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Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Services Guide
Release 2 (9.0.3)

Part Number A97690-01
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Oracle HTTPS for Client Connections

This chapter describes the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J) implementation of HTTPS that provides SSL functionality to client HTTP connections. The following topics are included:


Please perform the following tasks before you attempt to use Oracle HTTPS:


To effectively use Oracle HTTPS, application developers should understand the basics of Java sockets programming and JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension). They should also be familiar with the Sun Microsystems, Inc., package, which supports network programming and the open source HTTPClient package that Oracle HTTPS is based on.

In addition, it is important for developers who use Oracle HTTPS to understand the fundamental concepts of public key infrastructure digital certificates and keys.

See Also:

  • Oracle9iAS Security Guide for information about Oracle Wallet Manager, PKI, and security fundamentals.

  • Documentation for the open source HTTPClient package which is available at

  • Documentation for JSSE and the packages which is available at

About Oracle HTTPS

HTTPS is vital to securing client-server interactions. For many server applications HTTPS is handled by the Web server. However, any application that acts as a client, such as servlets that initiate connections to other Web servers, needs its own HTTPS implementation to make requests and to receive information securely from the server. Java application developers who are familiar with either the HTTP package, HTTPClient, or who are familiar with the Sun Microsystems, Inc., package can easily use Oracle HTTPS to secure client interactions with a server.

Oracle HTTPS extends the HTTPConnection class of the open source HTTPClient package, which provides a complete HTTP client library. To support client HTTPS connections, several methods have been added to the HTTPConnection class that use the Oracle Java SSL class, OracleSSLCredential.

The following sections describe these components in further detail:

HTTPConnection Class

The HTTPConnection class is used to create new connections that use HTTP and related protocols such as HTTPS. To provide support for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) digital certificates and wallets, the methods described in "Oracle HTTPS APIs" have been added to this class.

See Also:

Documentation for the open source HTTPClient package which is available at:

OracleSSLCredential Class

Security credentials are used to authenticate the server and the client to each other. Oracle HTTPS uses the Oracle Java SSL package, OracleSSLCredential, to load user certificates, trusted certificates (trust points), and private keys from base64 or DER-encoded certificates. (DER, part of the X.690 ASN.1 standard, stands for Distinguished Encoding Rules.)

The API for Oracle Java SSL requires that security credentials be passed to the HTTP connection before the connection is established. The OracleSSLCredential class is used to store these security credentials. Typically, a wallet generated by Oracle Wallet Manager is used to populate the OracleSSLCredential object. Alternatively, individual certificates can be added by using an OracleSSLCredential class API. After the credentials are complete, they are passed to the connection with the setCredentials method.

See Also:

"Oracle HTTPS APIs" for a description of the OracleSSLCredential class.

Overview of Oracle HTTPS Features

Oracle HTTPS, based on the open source HTTP package, HTTPClient 3.2, supports HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1 connections between a client and a server. To provide SSL functionality, new methods have been added to the HTTPConnection class of this package. These methods are used in conjunction with Oracle Java SSL to support cipher suite selection, security credential management with Oracle Wallet Manager, security-aware applications, and other features that are described in the following sections.

In addition to the functionality included in the HTTPClient package, Oracle HTTPS supports the following:

In addition, Oracle HTTPS uses the HTTPClient package to support

The following sections describe Oracle HTTPS features in detail:

SSL Cipher Suites Supported by Oracle HTTPS

Before data can flow through an SSL connection, both sides of the connection must negotiate common algorithms to be used for data transmission. A set of such algorithms combined to provide a mix of security features is called a cipher suite. Selecting a particular cipher suite lets the participants in an SSL connection establish the appropriate level for their communications.

Oracle HTTPS supports cipher suites with the following options:

Table 15-1 lists all of the cipher suites that are supported by Oracle HTTPS.

Table 15-1 Cipher Suites Supported By Oracle HTTPS  
Cipher Suite Authentication Encryption Data Integrity







RC4 128




RC4 128







DH anon




DH anon

RC4 128



DH anon





RC4 40







DH anon

RC4 40



DH anon











Certificate and Key Management with Oracle Wallet Manager

You can use Oracle Wallet Manager to generate public/private key pairs and certificate requests. A signed certificate request and the appropriate trusted certificates must be added to produce a complete Oracle wallet.

You can export a complete wallet with a certificate in Ready status, in a BASE64-formatted file, using the menu option Operation ->ExportWallet. This file can be used to add SSL credentials in a Java SSL-based program.

See Also:

Oracle9i Application Server Security Guide for information about Oracle Wallet Manager.

Access Information About Established SSL Connections

Users can access information about established SSL connections using the getSSLSession method of Oracle HTTPS. After a connection is established, users can retrieve the cipher suite used for the connection, the peer certificate chain, and other information about the current connection.

