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Oracle® Application Server 10g Concepts
10g (9.0.4)
Part No. B10375-01
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5 Business Intelligence

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence features and benefits. The topics include:

Introduction to Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence

In an increasingly competitive business world, business intelligence empowers decision makers to act on information to keep their businesses and services competitive. Complete business intelligence about the operation of an enterprise and its customers can be used to assess opportunities as well as potential risks.

Automated business processes and electronic interactions with customers and suppliers have yielded an abundance of valuable business intelligence data. This data tracks the fundamentals and operations of the business, and presents an opportunity to dramatically improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase overall productivity.

With an e-business, traditional information sources such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and customer relationship management (CRM) systems can be correlated with information that comes directly from the usage patterns of companies’ Web sites. Once this information is gathered, it can be analyzed and in turn used to provide a more personalized service to users. This enables companies to more closely analyze consolidated business data, secure existing business relationships, forge new revenue generating opportunities, and assist with the formulation of strategies to improve operating efficiency.

In order for an e-business to successfully gather business intelligence information about Web site usage and provide meaningful data analysis, it must be able to do the following:

Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence provides a complete, integrated solution that addresses all of these business intelligence requirements. Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence consists of the following components:

Figure 5-1 shows an overview of Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence components.

Figure 5-1 Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence Components

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Oracle Application Server Reports Services

In a business intelligence environment, data is generated by multiple sources in various formats. Publishing this business intelligence data should be fast and easy, without requiring multiple, convoluted steps to manipulate and consolidate the data into a single format.

Introduction to Oracle Application Server Reports Services

Oracle Application Server Reports Services provides a robust deployment platform for creating high-quality, dynamically generated end-user reports in a scalable, secure environment. You can build and publish sophisticated reports from any data source, in any format, and deploy them anywhere with Oracle Application Server.

OracleAS Reports Services is part of Oracle Reports. Oracle Reports also includes Oracle Reports Developer, a component of the Oracle Developer Suite. Using Oracle Reports Developer you can build a complex data model and share it between an existing high quality paper layout and an improved high quality Web layout using servlets and JSP technology.

Developers can publish sophisticated, high quality reports from any data source, in any data format, and deploy them anywhere on Oracle Application Server. OracleAS Reports Services can combine data from multiple data sources into a single report, including the Oracle database, XML feeds and JDBC-enabled data sources. Developers can even add custom data sources using the open API for Pluggable Data Sources.

Reports can be generated on demand or scheduled for a specific time or interval. Once formatted, a report can be distributed to a standard Web browser, email, printer, or Oracle Application Server Portal, be stored on the middle tier for rapid retrieval, or be stored in a custom destination via the Pluggable Destinations API.

OracleAS Reports Services enables you to do the following:

  • Access reports dynamically from any browser on demand

  • Leverage middle-tier load balancing to provide high volumes of reports, without excessive demands on limited resources

  • Generate reports in HTML for browser viewing, PDF for quality viewing, XML to communicate data to Web sites, RTF and delimited output for import into Microsoft Office, and PCL for printing

  • Optionally secure distribution of reports by allowing only specific users to access the report and grant secure access

  • Link to published reports and provide portlet support using OracleAS Portal

Figure 5-2 shows an example of an Oracle report.

Figure 5-2 Oracle Reports Example

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Description of the illustration reports_bi.gif


Oracle Reports Developer is available with Oracle Developer Suite.

Oracle Application Server Reports Services Features

Oracle Application Server Reports Services provides the following features:

Event-Based Reporting

OracleAS Reports Services enables you to run a report that is triggered by database events. You can execute a report using a set of PL/SQL stored procedures that can be called from a database trigger. The trigger invokes OracleAS Reports Services and the event data is submitted to the server. For example, when an employee submits an expense report, new data is being inserted into the database. The insert event causes a database trigger to fire, which sends a report to the employee manager on a portal page or in an e-mail message asking for expense report approval.

In addition to database events, you can trigger reports from within your Java application using the Reports Web Service or from within your business process using Oracle Workflow and the Reports Workflow activity.

