The server could not initialize 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to start. 

The server could not start service thread 

Oracle Web Cache encountered a thread initialization creation error. 

An error occurred scanning the directory directory. 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to load the Oracle Web Cache Manager help files and/or icons. 

Could not increase number of file/socket descriptors to connections 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to support the number connections. The number of maximum incoming connections can be adjusted in the Resource Limit page (Administering Oracle Web Cache > Resource Limits) of Oracle Web Cache Manager.

See Also: "Greater Than One Thousand Maximum Connections" 

HTTPS Startup Initialization Events 

Oracle Wallet Failed to open at location location. Only Auto Login Wallets Supported. 

The wallet specified in the location cannot be opened.

See Also: "Wrong or Older Cached Content" 

No Oracle Wallet Configured with SSL. Server Initialization Failed. 

The <WALLET> line is not specified in the webcache.xml file.

See Also: "Wallet Cannot Be Opened" 

Read/Write Events 

Could not open config file ( config_file ) 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to write to its configuration file due to a permissions problem. 

Could not open log file ( access_log ) 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to write to its access log file due to a permissions problem.  

UNIX Process Identity Events 

Failed to find User ( user ) in /etc/password

Invalid User ID ( user ) 

The current user cannot perform this operation. Only the root user or the user specified in the Process Identity page (Administering Oracle Web Cache > Process Identity) of the Oracle Web Cache Manager can perform this operation. 

Failed to find Group ( group ) in /etc/group

Invalid Group ID ( group ) 

The group ID that the current user is a member of is not valid for this operation.  

Permission denied when setting User ID ( user ) 

The current user that is being set is not the owner of the Oracle Web Cache executables and is not root user. Change the owner to the root user.  

Permission denied when setting Group ID ( group ) 

The current group that is being set is not the owner of the Oracle Web Cache executables. 

Oracle Web Cache Memory-Related Events 
Cache failed to allocate memory for the hash table 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to allocate memory for cache initialization. 

Document compression error: error 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to compress the document in its cache. 

Cache Index memory allocation error 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to allocate memory for cache initialization. 

Out of memory 

Oracle Web Cache is out of cache memory. The cache memory can be adjusted in the Resource Limits page (Administering Oracle Web Cache > Resource Limits) of Oracle Web Cache Manager.  

Insert failed (memory low during insertion) for slave document document 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to insert a document into its cache. 

The system has run critically low on memory


Oracle Web Cache is running critically low on cache memory. The cache memory can be adjusted in the Resource Limits page (Administering Oracle Web Cache > Resource Limits) of Oracle Web Cache Manager. 

Operational Events 
Invalid XLF Field Name: xlf_field 

The XLF field specified for the access log file is invalid. The XLF fields are specified in the Access Logs page (Administering Web Sites > Access Logs) of Oracle Web Cache Manager. 

Too many session definitions 

The number of allowed session definitions used for cacheability rules for pages with personalized attributes and/or session tracking has exceed the 20 name limit. Reduce the name of session names in Session/Personalized Attribute Definitions page of Oracle Web Cache Manager (Administering Web Sites > Session Management > Session/Personalized Attribute Definitions). 

Application Web Server Events 

Unable to resolve the IP address of ip_address. Check your DNS setup. 

Oracle Web Cache is unable to resolve the IP address of the application Web server. You can alter application Web server configuration in the Application Web Servers page of Oracle Web Cache Manager. (Administering Oracle Web Cache > Application Web Servers). 

This product only supports IPv4 for origin server ip_address. Check your DNS setup 

Oracle Web Cache supports IP version 4. The IP address of the application Web server cannot be resolved because it uses another version of the IP.  

Invalidation Events 
Invalidation Error: Default URL size too small for cache key 

The URL specified in the invalidation message is too long. Oracle Web Cache has a 3 KB limit on URLs that may or may not include cookies or HTTP request headers. 

<Invalidation>Check ClientIP failed. Access denied 

The computer from which the invalidation message came from is not a trusted host. You configure trusted hosts in the Security page of Oracle Web Cache Manager. (Administering Oracle Web Cache > Security). 

<Invalidation>Username/password check failed. Access denied. 

The invalidation username and password is not valid. The invalidation user is invalidator. By default, the password is invalidator. You can change the password in the Security page of the Oracle Web Cache Manager. (Administering Oracle Web Cache > Security). 

<Invalidation>Empty entity 

The invalidation message is empty. 

<Invalidation>Not an invalidation request 

The message is not an invalidation message. 

<Invalidation>XML parsing error 

The invalidation message uses invalid XML syntax. 

<Invalidation>Invalid validity level (valid range is 0-9). Level=level. 

The validity level specified in the invalidation message is not valid.  

<Invalidation>Cannot compose key pattern for the requested URI URI 

The URL specified in the invalidation message does not have a corresponding cacheability rule.  

<Invalidation>Unrecognized cookies in the invalidation message 

The cookie(s) specified in the invalidation message are not valid.  

<Invalidation>URL Node reading error 

The URL specified in the invalidation message is invalid or or there is a memory allocation problem. 

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