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Oracle9iAS Web Cache Administration and Deployment Guide
Release 2 (9.0.3)

Part Number B10055-01
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Oracle9iAS Web Cache Directory Structure

This appendix describes the installed Oracle9iAS Web Cache directory structure.

When you install Oracle9iAS Web Cache, all subdirectories are under a top-level directory of $ORACLE_HOME/webcache on UNIX and ORACLE_HOME\webcache directory on Windows.

Table A-1 describes the directory structure components of the $ORACLE_HOME/webcache directory on UNIX and the ORACLE_HOME\webcache directory on Windows.

Table A-1  Oracle9iAS Web Cache Directory Structure
Directory/File Contents

/bin directory on UNIX

Contains the Oracle9iAS Web Cache the following executables:

Note: On Windows, executables are located in the ORACLE_HOME\bin directory.

/docs directory on UNIX

\docs directory on Windows

Contains documentation and online help for Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager. It also contains apology pages.

/dtds directory on UNIX

\dtds directory on Windows

Contains the following Document Type Definition (DTD) files:

  • internal.dtd for the internal.xml file

  • wcstats.dtd for statistic monitoring requests and responses

  • webcache.dtd for the webcache.xml file

  • webcache20.dtd for the webcachemigtool utility during migration

/examples directory on UNIX

\examples directory on Windows

Contains source code and scripts that enable you to better customize applications for Oracle9iAS Web Cache features

See Also: readme.examples.html in the directory for further information

/jlib directory on UNIX

\jlib directory on Windows

Contains a Java invalidation API

See Also: Invalidation API Reference (Javadoc)

/lib directory on UNIX

Contains library files

/invalidation directory on UNIX

\invalidation directory on Windows

Contains the Document Type Definition (DTD) file WCSinvalidation.dtd for invalidation requests and responses. It also contains the invalidation.dtd file for invalidation requests and responses in the release 1.0 format.

/logs directory on UNIX

\logs directory on Windows

Contains event and access logs

/mesg directory on UNIX

\mesg directory on Windows

Contains message files

internal.xml and internal_admin.xml files

Contains internal configuration settings file on UNIX

Contains the process ID of the cache server process. The admin server process, auto-restart process, and the webcachectl utility read this file when working with the cache server process.

webcache.xml file

Contains configuration parameters set by Oracle9iAS Web Cache Manager file on UNIX

Contains the process ID of the admin server process file on UNIX

Contains the process ID of the auto-restart monitor process

webcachetargets.xml file

Contains configuration parameters used by Oracle Enterprise Manager

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