Extensible Architecture

OracleAS Reports Services enables you to customize your access to data sources, runtime engines, security, notification, distribution, and cache, as follows:

  • Write your own data access methods for data that is specific to your business: A Pluggable Data Source (PDS) is a set of Java APIs that provides openness to OracleAS Reports Services by enabling data input from any source. PDSs allow OracleAS Reports Services to combine data from various data sources including multiple Oracle database connections – each potentially having a different connection. When written to the PDS API, you can specify the icons to be displayed in the data model and Report Wizard of Oracle Reports Developer.

  • Use OracleAS Reports Services functionality with your own runtime engine or job type: The OracleAS Reports Services engine is the default implementation provided by Oracle. However, you can take advantage of the security, notification, distribution, and caching features of OracleAS Reports Services using your own engine code. An example of runtime engine code is a Java class that uses an operating system call to package a series of reports into a zip file and then distributes that file using e-mail to a defined set of users.

  • Create your own security mechanisms for user-authentication against the OracleAS Reports Server: The OracleAS Reports Services architecture provides a complex security mechanism. The OracleAS Reports Server authenticates users and performs the necessary security checks to ensure the user is able to process the selected report. The out-of-box interface allows the administrator to easily enter the OracleAS Reports access control information from within a Web browser. All of the access control data is then stored within the Oracle Application Server Portal repository, which is checked each time a user runs a report request.

  • Configure OracleAS Reports Services to submit notifications upon success or failure of a job: Besides using the default implementation of sending an e-mail message, you can now implement your own notification mechanisms.

  • Distribute to various destinations such as the Oracle AS Reports Services cache, e-mail messaging, and printers: You can add your own destinations such as fax machine and FTP servers using the pluggable destination API.

  • Replace the default caching with your own caching mechanism for the output of the OracleAS Reports Services using the pluggable caching API: The pluggable caching APIs are custom engines that use Java APIs to pass jobs to the OracleAS Reports Server.

Enhanced Report Bursting and Distribution

Oracle Application Server Reports Services enhanced bursting and distribution enables you to distribute a report to different media, such as paper, e-mail messages, Web pages, or even delimited output like a spreadsheet.

You can burst on repeating data within a report. Bursting enables you to create multiple personalized reports out of a single report model. For example, department-based reports can be distributed to employees within that department. This ensures that each user only receives information that is relevant and appropriate for them. For example, with a salary report, the manager of a sales department will get an e-mail with the salary information for employees in that department only; the manager of the purchasing department will only be e-mailed the salary information for employees in that department; the CEO of the company will receive a printout containing a summary of each department’s information.

The report runs only once, and the output is sent to different sets of users according to requirements. You only have a single set of data to fetch and format in order to distribute the report.

Oracle Application Server Reports Services Architecture

Figure 5-3 shows how Oracle Application Server Reports Services handles client requests. OracleAS Reports Services runs reports by entering all requests into a job queue. When one of the server's runtime engines becomes available, the next job in the queue is dispatched to run.

As the number of jobs in the queue increases, the server can start more runtime engines until it reaches the maximum limit specified in your server configuration. OracleAS Reports Services runtime engines are shut down automatically after having been idle for a period of time that you specify.

OracleAS Reports Services keeps track of all jobs submitted in the server, including jobs that are running, scheduled to run, or finished. The Reports Queue Manager (Windows), the Reports Queue Viewer (UNIX), or the show jobs command (Web) enable you to view information on when jobs are scheduled, queued, started, and finished, as well as the job output and the final status of the report.

Figure 5-3 Oracle Application Server Reports Services Architecture

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OracleAS Reports Services job objects are persistent. This means that if the server is shut down and then restarted, all jobs are recovered, not just scheduled jobs.

Oracle Reports Developer enables you to embed a report within a larger existing Web page. This technology enables you to open and save HTML, JSP, and XML files that contain report definitions. When a report is saved as a JSP file, the data model is embedded using XML tags. The entire report can also be defined using XML tags and saved as an XML file.

You can also use Oracle Reports Developer to take retrieved data, using the data model, and embed it into an existing Web page. This provides tremendous flexibility in creating reports that meet business demands by completely integrating multiple sources of information within a single Web page. If you choose to create your own JSP, Oracle Reports Developer supplies templates that can be used to build your report.

Developers can easily create a JSP layout using the Reports Block Wizard to generate the necessary JSP tags in Oracle Reports Developer. Alternatively, they can add the tags themselves manually for more precise control.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web


Oracle Reports Developer is available with Oracle Developer Suite.

