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Table of Contents Image Oracle9i Streams
Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96571-01
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Part I Streams Concepts

1 Introduction to Streams

Streams Overview
What Can Streams Do?
Why Use Streams?
Capture Process
Event Staging and Propagation
Directed Networks
Explicit Enqueue and Dequeue of Events
Apply Process
Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution
Table Rules
Schema Rules
Global Rules
Heterogeneous Information Sharing
Oracle to Non-Oracle Data Sharing with Streams
Non-Oracle to Oracle Data Sharing with Streams
Example Streams Configurations
Administration Tools for a Streams Environment
Oracle-Supplied PL/SQL Packages
Streams Data Dictionary Views
Streams Tool in Oracle Enterprise Manager

2 Streams Capture Process

The Redo Log and the Capture Process
Logical Change Records (LCRs)
Row LCRs
Capture Rules
Datatypes Captured
Types of Changes Captured
Types of DML Changes Captured
Types of DDL Changes Ignored by a Capture Process
Other Types of Changes Ignored by a Capture Process
Supplemental Logging
Streams Capture Process and Oracle Real Application Clusters
Capture Process Architecture
Capture Process Components
LogMiner Configuration
Capture Process Creation
ARCHIVELOG Mode and a Capture Process
Capture Process Parameters
The Start SCN for a Capture Process
Capture Process Rule Evaluation
The Persistent State of a Capture Process

3 Streams Staging and Propagation

Event Staging and Propagation Overview
Captured and User-Enqueued Events
Event Propagation Between Queues
Propagation Rules
Propagation Scheduling
Ensured Event Delivery
Directed Networks
SYS.AnyData Queues and User Messages
SYS.AnyData Wrapper for User Messages
Programmatic Environments for Enqueue and Dequeue of User Messages
Message Propagation
User-Defined Type Messages
Streams Queues and Oracle Real Application Clusters
Streams Staging and Propagation Architecture
Queue Buffers
Secure Queues
Transactional and Nontransactional Queues
Streams Data Dictionary for Propagation Jobs

4 Streams Apply Process

Apply Process Overview
Apply Rules
Event Processing with an Apply Process
Captured and User-Enqueued Events
Event Processing Options
Datatypes Applied
Considerations for Applying DML Changes to Tables
Key Columns
Substitute Key Columns
Row Subsetting
Apply Process Behavior for Column Discrepancies
Conflict Resolution
Handlers and Row LCR Processing
Considerations for Applying DDL Changes
Types of DDL Changes Ignored by an Apply Process
Database Structures
Current Schema User Must Exist at Destination Database
System-Generated Names
Trigger Firing Property
The Oldest SCN for an Apply Process
Streams Apply Process and Oracle Real Application Clusters
Apply Process Architecture
Apply Process Components
Apply Process Creation
Streams Data Dictionary for an Apply Process
Apply Process Parameters
The Persistent State of an Apply Process
The Error Queue

5 Rules

The Components of a Rule
Rule Condition
Rule Evaluation Context
Rule Action Context
Rule Set Evaluation
Database Objects and Privileges Related to Rules
Privileges for Creating Database Objects Related to Rules
Privileges for Altering Database Objects Related to Rules
Privileges for Dropping Database Objects Related to Rules
Privileges for Placing Rules in a Rule Set
Privileges for Evaluating a Rule Set
Privileges for Using an Evaluation Context

6 How Rules Are Used In Streams

Overview of How Rules Are Used In Streams
System-Created Rules
Table and Subset Rules
Schema Rules
Global Rules
Streams Evaluation Context
User-Created Rules and Evaluation Contexts
Complex Rule Conditions
Rule Set Association with a Streams Process or Job
Custom Evaluation Contexts
Rule-Based Transformations
Rule-Based Transformations and a Capture Process
Rule-Based Transformations and a Propagation Job
Rule-Based Transformations and an Apply Process
Multiple Rule-Based Transformations

7 Streams Conflict Resolution

About DML Conflicts
Conflict Types
Conflicts and Transaction Ordering
Conflict Detection
Conflict Avoidance
Use a Primary Database Ownership Model
Avoid Specific Types of Conflicts
Conflict Resolution
Prebuilt Update Conflict Handlers
Custom Conflict Handlers

8 Streams Tags

Introduction to Tags
Tags and Rules Created by the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM Package
Tags and an Apply Process
Avoid Change Cycling with Tags
Each Databases Is a Source and Destination Database for Shared Data
Primary Database Sharing Data with Several Secondary Databases
Primary Database Sharing Data with Several Extended Secondary Databases

9 Streams Heterogeneous Information Sharing

Oracle to Non-Oracle Data Sharing with Streams
Change Capture and Staging in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Change Apply in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Transformations in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Messaging Gateway
Error Handling in an Oracle to Non-Oracle Environment
Example Oracle to Non-Oracle Streams Environment
Non-Oracle to Oracle Data Sharing with Streams
Change Capture and Staging in a Non-Oracle to Oracle Environment
Change Apply in a Non-Oracle to Oracle Environment
Instantiation from a Non-Oracle Database to an Oracle Database
Non-Oracle to Non-Oracle Data Sharing with Streams

