Oracle eMail Server Administrator's Guide
Release 5.2





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Administering eMail Server

Oracle eMail Server provides tools to help you perform most administration tasks, including managing processes, directory entries, and databases. You can also use monitor tests and server process logs to monitor the system for potential problems.

Before administering eMail Server, make sure that you have installed eMail Server and the Administration Tool correctly. You must also configure Net8 so that you can connect to the appropriate databases and Guardian controllers.

WarningDo not run any eMail Server 5.2 administration tools against earlier versions. 

See Also::

Oracle eMail Server Installation Guide for more information about installing and configuring the administration tools.  

To administer the system, review the following procedures:

Logging on to the Administration Tool and OOMGR

When you log on to eMail Server, you connect to the node that you want to administer. You can log on to any node that has a database.

When you log on to any node using the Administration Tool, you will see your entire system topology, including other nodes to which you can also connect. However, it is recommended that you log onto the System Configuration Node to see the most recent changes to the system. Nodes other than the System Configuration Node must wait for configuration information to be replicated from the System Configuration Node so they may not have the most recent system changes.


If you plan to add or remove a domain using the Administration Tool, you should log onto the Domain Configuration Node under which you will create or remove the domain. If you are already logged onto the Administration Tool, you should shut down the Administration Tool and restart it. Then, log on directly to the Domain Configuration Node where you will be creating or removing the domain.  

See Also::

"Creating a Domain or Subdomain" and "Deleting a Domain" for more information. 

When you start either the Administration Tool or OOMGR, you will be prompted for the following information:


The username must have administrative privileges.

Generally, you will enter the ADMIN username you created during the eMail Server system installation.  


The password must correspond to the username.

Generally, you will enter the password you entered for the ADMIN account during the eMail Server system installation. 


connect_string for the node to which you want to connect. This should be the same as the service name that you entered for this node in your tnsnames.ora file. See Also::

Oracle eMail Server Installation Guide for more information about this file. 

Qualified domain 

Complete name of the domain to which you want to connect. If your system has only one domain, you do not need to enter a value. 

Using the Administration Tool Graphical User Interface

Use the Administration Tool to configure and maintain your eMail Server system. Because information in the Administration Tool is organized hierarchically, you can easily see the relationships between the nodes, domains, communities, gateways, and processes on your system. You can also use the Administration Tool to maintain user accounts, update directory entries, and monitor your system.


With the Administration Tool, you can perform about 95% of the administration and system management tasks that you can perform with OOMGR. 

See Also::

"Administration Tasks Not Available in the Administration Tool" for a list of tasks that must be performed using OOMGR. 

To begin using the Administration Tool GUI, see the following tasks:

Starting the Administration Tool GUI

You start the Administration Tool by connecting to any eMail Server node. From there, you can connect to the rest of the nodes and domains in your system without having to start a new instance of the Administration Tool, and without having to log out of any of the other nodes. You can connect to a maximum of eighty eMail Server system nodes at once.

See Also: :

"Logging on to the Administration Tool and OOMGR" for more information. 


You must have administrative privileges to use the Administration Tool.

See Also::

"Managing Administrative Privileges" for more information. 


The procedure for starting the Administration Tool depends on the platform on which the Administration Tool is installed.

On Windows NT or Windows 95
  1. Double-click the Administration Tool icon (imadm.exe).

    The tool starts, displaying a left pane and a right pane.

  2. In the left pane, click Messaging System.

  3. In the Messaging Admin Server Logon dialog box, enter a valid username, password, connect_string, and qualified domain name for your eMail Server system.

    See Also::

    "Logging on to the Administration Tool and OOMGR" for descriptions of these variables. 

  4. Click Logon.

    You can now expand the navigation tree in the left pane and begin using the Administration Tool to monitor and configure your eMail Server system.

On Solaris
  1. Define the ORACLE_HOME environment variable in the .login file (for the C shell) or the .profile file (for the Bourne or Korn shell):

    login (C shell) 

    setenv ORACLE_HOME <directoryName>

    profile (Bourne or Korn shells) 

    export ORACLE_HOME

  2. Add the following path to the PATH environment variable in the .login or
    .profile file:

  3. At the Solaris prompt, enter the following command:

    $ imadm

    The tool starts, displaying a right pane and a left pane.

  4. In the left pane, click Messaging System.

  5. In the Messaging Admin Server Logon dialog box, enter a valid username, password, connect_string, and qualified domain name for your eMail Server system.

    See Also::

    "Logging on to the Administration Tool and OOMGR" for descriptions of these variables. 

  6. Click Logon.

    You can now expand the navigation tree in the left pane and begin using the Administration Tool to monitor your eMail Server system.

