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Oracle9iAS Web Cache Administration and Deployment Guide
Release 2 (9.0.3)

Part Number B10055-01
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Deploying Oracle9iAS Web Cache


Many of the deployment scenarios described in this chapter can use a cache cluster in place of one Oracle9iAS Web Cache server.

This chapter presents several high-level scenarios for deploying Oracle9iAS Web Cache.

This chapter contains these topics:

Caching Content for One Application Web Server

Oracle9iAS Web Cache can be deployed on the same computer as the application Web server or on a separate computer.

Figure 4-1 shows Oracle9iAS Web Cache deployed on the same computer as the application Web server.

Figure 4-1 Oracle9iAS Web Cache On the Same Computer As the Application Web Server

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For this deployment, configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache with application Web server settings and site settings.

For optimal performance, Oracle Corporation recommends deploying Oracle9iAS Web Cache on a dedicated, fast two-CPU computers with lots of memory. Figure 4-2 shows Oracle9iAS Web Cache deployed on a different computer from the application Web server.

Figure 4-2 Oracle9iAS Web Cache On a Different Computer From the Application Web Server

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Register the IP address of the Oracle9iAS Web Cache server with

  2. Rename the application Web server, and assign the computer running Oracle9iAS Web Cache the name that was previously assigned to the application Web server.

    In Figure 4-2, Oracle9iAS Web Cache is named, which was the name of the application Web server. The application Web server is renamed to server-host.

  3. Configure the Oracle9iAS Web Cache server with the following:

Load Balancing Requests Among Application Web Servers

Many of today's Web sites use a Load Balancer to balance the incoming requests among multiple application Web servers. Instead, as shown in Figure 4-3, you can use Oracle9iAS Web Cache to distribute requests among two or more application Web servers.

Figure 4-3 Load Balancing with Oracle9iAS Web Cache

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Assign the name of the Load Balancer to Oracle9iAS Web Cache.

  2. Register the IP address of the Oracle9iAS Web Cache server with

  3. Configure the Oracle9iAS Web Cache server with the following:

    • Application Web server settings for server1-host and server2-host

    • Site settings for

Using Oracle9iAS Web Cache Servers in a Failover Pair

To maintain performance during an application Web server failure, you can configure two Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers as a failover pair. Both Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers are configured to cache the same content. When both Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers are running, a Load Balancer distributes the load among both servers. If one server fails, the other server receives and processes all incoming requests. This deployment is depicted in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 Configuring Multiple Oracle9iAS Web Caches as a Failover Pair

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Register the IP address of the Load Balancer with

  2. Configure the Load Balancer with Oracle9iAS Web Cache server host names webche1-host and webche2-host.

  3. Configure each of the Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers with the following:

    • Application Web server settings for server1-host, server2-host, and server2-host

    • Site settings for

Accelerating Portions of a Web Site

Many Web sites contain cacheable public content and non-cacheable content. For these Web sites, you can use Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers to cache content for just the portions of the Web site with the cacheable content. Figure 4-5 shows a Layer 7 (L7) switch passing catalog requests to Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host and order entry and account requests to application Web servers server1-host, server2-host, and server3-host. An L7 switch operates at Layer 7, the Application Layer layer, of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. L7 switches determine where to send requests based on URL content.

See Also: for information about the OSI stack

Figure 4-5 Accelerating Portions of a Web Site

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Register the IP address of the L7 switch with

  2. Configure the L7 switch with Oracle9iAS Web Cache server host name webche-host.

  3. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host with the following:

    • Application Web server settings for server1-host, server2-host, and server3-host

    • Site settings for

Caching Content for HTTPS Requests

In addition to HTTP protocol requests, you can configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache to cache documents for HTTPS protocol requests. HTTPS requests are typically for secure pages. For an environment with cacheable HTTP and HTTPS requests, you can configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache to listen for incoming requests on two ports, one for HTTPS requests and one for HTTP requests. Typically, HTTP uses port 80 and HTTPS uses port 443. A Load Balancer can be configured to pass requests to the appropriate listening port.

You can also configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache to send traffic to the application Web server through an HTTP or HTTPS listening port.

Figure 4-6 shows a Load Balancer passing both HTTP and HTTPS requests to Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host.

Figure 4-6 Deploying Oracle9iAS Web Cache to Receive HTTP and HTTPS Requests

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Register the IP address of the Load Balancer with

  2. Configure the Load Balancer with Oracle9iAS Web Cache server host name webche-host.

  3. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host with the following:

    • Receive requests on HTTP and HTTPS listening ports

    • Send requests to application Web server server-host on an HTTP or HTTPS listening port

    • Site settings for and

Figure 4-7 shows two Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers receiving requests. HTTP requests are served from server webche1-host and HTTPS requests are served from server webche2-host. Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche1-host sends HTTP requests to application Web servers server1-host and server2-host. Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche2-host sends HTTPS requests to application Web servers server2-host and server3-host.

Figure 4-7 Forwarding HTTPS Requests To a Dedicated Oracle9iAS Web Cache Server

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Register the IP address of the Load Balancer with

  2. Configure the Load Balancer with Oracle9iAS Web Cache server host names webche1-host and webche2-host.

  3. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche1-host with the following:

    • Receive requests on an HTTP listening port

    • Send requests to application Web servers server1-host and server2-host on HTTP listening ports

    • Site settings for

  4. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche2-host with the following:

    • Receive requests on an HTTPS listening port

    • Send requests to application Web servers server2-host and server3-host on HTTPS listening ports

    • Site settings for

For many applications, HTTPS is required for secure transactions that should not be cached. For example, purchasing pages on an e-commerce site that require credit card information should not be cached. For this type of Web site, you can use a Load Balancer to pass all HTTP requests to Oracle9iAS Web Cache, and forward HTTPS requests for secure pages to a particular application Web server. Figure 4-8 shows a Load Balancer passing HTTP requests to Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host and HTTPS requests to application Web server server2-host. Note that HTTPS requests could also be passed to server1-host.

