Oracle Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle9i Application Server
Release 1.0.2 for Windows NT and UNIX

Part Number A86784-02





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Environment Variables

This appendix contains detailed explanations of environment variables and configuration parameters that pertain to Oracle Reports Services. See the table below for a list of CGI and servlet environments variables.

Environment variables are the configuration parameters used to control or customize the behavior of Oracle Reports Services. For Windows NT, environment variables are set using the Registry Editor. For UNIX, variables can be set using a shell script.

Variable  Description 


Determines the expire time of the cookie in minutes. The default value is 30.

Cookies save encrypted user names and passwords on the client-side when users log on to a secured Oracle Reports Services server to run report requests. When users successfully log on, their browser is sent an encrypted cookie. When a cookie expires, subsequent requests (that is, ones that are sent to secured Oracle Reports Services servers), users must re-authenticate to run the report. 


Specifies the database authentication template used to log on to the database. The default value is dbauth.htm


Specifies the encryption key used to encrypt the user name and password for the cookie. The encryption key can be any character string. The default value is reports6.0


For the Oracle Reports Services server CGI, specifies HTML tags that are inserted as a <BODY...> tag in the RWCGI60 diagnostic/debugging output. For example, you might want to use this environment to set up text and background color or image.  


For the Oracle Reports Services server CGI, specifies HTML tags to insert between <HEAD> ...</HEAD> tags in the RWCGI60 diagnostic and debugging output. For example, you might want to use this environment to set up <TITLE> or <META...> tags. 


For the Oracle Reports Services server CGI, defines URL and URI of the RWCGI60 help file, which is navigated to when RWCGI60 is invoked with the empty request:


For example., setting it to goes to that URL; setting it to myhelpfile.htm displays the file:


If this parameter is not defined, then a default help screen is displayed. 


For the Oracle Reports Services server CGI, defines fully qualified file name and location of the RWCGI60 map file if map file configuration is used. For example:



For the Oracle Reports Services server CGI, when defined, disables all debugging and diagnostic output, such as help and showmap, from RWCGI60. For example, the following does not work when REPORTS60_CGINODIA is defined:



Specifies the default Oracle Reports Services server for CGI requests. When this environment variable is set, you can omit the SERVER command line argument in report requests to process them using the default server, or you can include the SERVER command line argument to override the default. 


If you are using SSL and you want to use a port number other than 443, then you can use this variable to set a different port number.The default value is 443. 


Specifies the authentication template used to authenticate the user name and password when users run report request to a restricted Oracle Reports Services server. 

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