Oracle Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide
Release 1.1







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Intended Audience
Skills Required to Administer Oracle iFS
Structure of this Guide
Related Documents

1 Getting Started with Oracle iFS

What is Oracle iFS?
Benefits of Using Oracle iFS
Files: A Definition
Oracle iFS Service
The Oracle HTTP Server
Oracle iFS Components
Oracle iFS Uses Three Types of Objects
Setting Up Oracle iFS is a Four-Step Process
Task 1: Plan Your System and Set Up the Folder Hierarchy
Task 2: Add Users and Groups
Task 3: Load Files into Oracle iFS
Task 4: Set Up Security
The Five Administration Tools
Use Oracle iFS Manager As An Extension of OEM
Use the Web Interface for Basic Tasks
Use XML Configuration Files to Create Repository Objects
Use the Command Line Utilities for Regular Maintenance
Use Server Manager to Manage and Monitor the Running Servers and Agents

2 Starting Oracle iFS

Starting Oracle iFS
Starting Server Manager
Using ifstart on UNIX
Using ifsstart on Windows NT
Using the ifssvrmgr Command
Stopping Oracle iFS
Shutting Down All Agents and Servers in Oracle iFS
Shutting Down All Agents and Servers Managed by a Specific Server Manager
Shutting Down Specific Agents or Servers Managed by a Specific Server Manager
Starting the JWS
Configuring the System for Optimal Performance
Property Descriptions
Secondary Properties
Using Analyze
Logging In as the Administrator for the First Time
Starting and Logging in to Oracle iFS Manager

3 Using Oracle iFS Manager

Oracle iFS Manager: An Overview
You Must Have Administrative Permissions
Parts of the Oracle iFS Manager Window
Menu Bar
Connection Information
Context Menus
Detail View
Status Bar
Using Create and Create Like to Create New Objects
Working with Property Sheets
Modifying Objects Using Property Sheets
Getting Help

4 Task 1: Set Up the Folder Hierarchy

What Is a Folder Hierarchy?
What Is a Folder in Oracle iFS?
What Is Installed?
Guidelines for Structuring the Folder Hierarchy
Planning Your Folder Hierarchy and Access Requirements
Default Folder ACLs
Setting Up the Folder Hierarchy: The Steps to Follow
1. Define the Structure
2. Name and Describe the Folders
3. Define Folder Security
4. Create the Hierarchy
5. Set the Mount Points
Creating and Deleting Folders Using Oracle iFS Manager
Deleting a Folder Using Oracle iFS Manager
Creating Folders Using the Command Line Utilities
Creating Multiple Folders Using XML
Creating and Modifying Mount Points
Creating Mount Points
Modifying Mount Points
Deleting Mount Points
Setting Up Folders for Users

5 Task 2: Add Users and Groups

Understanding Users in Oracle iFS
User Profiles
Credential Manager Users
HTTP Authentication
Creating Users
Set the Default User Definitions Using Oracle iFS Manager
Create the Oracle iFS Users Using Oracle iFS Manager
Using an XML Configuration File to Create Users
XML Example
Additional User Definitions
Viewing Users
Changing a User's Password
Changing a User's Home Folder
Changing a User's Default ACL for Documents
Changing a User's E-mail Address
Changing a User's Quota Control
Deleting Users
Creating Groups Using Oracle iFS Manager
Viewing Groups
Adding Users and Groups to the Target Group
Removing Groups and Users from the Target Group
Renaming Groups
Deleting Groups
Creating Groups with XML

6 Task 3: Load Files into Oracle iFS

The Four Ways to Load Files into Oracle iFS
Drag and Drop in the Windows and Web Interfaces
Use FTP to Load Files
Browse and Upload Using the Web Interface
Use the Command Line Utilities
Drag and Drop Files into Oracle iFS
FTP Your Files into Oracle iFS
Upload Files Using the Web
Upload Files Using the Command Line Utilities
Versioned Vs. Non-Versioned Files
Deleting Older File Versions
Migrating Your Data

7 Task 4: Set Up Security

Overview of Security in Oracle iFS
The System ACLs
Working with ACEs
Working with Permission Bundles
Users and Groups as Grantees
Primary User Profiles and Default ACLs
Creating a Custom ACL
Modifying ACLs
Deleting ACLs
Using the Web Interface to Apply ACLs to a Folder or File
Using the Windows Interface to Apply an ACL
Using XML to Create an ACL

