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Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B10042_01
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Server Performance Monitoring

This chapter describes server- and site-level performance monitoring and includes the following sections:

13.1 Server Performance Monitoring for the Current Host

From the Wireless page accessed through OEM, you can monitor real-time performance data to assess system health and collect data to display historical trends.

The Response and Load section of the Wireless Server tab displays the following Wireless statistics, which are an overview of the process performance metrics:

Figure 13-1 The Response and Load Section of the Wireless Server Tab

Text description of per_wsov.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration per_wsov.gif

You can view the performance metrics of a Wireless Server process using the detail screen. The Response and Load section of the detail screen lists the overall performance for the selected process. The Performance section of the screen lists the individual metrics.

Figure 13-2 A Detail Screen for a Wireless Server Process

Text description of per_wsrd.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration per_wsrd.gif

13.1.1 Viewing the Performance Data Metrics for a Wireless Web Server Process

The Response and Load section of the screen displays the overall performance the selected Wireless Web Server process for the following categories:

The Performance section of a Wireless Web Server process detail screen includes the following:

Average Response Time

A view of the process measured against the following:

See Section for information on selecting a specific time period for this metric.

Average Response Time for Service

The process measured against the average service response time for sample period. You can use this to study the performance of the services in each process over the sample period.

See Section for information on selecting a specific time period for this metric.

Service Error

A view of the process to the number of service errors.

See Section for information on selecting a specific time period for this metric.

Session Error

A view that maps the session ID by session errors. It is also a view of the process to the service errors per second sampled over a finite period. You can use this metric to identify such problems as improper configuration or other external factors which cause services to fail in one process more frequently than others.

See Section for information on selecting a specific time period for this metric.

Session Duration

A view that maps the session ID of the process by login duration.

See Section for information on selecting a specific time period for this metric.

Session Service

A view that maps the session ID of the process to the number of invoked services for that session.

See Section for information on selecting a specific time period for this metric.

Services per User

A view of the user of the process measured against the number of times the services were invoked on a per-user basis. You can use this to categorize active users.

See Section for information on selecting a specific time period for this metric. Selecting the Sample Period for the Performance Data

For these sample metrics, you can select the sample time period, from the last five minutes to the last seven days.

To set a sample period:

  1. Select a sample period from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Go. When you have finished viewing the statistics, Click OK to return to the detail screen.

Current Sessions

A view of the runtime sessions and users for a Wireless web server process. Wireless records each service invocation request and each successful user session. The Current Sessions screen includes the following:

Table 13-1 Elements of the Current Sessions Screen
Element  Description 

Session ID 

The identifier for the active session. 

Login User Name 

The user name. 

Login User ID 

The OID for the user. 

Last Access Time 

The last time the user accessed the session. 

When you have finished viewing the statistics, Click OK to return to the detail screen.

Current Threads

A view the of the active threads, separated by groups for a wireless web server process. The Current Threads screen displays the threads as follows:

Table 13-2 The Runtime Threads
Object  Description 


The name of the thread. 


A description of the thread. 


If "false", then the thread is not interrupted. If "true", then the thread has been interrupted. 


If "true", then the thread is alive. If "false", then the thread has been started and is not yet dead. 

When you have finished viewing the statistics, click OK to return to the detail screen.

Java Runtime Information

A view of Java runtime information such as Java version and classpath for a wireless web server process.

13.1.2 Viewing the Performance Metrics of Async Server Processes

From the detail screen, you can view the number of messages received today in the Response and Load section.

The Performance section of the screen lists the following performance metrics:

Received Message Count by Hour Today

The number of messages received on an hourly basis for today.

Average Message Queue Size Today

The average size of the message queue on an hourly basis for today.

Average Message Queued Duration Today

The average time a message stayed in the message queue on an hourly bases for today.

Average Service Processing Time Today

The average service invocation time on an hourly basis for today.

Average Message Response Time Today

The average time a message stayed on the Async server on an hourly basis for today.

Service Access Count Today

The number of times that each service was accessed today.

Error Count Today

The number of errors on an hourly basis for today. Viewing the Messaging Server Performance Metrics

For each of the Messaging Server Performance metrics, Wireless displays performance by client process name and delivery type (for example, SMS). The performance metrics include:

Average Sending Response Time

The average time of a sending method. On the client side, a sending method is called to send a message. This time is the period from when the method is called to the time the method returns. When the method returns, the message is saved in a database persistently, but is not delivered.

