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Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE User's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.3)

Part Number A97681-01
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OC4J security employs a user manager to authenticate and authorize users and groups that attempt to access a J2EE application. User managers differ in performance and are employed based on the security you require. Confidentiality is automatically provided by the Oracle HTTP Server.

This chapter describes the following topics:

For more detail on OC4J security, see the security chapters in the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Services Guide. For a broader description of Oracle9iAS security in middle-tier environments that connect to the Internet, see the Oracle9i Application Server Security Guide.

Overview of Security Functions

OC4J security is based on a two-step process. First, a user or group attempting to access a J2EE application is authenticated, and then it is authorized. Authentication and authorization, along with OC4J confidentiality, are introduced below:

Provider Types

Authentication and authorization are implemented in a user manager class of the interface. User manager classes manage users, groups, and passwords with methods such as createUser(), getUser(), and getGroup().

OC4J security supplies two types of security providers--JAZN and XML--which are implemented in their own user manager classes--JAZNUserManager or XMLUserManager. JAZN is the default security provider, because JAZN is more secure than the XML provider.


You can also customize your own user manager. See "Creating Your Own User Manager".

Table 8-1 lists the user managers available in OC4J security.

Table 8-1 User Managers and Their User Repositories Available to OC4J
User Manager Class User Repository

Two types:

  • using the XML-based provider type--

  • using the LDAP-based provider type--Oracle Internet Directory


The principals.xml file

Custom user manager

Customized user repository

See "Specifying Your User Manager" for details for directions on how to define the user manager type for all applications (globally) or for a specific application using Enterprise Manager.

The following sections describe the JAZN and XML user managers:

Using the JAZNUserManager Class

The JAZNUserManager class is the default user manager and offers the best security. The primary purpose of the JAZNUserManager class is to leverage the JAAS provider as the security infrastructure for OC4J. For a complete description of the JAAS provider, see the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Services Guide.

By integrating the JAAS provider with OC4J, the following benefits can be achieved:

Use the JAZNUserManager class if you want OC4J security that has secure, centralized storage, retrieval, and administration of JAAS provider data. This data consists of realm (user and roles) and JAAS policy (permissions) information. Figure 8-1 illustrates the architecture of OC4J security under the JAZNUserManager class.

There are two types of JAZN supplied with OC4J security: XML-based or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)-based.

Figure 8-1 demonstrates how JAZN is broken up into two different provider types.

Figure 8-1 OC4J Security Architecture Under the JAZNUserManager Class

Text description of securit5.gif follows

Text description of the illustration securit5.gif

Using the XMLUserManager Class

The XMLUserManager class is a simple user manager that manages users, groups, and roles in a file-based system. It does allow user passwords to be passed in the clear, and is not secure. All of its configuration information is stored in the principals.xml file, which is the user repository for the XMLUserManager class.


The XMLUserManager class is supported for backward compatibility. Oracle recommends that you use one of the JAZN provider types.

Specifying Your User Manager

The user manager, employing the user name and password, verifies the user's identity based on information in the user repository. The user manager defines what type of authentication you will be using. It contains your definitions for users, groups, or roles. The default user manager is the JAZNUserManager.

You can define a user manager for all applications or for specific applications.

Figure 8-2 shows the Enterprise Manager Security page that enables you to choose the type of user manager you prefer. This page is the same both for global and application-specific security definition.

Figure 8-2 User Manager Page

Text description of usermgr.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration usermgr.gif

To modify the global user manager, do the following:

  1. On the OC4J Home Page, scroll down to the Default Application section and choose the default application.

  2. On the default application page, scroll down to the Administration section. Choose General under the Properties column.

  3. Scroll down to the User Manager section and click on the user manager button that you wish to use. Enter appropriate information for this user manager. For example, the JAZNUserManager requires that you enter the realm and location of the jazn-data.xml file.

    • For the global security definition, the location of this file is relative to /j2ee/home/config. This is because the global application resides in this directory.

    • For an application-specific security definition, the location of this file is relative to where the application is deployed. Typically, the application is deployed to j2ee/home/application-deployments/<appname>.

  4. Click Apply.

Modifying the user manager for a specific application is similar as follows:

  1. On the OC4J Home Page, scroll down to the Applications section and choose the application.

  2. On the application page, scroll down to the Administration section. Choose General under the Properties column.

  3. Scroll down to the User Manager section and click on the user manager button that you wish to use. Enter appropriate information for this user manager.

  4. Click Apply.

Once you apply the changes, go back up to the application page and choose Security. If you chose JAZNUserManager or XMLUserManager, a page is shown where you can add users, groups, or roles that are appropriate for the user manager.

If you chose one of the JAZN provider types, then the type is designated in the jazn.xml file that is located in j2ee/home/config. The jazn.xml file is used to configure the provider type, but you can also add other JAZN configuration information in this file. See Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Services Guide for information on this file.

