Oracle Applications InterConnect User Guide
Release 4.1



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Design Time Concepts and iStudio

This chapter describes the design time concepts and iStudio. In addition, this chapter describes how to perform important tasks using iStudio.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Integration Process Overview

Application integration using Oracle Applications InterConnect involves the following two phases:

Design Time

During the design phase, a business analyst uses iStudio to define the integration objects, applications which participate in the integration, and the specifications of the data exchanged between applications. All the specifications are stored as metadata in the Oracle Applications InterConnect Repository.


For each application participating in a specific integration, Oracle Applications InterConnect attaches one or more adapters to it. At runtime, the adapters retrieve the metadata from the Repository to determine the format of messages, perform transformations between the various data formats, and route the messages to the appropriate queues in the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub.

Figure 2-1 A graphical overview of design time and runtime phases in integration

Unique Integration Methodology

iStudio exposes an integration methodology that eliminates the complexities of point-to-point custom integration solutions. The integration methodology is based on a hub-and-spoke model.

How the Hub-and-Spoke Methodology Works

An integration point is defined as an "event" that triggers communication between two or more participating applications in the integration scenario. The following are examples of such "events:"

The common view consists of a list of such integration points, each with its own associated data. Applications participate in the integration by binding to one or more of these common view integration points.

In the context of each binding, applications have their own application view of data that needs to be exchanged. Each binding involves mapping, or transformation, between the application view and the common view in the context of the integration point. In this model, the application views are at the spokes and the common view is the hub.

The Create Customer example helps to explain Figure 2-2, "Oracle Applications InterConnect Hub-and-Spoke Model". Create Customer is an integration point. If the information to exchange is the new customer's name only, then the common view has all the information potentially captured in a name defined in an application-independent way. In the very least, this information must be a superset of all the information that needs to be exchanged across App1 and App2.

Prefix, First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial, Maiden Name, Suffix is an example of a common view customer name definition.

Now, App1's internal "definition" of name (App1's application view) could be First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial, Prefix.

App2's application view could be Name (one field that contains Last Name, First Name).

For App1, in the context of sending this information out or publishing an event, transformations are defined from its application view to the common view. For App2, in the context of receiving this information or subscribing to an event, transformations are defined from the common view to its application view.

Figure 2-2 Oracle Applications InterConnect Hub-and-Spoke Model

This hub-and-spoke model has the following advantages:

Oracle Applications InterConnect supports the following messaging paradigms:

These paradigms are defined in iStudio at design time. The definitions are used at runtime to route the messages appropriately.

Publish/Subscribe Messaging

An application publishes a message if it sends data out to the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub without knowing the destination applications. Furthermore, it does not expect any data in return. An application subscribes to a message if it receives the data from the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub regardless of who sent out the data. Furthermore, it does not send any data out in return. Events in iStudio are used to model this paradigm.

Request/Reply Messaging

If an application publishes a message and expects a message in return as a reply, it is participating in the Request/Reply paradigm. The application subscribing to the request sends a reply back to the sender after consuming the request. Procedures in iStudio are used to model this paradigm. Request/Reply has the following two flavors:

Point-to-Point Messaging

Both Publish/Subscribe and Request/Reply can take a point-to-point characteristic if the sending application explicitly calls out which application should receive the message. This can be modeled through content-based routing in iStudio.

iStudio Concepts

iStudio is the design time modeling tool for Oracle Applications InterConnect. iStudio has several concepts explained in this section. The following concepts are discussed:


A workspace stores user settings and preferences such as application login credentials and last opened project. Inside a workspace, users can work on multiple projects.


A project in iStudio encapsulates all the integration logic for one integration scenario. An integration scenario is defined as a set of two ore more applications integrated with each other using Oracle Applications InterConnect. One project corresponds to one repository. For example, a user may have a development integration environment and a production integration environment. These are two separate projects and must, therefore be self-contained in their own separate repositories.

Since iStudio is a multi-user tool, multiple users can work on the same project simultaneously without jeopardizing the integrity of the metadata. To create a project in iStudio, a repository connection must be defined.


Each component integrated with Oracle Applications InterConnect is referred to as an application. Each application expresses interest in specific messages, what its internal data type is, and how the message should be mapped to or from that internal type to the external world.

Common View

As described earlier in this chapter, Oracle Applications InterConnect follows a hub-and-spoke integration methodology. The common view is the "hub view" of the integration where each spoke is the application that wishes to participate in the integration. The common view consists of the following elements:

Integration Points

An integration point is defined as any "event" triggering communication across two or more applications. Consider the following examples with two applications, App1 and App2.