  7. To access the on-line help in the Administration Tool graphical user interface, select Help from the menu.

Navigating in the Administration Tool GUI

The Administration Tool provides an easy way to view and manage your eMail Server system. The Administration Tool window is divided into four areas: the menu, toolbar, navigation tree, and right pane.


The menu is located across the top of the window. It provides quick access to basic tasks that you can perform with eMail Server. For example, you can choose Messaging System->Start All Processes... to start all the server processes that are registered in the system.

Some menu items only appear when you have a specific object selected in the navigation tree. For example, when you select a specific node, the Messaging System menu expands to include the Export command to export data from one node to another.


The toolbar is located below the menu. It provides graphical buttons that you can use to perform tasks that are specific to the object you have selected in the navigation tree. The action performed by a button changes when you select different objects in the navigation tree.

For Example:

When you select Domains in the navigation tree and click (Create), the Add a New Domain dialog box appears. However, if you change your selection in the navigation tree to Communities and click (Create), the Insert Community dialog box appears.

Sometimes buttons only appear when a particular object is selected in the navigation tree. For example, when you select a node in the navigation tree, three new buttons appear. These buttons perform tasks specific to a node, such as Export.

The toolbar also contains arrow buttons that you can use to move through the navigation tree from one object to the next, and it contains a Help button that you can click to see the Online Help.

Navigation Tree

Located on the left side of the window. It provides a hierarchical view of the objects in your system. You can move through the navigation tree the same way you would move through a directory tree in your operating system's file manager or explorer. Use the following guidelines to move through the hierarchy:

Tasks in this guide use the standard UNIX directory notation for identifying the object that you should select in the tree.


When you select an object, details about the object appear in the right pane of the window.

To perform a task related to an object, you can either choose a menu item, click a toolbar button, or right-click the object name and select a task from the pop-up menu. Some options are not available through the pop-up menu.

Right Pane

Located on the right side of the window. It displays the details about an object selected in the navigation tree. If there are many details, the right pane may be organized into tabs that you click to view the different types of details.

Using the Administration Tool Command-Line Interface

Use the Administration Tool command-line interface to manage your eMail Server system through a command line. Objects in the command line are organized the same way as the GUI so you can navigate through the hierarchy as if it were a directory file system. This command line provides the same functionality as the GUI.


With the Administration Tool, you can perform about 95% of the administration and system management tasks that you can perform with OOMGR. See Also:

"Administration Tasks Not Available in the Administration Tool" for a list of tasks that must be performed using OOMGR. 

To begin using the Administration Tool GUI, see the following tasks:

Starting the Administration Tool Command-Line Interface

You start the Administration Tool by connecting to any eMail Server node. From there, you can connect to the rest of the nodes and domains in your system without having to start a new instance of the Administration Tool, and without having to log out of any of the other nodes. You can connect to a maximum of eighty eMail Server system nodes at once.

See Also:

"Logging on to the Administration Tool and OOMGR" for more information. 


You must have administrative privileges to use the Administration Tool.

See Also:

"Managing Administrative Privileges" for more information. 


This procedure is the same on Windows NT, Windows 95, and Solaris platforms. The only difference is the filename.

  1. To start the Administration Tool command-line interface, open a shell tool (this could be DOS, Bourne, Korn, or any other shell available on your platform).

  2. At the prompt, enter one of the following commands:

    On Solaris  On Windows 95 or Windows NT 
    $ imadml 
    > imadml.exe 

  3. At the Admin prompt enter the following command:

    Admin>logon messaging password=<admin_password> connect=<connect_string> 

    This can be abbreviated:

    Admin>logon m p=<admin_password> c=<connect_string> d=<qualified_domain> 

    See Also:

    "Logging on to the Administration Tool and OOMGR" for descriptions of these variables. 

  4. To view a list of the available commands in the Administration Tool command-line interface, enter the following command:


    See Also:

    Chapter 21 for a complete command reference. 

Guidelines for Using the Administration Tool Command-Line Interface

The Administration Tool command line provides several commands that you can use to perform any of the tasks that are available in the Administration Tool GUI. You can use these commands alone or in a script. See Chapter 21 for a complete command reference.

Use the following guidelines when entering any command:

Example Tasks Using the Administration Tool Command-Line Interface

Performing a complete task with the Administration Tool command line involves more than one command. The Administration Tool command line is designed to mirror the structure of the Administration Tool GUI. You can "change directories" through the objects in the navigation tree as if you were navigating through your operating system's file system.

The following examples show how you can move through the navigation tree in the Administration Tool command line to complete common tasks. Each step includes a description of how you would perform the step in the Administration Tool GUI.