The following is a sample jazn.xml file with both provider types. The JAZN-LDAP provider is commented out.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone='yes'?> 
<!DOCTYPE jazn PUBLIC "JAZN Config" 

<jazn provider="XML" location="./jazn-data.xml" />

<jazn provider="LDAP" location="ldap://" />

Specifying Users, Groups, and Roles

Each provider type enables you to define users, groups, and roles in the following ways:

You manage users, groups, and roles for the JAZN-XML and XML user managers with the same Enterprise Manager pages. The following sections discusses how to modify both JAZN-XML and XML provider type users, groups, and roles using Enterprise Manager.

Shared Groups, Users, and Roles

Shared users and groups are listed in the user repository, which are defined in the Security section on the OC4J Home Page. The type of user manager as the default for all applications is defined in the General section of the default application page.

To add groups, users, and roles for all applications, do the following:

  1. On the OC4J Home Page, scroll down to the Administration section.

  2. On the default application page, scroll down to the Administration section. Choose Security under the Application Defaults column.

  3. Add or remove groups, users, and roles by clicking the following buttons:

    • Click Add Group to add a new group.

    • Select the radio button of a group in the group section and click Remove to remove a specified group.

    • Click Add User to add a new user.

    • Select the radio button of a user in the user section and click Remove to remove a specified user.

Application-Specific Groups, Users, and Roles

Application-specific users and groups are listed in the application-specific user repository, which are defined in the Security section on the application page. The type of user manager used for this application is defined in the General section of this application.

Modifying groups, users, and roles for a specific application is similar as follows:

  1. On the OC4J Home Page, scroll down to the Applications section and choose the application.

  2. On the application page, scroll down to the Administration section. Choose Security under the Security column.

  3. Add or remove groups, users, and roles by clicking the following buttons:

    • Click Add Group to add a new group.

    • Select the radio button of a group in the group section and click Remove to remove a specified group.

    • Click Add User to add a new user.

    • Select the radio button of a user in the user section and click Remove to remove a specified user.

Figure 8-3 shows an example of how to specify groups, users, and roles for the JAZNUserManager.

Figure 8-3 Security Page

Text description of prin_xml.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration prin_xml.gif

Specifying Users and Groups in jazn-data.xml

If you are familiar with the OC4J XML configuration, the JAZN-XML users, roles, and groups are defined in the jazn-data.xml file. When you add users, roles, and groups using the Enterprise Manager pages, these are stored in the jazn-data.xml file. The passwords are obfuscated.

The following jazn-data.xml is an example of a JAZN-XML group named allusers and a user named guest.


Unlike the XML from the XMLUserManager user repository, the password is encrypted under the JAZNUserManager.

  <description>The default user</description>

These elements define a role of allusers with a member of user/guest and its credentials on the Security page.


If you do modify jazn-data.xml by hand, you can enter the password prefixed by an exclamation point (!). The next time JAZN touches this file, the password will be obfuscated. However, you should not edit jazn-data.xml by hand in a clustered environment.

Specifying Users and Groups in XMLUserManager

The XMLUserManager users, roles, and groups are defined in the principals.xml file. The following XML from the principals.xml file (the user repository for the XMLUserManager class) shows how to define a group named allusers and a user named guest with password welcome. The guest user is made a member of the allusers group. The passwords provided in a principals.xml file are not encoded; thus, they constitute a security risk.

  <group name="allusers"> 
   <description>Group for all normal users</description> 
   <permission name="rmi:login" /> 
   <permission name="com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIPermission" /> 
....other groups... 
  <user username="guest" password="welcome"> 
   <description>Guest user</description> 
   <group-membership group="allusers" /> 

Use these elements to define a group of allusers with the correct Permissions, with a user of guest/welcome on the Security page.


The Enterprise Manager does not enable you to add Permissions. To add Permissions, use the JAZN Admintool for JAZN-XML and the Delegated Administrative Service for JAZN-LDAP. See Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Services Guide for more information.

Authenticating HTTP Clients

Most clients are Web browsers that access OC4J through the Oracle HTTP Server mod_oc4j module. OC4J requests the client to authenticate itself when accessing protected URLs. You can achieve authentication through a user name and password, or in the case of SSL, through an SSL certificate. Although in most cases where authentication is required, the user will be prompted to enter a user name and password.

If a servlet turns around and invokes an EJB, the caller principal is delegated to the EJB. That is, the caller user name and password are passed along to the EJB for authentication.

Authenticating EJB Clients

When you access EJBs in OC4J, you must pass valid credentials to this server.

