Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - XML
Release 3 (8.1.7)

Part Number A86030-01





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Business Solutions Using Oracle XML, 4 of 10

Scenario 1. Content and Document Management: Creating and Publishing Composite Documents Using Oracle XML

Problem. Company X has numerous document repositories of SGML and XML marked up text fragments. Composite documents must be published dynamically.

Solution. Company X can use XSL stylesheets to assemble the document sections or fragments and deliver the composite documents electronically to users. See Figure 2-2.

Main Tasks Involved. These are the main tasks involved in Scenario 1:

  1. Break up the documents into desired small usable sections or fragments.

  2. Store these sections or fragments in CLOBs and BLOBs in the database.

  3. Create XSL Stylesheets to render the sections or fragments into complete documents

Oracle XML Used:

Figure 2-2 Scenario 1. Using XML to Create and Publish Composite Documents

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