Oracle Application Server Discoverer

Oracle Application Server Discoverer is an intuitive ad-hoc query, reporting, analysis, and Web publishing tool. Using OracleAS Discoverer, business users at all levels of the organization gain immediate access to information from data warehouses and OLTP systems.

Introduction to Oracle Application Server Discoverer

Using OracleAS Discoverer you can easily access information, drill down, pivot, and sort data. You can perform simple calculations, such as sub-totals and percentages, and also make use of advanced analytic functions that are available in the Oracle database.

Figure 5-4 shows an example of an OracleAS Discoverer worksheet.

Figure 5-4 Oracle Application Server Discoverer Worksheet Example

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Description of the illustration plus_xtab_graph.gif

OracleAS Discoverer enables you to present the information you want to see in a familiar spreadsheet format. Using OracleAS Discoverer, you can do the following:

  • Obtain information from a database without knowing how the database is structured, or how to use a database programming language

  • Obtain the latest information without waiting for reports to run overnight, or for programmers to write reports for you

  • Analyze data interactively using the powerful analysis tools of OracleAS Discoverer to drill, pivot, and graph information

  • Create worksheets in tabular and cross-tab formats using OracleAS Discoverer wizards

  • Create totals, calculate percentages, and create custom calculations on your data

  • Perform advanced SQL analytic calculations using the OracleAS Discoverer easy-to-use analytic function templates

For example, a manager might view a summary report of sales that shows the top performing products for the quarter, and drill down to view results by region or by sales person. The manager could also use Oracle Application Server Discoverer to perform a quick comparison with previous quarters, or to calculate the three-month moving average of the organization's sales.

The end result is a collection of worksheets and graphs that persuasively support your business decisions and help you identify business opportunities.

Oracle Discoverer Tools

Oracle Application Server Discoverer provides the following tools:

Oracle Application Server Discoverer Viewer

Oracle Application Server Discoverer Viewer enables business users to run, view, and graph reports created by users of Oracle Application Server Discoverer Plus. OracleAS Discoverer Viewer is a true lightweight business intelligence tool, requiring no other software than a simple Web browser. Its Web interface is familiar to anyone who regularly uses a browser to view pages on the Internet, and it uses the same high performance, scalable architecture as other OracleAS Discoverer solutions. OracleAS Discoverer Viewer reports are live, enabling users to interact with their data by changing layouts and specifying parameters.

OracleAS Discoverer Viewer breaks large worksheets into pages in the background and displays the first page. Additional pages are displayed on demand. This reduces network traffic between the client and the OracleAS Discoverer server. The OracleAS Discoverer server monitors client activity and ends inactive sessions after a specified time-out limit. This frees up valuable resources for other users.

Oracle Application Server Discoverer Plus

Oracle Application Server Discoverer Plus enables business users to query, graph, and create reports. OracleAS Discoverer Plus runs as a Java client. You can perform drill and pivot analysis, and publish results to the World Wide Web.

Similar to OracleAS Discoverer Viewer, OracleAS Discoverer Plus breaks large worksheets into pages in the background and displays the first page. Additional pages are displayed on demand, reducing network traffic between the client and the OracleAS Discoverer server.

Oracle Application Server Discoverer Portlet Provider

Integration between Oracle Application Server Discoverer and Oracle Application Server Portal through the OracleAS Discoverer Portlet Provider enables you to publish reports or a list of reports to OracleAS Portal. This enables other users in the organization to easily access the information by subscribing to these portal pages. OracleAS Discoverer is a portlet provider to OracleAS Portal. There are two types of OracleAS Discoverer portlets: a list of workbooks portlet, and a worksheet portlet. Including a list of workbooks portlet in an OracleAS Portal page enables users to select a workbook and display the workbook in OracleAS Discoverer Viewer. Including the worksheet portlet in an OracleAS Portal page displays the information from that OracleAS Discoverer worksheet (as data, a graph, or both) along with a link to open the worksheet in OracleAS Discoverer Viewer.

Oracle Discoverer Desktop

Oracle Discoverer Desktop provides functionality similar to that of OracleAS Discoverer Plus. However, unlike OracleAS Discoverer Plus, Oracle Discoverer Desktop runs in a client/server architecture. Workbooks created with Oracle Discoverer Desktop can be opened in Oracle Application Server Discoverer Plus and Oracle Application Server Discoverer Viewer.