See Also:

"Oracle HTTPS APIs" for a description of the getSSLSession method.

Security-Aware Applications Support

Oracle HTTPS uses Oracle Java SSL to provide security-aware applications support. When security-aware applications do not set trust points, Oracle Java SSL allows them to perform their own validation letting the handshake complete successfully only if a complete certificate chain is sent by the peer. With Oracle HTTPS, the connection completes successfully when no trust points are set if the server sends the client a complete certificate chain that starts from the root CA (Certifying Authority) and ends with the server certificate. This feature is useful when there is a large number of trust points stored in a database, and the application is constrained from passing all of them to the SSL layer.

After the handshake is complete, the application must obtain the SSL session information and perform any additional validation for the connection.

Security-unaware applications that need the trust point check must ensure that trust points are set in the application.

See Also:

Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide for information about Oracle Java SSL. Framework Support

The HTTPClient package provides basic support for the framework with the HTTPClient.HttpUrlConnection class. However, many of the Oracle HTTPS features are supported through system properties only.

Features that are only supported through system properties are

Specifying Default System Properties

For many users of HTTPS it is desirable to specify some default properties in a non-programmatic way. The best way to accomplish this is through Java system properties which are accessible through the java.lang.System class. These properties are the only way for users of the framework to set security credential information. Oracle HTTPS recognizes the following properties:

The following sections describe how to set these properties.

See Also:

Documentation that describes setting Java system properties at

This property can be set to point to the text wallet file exported from Oracle Wallet Manager that contains the credentials that are to be used for a specific connection. For example:

where default.txt is the name of the text wallet file that contains the credentials.

If no other credentials have been set for the HTTPS connection, then the file set by this property is opened when a handshake first occurs. If any errors occur while reading this file, then the connection fails and an IOException is thrown.

This property can be set to the password that is necessary to open the wallet file. For example:

where welcome1 is the password that is necessary to open the wallet file.

Potential Security Risk with Storing Passwords in System Properties

Storing the wallet file password as a Java system property can result in a security risk in some environments. To avoid this risk, use one of the following alternatives:


This property can be set to a comma-delimited list of cipher suites. For example:


The cipher suites that you set this property to are used as the default cipher suites for new HTTPS connections.

See Also:

Table 15-1 for a complete list of the cipher suites that are supported by Oracle HTTPS.


This section describes the public classes and interfaces used by Oracle HTTPS. Oracle HTTPS uses the Oracle Java SSL class, OracleSSLCredential, and it extends the HTTPConnection class of the open source HTTPClient package. The following sections describe these packages:

Public Class: HTTPConnection

Because Oracle HTTPS extends the HTTPConnection class, only the methods that are added to that package for SSL support are described in the following. The fully qualified name of this class is HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.

public void connect()

Initiates a connection with the host, but does not perform any data transfer.

public String[] getSSLEnabledCipherSuites()

Returns a list of cipher suites enabled for this connection.

public getSSLSession()

Returns an SSLSession containing the information about the current connection.

public getSSLSocketFactory()

Returns the SSLSocketFactory used by the HTTPConnection to create SSLSockets.

public get SSLCredential()

Returns the SSL credentials used by this connection.

public void setSSLCredential (

Sets the authentication context for the connection.

Parameters: credential - Authentication context contains the private key, certificate chains, and trusted certificates that are to be used in the SSL connection.

public void setSSLEnabledCipherSuites(String[] suites) throws 

Controls which particular cipher suites are enabled for use on this connection. The cipher suites must have been listed by SSLSocketFactory.getSupportedCipherSuites() as being supported. The method throws an IllegalArgumentException when one of the ciphers named by the parameter is not supported.

Parameters: suites - List of cipher suites.

Public Class: OracleSSLCredential

This public class extends java.lang.Object. The fully qualified name of this class is

Credentials are used to authenticate the server and the client to each other. OracleSSLCredential is used to load user certificates, trusted certificates (trust points), and private keys from base64 or DER-encoded certificates.


public OracleSSLCredential()

Creates an empty OracleSSLCredential. An empty credential lets the socket connect to any peer that sends a complete certificate chain during the handshake.


public void addTrustedCert(java.lang.String b64TrustedCert)

Adds a trusted certificate to the credential.

Parameters: b64TrustedCert - A Base64 encoded X509 certificate.

public void addTrustedCert(byte[] trustedCert)

Adds a trusted certificate to the credential.

Parameters: trustedCert - A DER-encoded X509 trusted certificate.

public void setPrivateKey(java.lang.String b64PvtKey, java.lang.String password)

Adds a private key to the credential.

