Oracle Discoverer 4i Configuration Guide for Oracle9i Application Server
Release 4.1 for UNIX






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Oracle Discoverer and Oracle Applications

Oracle Discoverer 4i provides additional capabilities for working seamlessly with Oracle Applications.

A.1 Specifying display of the Applications User Checkbox in the Discoverer 4i Viewer Connect Dialog

You can set up the Discoverer Viewer Connect dialog to enable an Oracle Applications user to log on using an Applications `Responsibility' by displaying the Applications User checkbox and/or by specifying that Discoverer runs against Oracle Applications by default.

To set up the Connect dialog to display (or hide) the Applications User checkbox, access the configuration file located in: <iSUITES_HOME>apache/apache/htdocs/disco4iv/html/viewer_config.xml and set the "display_login_method_control" option to "true" or "false" as required.

To specify whether users run Discoverer Viewer by default against an Oracle Application (if the checkbox is displayed, it will be checked or unchecked as appropriate), change the following line in the disco4iv.xml file:

disco4iv.xml - Before change

<application xml_version="viewer41"/>

disco4iv.xml - After change

<application xml_version="viewer41" apps_logon="yourdefault"/>

where "yourdefault" is either "true" or "false".

For more information about editing the disco4iv.xml file, refer to Section 3.2.6, "Editing the disco4iv.xml file (Discoverer Viewer only)".

A.2 Specifying display of the Applications User Checkbox in the Discoverer 4i Plus Connect Dialog

You can set up the Discoverer 4i Plus Connect dialog to enable an Oracle Applications user to log on using an Oracle Applications `Responsibility' by displaying the Applications User checkbox and/or by specifying that Discoverer runs against Oracle Applications by default.

To set up the Connect dialog to display (or hide) the Applications User checkbox:

  1. Change the value of the following variables in the pref.txt file:

    Variable  Settings 


    Set to:

    • 0 to hide checkbox

    • 1 to show checkbox



    Set to:

    • 0 to specify that users do not run Discoverer Plus by default against an Oracle Application (if the checkbox is displayed, it is unchecked)

    • 1 to specify that users run Discoverer Plus by default against an Oracle Application (if the checkbox is displayed, it is checked)


    For more information about editing the pref.txt file, refer to Section 2.4, "Editing the End User Preferences".

  2. Run script: apply available under <ORACLE_806_HOME>/DISCWB4/util directory.

  3. Stop and restart the OracleDiscoverer4i service. For restarting the Oracle Discoverer 4i System, refer to the Section 2.7, "Restarting Discoverer 4i System".

A.3 Settings in pref.txt for Oracle Applications Users

There are four settings in the pref.txt file specifically for Oracle Applications end users.

For more information:

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