Figure 4-8 Forwarding HTTPS Requests To an Application Web Server

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Using Oracle9iAS Web Cache to Support Multiple Sites

To cache content for multiple internal or external Web sites, you can configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache to cache content for a virtual host site, and cache and assemble HTML fragments for Edge Side Includes (ESI) <esi:include> requests from an ESI provider site.

This section depicts the following deployments:

Multiple Internal Virtual Host Sites

Figure 4-9 shows an internal virtual host deployment. It shows Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host serving content on behalf of internal virtual host sites and

Figure 4-9 Configuring Support for Multiple Internal Virtual Host Sites

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Register the IP address of the Load Balancer with and

  2. Configure the Load Balancer with Oracle9iAS Web Cache server host name webche-host.

  3. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host with the following:

    • Virtual host site definitions for and

    • Map the site definitions to the appropriate application Web servers

Multiple Internal ESI Provider Sites

Figure 4-10 shows an internal ESI provider site deployment. It shows Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host assembling ESI content from internal ESI provider sites and Application Web server server-host uses a portal application to create a template page and sends it back to webche-host for assembly. webche-host includes ESI fragments for the template page from and Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webcache-providerhost, which is caching content for

Figure 4-10 Configuring Support for Multiple Internal ESI Provider Sites

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Register the IP address of the Load Balancer with

  2. Configure the Load Balancer with Oracle9iAS Web Cache server host name webche-host.

  3. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-host with the following:

    • server-host, provider1-host, and webche-providerhost as the application Web servers

    • as a virtual host site mapped to server-host

    • as an ESI provider site mapped to provider1-host

    • as an ESI provider site mapped to webche-providerhost

  4. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server webche-providerhost with the following.

Multiple External Sites

Many virtual host sites and ESI provider sites are likely to be connected over the Internet protected by a firewall and accessible through a proxy server, as shown in Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-12. For these types of sites, you configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache with proxy server settings rather than application Web server settings.

Figure 4-11 Configuring Support for Multiple External Virtual Host Sites

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Figure 4-12 Configuring Support for Multiple External ESI Provider Sites

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Using Oracle9iAS Web Cache Clusters to Increase Availability

To increase the availability and capacity of a Web site, you can configure a cache cluster consisting of two or more Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers. Cache clusters support failure detection and failover of Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers. If a Oracle9iAS Web Cache server fails, other members of the cache cluster detect the failure and take over ownership of the cached content of the failed cluster member. Oracle9iAS Web Cache maintains a virtual single cache of content despite a cache failure.

As Figure 4-13 shows, a Load Balancer distributes the requests among the cluster members. The cache cluster members process the incoming requests.

Figure 4-13 Configuring an Oracle9iAS Web Cache Cluster

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Register the IP address of the Load Balancer with

  2. Configure the Load Balancer with the host names and capacities of the Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers.

  3. Configure the Oracle9iAS Web Cache cluster, including the three Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers in the cluster. In the configuration, specify the host names of the application Web servers and the capacity of each.

Note that many of the deployment scenarios described in this chapter can use a cache cluster in place of one Oracle9iAS Web Cache server.

Working with Firewalls

You can deploy Oracle9iAS Web Cache inside or outside a firewall.

Figure 4-14 shows Oracle9iAS Web Cache positioned inside a firewall. Deploying Oracle9iAS Web Cache inside a firewall ensures that HTTP traffic enters the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), but only authorized traffic from the application Web servers can directly interact with the database.

Figure 4-14 Configuring Oracle9iAS Web Cache Inside a Firewall

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Figure 4-15 shows Oracle9iAS Web Cache positioned outside a firewall. With this deployment, the throughput burden is placed on Oracle9iAS Web Cache rather than the firewall. The firewall receives only requests that must go to the application Web servers. This deployment requires securing Oracle9iAS Web Cache from intruders.

Security experts disagree about whether caches should be placed outside the DMZ. Oracle Corporation recommends that you check your company's policy before deploying Oracle9iAS Web Cache outside the DMZ.

Figure 4-15 Configuring Oracle9iAS Web Cache Outside a Firewall

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Deploying a Distributed Cache Hierarchy

See Also:

"Using Oracle9iAS Web Cache to Support Multiple Sites" for an example of an ESI cache hierarchy

Many Web sites have several data centers. For networks with a distributed topology, you can deploy Oracle9iAS Web Cache at each of the data centers in a distributed cache hierarchy. Figure 4-16 shows a distributed topology in which Oracle9iAS Web Cache is distributed in offices in the United States and Japan. The application Web server is located in the United States office, centralizing the data source to one geographic location. The central cache in United States caches content for an application Web server, and the remote cache in Japan caches content from the central cache.

Browsers make requests to local DNS servers to resolve The local DNS server is routed to the authoritative DNS server The authoritative DNS server uses the IP address of the browser to pick the closest Oracle9iAS Web Cache server to satisfy the request. It then returns the IP address of the appropriate Oracle9iAS Web Cache server to the browser.

Figure 4-16 Deploying an Oracle9iAS Web Cache Hierarchy

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To configure this deployment:

  1. Configure the local DNS servers with the location of authoritative DNS server

  2. Configure the authoritative DNS server with the host names and IP addresses of the Oracle9iAS Web Cache servers throughout the distributed network.

  3. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server us.webche-host with the following:

    • us.server1-host and us.server2-host as the application Web servers

    • as a virtual host site mapped to us.server1-host and us.server2-host

  4. Configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache server jp.webche-host with the following.

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