Business Objects

Business Objects are a collection of logically related integration points. For example, Create Customer, Update Customer, Delete Customer, Get Customer Info are all integration points that logically belong under a Customer business object. In other words, a business object is a way to organize integration points in iStudio.


An event is an integration point used to model the Publish/Subscribe paradigm. An event has associated data which is the common view of all the data to be exchanged through this event. In other words, the data associated with an event in the common view must be a superset of the data of participating applications.

For example App1 and App2 publishes customer names and App3 subscribes to it. If App1 publishes First Name, Last Name, and Middle Initial, and App2 publishes First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial, Prefix, and Suffix, the event could be defined as follows:

New Customer Event
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial


Standard application-independent definitions can be used for event-associated data in the common view such as Open Applications Group XML business object definitions. 


A procedure is an integration point used to model the Request/Reply paradigm. This is a modeling paradigm only, no actual procedures are called. An application can either invoke a procedure to model sending a request and receiving a reply, or implement a procedure to model receiving a request and sending a reply. Similar to events, a procedure has associated data. While an event is only associated with one data set, a procedure has two data sets--one for the request or IN data and one for the reply or OUT data.

For example, if a Get Address procedure is defined so that the request contains the social security number for a person and the reply contains the address in four fields--Street, City, Zip, State, then the procedure is defined as follows:

get Address Procedure
Street OUT
City OUT
State OUT

Procedures can be used to implement both synchronous and asynchronous request/reply.


Standard application-independent definitions can be used for procedure-associated data in the common view such as Open Applications Group XML business object definitions. 

Common Data Types

When defining the data associated with an event or a procedure, it is possible to define the data once and reuse it for different integration points. Common data types are used to define such data for reuse and is especially useful for defining complex hierarchical data.

For example, a purchase order contains a header object and an array of line item objects. In addition, the Header object contains two address objects: Bill To and Ship To. Therefore, the purchase order can be defined once and used for other purchase order-related integration points such as Create Purchase Order, Update Purchase Order, and Get Purchase Order. Moreover, Address can be defined once and used in the Bill To and Ship To addresses.

Application View

For participating in the integration, each application has its own application view of data. This application view of data plugs into the common view through transformations.

Transformations or Mappings

Transformations are in the context of one integration point. For example, an event is created for transferring customer names across applications:

Common View Event New Customer

First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial

Application View for App1 that publishes the event
First Name
Last Name
Middle Initial

Application View for App2 that subscribes to the event
Name -- One field which contains First Name and Last Name separated by a 

When publishing or subscribing to the event, iStudio users must map the application view for App1 and App2 to the common view using transformations. There are twenty-seven built-in transformation routines provided with Oracle Applications InterConnect which are used to build complex mappings. In addition, the iStudio SDK allows users to create new transformation routines using Java, import them into iStudio to add to the built-in list, and use them just like a built-in routine.

Application Data Types

Application data types have the same function as Common Data Types but are in the context of a particular application.

Metadata Versioning

iStudio supports versioning for application and common data types, events, procedures, and messages.

An owner is the creator of the object and only the creator of an object can modify the object. However, other users can create new versions or copy the original object under a new name. The owner is specified at the time of Repository installation.

In the following example, the metadata is created at Oracle Corporation and at the time of Repository installation, Oracle Applications InterConnect is specified as the owner of the metadata. The following functionality is available for versioning:


Names of events must be unique. 

In the example, all the metadata is built at Oracle Corporation and this metadata can be transmitted to the customer, NewCorp. When NewCorp installs the repository and specifies the owner as NewCorp, the metadata is in a read-only state. If NewCorp wants to customize NewBigCustomerEvent/OAI/V1, they cannot modify the existing version since the owners are different. However, they can use the other features described.

To customize the metadata, NewCorp must create a new version so that NewBigCustomerEvent/OAI/V1 and NewBigCustomerEvent/NewCorp/V2 coexist in the repository. NewCorp can use both events in defining messages if required and NewCorp can now modify the event it owns.

Event Maps

Event maps allow you to map application data to an Oracle Applications InterConnect event without the application having to know about the Oracle Applications InterConnect event itself. For example, if an application is publishing a Create Customer event, it doesn't have to explicitly say that the message it is publishing corresponds to an Oracle Applications InterConnect Create Customer event. Instead, in iStudio, you can associate certain fields in the application view to help Oracle Applications InterConnect figure out which event the message maps to.