Oracle Discoverer Desktop is available with Oracle Developer Suite.

Oracle Discoverer Administrator

The Oracle Discoverer manager uses Oracle Discoverer Administrator to perform a variety of tasks. including maintenance of business areas, folders, summary table creation, and end user access. Oracle Discoverer Administrator provides extensive defaulting capability to enable managers to rapidly implement their end user environment. The Oracle Discoverer Administrator (a component of Oracle Developer Suite) is required to support Oracle Application Server Discoverer Plus, Oracle Application Server Discoverer Viewer, and Oracle Application Server Discoverer Desktop.

Oracle Discoverer Administrator is used for the initial setup and ongoing maintenance of the Oracle Discoverer End User Layer (EUL). The Oracle Discoverer EUL is a server-based, low maintenance, powerful metadata repository and query management engine for data warehouses and OLTP systems. It automatically performs query redirection to summary tables. The Oracle Discoverer EUL is centrally stored in the RDBMS for scalability and ease of maintenance, and is shared by both the client and server.


Oracle Discoverer Administrator is available with Oracle Developer Suite.

Oracle Application Server Discoverer Architecture

Figure 5-5 shows how data flows through and is processed by Oracle Application Server Discoverer.

Figure 5-5 Oracle Application Server Discoverer Architecture

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Description of the illustration dis_arch_bi.gif

OracleAS Discoverer uses an efficient cache that is completely transparent to both the end user and the administrator. The cache enables rapid analysis without re-querying the database. In a Web environment, this cache is located on a middle tier server and is associated with the user’s session. This enables end users to ask subsequent questions about the data without having to re-execute the query on the database server. Pivoting of data and many calculations are handled on the middle tier to provide exceptional performance. As users drill for more detail, OracleAS Discoverer fetches only the additional information requested and incorporates this into the existing cache, reducing both database and network traffic.

The first time that a computer is used to connect to OracleAS Discoverer, the OracleAS Discoverer Plus applet is downloaded from the OracleAS Discoverer Services tier and cached on the client computer. The OracleAS Discoverer Plus applet provides the OracleAS Discoverer Plus user interface and functionality for analyzing business intelligence data. When the user logs on subsequently, the OracleAS Discoverer Plus applet runs from the local cache and does not need to be downloaded.

The OracleAS Discoverer servlet generates HTML pages from HTTP requests using an XML/XSL processor. The OracleAS Discoverer Plus servlet provides the connection pages for OracleAS Discoverer Plus and OracleAS Discoverer Viewer. The OracleAS Discoverer Plus servlet forwards requests from the OracleAS Discoverer Plus applet to the OracleAS Discoverer servlet. The OracleAS Discoverer Plus servlet adds a URL parameter to the request indicating that the OracleAS Discoverer Plus applet was the originator of the request.The OracleAS Discoverer Portlet Provider servlet provides a user interface for publishing OracleAS Discoverer worksheets and links to OracleAS Discoverer workbooks on an Oracle Application Server Portal page.

The OracleAS Discoverer database tier consists of:

  • OracleAS Discoverer workbooks used to store reports and charts

  • The End User Layer (EUL) that provides an easy-to-understand view of the data

  • The business intelligence data that users want to analyze

The OracleAS Discoverer EUL enables you to access the same metadata and share reports regardless of client type.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Discoverer Plus User’s Guide and Oracle Application Server Discoverer Configuration Guide

Oracle Application Server Personalization

Today's e-businesses must compete by maintaining personal, one-to-one relationships with their Web customers, including both registered customers and anonymous Web visitors. Companies must provide e-customers with customized product recommendations, ratings of the likelihood that the customer will "like" the recommendations, and improved site navigation based on their interests and profiles.

Introduction to Oracle Application Server Personalization

Oracle Application Server Personalization provides real-time analysis and recommendations for Web stores, application hosting environments, and business call centers. Oracle Application Server Personalization provides an integrated real-time recommendation engine that is deployed with Oracle Application Server.

By delivering real-time personalization, Oracle Application Server Personalization delivers powerful, scalable real-time personalization for customer areas of interest. This enables e-businesses to provide e-customers with customized product recommendations, rank the likelihood that a customer will like the recommendations, and improve site navigation based on customer interests and profiles.

