Oracle WebDB Tutorial Guide
Release 2.2




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Controlling Access to Oracle Reports

Estimated completion time: 15 minutes

This chapter provides an overview of how to use Oracle WebDB to control access to Oracle Reports reports (and their associated Reports Servers and printers). Oracle Reports uses WebDB to provide security, so that end users can run only those reports on which they have the appropriate access privileges. WebDB determines:

For example, a salary report may be made accessible to the Human Resources Director and all department managers. The report is available for processing on the last Friday of every month. The Human Resources Director can view salary details for all employees and can output the results to the destination type of his or her choice, while department managers can view salary details for only their direct reports and can output the results only to a specific printer.

To control end user access to a particular report, the Oracle Reports administrator must register the following in WebDB:

Once the appropriate files and devices have been registered in WebDB, the report can be made accessible to end users, for example by adding it to a WebDB site.

This chapter provides you with a basic overview of the steps involved in using WebDB to control access to Oracle Reports reports (and their associated Reports Servers and printers). For specific information about how to perform each step of the process, see the WebDB online help. For example scenarios, see the Publishing Reports manual.

This chapter includes the following sections:




"The Access Control Process" 


"What's Next?" 


8.1 Prerequisites

8.2 The Access Control Process

There are several steps involved in setting up WebDB to control access to an Oracle Reports report (and its associated Reports Servers and printers). The steps are:

The following sections describe each of the above steps. For more detailed information about how to perform these steps, see the WebDB online help. For example scenarios, see the Publishing Reports manual.

8.2.1 Step 1: Install WebDB

Oracle Reports security is controlled using WebDB, therefore to control access to Oracle Reports reports, Reports Servers, and printers you must install WebDB. For information about installing WebDB, see the "Oracle WebDB Installation Guide."

8.2.2 Step 2: Assign Oracle Reports roles to users

WebDB includes several roles that provide various levels of Oracle Reports administrative control:

For example, RW_ADMINISTRATOR has privileges to perform all WebDB functions related to Oracle Reports access control and can view detailed error messages, while RW_BASIC_USER has privileges to make report requests and view basic error messages. For further information about the Oracle Reports roles, see the WebDB online help.

To learn how to assign roles to users, see Section 1.3, "Adding a User to a Role" (note that to complete this exercise, you must be a DBA).

8.2.3 Step 3: Configure Reports Servers for security

In order for a Reports Server to communicate with WebDB to determine whether an end user has privileges to run a particular report, you must tell the Reports Server where WebDB is installed.

For information about how to configure an Oracle Reports Server for security, see the Publishing Reports manual.

8.2.4 Step 4: Set the authentication cookie domain

When an end user successfully logs on to WebDB, a cookie containing authentication information is saved to his or her browser. When that end user attempts to run an Oracle Reports report URL, the information in the cookie is used to provide the authentication information of the user to the Reports Server.

For the cookie to send the authentication information to the Reports Server where the report is sent, the cookie must know the domain in which to locate the Reports Server. This is done by setting the authentication cookie domain.

For example, if a Reports Server has a domain name of and you set the authentication cookie domain to:

For information about how to set the authentication cookie domain, see the WebDB online help.

8.2.5 Step 5: Create an availability calendar

An availability calendar determines when an Oracle Reports report, Reports Server, or printer is available for use. Each report, Reports Server, and printer can have an availability calendar associated with it. If an availability calendar is not specified, the report, Reports Server, or printer is available all the time.

There are two types of availability calendars:

For some examples of availability calendars and information about how to create them, see the WebDB online help.

8.2.6 Step 6: Add access to printers

Adding access to a printer defines:

For information about how to register a printer, see the WebDB online help.

8.2.7 Step 7: Add access to Reports Servers

Adding access to a Reports Server defines:

For information about how to register a Reports Server, see the WebDB online help.

8.2.8 Step 8: Add access to the report definition file

Adding access to a report definition file defines:

For information about how to register a report, see the WebDB online help.

8.3 What's Next?

In this chapter you learned how to set up WebDB to control access to Oracle Reports reports (and their associated Reports Servers and printers).

This concludes the Oracle Reports access part of the tutorial. Now you're ready to control access to your own Oracle Reports reports, Reports Servers, and printers. For more information about any subject you've learned in this chapter and others, see the WebDB online help.

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