Event maps allow application data to be mapped to an Oracle Applications InterConnect event without the application needing to know about the event itself. For example, if an application publishes a Create Customer event, it does not need to explicitly specify that the message it is publishing corresponds to the Oracle Applications InterConnect Create Customer event. Instead, using iStudio, certain fields can be associated with the application view to help determine which event the message maps to.

In addition, if an application publishes exactly the same structure of data for two or more events, event maps help Oracle Applications InterConnect distinguish which message corresponds to which event. For example, an application publishes the same Customer Application Data Type regardless of whether it is a Create Customer or an Update Customer event. Through event map, Oracle Applications InterConnect can determine which messages correspond to Create Customer and Update Customer.

Content-Based Routing

Messages can be routed to specific applications based on business rules or message content. For example, a procurement system can route fulfillment requests to different fulfillment centers based on originating location or item requested. iStudio provides support for defining the business rules through wizard-based point-and-click steps.

Cross Reference Tables

Keys for corresponding entities created in different applications can be correlated through cross referencing. For example, a purchase order created in a procurement system has a native id X. It is then routed to a fulfillment system. The purchase order is created in the fulfillment system with native id Y. X and Y must be cross referenced so Oracle Applications InterConnect can correlate communication about this same logical entity in two different systems without each system knowing the native ids of the other.

Domain Value Mapping

Code tables can be mapped across systems using domain value mapping. For example, a purchase order in a procurement system has a purchase order status field with possible domain values of Booked and Shipped. The corresponding field in a fulfillment system has the domain value set of 1 and 2. Oracle Applications InterConnect creates mappings such as booked=1 and shipped=2 so these values can be correlated at runtime without each system knowing the domain value set of the other.

Routing and the Message Capability Matrix

In the Oracle Applications InterConnect hub, Advanced Queues in the database are used to store, route, and forward messages from the sending application adapters to the receiving application adapters. The following paradigm is used for routing messages. The sending adapters evaluate who the recepients are based on metadata.

  1. Every adapter has one or more queues where it receives messages.

  2. The Message Capability Matrix allow queues to be specified for receiving messages on a per message per receiving application basis.


By default, there is only one queue call the oai_hub_queue. This queue is used for all messages for all applications. This queue does not need to be changed unless the single queue implementation turns out to be a performance bottleneck. 

Tracking Fields

Tracking fields are one or more application view fields in the context of a particular message. If specified in iStudio, tracking fields can be used to track messages at runtime using the Oracle Applications InterConnect Runtime Management Console. Tracking is executed only from the perspective of the sending application.

For example, if App1 publishes a new purchase order and specifies the purchase order number field as the tracking field, then the user can log into the runtime console and specify the message to track, or New Purchase Order in this case. The user is then prompted to enter the purchase order number to display the corresponding tracking information.

Using iStudio

iStudio is the graphical development tool that implements the Oracle Applications InterConnect concepts.

Using the iStudio Toolbar

The following graphic displays the iStudio toolbar. You can also select the tasks by clicking the icons in the toolbar.

Workspaces and Projects

The following topics discuss workspaces and projects.

Creating a New Project

For more information on projects, see "Projects". To define a new project in iStudio:

  1. From the File menu, select New Project in the iStudio main menu panel.

    The New Project Dialog displays:

  2. Enter the project name and click OK. The Repository Information dialog displays:

  3. Enter information in the following fields:

    • Repository Name--The name of the repository server.

    • Hub database username--The name of the hub database user.

    • Hub database password--The password associated with the hub database user.

    • Hub database url--Information of the form "machine name:port number:database sid".

  4. Click OK. iStudio is now ready to work on the specified project.

Using Workspaces

When you start iStudio, the default workspace myWorkspace.iws and the last opened project is automatically loaded. To save the SAP and DB login credentials, check the Save settings as default checkbox in the SAP and DB login dialogs. The user settings are automatically saved to the workspace. For more information on workspaces, see "Workspaces".

Creating a New Workspace

To create a new workspace:

  1. From the File menu, select New Workspace. The New Workspace Dialog displays:

  2. Enter a name for the Workspace in the Workspace Name field.

  3. Click OK.

Opening an Existing Workspace

To open a workspace that has already been created:

  1. From the File and select Open Workspace. The file system dialog displays:

  2. Enter the workspace name and path to open the workspace and click OK.

Exporting Stored Procedures

iStudio generates stored-procedure stubs to enable an application to interface with the Oracle Applications InterConnect run-time easily. These stubs are exported to a file using the export functionality.

