Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 2.2

Part Number A85245-01





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Spatial Index Analyzer Messages

This chapter contains probable causes and recommended actions for messages with the following prefixes:

Messages  See Page 

SDOA-2000 to SDOA-2499 Messages

SDOX-6000 to SDOX-6499 Messages 



SDOA-2000 to SDOA-2499 Messages

SDOA-2001: This layer is already being displayed.

Cause: You attempted to add a layer that is already displayed.

Action: Select a different layer.

SDOA-2002: No databases have been discovered by the Oracle Management Server. Log to the database directly, or discover the database(s) using the Enterprise Manager Console first.

Cause: No databases were discovered by the Oracle Management Server.

Action: Log to the database directly, or discover database(s) using the Enterprise Manager Console first.

SDOA-2003: Unable to process geometries. The geometries must have at least two dimensions.

Cause: The geometries could not be processed because they were not given enough dimensions.

Action: Give the geometries at least two dimensions.

SDOA-2004: This alias is already being used by another object.

Cause: You chose an alias that is already in use.

Action: Choose another alias.

SDOA-2005: This alias is not valid. It is the same as the description of an index.

Cause: You selected an alias that is the same as one that the Analyzer will use as an index.

Action: Select a different alias.

SDOA-2006: The selected rectangle must have a height and width.

Cause: You selected a rectangular area for a zoom or query operation, but the rectangle has no height or width.

Action: Respecify the rectangle.

SDOA-2007: The selected circle must have a diameter.

Cause: You selected a circular area for a query operation, but the area is empty.

Action: Respecify the circle.

SDOA-2008: The selected polygon must have an area.

Cause: You selected a polygon for a query operation, but the area is empty.

Action: Respecify the polygon.

SDOA-2009: The edges of the selected polygon cannot intersect with each other.

Cause: You selected a polygon for a query operation, but some of the polygon's edges intersect.

Action: Respecify the polygon.

SDOA-2010: There is no geometry matching the specified criteria.

Cause: There is no row in the table with the specified value for the specified column.

Action: Select a different value or a different column.

SDOX-6000 to SDOX-6499 Messages

SDOX-6000: An internal error occurred.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6001: Internal error: expected a layer to be selected.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6002: Internal error: cannot find color for selected image.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6003: Internal error: tried to set spinner to unknown color.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6004: Internal error: tried to set spinner to unknown color image.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6005: Internal error: Could not find tessellation row.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6006: Internal error: Layer not in legend table.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6007: Internal error: Should not be able to query without layers.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6008: Internal error: Unknown query type

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6009: Internal error: Expected a relationship as part of the SDO_RELATE query.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6010: Internal error: Expected a SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE_QUERY.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6011: Internal error: Expected to query against a geometry.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6012: Internal error: inconsistent target size.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6013: Internal error: color not found in legend table source.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6014: Internal error: The object to copy does not have a name.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6015: Internal error: The object to get from the server does not have a name.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6016: Internal error: The table name does not include a schema name.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6017: Internal error: The layer name does not include a schema, table, or column.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6018: Internal error: The 8i layer object does not support commit.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6019: Internal error: The 8i layer object does not support remove.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6020: Internal error: Could not get graphics object for canvas.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6021: Internal error: Canvas object was not initialized.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6022: Internal error: Tried to initialize the Canvas object multiple times.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6023: Internal error: Image object was not initialized.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6024: Internal error: Tried to initialize the Image object multiple times.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6025: Internal error: An invalid index type was specified.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6026: Internal error: insufficient initialization of middle tier object.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6027: Internal error: tried to access the index of a layer which has no index.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6028: Internal error: tried to access the hybrid index of a layer which has no hybrid index.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6029: Internal error: An invalid tile type was specified.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6030: Internal error: index object was not initialized.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6031: Internal error: An invalid area type was specified.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6032: Internal error: Insufficient number of dimensions supplied.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6033: Internal error: Cannot add object. It is already in the list.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6034: Internal error: Cannot operate on a specified layer. It is not in the list.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6035: Internal error: Unknown tile type specified.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6036: Internal error: Cannot set the alias for an index.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6037: Internal error: Attempt to read color before initializing it.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6038: Internal error: Unknown layer state.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6039: Internal error: tried to operate on the current layer, but there is no current layer.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6040: Internal error: tried to redraw tiles, but they are not currently being displayed.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6041: Internal error: tried to operate on an object that is not being displayed.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6042: Internal error: Draw all can only be specified on a layer.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6043: Internal error: tried to perform an invalid operation on the event.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6044: Internal error: An invalid dimension was specified.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6045: Internal error: Tried to perform an invalid operation on the drawing information.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6046: Internal error: Already listening to a stop listener. Cannot listen to multiple stop listeners.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6047: Internal error: Cannot stop this listener. It doesn't match the one currently listening.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6048: Internal error: Tried to access uninitialized data.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6049: Internal error: Expected a geometry query.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6050: Internal error: Did not expect a geometry query.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6051: Internal error: Did not find this image in the drawing table.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

SDOX-6052: Internal error: Cannot stop, as not stop listeners are registered.

Cause: This is an internal development error that should not occur under normal circumstances.

Action: Please call Oracle Worldwide Customer Support to report the error.

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