Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 2.2

Part Number A85247-01





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Starting and Stopping the Intelligent Agent

Oracle Intelligent Agents are processes running on remote nodes in the network. Oracle Enterprise Manager works with Intelligent Agents across the network, to discover the services running on the nodes where the Intelligent Agent resides, monitor events, run jobs, and collect runtime data for real-time performance monitoring and historical analysis. Any platform running an Intelligent Agent can be incorportated into the Oracle Enterprise Manager framework, as long as TCP/IP communication between the Oracle Enterprise Manager middle tier and the Intelligent Agents is possible.

Refer to the Oracle Intelligent Agent User's Guide for detailed information about troubleshooting any Intelligent Agent problems.

Intelligent Agents local to the Management Server will be discovered automatically when the Management Server is started as long as the Intelligent Agent local to the Management Server has been started. In order to discover distributed services, the Intelligent Agents on the nodes where those services reside must be started.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Please check the Intelligent Agent compatibility matrix in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Readme before installing or using Enterprise Manager. emreadme.txt or emreadme.html is located in the ORACLE_OEM_HOME\RelNotes\EM directory. For example, C:\Oracle\Ora81\RelNotes\EM.

Starting and Stopping the Oracle Intelligent Agent on Windows NT or Windows 2000

This section contains information on controlling the Intelligent Agent through the Windows NT or Windows 2000 Control Panel and the command prompt.


Oracle Enterprise Manager and the Intelligent Agent use Net8 to communicate with the databases. Verify that Net8 can connect to every SID in question before attempting to use the Intelligent Agent. 

Starting the Intelligent Agent on Windows NT or Windows 2000

To start the Intelligent Agent on Windows NT or Windows 2000, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu->Settings->Control Panel, double-click the Services icon.

  2. Select the Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>Agent service.

  3. Click the Start push-button to start the Intelligent Agent.

The Intelligent Agent Startup Type is set to Automatic, which allows the Intelligent Agent to start automatically whenever you start the system. If you want the Intelligent Agent to be started by a user, set the Startup Type for Manual.

  1. From the Start menu->Settings->Control Panel, double-click the Services icon.

  2. Select the Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>Agent service.

  3. Click the Startup push-button. A Service Startup dialog box appears.

  4. Choose Manual under the Startup Type.

  5. Click OK on the Service Startup dialog box.

Stopping the Intelligent Agent on Windows NT or Windows 2000

To stop the Intelligent Agent on Windows NT or Windows 2000, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Start menu->Settings->Control Panel, double-click the Services icon.

  2. Select the Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>Agent service.

  3. Click the Stop push-button to stop the Intelligent Agent.

Verify Intelligent Agent is Running on Windows NT or Windows 2000

To verify that the Intelligent Agent is running, look for its status in the control panel services or type net start at a command prompt. Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>Agent should appear in the list of services.

You may also view the NT Task Manager for the dbsnmp.exe process information.

Starting, Stopping, and Verifying the Status from the Command Prompt

To start or stop the Intelligent Agent from the command prompt, enter the appropriate command. From the command prompt, you can also verify that the service is running.

If you want to...  Enter the following command 

Start the Intelligent Agent from the prompt 

net start Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>Agent 

Stop the Intelligent Agent from the prompt 

net stop Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>Agent 

Verify status of the Intelligent Agent from the prompt 

net start 


Do not use the lsnrctl command to start the Intelligent Agent for Windows NT or Windows 2000. It is not supported. Use the net command for Windows NT or Windows 2000 instead. 

Starting and Stopping the Oracle Intelligent Agent on UNIX

On UNIX, Oracle Enterprise Manager uses the lsnrctl to start and stop the Intelligent Agent. The relevant lsnrctl commands to control the UNIX Intelligent Agent are listed in the table below.

If you want to...  Enter the command... 

Start the Intelligent Agent on UNIX platforms 

lsnrctl dbsnmp_start 

Stop the Intelligent Agent on the UNIX platform 

lsnrctl dbsnmp_stop 

Verify status of the Intelligent Agent 

lsnrctl dbsnmp_status 

You can also type ps -ef | grep dbsnmp at the command prompt to verify the status of the Intelligent Agent.


You must be the owner of the Intelligent Agent software to succesfully stop and start the Intelligent Agent or you may run into permission problems when writing the internal Intelligent Agent information. 

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