To export stored-procedures:

  1. From the iStudio main menu panel, select File, then select Export. The Export Application dialog displays:

  2. Select messages to export stored procedures. Messages can be filtered as follows:

    • Export all messages--Select Applications at the top of the directory.

    • Export all messages of a certain type for all applications--Check All Applications, then select one or more types of messages to export.

    • Export all messages for a specific application--Select the application name.

    • Export all messages of a certain type for a specific application--Select the type under the application name in the directory.

    • To export specific messages--Select the messages by name. To select more than one message or class of messages click the application.

  3. In the File Prefix field, enter the name of the file to contain the exported stored procedures. The name generates multiple files. Click Browse to view the directory path.

  4. Click OK. The stored-procedure is now exported.

Common View

Creating Business Objects

For more information on business objects, see "Business Objects". To create a new business object:

  1. From the File menu select New, then select Business Object. The Create Business Object dialog displays:

  2. Enter a name for the business object in the Business Object Name field.

  3. Click OK.

Creating Common Data Types

For more information on common data types, see "Common Data Types". To create a common data type:

  1. From the File menu select New, then select Common Data Type. The Create Data Type window displays:

  2. Enter a name for the common data type in the Common Data Type field.

    The owner and version number of the common data type display next to the common data type name. This field cannot be edited.

  3. Now you must specify the attributes for this common data type. There are two ways to specify attributes:

    • Add attributes one by one.

    • Import attributes from already existing application native data types or APIs.

Adding Attributes One by One

To add attributes one by one:

  1. On the Create Data Type dialog, click Add. A new entry appears in the attribute list as shown:

  2. Specify the following by editing the information directly in the attribute list entry.

    • Name--The name of the attribute.

    • Type--The type of the attribute. Select the type by clicking on the Type column in the attribute entry. A dropdown list displays. The attribute can be of primitive type (string, integer, float, double, date) or another common data type. You can build hierarchical data types by using the latter.

    • Array--Check this box if it the attribute is a collection instead of a singleton.

    • Default-- The default value of the field in case it is not populated at runtime.

  3. Click Save. Repeat the above steps for adding other attributes.

Importing Attributes

To import attributes:

  1. On the Create Data Type dialog, click Import. Attributes can be imported from the following sources:

    • Other Common Data Types

    • Database

    • SAP ABAP Modules

    • SAP BAPI

    • SAP IDOC

    • XML

    The following example utilizes the Database import facility.

  2. Click Database. The Database Login dialog displays:

  3. Enter information in the following fields:

    • User Name--The log in name.

    • Password--The log in password.

    • URL--The machine name: port number: database SID.

    • Driver--The JDBC driver used to connect to the database.

    • Save settings as default--Check this box to save the settings for the workspace.

  4. Click Login.

    After logging in, the database tables and arguments display in the Database Browser Window.

    Select the fields by clicking on them.

  5. Click Done to import the attributes into the common data type.

Deleting and Clearing Attributes

To delete a selected attribute:

To clear all attributes:

Creating Events

For more information on events, see "Events". To create an event:

  1. From the iStudio main menu panel, select Project <project name>, then click New.

  2. From the New drop down list, select Event. The Create Event dialog displays:

  3. Enter the information in the following fields:

    • Business Object Name--The name of the category to which the event belongs.

    • Event Name--The name of the event. Only alphanumeric characters can be used.

    • OAI/V1--The owner and version number of the Business Object. This field cannot be edited.

  4. To add attributes to this event, enter information in the following fields:

    • Name--The name of the attribute.

    • Type --The type of event. Possible values include integer, string, date, float, double, data type. Previously defined data types can be used.

    • Array--Check this box if the attribute is an array field. Only user-defined data types can be of type array.

    • Default--The default value for the field is NULL.

  5. Click Save.

Creating Procedures

For more information on procedures, see "Procedures". To create a procedure:

  1. In the iStudio main menu panel, select File, then click New.

  2. From the New drop down list, select Procedure. The Create Procedure dialog displays:

  3. Enter information in the following fields:

    • Business Object Name--The name of the category to which the procedure belongs.

    • Procedure Name--The name of the procedure. Only alphanumeric characters can be used.

    • OAI/V1--The owner and version number of the procedure. This field cannot be edited.

  4. To add arguments to this procedure:

    • Name--The name of the attribute.

    • Type --The type of the attribute. Types include integer, string, date, float, and double data type. A common data type that has been previously defined can be selected.

    • Array--Check this box the attribute is an array field. Only user-defined data types can be of type array.

    • Default--The default value for the field is NULL.

    • IN--The input parameter.

