Oracle Ultra Search APIs

Class Document


public class Document
extends java.lang.Object

A document returned from a search.

A document is a set of attributes, and their corresponding attribute values. The type (Java Class) of the value matches the type specified by the attribute. A document can have attributes of the same name, so long as they are of different type. In other words, attribute equality is based on both name and type.

In addition, a document also has some properties that are not part of its attributes, such as URL and score.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(Attribute att)
          Returns a value associated with an attribute.
 java.util.Collection getAttributeValues(Attribute att)
          Returns all the values associated with an attribute.
 java.util.Collection getAvailableAttributes()
          Returns a collection of all the attributes available in this document.
 int getContentLength()
          Returns document content length.
 java.util.Collection getGroups()
          Returns the groups this document belongs to.
 int getId()
          Get the document id.
 java.util.Locale getLanguage()
          Returns the document's language.
 java.util.Date getLastModified()
          Returns date of the last modification on this document.
 int getScore()
          Returns the value of the hit score.
 long getSignature()
          Get the signature of the document.
 java.lang.String getUrl()
          Returns the display URL of the document.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public int getId()
Get the document id.
document id


public int getScore()
Returns the value of the hit score. Higher value indicating higher relevancy to the query.
score value.


public java.lang.String getUrl()
Returns the display URL of the document.
string representing the URL.


public long getSignature()
Get the signature of the document.

A document's signature is calculated from its content's checksum. Two documents with the same signature are likely the same content, with high probability, therefore the signature can be used for duplicate document detection.

a long number


public int getContentLength()
Returns document content length.
content length.


public java.util.Date getLastModified()
Returns date of the last modification on this document.

For documents from Web data source, this date is as reported in the HTTP header.

a Date object.


public java.util.Locale getLanguage()
Returns the document's language.

The Locale object returned only has the language field set.

a Locale object


public java.util.Collection getAvailableAttributes()
Returns a collection of all the attributes available in this document.
a collection of Attribute objects


public java.util.Collection getAttributeValues(Attribute att)
Returns all the values associated with an attribute.

The returned array contains either java.lang.String, java.math.BigDecimal, or java.util.Date objects, depending on the type specified in the attribute argument.

The return value can be null if the document does not have the specified attribute, or the attribute was not fetched as one of the return attributes of the query which matched this document.

att - Attribute for which the value is requested.
a collection of attribute values, can be null.


public java.lang.Object getAttribute(Attribute att)
Returns a value associated with an attribute.

If there are more than one, the value selected is arbitrary, but usually the first element of the array returned by getAttributeValues(). This method is useful if the attribute is usually associated with only one value. The return value can be of type java.lang.String, java.math.BigDecimal, or java.util.Date; depending on the type specified in the attribute argument. The return value can be null if the document does not have the specified attribute, or the attribute was not included as one of the return attributes of the query which matched this document.

att - Attribute for which the value is requested.
one of the associated attribute values, can be null.


public java.util.Collection getGroups()
Returns the groups this document belongs to.
a collection of groups, null if document has no group assignment

Oracle Ultra Search APIs