Part II Streams Administration

10 Configuring a Streams Environment

Configuring a Streams Administrator
Setting Initialization Parameters Relevant to Streams
Setting Export and Import Parameters Relevant to Streams
Export Utility Parameters Relevant to Streams
Import Utility Parameters Relevant to Streams
Configuring a Database to Run a Streams Capture Process
Configuring the Database to Run in ARCHIVELOG Mode
Specifying an Alternate Tablespace for LogMiner
Configuring Network Connectivity and Database Links
Configuring a Capture-Based Streams Environment
Creating a New Streams Single Source Environment
Adding Shared Objects to an Existing Single Source Environment
Adding a New Destination Database to an Existing Single Source Environment
Creating a New Multiple Source Environment
Adding Shared Objects to an Existing Multiple Source Environment
Adding a New Database to an Existing Multiple Source Environment

11 Managing a Capture Process

Creating a Capture Process
Example of Creating a Capture Process Using DBMS_STREAMS_ADM
Example of Creating a Capture Process Using DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM
Starting a Capture Process
Specifying the Rule Set for a Capture Process
Adding Rules to the Rule Set for a Capture Process
Removing a Rule from the Rule Set for a Capture Process
Removing the Rule Set for a Capture Process
Setting a Capture Process Parameter
Specifying Supplemental Logging at a Source Database
Specifying Table Supplemental Logging Using Unconditional Log Groups
Specifying Table Supplemental Logging Using Conditional Log Groups
Specifying Database Supplemental Logging of Key Columns
Switching the Log File
Setting the Start SCN for a Capture Process
Preparing Database Objects for Instantiation at a Source Database
Aborting Preparation for Instantiation at a Source Database
Stopping a Capture Process
Dropping a Capture Process

12 Managing Staging and Propagation

Managing Streams Queues
Creating a Streams Queue
Enabling a User to Perform Operations on a Secure Queue
Disabling a User from Performing Operations on a Secure Queue
Managing Streams Propagation Jobs
Creating a Propagation Job
Enabling a Propagation Job
Scheduling a Propagation Job
Altering the Schedule of a Propagation Job
Unscheduling a Propagation Job
Specifying the Rule Set for a Propagation Job
Adding Rules to the Rule Set for a Propagation Job
Removing a Rule from the Rule Set for a Propagation Job
Removing the Rule Set for a Propagation Job
Disabling a Propagation Job
Dropping a Propagation Job
Managing a Streams Messaging Environment
Wrapping User Messages in a SYS.AnyData Wrapper
Propagating Messages Between a SYS.AnyData Queue and a Typed Queue

13 Managing an Apply Process

Creating, Starting, Stopping, and Dropping an Apply Process
Creating an Apply Process
Starting an Apply Process
Stopping an Apply Process
Dropping an Apply Process
Managing the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Specifying the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Adding Rules to the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Removing a Rule from the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Removing the Rule Set for an Apply Process
Setting an Apply Process Parameter
Setting the Apply User for an Apply Process
Managing the Message Handler for an Apply Process
Setting the Message Handler for an Apply Process
Removing the Message Handler for an Apply Process
Managing a DML Handler
Creating a DML Handler
Setting a DML Handler
Removing a DML Handler
Managing the DDL Handler for an Apply Process
Creating a DDL Handler for an Apply Process
Setting the DDL Handler for an Apply Process
Removing the DDL Handler for an Apply Process
Managing an Error Handler
Creating an Error Handler
Setting an Error Handler
Removing an Error Handler
Managing the Substitute Key Columns for a Table
Setting Substitute Key Columns for a Table
Removing the Substitute Key Columns for a Table
Managing Streams Conflict Resolution
Setting an Update Conflict Handler
Modifying an Existing Update Conflict Handler
Removing an Existing Update Conflict Handler
Managing Apply Errors
Retrying Apply Error Transactions
Deleting Apply Error Transactions
Setting Instantiation SCNs at a Destination Database
Setting Instantiation SCNs Using Export/Import
Setting Instantiation SCNs Using a DBMS_APPLY_ADM Package Procedure
Performing Database Point-in-Time Recovery in a Streams Environment
Resetting the Start SCN for the Existing Capture Process to Perform Recovery
Creating a New Capture Process to Perform Recovery

14 Managing Rules and Rule-Based Transformations

Managing Rule Sets and Rules
Creating a Rule Set
Creating a Rule
Adding a Rule to a Rule Set
Altering a Rule
Modifying System-Created Rules
Removing a Rule from a Rule Set
Dropping a Rule
Dropping a Rule Set
Managing Privileges on Evaluation Contexts, Rule Sets, and Rules
Granting System Privileges on Evaluation Contexts, Rule Sets, and Rules
Granting Object Privileges on an Evaluation Context, Rule Set, or Rule
Revoking System Privileges on Evaluation Contexts, Rule Sets, and Rules
Revoking Object Privileges on an Evaluation Context, Rule Set, or Rule
Managing Rule-Based Transformations
Creating a Rule-Based Transformation
Altering a Rule-Based Transformation
Removing a Rule-Based Transformation