    • OUT--The output parameter.

    • INOUT--The input and return parameter.

  5. Click Save to save and exit or Save As to save the procedure as a different version.

For more information on adding attributes, see "Adding Attributes One by One".

For more information on importing attributes, see "Importing Attributes".

For more information on deleting and clearing attributes, see "Deleting and Clearing Attributes".

Application View

The following topics discuss application view information in iStudio.

Creating an Application

To create an application:

  1. From the iStudio main menu panel, click File.

  2. From the File menu, click New in the pull-down menu and select Application. The Create Application dialog displays:

  3. Enter a name for the application in the Application Name field.

  4. Click OK.

Publishing an Event

To publish an event in an application:

  1. From the iStudio main menu panel, select Event, then click Publish in the pull-down menu. The Publish Wizard dialog displays:

    The Event Publish Wizard provides a series of pages to follow for creating a publish event. This wizard provides a series of pages for creating a publish event.

  2. Select an Event Page

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

    • Application--The name of the application which is publishing the event.

    • Message Type--This field specifies the mode of communication between the Adapter and the application, for example, XML.

      Select from the following message types:

      • Database--The Adapter selects the message data from the database.

      • SAP BAPI--The Adapter communicates with the application using Business API.

      • SAP IBP--The Adapter communicates with the application using IBP.

      • SAP IDOC--The Adapter communicates with SAP using IDOC.

      • XML--The Adapter communicates with the application using XML.

      • Generic--The Adapter communicates with application using a user-defined bridge.

    1. Select the event name.

    2. Click Next in the Publish Wizard.

  3. Define Application View Page

    Using this page, the application view is defined. This page is initially an empty table. Define the attributes using Add or import the definitions from a database or an API Repository using Import.

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

      • Name--The name of the attribute.

      • Type--The attribute type. Types include integer, string, date, float, or double data type.

      • Owner/Version--The owner and version of this application view.

      • Array--Check this box if it is an array field. Only user-defined data types can be of type array.

      • Default--The default value for the field is NULL.

    1. To import an XML DTD, a file dialog is displayed:

    1. Select a DTD file and click Open. The Choose Root Element dialog displays:

    2. Select a root DTD element and click OK.

      If this is a XML type message, the Event Map button is enabled. To define the event map, click Event Map. The Event Map dialog displays:

    To add an event map attribute:

    1. Click Add. The New Event Map dialog displays:

    1. Choose an attribute from the tree and enter a value in the text field.

    2. Click OK on the Add Event Map dialog.

    3. Click OK to continue to the Publish Event Wizard.

    To delete an event map item:

    1. Select the event map item to delete and click Delete.

    1. Click Next in the Publish Event Wizard.

      For more information on adding attributes, see "Adding Attributes One by One".

      For more information on importing attributes, see "Importing Attributes".

      For more information on deleting and clearing attributes, see "Deleting and Clearing Attributes".

  4. Define Mapping Page

    Mapping can either involve copying the individual fields, or simple shape-change transformations.

    1. To define new mappings, click New. The Mapping dialog displays:

    To map fields in the application view to fields in the common view, use the concat transform. For example, to map fields in the FirstName and LastName in the application view to Name in the common view, use the concat transform.

    The following steps illustrate this example:

    1. Select fields to map from in the application view. Use the left mouse button to select multiple fields in a view.

    2. Select the transformation to perform, for example, ConcatFields. For information on custom transformations, see "Adding Custom Transformations".

    3. Select the fields to map to in the common view. Use the left mouse button to select multiple fields in a view.

    4. Click Apply to confirm selection and continue specifying additional mappings.

    5. When all mappings have been made, click OK.

      The transformation may have parameters. After clicking Apply or OK, the Mapping Parameters dialog may display:

      In the Parameters field, enter the values for the transformation parameters. For example, a blank value indicates a value for the separator parameter.

    6. Click OK to return to the Publish Event Wizard.

    7. Click Finish on the Publish Event Wizard to create the publish event.

Subscribing to an Event

To subscribe to an event in an application:

  1. From the iStudio main menu panel, click Event, then click Subscribe from the pull-down menu. The Subscribe Wizard displays:

  1. Select an Event Page

    1. Use this page to enter information in the following fields:

      • Application--The name of the application subscribing to the event.

      • Message Type--Specifies the mode of communication between the Adapter and the application, for example SAP Business API. Select from the following message types:

        Database--The Adapter picks the message data from the database.

        SAP BAPI--The Adapter communicates with the application using Business API.

        SAP IBP--The Adapter communicates with the application using IBP.