OracleAS Personalization is used by business-to-consumer customers, business-to-business customers, and Application Service Providers (ASPs) who need to personalize their customer "touch points" to support business-critical operations to achieve a competitive advantage.

Oracle Application Server Personalization provides recommendations and answers to questions such as these:

  • Which items is the customer most likely to buy or like?

  • Customers that bought or like this item are likely to buy or like which other items?

  • How likely is it that the customer will buy or like this item?

  • Which items is the customer most likely to buy or like given that the customer likes or is buying another item?

Oracle Application Server Personalization Features

Oracle Application Server Personalization provides the following features:

Real-Time Recommendation Engine Architecture

OracleAS Personalization dynamically serves personalized recommendations (such as products, content, and navigational links) in real time based on a registered customer’s or anonymous visitor’s explicit input (transactions, purchases, ratings, and demographic data) and implicit information (mouse clicks, pages visited, and banners viewed).

Data Mining Technology

Powerful data mining technology embedded in the Oracle Database Server automatically discovers individualized behavior patterns to generate highly accurate personalized recommendations in real time. OracleAS Personalization uses data mining to build data mining models. The models predict what the Web site visitor will probably like or buy. The predictions are based on the data collected for that Web site visitor in previous sessions, in the current session, and on demographic, purchasing, and ratings information.

OracleAS Personalization works in conjunction with existing Web applications and other applications that can make Java API calls. The applications ask OracleAS Personalization to capture certain visitor or customer activities, such as navigational clicks, adding items to a shopping cart, or providing demographic information. This data is both cached by OracleAS Personalization and saved into an Oracle database schema. At user-scheduled times, OracleAS Personalization mines the collected data, builds predictive models with rules for making recommendations, and populates its recommendation engines. The calling application can then ask OracleAS Personalization to generate real-time, individualized recommendations to display to each visitor or customer. OracleAS Personalization uses the rules to retrieve a list of items about which the visitor is most likely to be interested.

Single Administrative Interface

OracleAS Personalization enables you to build, configure, manage, and deploy many recommendation engines throughout your enterprise from a single administrative interface.

Additionally, the administrative interface supports deployment of multiple recommendation strategies for different campaigns or time periods (such as holidays). You can also capture and model behavior for specific events using the events scheduler.

Oracle Application Server Personalization Architecture

Figure 5-6 shows how data flows through and is processed by Oracle Application Server Personalization.

OracleAS Personalization incorporates visitor activity, through Web, mobile, call center, and campaign applications, into recommendations. This activity data is saved for that visitor in an Oracle database, where OracleAS Personalization uses the data to build predictive models. Future visits to the Web site add to the set of data for a customer. The new data allows for more accurate predictions.

OracleAS Personalization uses SQL queries for obtaining scores, which can be executed in real-time or in batch mode. Recommendation engines serve OracleAS Personalization recommendations to Web sites across the enterprise.

Figure 5-6 Oracle Application Server Personalization Architecture

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OracleAS Personalization predictive models may be rebuilt on a periodic basis (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) and deployed to the recommendation engines when completed. OracleAS Personalization enables users to create "recommendation engine farms" that are comprised of many recommendation engines serving customized recommendations to the Web site.

The architecture is extremely scalable for high-traffic sites. OracleAS Personalization stores the predictive models in memory to handle the high traffic and speed requirements associated with e-commerce sites. Data mining algorithms find hidden patterns and customer profiles that drive personalized recommendations.

OracleAS Personalization uses the Oracle Application Server Personalization Administrator to define a package that contains information needed to build predictive models using data mining technology in the database, as well as information about the database connections. The OracleAS Personalization Administrator creates and manages schedules for building the packages and for deploying the packages to the recommendation engines that will produce the recommendations. Recommendation engines with the same package are grouped together in recommendation engine farms.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Personalization User’s Guide

Integrating Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence

Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence provides a complete, integrated, and open solution to meet every company’s needs.Tight integration between Oracle Application Server, Oracle Developer Suite, and the Oracle Database delivers performance and scalability. Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence provides the technology that makes data visible across all parts of the business. The company’s decision makers are enabled to gather, analyze, and share the information quickly with stakeholders such as internal employees, external customers, suppliers, and partners. Deploying Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence leads to more accurate, significantly faster, and more cost effective decision making.In turn, businesses benefit from such decisions by developing differentiated product offerings, improving operational efficiency, and building profitable customer relationships.Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence provides the capability to:

Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence provides a fully integrated e-business intelligence environment. The following sections discuss Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence in relation to other Oracle Application Server components.