8 Using Server Manager to Start and Stop Servers

Server Manager: An Overview
Managing Server Manager with Oracle iFS Manager
Parts of the Oracle iFS Monitor Window
Starting Oracle iFS Monitor
Starting An Agent with Oracle iFS Monitor
Stopping An Agent with Oracle iFS Monitor
Stopping a Server Manager Instance with Oracle iFS Monitor
Using the Command Line to Manage Server Manager
Monitoring Server Manager Servers and Agents
Server Manager Commands--The Complete List
Oracle iFS Agents
Expiration Agent
Garbage Collection Agent
Content Garbage Collection Agent
Dangling Object AV Cleanup Agent
Event Exchanger Agent
External Server Agent
Service Watchdog Agent
Quota Agent
Outbox Agent
Definition Files for Protocol Servers
Windows Client Protocol (WCP) Server
Windows NT File System Protocol Server (for Windows NT)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Server
Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP) Server
Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol Server
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Server
Command Line Utilities Protocol (CUP) Server

9 Configuration and Back Up

Configuration and Port Issues
Protocols and their Ports
Configuring E-mail
E-mail Setup for UNIX
Sendmail Configuration for UNIX
Integrating Oracle iFS Mail and Sendmail Pro 8.9.3
Installing Sendmail Pro 8.9.3
Oracle iFS Installation Dependencies
Configuring Sendmail
Quick Setup Steps
Sendmail Pro 8.9.3 Graphical Administration Tool
Using E-mail with Oracle iFS
Using the Windows NT File System Protocol Server
Accessing Oracle iFS through the Windows NT File System Protocol Server
Starting the Windows NT File System Protocol Server
Backup and Recovery of Data
Saving the Software Installation
Saving the Data
Configuring Oracle Apache Web Server
Configuring Apache As Your Web Server on Windows NT

10 Using Oracle iFS Manager for Development Tasks

Class Objects: An Overview
The Complete Class Hierarchy
Creating Class Objects
Add Extended Attributes
Modifying Class Objects
Deleting Class Objects
Class Domains: An Overview
Why Use a Class Domain?
Creating Class Domains
Modifying Class Domains
Deleting Class Domains
Value Domains: An Overview
Why Use a Value Domain?
Creating Value Domains
Modifying Value Domains
Deleting Value Domains
Value Defaults: An Overview
Why Use a Value Default?
Creating Value Defaults
Modifying Value Defaults
Deleting Value Defaults
Agents and Overrides: An Overview
What Is an Agent?
What is an Override?
Using Java Server Pages to Display Documents in Oracle iFS
JSP Execution
Registering JSPs
Modifying JSPs
Deleting JSPs
Parsers: An Overview
Registering Parsers
Registering a Parser by Extension
Registering an XML Parser
Modifying Parsers
Deleting Parsers
Renderers: An Overview
Registering Renderers
Modifying Renderers
Deleting Renderers
Formats/Mimetypes: An Overview
Creating Formats/Mimetypes
Modifying a Format/Mimetype
Deleting a Format/Mimetype

11 Oracle iFS Repository Views

Using the Oracle iFS Repository Views for System Maintenance
Oracle iFS Has Eight Different Oracle iFS Repository Views
Example: Selecting Attributes of a Document

12 What Your Users Need to Know

What Your Users Need to Know About Working with the Windows Interface
Installing the Oracle Oracle iFS Utilities
Right-Click an Oracle iFS Folder or File to Access Oracle iFS Functions
Connecting to Mount Points
What Your Users Need to Know About Working with the Web Interface
Supply Your Users with the URL for the Web Interface
To Connect to a Mount Point Using the Web Interface:

13 Oracle iFS Log Files and Troubleshooting Information

Troubleshooting General Problems
Oracle iFS Configuration Assistant Errors
Stopping Multiple Server Instances of the Same Name
Using the Oracle iFS Log Files
Using the Configuration Log Files
Common Errors Found in the IfsConfigOut.log and IfsConfigSql.log Files
Using the Protocol Server Log Files
The SMB Log File
The FTP and CUP Log Files
The JWS Log Files
Using the Server Manager Log Files
How To Control Logging Verbosity and Other General Characteristics
The WCP Server Log File
General Notes About the WCP Server Log
The Windows Interface Log Files
Resolution for Upgrading to the Oracle Database
Problem Description
Solution Description
National Language Support (NLS) Troubleshooting
Possible Problem: FTP Client
Possible Solution
Possible Problem: Filenames Truncated or Corrupted
Possible Solution
Possible Problem: Unable to Drag and Drop Files Through the Web Interface
Possible Solution
Possible Problem: Unable to Insert Files Through FTP
Possible Solution
Possible Problem: Unable to Perform Context Searches on Multilingual Content
Possible Solution
Common Administrative Errors

A Command Line Utilities Reference

Command Line Utilities: An Overview
Setting Environment Variables to Run the Command Line Utilities
Running the Command Line Utilities
Starting the Command Line Utilities
Navigation Commands
File Manipulation Commands
Miscellaneous Commands
National Language Support Commands

B Secondary Properties

Oracle iFS Properties Files: An Overview
Database Properties
Directory Service Properties
Read Only Connection Pool Properties
Service Data Cache Properties
Service Properties
Session Properties
Tracing Properties
Writeable Connection Pool Properties
National Language Support Properties


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