Oracle Ultra Search APIs

Class AttributeLOV


public class AttributeLOV
extends java.lang.Object

A list of values (LOV) for an attribute.

The values in this list are valid values for attribute queries. For example, for a StringAttribute named Dept, a reasonable LOV may be: Accounting, Research, Sales, Operations. Values are useful in assisting users in formulating a query. But the presence of a value in this list does not necessarily mean any document actually have this values for its attribute.

In addition, this class keeps an optional display name for each value. This is useful in case the attribute has encoded values, such as department number, or country code that are not suitable for direct output.


Method Summary
 Attribute getAttribute()
          Get the attribute associated with this LOV.
 java.lang.String getDisplayName(java.lang.Object val)
          Get the display name for a value.
 java.util.Collection getDisplayNames(java.lang.Object val)
          Get all the display names for a value.
 java.util.Collection getValues()
          Get the values in this LOV.
 int size()
          Get the number of values in this LOV.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Attribute getAttribute()
Get the attribute associated with this LOV.
an Attribute object


public int size()
Get the number of values in this LOV.
number of values >= 0.


public java.util.Collection getValues()
Get the values in this LOV.
a collection of String, BigDecimal, or Date, depending on the attribute type.


public java.lang.String getDisplayName(java.lang.Object val)
Get the display name for a value. If the value has multiple display names, the display name returned is unspecified. This method is useful when it is certain the value only has 1 display name (such is the case with default LOV); or when it does not matter which display name is used in the application.
display name, can be null if none exists in this list.


public java.util.Collection getDisplayNames(java.lang.Object val)
Get all the display names for a value. When an attribute LOV is an union/intersection of the multiple LOVs belonging to different groups, each value may appear in several data groups. As a result, the value may have multiple display names.
a collection of display names (String).

Oracle Ultra Search APIs