Leveraging Single Sign-on Functionality

A single sign-on service provides a single authentication mechanism that allows users to identify themselves securely to multiple applications through a single authentication step. Web-based e-businesses can use single sign-on functionality for deployment of business intelligence applications to employees, customers, and partners.Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On is a component of Oracle Application Server that enables users to log in to multiple Web-based applications, such as expense reports, e-mail, and benefits information, using a single user name and password. As such, OracleAS Single Sign-On serves as the security gateway for all Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence features.With OracleAS Single Sign-On, each user maintains only one identity and password for all applications they access. OracleAS Single Sign-On creates an enterprise-wide user to access multiple accounts and Oracle Application Server applications.

Both the Reports and Discoverer components of Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence leverage OracleAS Single Sign-On functionality to provide a seamless point of access to all of your business intelligence users.

Leveraging Oracle Application Server Portal Functionality

Oracle Application Server Portal is a browser-based, data publishing and developing solution that offers Web-based tools for publishing information on the Web and building Web-based, data-driven applications.OracleAS Portal is tightly integrated with Oracle Application Server Reports Services to create a robust and secure data publishing environment. OracleAS Portal provides easy-to-use wizards for setting up Oracle Application Server Reports Services security. These include wizards for defining user access to reports, Oracle Application Server Reports Servers, printers, output formats, and report parameters.Once you define access control information, it's stored in the OracleAS Portal repository. As an OracleAS Portal user, you can then, optionally, publish registered resource description frameworks (RDFs) and JavaServer Pages (JSPs) to an OracleAS Portal page. As with all OracleAS Portal functionality, using OracleAS Portal to deliver your reports is not required. You can deliver reports through command lines and still benefit from the access control features available to you through OracleAS Portal.Access to OracleAS Reports Services security features is not dependent on whether you also use OracleAS Portal to publish report links or report content. Even if you don't publish via OracleAS Portal, you can still take advantage of the OracleAS Reports Services security features available in OracleAS Portal to control user access to all of your reports.

See Also:

  • Oracle Application Server 10g Security Guide

  • Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web

Creating an E-Business Dashboard Using Oracle Application Server Portal

By integrating Oracle Application Server Portal and Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence features, you can create an E-Business Intelligence dashboard.

All Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence components can be integrated into the portal as portlets. A portlet is a reusable component and basic building block of a portal page. Portlets create part of a Web page in either HTML or XML. Using Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence components with OracleAS Portal you can do the following:

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control for Management

Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence integration with Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Control provides a centralized configuration management tool, enabling managers to view and configure Oracle Application Server services in the middle tier. Application Server Control provides easy-to-use graphical interfaces for managing Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence services. From Application Server Control you can:

  • Administer Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence services

  • Manage public connections

  • View and manage ports from a single intuitive interface

  • View and search Oracle Application Server log files

  • Switch user defined connections on or off

  • Set default locale for connections

  • Set connections to Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On

  • Examine real-time performance metrics and resource usage

See Also:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide

Implementing Enterprise Reporting with Oracle Reports Builder

Oracle Application Server Discoverer provides seamless integration with Oracle Reports Builder, the enterprise reporting tool available from Oracle Developer Suite. OracleAS Discoverer users export workbooks with full fidelity. Information about layout, formatting, exceptions, parameters, and other features is passed via XML, enabling OracleAS Discoverer workbooks to be extended using the full power of Oracle Reports Builder. This also provides users access to the full suite of publishing capabilities of OracleAS Reports Services, such as batch scheduling and PDF support. Refer to the Oracle Developer Suite Reports Builder online help for more information.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web


Oracle Reports Builder is available with Oracle Developer Suite.

Improving Performance with Oracle Application Server Web Cache

To boost performance over the Internet or extranet, Oracle Application Server Business Intelligence leverages Oracle Application Server Web Cache. Oracle Application Server Discoverer uses OracleAS Web Cache to speed up the response time for the most common requests. Additionally, you can use OracleAS Web Cache as a router to balance the load across all available application servers.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide