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Oracle Application Server 10g Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10376-01
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Oracle Application Server Backup and Recovery Tool

This chapter describes how to install, configure, and use the Oracle Application Server Backup and Recovery Tool (OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool).

It contains the following topics:

12.1 What is the Oracle Application Server Backup and Recovery Tool?

The Oracle Application Server Backup and Recovery Tool (OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool) is a Perl script and associated configuration files you can use to backup and recover configuration files and the Metadata Repository in your Oracle Application Server environment. The types of files you can back up and recover using the tool are shaded in Figure 12-1.

Figure 12-1 Files You Can Backup and Recover Using OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool

Text description of asadm006.gif follows

Text description of the illustration asadm006.gif

The tool can be used in different ways, depending on your level of experience and requirements:

12.2 How to Obtain the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool

You can obtain the Oracle Application Server Backup and Recovery Tool from the "OracleAS RepCA and Utilities" CD-ROM. The tool is located on the CD-ROM in the utilities/backup directory.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server 10g Installation Guide for information about the "OracleAS RepCA and Utilities" CD-ROM

12.3 How to Install the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool

Before you install the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool, review the following notes:

To install the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool:

  1. Log in as the user who installed Oracle Application Server.

  2. Extract the contents of the backup_restore.tar file from the "OracleAS RepCA and Utilities" CD-ROM to your disk. You can install in the Oracle home, or in another directory outside of the Oracle home. For example, to install it in the Oracle home:

    tar xvf CD_ROM/utilities/backup/backup_restore.tar
  3. Make sure the file has execute permission, for example:

    chmod 755 ORACLE_HOME/backup_restore/
  4. Familiarize yourself with the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool files, which are described in the Table 12-1. Instructions for editing the configuration files are in subsequent steps.

    Table 12-1   OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool Files
    FileFoot 1 Description

    The Perl script that you execute to perform backup and recovery operations


    The main configuration file that contains parameters for customizing the tool for your environment


    Component configuration files--each contains a list of configuration files for a particular component. These specify which files to back up when performing a configuration file backup.


    Templates for scripts for performing database backup and recovery operations using RMAN. When you initially configure the tool, a customized .dat file will be created from each .tmpl file.


    A SQL script called by the tool to initialize your configuration

    1 Paths are relative to the root of the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool directory.

12.4 How to Configure the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool

This section describes how to configure the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool. You must follow these steps for each installation in your environment.

  1. The tool writes out log files and backup files, and you must create the following directories to hold these.

    1. Log file directory: (Middle tier and Infrastructure) This directory holds log files created by the tool. This directory should have several megabytes of space.

    2. Configuration file backup directory: (Middle tier and Infrastructure) This directory hold configuration file backups. This directory should have several hundred megabytes of space.

    3. Database backup directory: (Infrastructure only) This directory holds datafile and control files backups of the Metadata Repository, as well as archived redo logs. This directory should have several gigabytes of space.

    Recommendations for creating these directories are as follows:

    • Create your backup directories on a filesystem on a separate disk and, if possible, a separate disk controller, than your Oracle Application Server Oracle home. This will give you the best chance of recovering data in the event of a hardware failure.

    • Make sure your backup directories are writable by the user that installed Oracle Application Server.

      For example, to create a log file directory, configuration file backup directory, and database backup directory on /disk1:

      mkdir -p /disk1/backups/log_files
      mkdir -p /disk1/backups/config_files
      mkdir -p /disk1/backups/db_files
      cd /disk1/backups
      chmod 755 log_files config_files db_files
      chown OracleAS_user log_files config_files db_files
  2. Edit config.inp and modify the parameters as described in Table 12-2. Notice that some of the instructions are different depending on whether this is a middle-tier or Infrastructure installation.

    Table 12-2   Parameters in config.inp
    Parameter Value


    Specify the full path of the Oracle home.


    Specify the full path of the log file directory.


    Do not insert a value for this; leave it as config_files_list=DO_NOT_SET.

    This parameter will be updated with the appropriate list of configuration files for your installation when you run -m configure.


    Specify the full path of the configuration file backup directory.


    Do not insert a value for this; leave is as install_type=DO_NOT_SET.

    This parameter will be updated with the appropriate value for your installation when you run -m configure.


    Do not insert a value for this; leave it as dbid=DO_NOT_SET.

    For Infrastructure installations, this value will be updated when you run -m configure. By default, the tool obtains the dbid from the Metadata Repository. Or, you can supply a dbid in special cases involving migrating a Metadata Repository from one host to another, such as for Disaster Recovery.