        SAP IDOC--The Adapter communicates with SAP using IDOC.

        XML--The Adapter communicates with the application using XML.

        Generic--The Adapter communicates with application using a user-defined bridge.

    1. Select the event to subscribe and click Next.

  2. Define Application View Page

    After selecting the event to publish, the application view is defined on the Define Application View Page. The application view window is initially an empty table. Use Add to define attributes or import definitions from a database or API repository using Import.

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

      • Business Object--The name of the business object.

      • SAP BAPI--The SAP Business API name which is imported.

    1. Add, import, delete, or clear attributes in the Attributes box. The following attributes are available:

      • Name--The name of the attribute.

      • Type--The attribute type. Types include integer, string, date, float, or double data type.

      • Owner/Version--The owner and version number of this application view.

      • Array--Check this box if it is an array field. Only user-defined data types can be of type array.

      • Default--The default value for the field is NULL.

    2. To populate and look up cross reference tables, click Cross Reference... The Cross Reference dialog displays. For more information, see "Populating Cross Reference Tables".

    3. Click Next.

  3. Define Mapping Page

    Mapping can either involve copying the individual fields or simple shape change transformations.

    To define mappings, use the Define Mappings page:

    1. To define new mappings, click New to define mappings.

    1. Click Finish.

      The subscribe event is created.

Invoking an Procedure

To invoke a procedure in an application, from the iStudio main menu panel, click Procedure. Then click Invoke from the pull-down menu. The Invoke Wizard displays.

  1. Select a Procedure Page

    When the Invoke Wizard is started, the Select a Procedure page displays:

    1. Use this page to enter information for the following fields:

      • Application--The name of the application invoking the procedure, for example iStore.

      • Message Type--Specifies the mode of communication between the Adapter and the application. Select from the following message types:

        Database--The Adapter picks the message data from the database.

        SAP BAPI--The Adapter communicates with the application using Business API.

        SAP IDOC--The Adapter communicates with SAP using IDOC.

        XML--The Adapter communicates with the application using XML.

        Generic--The Adapter communicates with application using a user defined bridge.


    In this release of Applications InterConnect, to invoke a procedure the message type can only be a database, XML, or Generic. 

    1. Select the procedure to invoke in the Select a Procedure box.

    2. Click Next.

  2. Define Application View Page

    After selecting the procedure to invoke, the application view is defined. The application view dialog is initially an empty table. Attributes are defined by using the add button. Attribute definitions can be imported from a database or an API Repository using Import.

    After clicking Next on the Select a Procedure page, the Define Application View page displays:

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

      • Name--the attribute name.

      • Type--integer, string, date, float, or double data type.

      • Owner/Version--the owner and version of this application view.

      • Array--check this box if it is an array field. Only user-defined data types can be of type array.

      • Default--The default value for the field is NULL.

    1. Add or import attributes by clicking Add or Import. The following attributes are included:

      • Name--The attribute name.

      • Type--The type of attribute. Types include integer, string, date, float, or double data type.

      • Owner/Version--The owner and version of this application view.

      • Array--Check this box if it is an array field. Only user-defined data types can be of type array.

      • Default--The default value for the field is NULL.

      For information on adding attributes, see "Adding Attributes One by One".

      For information on importing attributes, see "Importing Attributes".

      For information on deleting and clearing attributes, see "Deleting and Clearing Attributes".

    2. Check the Synchronous box if this is a synchronous invoke, for example, the request will block till it gets a reply.

    3. To specify IN arguments to be returned, click Returned In Args. The Select Returned In Arguments displays:

    4. Select the input and output arguments to be returned. Use the left mouse button to select multiple arguments. Only non user-defined input arguments are shown for selection.

    5. Click OK on the Select Returned Out Arguments to return to the Define Application View page.

    6. Click Next.

  3. Define Mapping IN Arguments Page

    Mapping can either involve copying the individual fields or simple shape-change transformations. After clicking Next on the Define Application View page, the Define Mapping IN Arguments page displays:

    1. Click New to define mappings.

    1. Click Next.

  4. Define Mapping OUT Arguments Page

    Mapping can either involve copying the individual fields, or simple shape-change transformations. You map the common view return arguments to the application view return arguments on this page.

    1. Click New to define mappings.

    1. Click Next.

  5. Define Stored Procedure Page

    If the message type selected was database, the data is received by a stored procedure. In this stored procedure, the action performed when the values are returned to the application can be specified. The adapter invokes the stored procedure at runtime with the appropriate data.