Setting JNDI Properties

If the client exists within the same application as the target, or the target exists within its parent, you do not need a JNDI properties file. If not, you must initialize your JNDI properties either within a file, in the system properties, or within your implementation, before the JNDI call. If you store your password in a file, it is not encoded.

The following sections discuss these three options:

No JNDI Properties

A servlet that exists in the same application with the target bean automatically accesses the JNDI properties for the node. Therefore, accessing the EJB is simple: no JNDI properties are required.

//Get the Initial Context for the JNDI lookup for a local EJB
InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
//Retrieve the Home interface using JNDI lookup
Object empObject = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/employeeBean");

This is also true if the target bean is in an application that has been deployed as this application's parent. To specify parents, configure the parent application in the application.xml file in the EAR when deploying the originating application.

JNDI Properties File

If setting the JNDI properties within the file, set the properties as follows. Ensure that this file is accessible from the CLASSPATH.



The ORMI default port number is 23791, which can be modified in j2ee/home/config/rmi.xml. Therefore, set the URL in the, in one of the two ways:


- or -


When you access EJBs in OC4J, you must pass valid credentials to this server. Standalone clients define their credentials in the file deployed with the code of the client. When using JAZN, both the realm and the user name are defined as the principal. If only one realm exists, then the user name can be specified alone. The assumption is to use the single realm.


The default realm for JAZN-XML is "" JAZN-LDAP can be initialized with a "" realm as a demo. You can install this demo realm by executing the j2ee/jazn/install/ shell script. However, since it is only a demo realm, you should use an actual realm in your production environment.<JAZNrealm/username><password>

JNDI Properties Within Implementation

Set the properties with the same values, but with different syntax. For example, JavaBeans running within the container pass their credentials within the InitialContext, which is created to look up the remote EJBs.

To pass JNDI properties within the Hashtable environment, set these as shown below. This example shows the client using JAZN-XML format by providing '' in the realm/username format.

Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); 
env.put("java.naming.provider.url", "ormi://localhost/ejbsamples"); 
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, ""); 
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "welcome"); 
Context ic = new InitialContext (env); 
Object homeObject = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/employeeBean");

// Narrow the reference to a TemplateHome.
EmployeeHome empHome =
	 (EmployeeHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(homeObject,

Using the Initial Context Factory Classes

For most clients, set the initial context factory class to ApplicationClientInitialContextFactory. If you are not using a J2EE logical name defined in the <ejb-ref> in your XML configuration file, then you must provide the actual JNDI name of the target bean. In this case, you can use a different initial context factory class, the com.evermind.server.RMIInitialContextFactory class.

Example 8-1 Servlet Accessing EJB in Remote OC4J Instance

The following servlet uses the JNDI name for the target bean: /cmpapp/employeeBean. Thus, this servlet must provide the JNDI properties in an RMIInitialContext object, instead of the ApplicationClientInitialContext object. The environment is initialized as follows:

Authorization In J2EE Applications

Authorization is the process of granting or denying a user access to a J2EE application based on its identity. Authorization is distinct from authentication, which is the process of verifying that a user is valid.

You specify authorization for users and groups in the J2EE and OC4J-specific deployment descriptors. The J2EE deployment descriptor is where you specify the access rules for using logical roles. The OC4J-specific deployment descriptor is where you map logical roles to actual users and groups, which are defined in a user repository.

The following sections describe how to define users, groups, and roles:

Specifying Logical Roles in a J2EE Application

Specify the logical roles that your application uses in the XML deployment descriptors. Depending on the application component type, update one of the following with the logical roles:

In each of these deployment descriptors, the roles are defined by an XML element named <security-role>.

Example 8-2 EJB JAR Security Role Definition

The following steps describe the XML necessary to create a logical role named VISITOR in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.

  1. Define the logical security role, VISITOR, in the <security-role> element.

     <description>A role for every user</description> 
  2. Define the bean and methods that this role can access in the <method-permission> element.

     <description>VISITOR role needed for CustomerBean methods</description> 

Mapping Logical Roles to Users and Groups

Map logical roles defined in the application deployment descriptors to actual users and groups defined in a user repository. The mapping is specified in the OC4J-specific deployment descriptor with a <security-role-mapping> element. Figure 8-4 illustrate this mapping.

Figure 8-4 Mapping Logical Roles to Users, Groups, and Roles

Text description of securita.gif follows

Text description of the illustration securita.gif


The security role mapping layer, defined in either the JAZNUserManager repository (jazn-data.xml) or in the XMLUserManager repository (principals.xml), is bypassed if the following conditions are true:

  • The name of the security role and group (or roles, as in the case of JAZNUserManager) are the same.

  • No security role mapping is specified.

Example 8-3 Mapping Logical Role to Actual Role

This example maps the logical role VISITOR to the allusers group in the orion-ejb-jar.xml file. Any user that can log in as part of this group is considered to have the VISITOR role and can therefore execute the methods of customerbean.

