Oracle Ultra Search APIs

Uses of Class

Packages that use Instance
oracle.ultrasearch.query This package contains all classes that are part of the new Oracle Ultra Search Query API and the Email API for the Oracle 9iAS release. 

Uses of Instance in oracle.ultrasearch.query
Subclasses of Instance in oracle.ultrasearch.query
 class QueryInstance
          QueryInstance provides JDBC connection management on top of Instance.
Methods in oracle.ultrasearch.query that return Instance
 Instance InstanceMetaData.getInstance()
          get the Instance object that created this instance meta data.
Methods in oracle.ultrasearch.query with parameters of type Instance
 void EmailUtil.setInstance(Instance inst)
          Sets the Instance object used by the class to create database connections to the Ultra Search instance.
 void DisplayUtil.setInstance(Instance inst)
          Sets the Instance object used by the class to create database connections to the Ultra Search instance.
Oracle Ultra Search APIs