Parameters: b64PvtKey - A Base64 encoded X509 Private Key

password - The password needed to decipher the private key.

public void setPrivateKey(byte[] pvtKey, java.lang.String password)

Adds a private key to the credential.

Parameters: b64PvtKey - A DER-encoded X509 Private Key

password - The password needed to decipher the private key.

public void addCertChain(java.lang.String b64certChainCert)

Adds a certificate to the certificate chain. The certificate chain is sent along with the user certificate during the SSL handshake. It is used by the peer to verify the user certificate. The first certificate added to the certificate chain must be the Root CA certificate. Each subsequent certificate added must be signed by its immediate predecessor.

Parameters: b64certChainCert - A Base64 encoded X509 certificate.

public void addCertChain(byte[] certChainCert)

Adds a certificate to the certificate chain.

Parameters: certChainCert - A DER-encoded X509 certificate.

public void setWallet(java.lang.String wltPath, java.lang.String password) 

If Oracle Wallet Manager is used to create a wallet, the wallet can be exported in text format and used by JavaSSL. The text file must contain the user certificate, followed by the private key, the certificate chain, and any other trusted certificates. The method throws a if the wallet cannot be opened.

Parameters: wltPath - The path name of the wallet

Oracle HTTPS Example

The following is a simple program that uses Oracle HTTPS to connect to a Web server, send a GET request, and fetch a Web page. The complete code for this program is presented here followed by sections that explain how Oracle HTTPS is used to set up secure connections.

import HTTPClient.HTTPConnection;
import HTTPClient.HTTPResponse;

public class HTTPSConnectionExample
    public static void main(String[] args)
        if(args.length < 4)
            "Usage: java HTTPSConnectionTest [host] [port] " +
            "[wallet] [password]");

        String hostname = args[0].toLowerCase();
        int port = Integer.decode(args[1]).intValue();
        String walletPath = args[2];
        String password = args[3];

        HTTPConnection httpsConnection = null; 
        OracleSSLCredential credential = null;

            httpsConnection = new HTTPConnection("https", hostname, port);
        catch(IOException e)
            System.out.println("HTTPS Protocol not supported");

            credential = new OracleSSLCredential();
            credential.setWallet(walletPath, password);
        catch(IOException e)
            System.out.println("Could not open wallet");

        catch (IOException e)
            System.out.println("Could not establish connection");
        }[] peerCerts = null;
            peerCerts =
(httpsConnection.getSSLSession()).getPeerCertificateChain(); } catch( e) { System.err.println("Unable to obtain peer credentials"); System.exit(-1); } String peerCertDN =
peerCerts[peerCerts.length -1].getSubjectDN().getName(); peerCertDN = peerCertDN.toLowerCase(); if(peerCertDN.lastIndexOf("cn="+hostname) == -1) { System.out.println("Certificate for " + hostname + " is issued to "
+ peerCertDN); System.out.println("Aborting connection"); System.exit(-1); } try { HTTPResponse rsp = httpsConnection.Get("/"); System.out.println("Server Response: "); System.out.println(rsp); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occured during Get"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } }

Initializing SSL Credentials

This program example uses a wallet created by Oracle Wallet Manager to set up credential information. First the credentials are created and the wallet is loaded using

credential = new OracleSSLCredential();
credential.setWallet(walletPath, password);

After the credentials are created, they are passed to HTTPSConnection using


The private key, user certificate, and trust points located in the wallet can now be used for the connection.

Verifying Connection Information

Although SSL verifies that the certificate chain presented by the server is valid and contains at least one certificate trusted by the client, that does not prevent impersonation by malicious third parties. An HTTPS standard that addresses this problem requires that HTTPS servers have certificates issued to their host name. Then it is the responsibility of the client to perform this validation after the SSL connection is established.

To perform this validation in this sample program, HTTPSConnectionExample establishes a connection to the server without transferring any data using the following:


After the connection is established, the connection information, in this case the server certificate chain, is obtained with the following:

peerCerts = (httpsConnection.getSSLSession()).getPeerCertificateChain();

Finally the server certificate's common name is obtained with the following:

String peerCertDN = peerCerts[peerCerts.length -1].getSubjectDN().getName();
peerCertDN = peerCertDN.toLowerCase();

If the certificate name is not the same as the host name used to connect to the server, then the connection is aborted with the following:

if(peerCertDN.lastIndexOf("cn="+hostname) == -1)
    System.out.println("Certificate for " + hostname + " is issued to " +
    System.out.println("Aborting connection");

Transferring Data

It is important to verify the connection information before data is transferred from the client or from the server. The data transfer is performed in the same way for HTTPS as it is for HTTP. In this sample program a GET request is made to the server using the following:

HTTPResponse rsp = httpsConnection.Get("/");

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