Oracle Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle9i Application Server
Release 1.0.2 for Windows NT and UNIX

Part Number A86784-02





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Oracle Reports Services Configuration Parameters

This appendix contains a comprehensive list of Oracle Reports Services configuration parameters:

Parameter  Description 


CACHEDIR is the cache for Oracle Reports Services. CACHEDIR can be set to any directory or logical drive on the machine. If it is not specified, then the default is ORACLE_HOME\REPORT60\SERVER\CACHE. For example:



CACHESIZE is the size of the cache in megabytes. If you expect to store the output of many of your reports in Oracle Reports Services cache, then you might want to increase this setting. If you do not expect to store a lot of output in the cache and have limited system resources, then you might want to reduce it. Once the cache grows beyond the set size, Oracle Reports Services cleans up the cached files on a first in, first out basis. The default value is 50.

Note: You can set this parameter from the Queue Manager. Open the Queue Manager and log on as the administrator. Choose Queue->Properties, and then change the CACHESIZE (MB) setting. 


CLUSTERCONFIG is the configuration of slave servers to the master server. Clustering allows you to run reports on multiple Oracle Reports Services. The master server can identify available slave servers and start their engines as needed. You can set up many servers as slaves to the master server. Use the following syntax in the master server configuration file:

Clusterconfig="(server=<servername> minengine=<minimum number of master engines> maxengine=<maximum number of master engines> initengine=<initial number of master engines> cachedir=<directory of central cache>)"

Note: Each slave definition must be enclosed in parentheses.

See Chapter 6, "Configuring Oracle Reports Services Server Clusters" for detailed instructions. 


ENGLIFE is the maximum number of reports that an engine runs before shutting itself down. Oracle Reports Services then brings up fresh engines for new requests. The default value is 50. 


FAILNOTEFILE is path and file name of the notification message template that is sent to specified email addresses for jobs that fail to run. For example:



IDENTIFIER is an internal setting that contains the encrypted queue administrator user ID and password. You should not attempt to modify it. If IDENTIFIER is not specified or is deleted or the configuration file is not present, then anyone can supply any user ID and password from the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager to log on as the queue administrator. Once someone has logged on in this way, the user ID and password they specified becomes the queue administrator user ID and password until it is changed from the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager. 


INITENGINE is the initial number of runtime engines started by Oracle Reports Services. The server process spawns this many engines when it is started. It waits two minutes for these engines to connect to it and shuts itself down if they fail to do so. If the engines cannot connect in this amount of time, then there is usually some setup problem. The default value is 1. 


LOGOPTION is the type of log information you want inserted into the log file. The options are alljob, failedjob, and succeededjob. For example:



If DESTYPE=MAIL, then Oracle Report Services sends your mail to a specific destination. MAILPROFILE allows you to specify the mail profile and password to be used when mailing reports from Oracle Report Services. For example:


This parameter is only applicable for Windows NT. Windows NT has it's own Windows message system, and MS Exchange uses this system (specifically, MAPI). For MAPI to work, you need to provide a profile entry that corresponds to the entry created in MS Exchange so that MAPI knows the sender information.

If you are using Netscape 4.7 or later, you do not need to setup the MAILPROFILE parameter. You do need to create entries in the Netscape phone book for all receivers. 


MAXCONNECT is the maximum number of processes that can communicate with the server process at any one time. This setting is the sum of the number of engines and clients, and must be greater than two (at least one engine and one client). The default value is 20.  


MAXENGINE is the maximum number of runtime engines available to Oracle Reports Services to run reports. The server process attempts to keep no more than this many engines active. Ensure you have sufficient memory and resources available to accommodate this number of engines. The default value is 1.

Note: You can set this parameter from the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager. Open the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager and log on as the administrator. Choose Queue->Properties, and then change the Simultaneous running engines Max setting. 


MAXIDLE is the maximum amount of time an engine is allowed to be idle before being shut down. Oracle Reports Services does not shut down the engine if doing so would reduce the number of available engines to less than those defined in the MINENGINE. T default value is 30 minutes.

Note: You can set this parameter from the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager. Open the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager and log on as the administrator. Choose Queue->Properties, and then change the MAXIDLE time (minutes) before engine shutdown setting. 


MINENGINE is the minimum number of runtime engines Oracle Reports Services should have available to run reports. The server process attempts to keep at least this many engines active. Ensure that you have sufficient memory and resources available to accommodate this many engines. The default value is 0.

Note: You can set this parameter from the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager. Open the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager and log on as the administrator. Choose Queue->Properties, and then change the change the Simultaneous running engines Min setting. 


PERSISTFILE indicates the location of Oracle Reports Services DAT file, which contains the details of scheduled jobs. If PERSISTFILE is not specified, then the default is ORACLE_HOME\REPORT60\SERVER. For example:



REPOSITORYCONN is the database connection string that connects Oracle Reports Services to the database when the server starts up. The database takes a snapshot of Oracle Reports Services queue activity (that is, scheduled jobs) whenever jobs are run.

To create a queue activity table in your database, you must run rw_server.sql script. For example:



SECURITY is the security level (0, 1, 2, or 3) for accessing cached output files through the Oracle Reports Services Queue Manager. A 0 means that anyone can access a job's cached output. A 1 means that only a user whose user ID is identical to that of the user who ran the job can access the job's cached output. A 2 means that only the same process that sent the job can access the job's cached output. A 3 means that the cached output cannot be accessed.

The default value is 1. 


SECURITYTNSNAME is the TNS name of the Oracle Portal database that is used for authenticating users to Oracle Reports Services. Oracle Reports Services uses Oracle Portal to perform a security check and to ensure that users have access privileges to run the report to the restricted Oracle Reports Services servers and, if requested, output to a restricted printer.

When the SECURITYTNSNAME parameter is set, you must add information about Oracle Reports Services servers, printers, and reports in Oracle Portal to process report requests through Oracle Reports Services. For example:


See Chapter 5, "Oracle Reports Services Security with Oracle Portal" for more information. 


SOURCEDIR is a path to be searched before REPORTS60_PATH when searching for reports and other runtime files. This setting is useful when you have more than one Oracle Reports Services sharing the same ORACLE_HOME because each Oracle Reports Services can search different directories. For example:



SUCCNOTEFILE is the path and file name of the notification message template that is sent to specified email addresses for jobs that run successfully. For example:



TEMPDIR is a directory that will be used instead of REPORTS60_TMP when creating temporary files. TEMPDIR can be set to any directory or logical drive on the machine. For example


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