See Also:

Chapter 1 for a complete command reference. 

Create a New Location Entry in the Directory

  1. Start the command-line tool and log on to the Domain Configuration Node where you want to create the Location entry.

    See Also:

    "Starting the Administration Tool Command-Line Interface" for instructions. 

  2. Change to the Directory Entries object directory.

    This is equivalent to selecting the Directory Entries object in the navigation tree in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> cd "Directory Entries"
  3. Run the new command.

    This is equivalent to clicking the (Create) button in the toolbar in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> new
  4. Change to the New Entry object directory.

    This is equivalent to opening the New Entry dialog box in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> cd "New Entry"
  5. Set the type of entry to Location.

    This is equivalent to selecting Location from the Type list box in the New Entry dialog box in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> set type=location
  6. Change to the General object directory.

    This is equivalent to selecting the General tab in the New Entry dialog box in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> cd General (cd ../1/0)
  7. Set the values for the Location attributes.

    This is equivalent to filling in the text boxes in the New Entry dialog box in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> set name=<location_name> admin=<admin_username> desc="<description>" 


    If you do not know the administrator name or parent location, you can change to the directory for that object and perform a search. See Also:

    "Search for a Directory Attribute" for examples. 

  8. Commit your changes.

    This is equivalent to clicking the OK button in the New Entry dialog box in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> commit

Search for a Directory Attribute

If you are creating or modifying a directory entry, you must specify certain attributes about the entry. If you do not know the attribute, you can search for it.

The following example searches for any parent of the current entry and selects the first returned entry.

Admin> cd parent
Admin> find v=%
Admin> select 0
Admin> cd ..

Set the Time Zone for a Node

  1. Start the command-line tool and log on to the node where you want to change the time zone.

    See Also:

    "Starting the Administration Tool Command-Line Interface" for instructions. 

  2. Change to the nodes/<nodename>/localinfo object directory.

    This is equivalent to selecting Messaging System/Nodes/NODE NAME in the navigation tree, and then selecting the Local Info tab in the right pane in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> cd nodes/<nodename>/localinfo
  3. Set the time zone to a new value.

    This is equivalent to selecting a new time zone from the list box in the Local Info tab in the right pane in the Administration Tool GUI.

    Admin> set timezone="(GMT -08:00)"


    If you do not know the available time zone values, you can use the desc command to see a list of values. 

  4. Commit your changes.


Administration Tasks Not Available in the Administration Tool

In this release, the Administration Tool contains about 95% of the functionality available in OOMGR. The following tasks must be performed through OOMGR:


You can use OOMGR to configure and maintain your eMail Server system and to create scripts to automate frequently performed tasks that do not require your attention. With OOMGR, you can perform the same administration tasks available through the Administration Tool.

Starting OOMGR


You must have administrative privileges to use the OOMGR.

See Also:

"Managing Administrative Privileges" for more information. 


This procedure is the same on Windows NT, Windows 95, and Solaris platforms.

  1. Open a shell tool and enter the following command:

    $ OOMGR
  2. Enter your username, password, connect_string, and qualified domain name at the appropriate prompts. Or, to avoid the prompts, enter the following command:

    $ OOMGR <username>/<password>/<connect_string>/<qualified_domain>

    See Also:

    "Logging on to the Administration Tool and OOMGR" for descriptions of these variables. 

  3. To access on-line help from the OOMGR command line, enter one of the following commands:

    To perform this task:  Enter this command:  Example: 

    List available commands 


    List information about a specific command 

    IOFCMGR>help import

    List the attributes associated with a class used with a command 

    <command> <class>
    IOFCMGR>help insert 

OOMGR Command Guidelines

You enter OOMGR commands from a prompt, much as you enter any command-line commands. You can also create scripts, or batches of OOMGR commands, letting you automate repetitive or after hours tasks.

See Also::

"Creating an OOMGR Script File" or "Running a Script File". The correct syntax for each OOMGR command is listed in Chapter 22

Using Terminating Characters

Each OOMGR command, whether entered alone or in a script, must end with a semicolon(;), except for the following commands:














Cancelling Commands

If you want to be able to cancel OOMGR commands, you must disable the autocommit command. With this disabled, changes you make to data in your database using OOMGR are not saved until you enter the commit command. If you determine that changes you have entered are incorrect, you can enter the rollback command to discard all changes you've made since your last commit.

The commands listed in "Using Terminating Characters" are not saved in the buffer and cannot be rolled back because these commands do not affect the data stored in your database.