<security-role-mapping name="VISITOR"> 
 <group name="allusers" /> 


You can map a logical role to a single group or to several groups.

The previous demonstrated the XML that you can provide in the orion-ejb-jar.xml file in your application EAR file. However, if you decide to not map the logical role at this time, the deployment wizard gives you a chance to map all logical roles in the security role mapping stage. The deployment wizard would display the logical name VISITOR and provide you a field that you can map it to allusers.

The following screen shows the security role mapping stage of the deployment wizard:

Text description of securit2.gif follows

Text description of the illustration securit2.gif

Creating Your Own User Manager

To create your own user manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Write a custom user manager, which must implement the UserManager interface. Table 8-2 describes the methods of this interface.

    Table 8-2 Methods of the UserManager Interface  
    Method Description

    void addDefaultGroup
    (java.lang.String name)

    Adds a group to the set of default groups, of which all users of the user manager are members.

    • java.lang.String name - the name of the group being added to the default group

    Group createGroup
    (java.lang.String name)

    Creates a new group. If the group already exists, a java.lang.InstantiationException is thrown.

    • java.lang.String name - the name of the new group

    User createUser
    (java.lang.String username,
    java.lang.String password)

    Creates a new user.

    • java.lang.String username - the new user name

    • java.lang.String password - the new user password

    User getAdminUser()

    Returns the default admin user or null if there is none.

    User getAnonymousUser()

    Returns the default anonymous user or null if none exists.

    java.util.Set getDefaultGroups()

    Returns the set of default groups for the user manager.

    Group getGroup(java.lang.String name)

    Returns the group with the specified name or null if none exists.

    • java.lang.String name - the name of the specified group

    int getGroupCount()

    Return the number of users contained in the user manager. Throws UnsupportedOperationException if not supported.

    java.util.List getGroups
    (int start,int max)

    Returns a list of groups (between the specified indexes) contained in the user manager. Throws UnsupportedOperationException if not supported.

    UserManager getParent()

    Returns the parent manager of the user manager.

    User getUser
    (java.lang.String username)

    Returns the user with the specified user name or null if there is no match.

    User getUser
    (java.lang.String issuerDN,
    java.math.BigInteger serial)

    Returns the user associated with this certificate or null if either certificates are not supported or there is no user associated with this certificate.

    User getUser

    Returns the user associated with this certificate or null if either certificates are not supported or there is no user associated with this certificate.

    int getUserCount()

    Returns the number of users contained in this manager. Throws UnsupportedOperationException if not supported.

    java.util.List getUsers
    (int start,int max)

    Returns a list of users (between the specified indexes) contained in this manager. Throws UnsupportedOperationException if not supported.

    void init
    (java.util.Properties properties)

    Instantiates the user manager with the specified settings. Throws java.lang.InstantiationException if any errors occur.

    boolean remove(Group group)

    Removes the specified group from the user manager and returns true if the operation is successful.

    boolean remove(User user)

    Removes the specified user from the user manager and returns true if the operation is successful.

    void setParent
    (UserManager parent)

    Sets the parent user manager if one exists. This method is called only on a nested user manager.

    A user manager can delegate work to its parent user manager.

  2. Define the user manager in the General Properties page. On the General Properties page, as shown in Figure 8-2, you click on the Use Custom User Manager button. Then, supply the class name of your user manager in the class name field. Additionally, you can provide a name and a description for your own recognition.

  3. Define your users and groups on the Security page.

    See "Specifying Users, Groups, and Roles".

  4. Create security constraints in your application.

    See "Authorization In J2EE Applications".

Example of Customer User Manager With the DataSourceUserManager Class

OC4J provides an example of a custom user manager--the DataSourceUserManager class. This class manages the users in a database specified by the DataSource interface.

Thus, you do not need to implement this class, but only configure it as designated in steps 2-4 above.

On the General Properties page, choose the Custom User Manager button with the class of "com.evermind.sql.DataSourceUserManager." In addition, this class requires certain input parameters for startup. Thus, at the bottom of the User Manager section of this page you will enter these parameters and their values in the Initialization Parameters for Class section. For each of the following parameters, click the Add Another Row button and enter the parameter name and its value.

In addition, this DataSourceUserManager class assumes that the following tables exist in the database:

Notice that no table exists for the list of groups that are available. Instead, the list of groups is specified in the principals.xml file. The mappings from groups to roles is specified in the application.xml.

The user manager is a hierarchical implementation with a parent-child relationship. The parent of the DataSourceUserManager class is the file-based XMLUserManager class, which uses the principals.xml user repository. However, you can change the parent with the setParent() method. The sample DataSourceUserManager class invokes parent.getGroups() to retrieve all the available groups.

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