Total Number of Sending Requests

This is the total time the sending method is called by the client process. The sending method can be called once to send a message to a set of destinations.

Total Number of Sending Requests Sent

The total number of successful calls, where a message is delivered to a proper gateway and its receipt is acknowledged. The client process can call the sending method many times to send many messages. Some of these requests fail, as in the case where a destination cannot be reached. Other requests could be undergoing processing.

Total Number of Sending Requests Failed

The total number of all calls that are known to have failed.

Average Receiving Process Time

The performance of the listener in terms of the time taken by the onMessage call-back. Selecting the Sample Period for the Performance Data

For these sample metrics, you can select the sample time period of activity, from the previous day or the last 30 days.

To set a sample period:

  1. Select a sample period from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Go.

13.1.3 Viewing Performance Metrics for a Messaging Server Process

The Performance Section of the screen displays the following performance metrics:

Average Sending Process Time

The Average Sending Process screen displays the performance of a driver in terms of the time taken by the sending method of the driver. The screen measures driver performance by delivery type (for example, SMS), process time (the time taken by a driver to send a message to the proper gateway), dequeue time, and driver process time. When you measure the performance of the transport system, you can deduct the process time, because the transport system is waiting while the driver sends a message. If the driver is fast, then the system does not wait long.

Average Receiving Response Time

Once a transport driver receives a message, the message is passed to the transport system by an onMessage method. The response time is the time taken by the onMessage method. Once the onMessage returns, the received message is saved in a database for dispatching.

Total Number of Received Messages

The total number of times the transport drivers call the onMessage call-back method.

Total Number of Received Messages Dispatched

The total number of received messages which are dispatched to, and are accepted by, listeners. Among received messages, some may be in processing. Others may not have been dispatched to listeners, or listeners may have failed to process dispatched messages.

Total Number of Received Messages Dispatch Failed

The total number of received messages which failed to dispatch to a listener. Selecting the Sample Period for the Performance Data

For these sample metrics, you can select the sample time period of activity, from the previous day or the last 30 days.

To set a sample period:

  1. Select a sample period from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Go.

13.2 Server-Side Performance Monitoring for the Site

The Site tab, displays overall site performance metrics in the Response and Load section. The Response and Load section includes overall performance statistics for the site-wide processes of the wireless web sever, which include:

Using the system metrics for the performance of the runtime, alert, and feed components, you can assess system health and performance. These individual metrics may not directly point to a fault in the system; however, building an abductive reasoning model from the data collected by these metrics enables you to form a diagnosis of the system's health.

Figure 13-3 The Response and Load Section of the Site Tab

Text description of per_wsro.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration per_wsro.gif

You view the performance metrics for a site-wide process using the detail screen, which you invoke by drilling down from a process type in the Processes table of the Site tab.

Figure 13-4 A Detail Screen for a Site-Wide Process

Text description of per_wsds.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration per_wsds.gif

13.2.1 Viewing the Performance Metrics for the Site-Wide Processes of the Wireless Web Server

The Response and Load section lists the following overall performance metrics:

The Performance section lists the following:

Average Response Time

A view of overall service performance for the system, showing the process name to the average response time of the invoked services over a specified time period.

Service Response Time

The service response time statistics are a class of statistics for the average response time for each service that was invoked across processes. The service response time statistics are grouped by service names and process IDs. If the response time exceeds a configurable threshold value, then the Oracle Performance Manager generates a warning or an error. You can use this metric to study the performance of the services in each process over the sample period.

Average Session Duration

A view of the process name to the average session duration. This metric, when sampled at different times of the day, can be used to estimate both the peak user hours and slow user hours.

Session Error

Session error statistics are a class of statistics that represent the number of errors for each session. For session duration statistics, the data is grouped by process IDs.

Service Error

Service error statistics are a class of statistics that represent the number of services which have runtime errors. The service error data is grouped by process IDs.

Session Duration

Session duration statistics are a class of statistics that present the duration of each session. The data is grouped by process IDs. The duration of each session is computed using the login time and the expiry time (or the current time if the session is still operational). Session duration statistics are presented as table.