Using Quotation Marks In a Command

Some items must be enclosed in quotation marks when entered as part of an OOMGR command. These items are:

Valid Wildcards

You can use the following wildcards (a symbol that represents any character or character string) in an OOMGR command:


You want to locate all organization names containing the word "sales." Enter the following:

IOFCMGR>fetch organization name = %sales%;

Valid Abbreviations

You can abbreviate OOMGR commands when you enter them. You must enter enough of a command to uniquely identify it. For example, to abbreviate the bounce command, you must enter BOU rather than BO because several OOMGR commands begin with BO.

Case Sensitivity

OOMGR commands are not case sensitive, but certain types of data entered using OOMGR are stored in a case-sensitive manner. Generally, data is stored the way you enter it except for:

Multi-line Command Statements

You can enter long commands on multiple lines. OOMGR displays a line number each time you press the Enter key. The command will run when you enter a semicolon (;) and press Enter.

Specifying Multi-value Parameters

Some processes require that you enter multi-value parameters. When entering these parameters:


Basic OOMGR Commands

The following OOMGR tasks will get you started. Commands to complete specific tasks are listed throughout this guide, and a complete command reference is also included

See Also::

Chapter 22

Table 1-1 Basic OOMGR Tasks  
To do this:  Enter: 




Display the most recent command entered 



Edit the last command entered 

IOFCMGR>change /<old_information>/<new_


Run the command in the buffer 



Run a script from the OOMGR prompt 

IOFCMGR>execute <script_file_name>


Creating an OOMGR Script File

Use script files to execute several OOMGR commands at once. You can create a script file with almost any text editor. Simply enter the commands using the correct syntax and valid wildcards. There is no limit to the number of commands in a script file. Then, name and save the file.


To return automatically to the operating system prompt when the script has finished running, enter exit as the final command of the file. To remain in OOMGR, do not use exit as the final command. 

Adding Script Comments (optional)

You can embed comments in the script files you create to explain the purpose of the script and the specific commands it contains.

To add a comment to a script file, type rem before a comment.

Displaying Screen Messages (optional)

You can create messages that appear on the screen when specific commands are running during the execution of a script.

To add a screen message to a script file, type echo followed by the message you want displayed on the screen.

Running a Script File

To run a script file, enter the following:

IOFCMGR>execute <filename>;

Managing Text-Based Configuration Files

Although most configuration information for eMail Server is stored in the database, there are some configuration tasks that require you to manually edit text files that are stored in directories located on the host machines. To edit these files, you can use any text-based editor.

The following configuration files are located in

Managing Administrative Privileges

When you installed eMail Server, you were prompted to enter a password for the ADMIN account. The ADMIN account is the system administrator's account (or superuser account) from which you manage objects on a given node. In addition, the ADMIN user can grant administrative privileges to other users, so that they can administer the eMail Server system. The ADMIN account cannot be deleted and always retains "superuser" privileges.

Each time you access the Administration Tool or OOMGR, the tools with which you manage eMail Server, you will be prompted for your username and password. If you are logging into the system using the ADMIN account, you will enter ADMIN as the username, and you will enter the password you established during installation.

If you are not logging into the system as the ADMIN user, you will simply enter your username and password. Only users with administrative privileges can access the administration tools.

You set the administrative password when you create a node. This password is assigned to the user called ADMIN. ADMIN is a system user that cannot be deleted. Even if you revoke the Admin privilege from all users, the ADMIN user retains this privilege.

For security reasons, you should periodically change the ADMIN password.


This task can only be performed through the OOMGR command-line.

  1. Start OOMGR.

  2. Enter the following command at the OOMGR prompt:

    IOFCMGR>setpwd admin;

    OOMGR prompts you for the new password.

  3. Enter the new password, then enter the new password again when prompted.

    Enter new password: 
    Re-enter password: 

    If the two passwords match, OOMGR displays the message:

    Password set. 

Contacting Oracle Support Services

If you require additional help, you can contact Oracle Support Services. Before calling:

Verify your software, database, and environment configurations match those contained in the Oracle eMail Server Installation Guide.

Be prepared with your CSI number (if applicable) or full contact details, including any special project information, complete release numbers of eMail Server and associated products, operating system name and version number.

Make note of error code numbers and include a full description of the issue, including:

  • What did or did not happen?
    For example, the command used and result obtained.

  • When did it happen?
    For example, during peak system load, or after a certain command.

  • Where did it happen?
    For example, on a particular system or within a certain procedure or table.

  • What is the extent of the problem?
    For example, production system unavailable, or moderate impact but increasing with time, or minimal impact and stable.

Keep copies of trace files, core dumps, and redo log files recorded at or near the time of the incident. Oracle Support Services (OSS) may need these to further investigate your problem.

Oracle Support Services can be reached at the following numbers. The hours are detailed in your support contract.

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