    The following arguments will be returned:

    • All OUT arguments.

    • All IN arguments specified to be returned as part of the reply.

    After clicking Next on the Define Mapping OUT Arguments page, the Define Stored Procedure page displays:

    1. Select a generated procedure from the SQL code for drop down list.

    1. Click Finish.

      The procedure invoke message is created.

Implementing a Procedure

To implement a procedure:

  1. From the iStudio main menu panel, select Procedure, then select Implement from the drop down list. The Select a Procedure page of the Implement Wizard displays:

  2. Select a Procedure Page

    Use this page to select a procedure to implement.

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

      • Application--The name of the application implementing the procedure, for example SAP.

      • Message Type--Specifies the mode of communication between the Adapter and the application. Message types include:

        Database--The Adapter retrieves the message data from the database.

        SAP BAPI--The Adapter communicates with the application using Business API.

        SAP IBP--The Adapter communicates with the application using IBP.

        SAP IDOC--The Adapter communicates with SAP using IDOC.

        XML--The Adapter communicates with the application using XML.

        Generic--The Adapter communicates with the application using a user-defined bridge.

    1. Select the procedure to invoke.

    2. Click Next.

  3. Define Application View Page

    After selecting the procedure to implement, the application view is defined. The Define Application View page is initially an empty table. Attributes can be defined by using Add. Attribute definitions can be imported from a database or an API Repository by using Import.

    After clicking Next on the Select a Procedure page, the Define Application View page displays:

    1. Enter information in the following fields:

      • Business Object--The name of the business object.

      • SAP BAPI--The imported SAP Business API name.

    1. Add or import attributes by clicking Add or Import. The following attributes are included:

      • Name--The attribute name.

      • Type--The type of attribute. Types can be integer, string, date, float, or double data type.

      • Owner/Version--The owner and version of this application view.

      • Array--Check this box if it is an array field. Only user-defined data types can be of type array.

      • Default--The default value for the field is NULL.

      For information on adding attributes, see "Adding Attributes One by One".

      For information on importing attributes, see "Importing Attributes".

      For information on deleting and clearing attributes, see "Deleting and Clearing Attributes".

    2. If SAP Business API information is being imported, the SAP Login dialog displays:

    3. On the SAP Login dialog, enter the following information:

      • User Name--The SAP username.

      • Password--The password for the username entered.

      • System Number--The number of the system being logged into.

      • App Server--The application server name.

      • Client--The client host name.

      • Save settings as default--Check this box to save workspace settings as the default.

      • Serialize Metadata into a file--Check this box to save SAP metadata to a file. Enter a file name in the field provided.

    4. Click OK. The SAP application browser displays:

    5. Select the SAP Business API and click OK to return to the Define Application View page of the Implement Wizard. The SAP Business API attributes are imported into the application view.

    6. Click Cross Reference... to populate cross reference tables. For more information see "Populating Cross Reference Tables" .

    7. Click Next.

  4. Define Mapping IN Arguments Page

    Mapping may involve copying individual fields, or simple shape-change transformations. After clicking next on the Define Application View page, the Define Mapping IN Arguments page displays:

    Use this page to define mapping IN arguments.

    1. Click New to define mappings.

    1. Click Next.

  5. Define Mapping OUT Arguments Page

    After clicking Next on the Define Mapping IN Arguments page, the Define Mapping OUT Arguments page displays:

    Use this page to define mapping IN arguments.

    1. Click New to define mappings.

    1. Click Finish.

      The procedure implement message is created.

Enabling Infrastructure

Working with Content-Based Routing

For more information on content based routing, see "Content-Based Routing". To modify content based routing for an event or procedure:

  1. Right-click the event or procedure under the Content-Based Routing node in the iStudio design tree, then click Edit. The Content Based Routing Rules dialog displays:

  2. Click New to display the Content Based Routing Wizard. This wizard provides a series of pages to follow for editing content based routing. When the wizard starts, the Choose Source page displays.

  3. Choose Source Page

    1. Choose the source event attribute in the Choose Source box and click Next.

  4. Choose Operator Page

    1. Select the operator from the drop-down list and click Next.

  5. Choose Value Page

    1. Select Enter Value to enter a value in the text field or click Select Attribute to select an attribute from the tree and click Next.

  6. Additional Condition Page

    1. Click Add To Condition and select a boolean operator from drop-down dialog to add additional conditions.

    1. Click Next. Depending on which radio button is selected, the Choose Source page or Select Destination Application page displays.