Session Service

Session service statistics is a class of statistics that represent the number of services invoked during each session. The data is grouped by process IDs.

User Count

A view of the process name to the number of active users. This metric can be used for new user redirection to manage the user loads in each process.

Service per User

The service per user statistics are a class of statistics that presents the number of services invoked by a specific user across processes. The user service statistics data is grouped by user name and by process IDs. Selecting the Sample Period for the Performance Data

For these sample metrics, you can select the sample time period, from the last five minutes to the last seven days.

To set a sample period:

  1. Select a sample period from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Go.

13.2.2 Viewing the Site Performance Metrics of Async Server

The Response and Load section displays the following performance statistics for the alert server processes:

From the Performance section of the Async Server screen, you can view the following performance metrics:

Received Message Count Today

The number of messages received today (grouped by process name).

Received Message Count by Hour Today

The number of messages received on an hourly basis for today.

Average Message Queue Size Today

The average size of the message queue for today.

Average Message Queued Duration Today

The average time a message stayed in the message queue on an hourly basis for today.

Average Service Processing Time Today

The service invocation time on an hourly basis for today.

Average Message Response Time Today

The average time a message stayed on the server on an hourly basis for today.

Service Access Count Today

The number of times each services was accessed today.

User Access Count Today

The number of messages issued by each user device.

Error Count Today

The number of errors on an hourly basis for today.

13.2.3 Viewing the Site-Wide Performance Metrics for a Messaging Server Process

The Response and Load section of the detail screen lists the following overall performance metrics:

The Performance section lists the server-side and client-side Performance Metrics for the Messaging Server

From a messaging server process screen, you can access the following views of the performance of the selected messaging server process on the server. For each of these metrics, the Client Send Performance screen displays performance by client process name and delivery type (for example, SMS). For the Average Sending Response Time, the screen displays the performance for each client process name and the delivery type by response time and enqueue time.

The Server-Side section of the Messaging Server screen includes the following metrics:

Average Sending Processing Time

The Average Sending Process screen displays the performance of a driver in terms of the time taken by the sending method of the driver. The screen measures driver performance by delivery type (for example, SMS), process time (the time taken by a driver to send a message to the proper gateway), dequeue time, and driver process time. When you measure the performance of the transport system, you can deduct the process time, because the transport system is waiting while the driver sends a message. A fast driver reduces waiting time.

Average Receiving Response Time

Once a transport driver receives a message, the message is passed to the transport system by an onMessage method. The response time is the time taken by the onMessage method. Once the onMessage returns, the received message is saved in a database for dispatching.

Total Number of Received Messages

The total number of times the transport drivers call the onMessage call-back method.

Total Number of Received Messages Dispatched

The total number of received messages which are dispatched to, and are accepted by, listeners. Among received messages, some messages may be in processing. Others may not have been dispatched to listeners, or listeners may have failed to process dispatched messages.

Total Number of Received Messages Dispatch Failed

The total number of received messages which failed to dispatch to a listener.

Average Sending Response Time

The average time of a sending method. On the client side, a sending method is called to send a message. This time is the period from when the method is called to the time the method returns. When the method returns, the message is saved in a database persistently, but is not delivered.

Total Number of Sending Requests

This is the total time the sending method is called by the client process. The sending method can be called once to send a message to a set of destinations.

Total Number of Sending Requests Sent

The total number of successful calls, where a message is delivered to a proper gateway and its receipt is acknowledged. The client process can call the sending method many times to send many messages. Some of these requests can fail; for example, a destination cannot be reached. Other requests could be undergoing processing.

Total Number of Sending Requests Failed

The total number of all calls that are known to have failed.

Average Receiving Process Time

The performance of the listener in terms of the time taken by the onMessage call-back. Selecting the Sample Period for the Performance Data

For these sample metrics, you can select the sample time period of activity, from the previous day or the last 30 days.

To set a sample period:

  1. Select a sample period from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Go.

13.2.4 Viewing Site Performance

You can view the overall performance by servers on the site by clicking the Summary hyperlink in the Performance section of the Site screen. For each server on the site, the Site screen displays Wireless Web Server process performance by the number of active users and average session duration in seconds. Selecting the Sample Period for the Performance Data

You can select the sample time period of activity, from seven days ago to the last five minutes.

To set a sample period:

  1. Select a sample period from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Go.