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Oracle Files Administration Guide

Part Number A97358-01
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This chapter provides information on troubleshooting general problems.

Troubleshooting General Problems

This section contains information to assist with general problems and performance issues. The probable cause and a corrective action are provided for each problem.

Table 7-1 Troubleshooting General Problems
Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action

An out-of-memory exception is raised when running Oracle Files

The maximum Java heap size is too low.

Increase the heap size by modifying the -xmx setting for that node configuration.

Server is generally slow for read and write activity

Probable cause #1: Server memory is overcommitted. The server is excessively swapping memory blocks to disk.

Run system monitoring tools, such as vmstat (UNIX) and look for excessive page swapping to verify the problem.

Adjust the following parameters in your database's init.ora file:

  • Reduce processes.
  • Reduce open_cursors.
  • Reduce db_block_buffers.

Stop unneeded Java VMs or other unneeded processes.

You may also need to add memory to your server or, if you are running a single-tier configuration, reconfigure your Oracle Files server into a two-tier configuration.

For more information on adjusting the parameters in the init.ora file, see the the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Guide.

Probable cause #2: CTXHX is using 100 percent of your CPU.

See Appendix A, "Oracle Text Reference".

Server is slow only on read or search activity

Large volumes of data have been loaded but the CBO statistics weren't updated.

If the Oracle9i Cost-Based Optimizer is using stale statistics data, performance suffers. Run the analyze.sql script located in the <ORACLE_HOME>\9ifs\admin\sql directory to refresh the statistics.

Server is slow only on content-based search activity

Oracle Text tablespaces are on the same disk as other database files.

Move the Oracle Text tablespaces to other disks. See the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Guide and the Oracle9i Administrator's Guide for more information on moving tablespaces.

Oracle Text indexes have become fragmented.

Regularly optimize the Oracle Text Oracle index IFS_TEXT. For more information, see the "Maintaining the IFS_TEXT Index By Using the Oracle Text PL/SQL Packages" in Appendix A, "Oracle Text Reference".

Server is slow only on write activity

Large amounts of documents are being loaded and the Redo logs are too small.

Add two or more 100 MB or larger Redo logs. See the Oracle9i Administrator's Guide for more information. In general, Redo logs should be switching every hour or less frequently. See the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/<sid>/bdump directory for the latest logs which indicate the frequency of Redo log switching.

Large amounts of documents are being loaded and the Redo logs are on the same disk as the database files.

Place the Redo logs on a separate disk from the database files. See the Oracle9i Administrator's Guide and the Oracle9i Database Performance Guide and Reference for more information.

For optimal performance, dedicate one or more disks (and, if possible, a disk controller) exclusively to the Redo logs, and optimize the disks for sequential write activity. For example, on Sun SPARC Solaris, you may choose raw partitions or UNIX file systems for the disks. If you choose UNIX file systems on Solaris 2.6 or above, use the "forcedirection" option when mounting the file systems. These options should only be used if the file systems are dedicated exclusively to the Redo logs.

Content queries through the Web and Windows return no rows.

Oracle Text indexing of the documents has not occurred.

See "Maintaining the IFS_TEXT Index By Using the Oracle Text PL/SQL Packages" in Appendix A, "Oracle Text Reference".

Problems with outbound FTP on UNIX.

You are using /usr/bin/ftp on UNIX and the default port number in /etc/services is a port other than 21, such as 2100.

Specify the port number explicitly, for example, "ftp 21", where "21" is the port assigned.

Want to reset the Oracle Files system password without knowing what it is.

Have forgotten the Oracle Files system password.

You will need to contact Oracle Support or, if not, you must re-install the database. If you choose to re-install the database, you will need to make sure that you have copied any files stored in the Oracle Files database out to a local hard drive before starting the re-install process. The re-install will result in the loss of all information currently stored in the database.

When creating a class object in a language other than English, the following exception is encountered:

"Exception IFS-30002 - Unable to create new LibraryObject."

Class object and attribute names must be in English.

Names for class objects and attributes must be in English.

The administrator has uploaded LOB files and removed them and doesn't see the space retrieved in the tablespace.

The Initial Time of Day and Activation Period has been set incorrectly for the ContentGarbageCollection Agent.

Use Oracle Files Manager to look at the Initial Time of Day and Activation Period entries for the Content Garbage Collection Agent.

Also check the Node.log and see if the Content Garbage Collection Agent is getting activated at the periodic intervals.

A custom Web (HTTP) application (not using the Oracle Files DAV/HTTP servlet) manifests slow performance (> 2 seconds for small folder opens or small document gets).

Application is re-connecting to Oracle Files (and establishing a new session) for each HTTP request.

Implement a pool of guest sessions which can be re-used whenever an unauthenticated ("guest") HTTP request arrives. As an example, the HTTP/DAV servlet uses a "minimum," "target," "maximum" approach. See the file for more information. Implement the ability to map new authenticated HTTP requests to existing LibrarySessions through the HTTP credential, or some other means.

A custom web (HTTP) application (not using the Oracle Files DAV/HTTP servlet) manifests apparent memory leaks and eventually runs out of JVM heap memory.

Oracle Files sessions are not being disconnected and garbage collected.

Implement the HTTPSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound method, which is called whenever the HTTP session times out. In this method, disconnect the Oracle Files Session to ensure it gets garbage collected.