  7. Select Destination Application Page

    1. Select an application from the Select Destination Application box and click Finish.

  8. The Content Based Routing Rule is created and displays on the Content Based Routing dialog:

  9. Click OK.

Working with Cross Reference Tables

For more information on cross reference tables, see "Cross Reference Tables".

To create a cross reference table:

  1. From the File menu, click New.

  2. From the New pull-down menu, select Cross Reference Tables. The Create X_Ref Table dialog displays:

  3. Enter a name for the cross reference table in the Table Name field.

  4. Click OK.

Adding Applications to Cross Reference Tables

To add applications to the cross reference table:

  1. In the project tree, select the appropriate cross reference table and right-click it to display the context menu.

  2. From the context menu, select Add App. The Add Application to XRef Table dialog displays:

  3. From the drop down list, select an application name.

  4. Click OK.

Removing Applications From Cross Reference Tables

To remove applications from the cross reference table:

  1. From the project tree, select the appropriate cross reference table and right-click it to display the context menu.

  2. From the context menu, select Remove App. The Remove Application from XRef Table dialog displays:

  3. From the drop down list, select an application name.

  4. Click OK.

Populating Cross Reference Tables

To populate the cross reference tables, returned arguments must first be defined. Returned arguments are the arguments returned by the subscribe or implement code for populating the cross reference table.

To populate cross reference tables:

  1. Click Cross Reference... on the Define Application View page on the Subscribe Wizard. The XRef dialog displays:

    The Application Returned Arguments box displays the returned arguments. This information is initially populated with any OUT arguments from the application view.

  2. Click Modify Return Arguments to modify the returned arguments list.

  3. Select the corresponding attributes in the Application Returned Arguments and Common View windows and click Map.

    Specify the Cross Reference Table name to be populated using these attributes' values.

Working with Domain Value Mappings

For more information on domain value mappings, see "Domain Value Mapping".

To create a domain value mappings table:

  1. From the File menu on the iStudio main menu panel, click New.

  2. From the New pull-down menu, select Domain Value Mapping. The Create DVM Table dialog displays:

  3. Enter a name for the domain value map in the Map Name field.

  4. Click OK.

Adding Applications to Domain Value Mappings

To add applications to domain value mappings:

  1. In the project tree, select a domain value mapping and right-click it to display the context menu.

  2. From the context menu, select Add App. The Add Application to Domain Value Map dialog displays:

  3. Select an application name from the drop down list.

  4. Click OK.

Removing Applications From Domain Value Mappings

To remove applications from the domain value mappings:

  1. In the project tree, select a domain value mapping and right-click it to display the context menu.

  2. From the context menu, click Remove App. The Remove Application from Domain Value Mapping dialog displays

  3. Select the Application Name to remove from the list.

  4. Click OK.

Modifying Data in Domain Value Mappings

To add data to domain value mappings:

  1. In the project tree, select a domain value mapping and right-click it to display the context menu.

  2. On the context menu, select Edit Domain Value Map. The Edit Domain Value Map Dialog displays:

  3. Enter the mapping values and click Add.

  4. Click OK.

Deleting Domain Value Mappings

To delete a selected domain value mapping:

Deleting Domain Value Mapping Tables

To delete the domain value mapping table:

  1. Select the domain value mapping table to be deleted and right-click to display the context menu.

  2. From the context menu, select Delete.

Modifying Attribute Mappings

To modify a selected attribute mapping, use the Define Mapping dialog in the Publish Wizard:

Removing or Clearing Attribute Mappings

To delete a selected attribute mapping, use the Define Mapping dialog in the Publish Wizard:

Adding Custom Transformations

To create custom transformations:

  1. Click Custom Transformations on the Mapping dialog. The Transformations dialog displays:

  2. To add user-defined transformations, click Add.

  3. Click OK.

Deleting Custom Transformations

Using the Transformation dialog, you can delete custom transformations. To delete a selected transformation:

  1. Select the transformation to delete and click Delete.

  2. Click OK on the Transformation dialog.

Adding Mapping Variables

To add a mapping variables, use the Mapping dialog.

  1. On the Mapping dialog, click Variables. The Variables dialog displays:

  2. Click Add to add a variable. The New Variable dialog displays:

  3. Enter a name for the variable in the Variable Name field.

  4. Select a data type from the drop down list and click Choose. The data type for the variable must be previously defined.

  5. Click OK to return to the New Variable dialog.

  6. Click OK on the New Variable dialog.

Deleting a Mapping Variable

To delete a mapping variable, use the Mapping dialog:

  1. Select the mapping variable to delete and click Delete.

  2. Click OK.

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