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Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration
Release 2 (9.2)

Part Number A96600-01
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Troubleshooting Oracle Enterprise Manager in Real Application Clusters

Appendix B describes service discovery issues for Oracle Enterprise Manager in Real Application Clusters environments. Specific topics covered in this appendix are:

Resolving Service Discovery Failures

Discovery of nodes and objects by Oracle Enterprise Manager is robust and rarely fails once a correct configuration is established. Failures typically occur because:

If starting the Oracle Intelligent Agent and the GSD does not resolve the problem, then the discovery failure could be due to a more serious configuration issue.

Understanding Discovery

During discovery, a services.ora file on the managed nodes is created in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/agent directory on UNIX operating systems and %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin directory on Windows NT or Windows 2000 operating systems. This file contains information about the nodes and their services (databases, instances, and listeners) discovered.

If you used the Database Configuration Assistant to create your database, then the appropriate discovery information will be configured for you automatically. However, if you manually configure your database, then you must manually create the entries for this configuration information as described in the following sections.


Oracle8i and Oracle9i databases can co-exist on the same node. Refer to Oracle8i documentation for information on Oracle8i Discovery.

The services.ora file is created from the Real Application Clusters configuration information in the shared raw device (or shared cluster file system file maintained by the SRVCTL Utility) and the following sources on the managed nodes:

You must accurately configure each of these components so that discovery succeeds.


The following Discovery descriptions apply only to Release 1 (9.0.1) and later. If you are running an earlier version, please refer to the corresponding editions of the Oracle Parallel Server documentation.

The UNIX oratab File and the Windows NT and Windows 2000 Registry

Discovery first determines the Real Application Clusters database name and the nodes associated with the database. How the discovery process accomplishes this is operating-system dependent.

UNIX and oratab

On UNIX operating systems, discovery uses information in the oratab entry for the name of the cluster database. The location of the file for the oratab entry is platform specific and is found in either the /etc/oratab or /var/opt/oracle/oratab directories. This file contains entries of the form:


Where db_name is the database name and $ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle home given to your database. From this entry, the database name is acquired.

Next, discovery executes the following command to retrieve the instances-to-node mappings of the Real Application Clusters database:

srvctl config database -d db_name

Where db_name was retrieved from oratab.

Windows NT and Windows 2000

Obtain the value of INSTANCE_SID from the following Registry key:


SRVM Configuration Repository

Discovery requires that the configuration for each instance be recorded in the SRVM repository. To determine whether the configuration for an instance is recorded, enter the following command:

srvctl config database -p db_name

If the output from this command reveals that entries are missing from the repository, then manually add the configuration for the affected instances and databases as described in "Task 3: Create the Real Application Clusters Configuration with SRVCTL".

The listener.ora File

Discovery locates the listener and instance names for a node from the listener.ora file located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin on UNIX operating systems and %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin on Windows NT or Windows 2000 operating systems on the discovered nodes.

Discovery requires the following entries:

The listener.ora file created after installation typically contains the configuration for discovery.

See Also:

Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Administration for more information on the listener.ora file

How SRVCTL Operations Associate Listeners with Instances

When SRVCTL operations attempt to start instances and their associated listeners, the listener that SRVCTL will start is determined from the static configuration information set for the SID_NAME parameter in the SID_LIST_LISTENER entry in the listener.ora file. For example, the SID_NAME is set for the instance a the listener.ora file as follows:

    (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME = /ora/home)
      (SID_NAME = instance1)

For this example, when SRVCTL starts instance1 SRVCTL will also attempt to start the listener named LISTENER.

The tnsnames.ora File

The discovery process determines the service names and connect descriptors information for the database and its instances using the entries in the tnsnames.ora file. This file is located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin on UNIX operating systems and %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin on Windows NT or Windows 2000 on the discovered nodes, is read by the discovery process to determine names and address information for the database and instances on a node.

Discovery requires the following entries:

The sqlnet.ora File

The sqlnet.ora file is automatically configured with:

The following is a sample SQLNET.ORA file created during a preconfigured database configuration install:
names.directory_path=(tnsnames, onames,hostname)

See Also:

The Oracle9i Net Services Administrator's Guide for further information about the sqlnet.ora file

Discovery Results

Discovery results in the creation of:

Troubleshooting Discovery


The Oracle Intelligent Agent must be running and the Global Services Daemon (GSD) must be started before Discovery will succeed. Also note that the Agent must be running in an Oracle Home in which you installed Oracle Real Application Clusters.

If the services.ora file contains an ORACLE_DATABASE entry instead of the ops_database and ops_instance entries, then discovery has failed. To resolve this:

  1. Check that the database is configured correctly:

    On UNIX:

    • Verify that oratab file is configured correctly.

    On Windows NT or Windows 2000:

    • Check the registry entries associated with the database.
  2. Run the following command to verify the configuration:
    SRVCTL config database -d db_name

    SRVCTL displays the name of the node and the instance for the node. The following example shows a node named db1-server running an instance named db1 with a listener named LISTENER_NODE1. If you execute the following command:

    srvctl config database -d db

    The output should appear similar to:

    db1-server db1 /oracle
    db2-server db2 /oracle
  3. Inspect the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora file entries to ensure that the required entries are present.

    See Also:

    Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Administration for information on troubleshooting with Oracle Enterprise Manager Thread Trace Files, and how to contact Oracle Support Services

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