15 Managing LCRs and Streams Tags

Managing Logical Change Records (LCRs)
Constructing and Enqueuing LCRs
Constructing and Processing LCRs Containing LOB Columns
Managing Streams Tags
Managing Streams Tags for the Current Session
Managing Streams Tags for an Apply Process

16 Monitoring a Streams Environment

Summary of Streams Static Data Dictionary Views
Summary of Streams Dynamic Performance Views
Monitoring a Streams Capture Process
Displaying the Queue, Rule Set, and Status of Each Capture Process
Displaying General Information About a Capture Process
Listing the Parameter Settings for a Capture Process
Determining Redo Log Scanning Latency for a Capture Process
Determining Event Enqueuing Latency for a Capture Process
Determining Which Database Objects Are Prepared for Instantiation
Displaying Supplemental Log Groups at a Source Database
Monitoring a Streams Queue
Displaying the Streams Queues in a Database
Determining the Consumer of Each User-Enqueued Event in a Queue
Viewing the Contents of User-Enqueued Events in a Queue
Monitoring a Streams Propagation Job
Determining the Source Queue and Destination Queue for a Propagation Job
Determining the Rule Set for a Propagation Job
Displaying the Schedule for a Propagation Job
Determining the Total Number of Events and Bytes Propagated
Monitoring a Streams Apply Process
Displaying General Information About Each Apply Process
Listing the Parameter Settings for an Apply Process
Displaying Information About Apply Handlers
Displaying the Substitute Key Columns Specified at a Destination Database
Displaying Information About Update Conflict Handlers for a Destination Database
Determining the Tables for Which an Instantiation SCN Has Been Set
Displaying Information About the Reader Server for an Apply Process
Determining Capture to Dequeue Latency for an Event
Displaying Information About the Coordinator Process
Determining the Capture to Apply Latency for an Event
Displaying Information About the Apply Servers for an Apply Process
Displaying Effective Apply Parallelism for an Apply Process
Checking for Apply Errors
Displaying Detailed Information About Apply Errors
Monitoring Rules and Rule-Based Transformations
Displaying the Streams Rules Used by a Streams Process or Job
Displaying the Condition for a Streams Rule
Displaying the Evaluation Context for Each Rule Set
Displaying Information About the Tables Used by an Evaluation Context
Displaying Information About the Variables Used in an Evaluation Context
Displaying All of the Rules in a Rule Set
Displaying the Condition for Each Rule in a Rule Set
Displaying the Rule-Based Transformations in a Rule Set
Monitoring Streams Tags
Displaying the Tag Value for the Current Session
Displaying the Tag Value for an Apply Process

17 Troubleshooting a Streams Environment

Troubleshooting Capture Problems
Is the Capture Process Enabled?
Is the Capture Process Current?
Troubleshooting Propagation Problems
Does the Propagation Use the Correct Source and Destination Queue?
Is the Propagation Job Enabled?
Are There Enough Job Queue Processes?
Is Security Configured Properly for the Streams Queue?
Troubleshooting Apply Problems
Is the Apply Process Enabled?
Is the Apply Process Current?
Does the Apply Process Apply Captured Events or User-Enqueued Events?
Is a Custom Apply Handler Specified?
Is the Apply Process Waiting for a Dependent Transaction?
Are There Any Apply Errors in the Error Queue?
Troubleshooting Problems with Rules and Rule-Based Transformations
Are Rules Configured Properly for the Streams Process or Job?
Are the Rule-Based Transformations Configured Properly?
Checking the Trace Files and Alert Log for Problems
Does a Capture Process Trace File Contain Messages About Capture Problems?
Do the Trace Files Related to Propagation Jobs Contain Messages About Problems?
Does an Apply Process Trace File Contain Messages About Apply Problems?

Part III Example Environments and Applications

18 Example Streams Messaging Environment

Overview of Messaging Example
Setting Up Users and Creating a Streams Queue
Create the Enqueue Procedures
Configure an Apply Process
Configure Explicit Dequeue
Enqueue Events
Dequeue Events Explicitly and Query for Applied Events
Enqueue and Dequeue Events Using JMS

19 Example Streams Replication Environments

Single Source Database in a Heterogeneous Environment
Setting Up Users and Creating Queues and Database Links
Example Scripts for Sharing Data from One Database
Adding Objects to an Existing Streams Replication Environment
Adding a Database to an Existing Streams Replication Environment
Multiple Source Databases in an Oracle-Only Environment
Setting Up Users and Creating Queues and Database Links
Example Script for Sharing Data from Multiple Databases

20 Example Rule-Based Application

Overview of the Rule-Based Application
Using Rules on Non-Table Data Stored in Explicit Variables
Using Rules on Data Stored in a Table
Using Rules on Both Explicit Variables and Table Data
Using Rules on Implicit Variables and Table Data

Part IV Appendices

Definition of the XML Schema for LCRs


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