Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
Release 2.1.1

Part Number A86101-01





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Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide describes the features, architecture, and administration of Oracle Internet Directory. For information about installation, see the installation documentation for your operating system.


This book is intended for anyone who performs system administration tasks for the Oracle Internet Directory. You should be familiar with either the UNIX operating system or the Microsoft Windows NT operating system in order to understand the line-mode commands and examples. You can perform all of the tasks through the line-mode commands, and you can perform most of the tasks through Oracle Directory Manager, which is operating system-independent.


This book contains the chapters and appendixes listed in this section. Oracle Corporation encourages you to read the conceptual and other introductory material presented in Part I before attempting installation and maintenance.

Part I: Getting Started

Part I provides an overview of the product and its features, a conceptual foundation necessary to configure and manage a directory, instructions for starting a directory server, and an introduction to the various administration tools. Specific chapters and their descriptions are:

Chapter 1, "Introduction" 

Provides an introduction to directories, LDAP, and Oracle Internet Directory features. 

Chapter 2, "Concepts and Architecture" 

Gives an overview of online directories and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Provides conceptual descriptions of directory entries, attributes, object classes, naming contexts, schemas, distributed directories, security, and National Language Support. This chapter also discusses Oracle Internet Directory architecture. 

Chapter 3, "Preliminary Tasks" 

Discusses how to prepare your directory for configuration and use. It tells you how to start and stop OID Monitor and instances of Oracle directory server and Oracle directory replication server. It discusses the need to reset the default security configuration. Finally, it discusses how to upgrade from earlier releases of Oracle Internet Directory, and how to migrate data from other LDAP-compliant directories. 

Chapter 4, "Using the Administration Tools"  

Explains how to use the various administration tools: Oracle Directory Manager, command line tools, bulk tools, Catalog Management tool, OID Database Password Utility, replication tools, and Database Statistics Collection tool 

Part II: Managing Oracle Internet Directory

Part II guides you through the tasks required to configure and maintain Oracle Internet Directory. Specific chapters and their descriptions are:

Chapter 5, "Managing an Oracle Directory Server" 

Provides instructions for managing server configuration set entries; setting system operational attributes; managing naming contexts and password encryption; configuring searches; managing super, guest, and proxy users; setting debug logging levels; using audit log; viewing active server instance information; and changing the password to an Oracle database server. 

Chapter 6, "Managing the Directory Schema" 

Explains what a directory schema is, what an object class is, and what an attribute is. It tells you how to manage the Oracle Internet Directory schema by using Oracle Directory Manager and the command line tools. 

Chapter 7, "Managing Directory Entries" 

Explains how to search, view, add, modify and manage entries by using Oracle Directory Manager and the command line tools. 

Chapter 8, "Managing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)" 

Introduces and explains how to configure the features of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). 

Chapter 9, "Managing Directory Access Control" 

Provides an overview of access control policies and describes how to administer directory access. 

Chapter 10, "Managing Directory Replication" 

Explains replication; how to install and initialize Oracle directory replication server software the first time, and how to install new nodes into an environment where that software is already installed. 

Chapter 11, "Synchronizing with Multiple Directories" 

Explains how synchronization takes place between Oracle Internet Directory and other directories. It tells you how to enable other directories to synchronize with Oracle Internet Directory. 

Chapter 12, "Managing National Language Support (NLS)" 

Discusses National Language Support (NLS) as used by Oracle Internet Directory. 

Part III: Deploying Oracle Internet Directory

Part III discusses deployment considerations. Specific chapters and their descriptions are:

Chapter 13, "Deployment Considerations" 

Discusses issues to consider when deploying Oracle Internet Directory. This chapter helps you assess the requirements of a directory in an enterprise and make effective deployment choices. 

Chapter 14, "Capacity Planning" 

Gives guidelines for capacity planning for an Oracle Internet Directory installation. 

Chapter 15, "Tuning" 

Gives guidelines for tuning an Oracle Internet Directory installation. 

Chapter 16, "High Availability And Failover" 

Discusses the high availability and failover features and deployment guidelines for Oracle Internet Directory. 

Part IV: Appendixes

Appendix A, "Syntax for LDIF and Command Line Tools" 

Provides syntax, usage notes, and examples for LDAP Data Interchange Format and LDAP command line tools. 

Appendix B, "Adding a DSA Using the Database Copy Procedure" 

Describes an alternate method of adding a node to a replicated directory system if the directory is very large. 

Appendix C, "Using Oracle Wallet Manager" 

Describes and explains how to use Oracle Wallet Manager to create and manage wallets and certificates. 

Appendix D, "Using Access Control Directive Format" 

Describes the format (syntax) of Access Control Information Items(ACIs). 

Appendix E, "Schema Elements" 

Lists schema elements supported in Oracle Internet Directory. 

Appendix F, "Migrating Data from Other LDAP-Compliant Directories" 

Explains the steps to migrate data from LDAP v3-compatible directories into Oracle Internet Directory. 

Appendix G, "Troubleshooting" 

Lists possible failures and error codes and their probable causes 

Related Documentation

For related Oracle information, refer to the following:

For more information about concepts discussed in this book, see the books and online articles below. Most of these entries also contain references to other publications.

Chadwick, David. Understanding X.500 The Directory. Thomson Computer Press, 1996. This book is now out of print, but is available online at:

Hodges, Jeff, Staff Scientist, Oblix, Inc.,

Howes, Tim and Mark Smith. LDAP: Programming Directory-enabled Applications with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Macmillan Technical Publishing, 1997.

Howes, Tim, Mark Smith and Gordon Good, Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services. Macmillan Technical Publishing, 1999.

Kosiur, Dave, LDAP: "The next-generation directory?," SunWorld Online, October 1997.

Radicati, Sara, X.500 Directory Services, Technology and Deployment, International Thomson Computer Press, 1994.

University of Michigan LDAP Repository,


This manual uses the following conventions:


Vertical ellipsis points in an example mean that information not directly related to the example has been omitted. 

. . .  

Horizontal ellipsis points in statements or commands mean that parts of the statement or command have been omitted. 


Boldface text indicates a term defined in the glossary, text you must type in a command, or a subheading. 


Italics indicate:

  • In a code example, a variable for which you must supply a value

  • In regular text, special emphasis

  • Book titles



Courier is used for user input and code examples. 


This typeface is used for syntax explanations in code examples. 

< >  

In code examples, angle brackets may enclose user-supplied names. 

[ ]  

Brackets enclose a choice of optional items from which you can choose one or none. 

{ } 

Braces enclose a choice of required items from which you can choose one. 

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