    For middle-tier installations, this value will stay untouched.


    Middle-tier Installation:

    Leave this line commented out.


    If desired, specify an alternate pfile to use when starting up the database. Otherwise, leave the line commented out and the default pfile will be used:

    • ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initasdb.ora

    Be sure to leave the pfile entry commented out if you want to use the default because blank values are not allowed in this file.


    Middle-tier Installation:

    Do not insert a value for this; leave it as database_backup_path=VALUE_NOT_SET.


    Specify the full path of the database backup directory.

  3. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the Oracle Application Server Oracle home.

  4. If this is an Infrastructure installation:

    1. Set the ORACLE_SID environment variable to the Metadata Repository SID. The default is asdb.

    2. Make sure the Metadata Repository is started.

  5. Configure the tool by running it with the -m configure option, for example:

    ./ -m configure

    This updates parameters in config.inp and, in the case of an Infrastructure, creates customized .dat files, which are used to backup, restore, and recover the Metadata Repository.

    You are now ready to use the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool.

12.5 Customizing the Tool for Your Configuration Files

As shipped, the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool backs up all of the Oracle Application Server configuration files that are necessary to reconstruct an Oracle Application Server installation.You can customize the tool to include any additional files that you would like to back up regularly, or to exclude any configuration files you do not want to back up.

12.5.1 How the Tool Works When Backing Up Configuration Files

Before you customize the tool, you should understand how it works. When you use the tool to back up your configuration files, it:

  1. Opens config.inp (unless another environment file was specified with the -e option) and retrieves config_files_list.

  2. Attempts to open each file in config_files_list and exits with an error if it cannot open all of the files.

  3. Examines the contents of config_exclude_files.inp. The tool will not attempt to back up the files listed in this file.

  4. Walks through each file in config_files_list and examines the first entry in each file. This entry is the key file. The key file is used to determine if the component exists in this installation.

    • If the tool finds the key file, it knows the component is installed, and attempts to back up all of the entries in the file. It logs an error whenever it cannot find a file.

    • If the key file does not exist, the tool does not attempt to back up any entries in the configuration file. It logs an error to the log file and skips to the next configuration file.

12.5.2 How to Customize the Tool

Since the tool knows how to determine which configuration files exist in your installation, it is not necessary to customize the tool. However, you may want to customize the tool by:

Adding Files to a Backup

To add a files to a backup, add entries to the config_misc_files.inp file as follows:

You can add as many entries as you like. The config_misc_files.inp file is always included in the config_files_list in parameter in config.inp, so there is no need to edit config.inp.

Note that you do not need to specify a key file in config_misc_files.inp.

Excluding Files from a Backup

You can exclude files from a backup in either of the following ways:

12.6 OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool Usage Summary

This section summarizes usage for the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool.

It contains the following topics:

12.6.1 Prerequisites for Running the Tool

Before running the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool:

12.6.2 Syntax

The syntax for the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool is: [-defsv] -m mode [args]

It accepts the following options:

-d Print a trace without executing.
-e Specify an environment file (default is config.inp).
-f Force log file, database backup, and configuration file directories to be
created if they are required by the current command and do not exist.
-s Run in silent mode.
-v Run in verbose mode.

Use the -m option to specify which mode to run. Some modes take arguments. Table 12-3 describes the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool modes and their arguments. All modes and arguments are case-sensitive.

Table 12-3   Oracle Application Server Backup and Recovery Tool Modes and Arguments
Mode and Arguments Description


Performs a complete cold backup of the Metadata Repository.

  • Opens config.inp (or the alternate file specified with the -e option) and retrieves log_path.

  • Shuts down the database, starts it in mounted mode, but does not open it.

  • Performs a backup of the datafiles and control files using RMAN. The commands are in backup_cold.dat.

  • Stores the backup in the directory specified in backup_cold.dat. (This is usually set to the database_backup_path in config.inp.)

  • Stores a log file in log_path.

  • Opens the database.


-l incr_backup_level

Performs an incremental backup of the Metadata Repository.

Works the same as backup_cold, except:

  • The -l option specifies the increment level (0 - 4).

  • Uses the backup_cold_incrlevel.dat file

There are two types of incremental backups, cumulative and differential. The tool uses the default type, which is differential. For more information, refer to Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide in the Oracle9i Documentation Library.


Performs a full configuration file backup.

  • Opens config.inp (or the alternate file specified with the -e option) and retrieves config_files_list, config_backup_path, and log_path.

  • Attempts to open each file in config_files_list. Exits with an error if it cannot open all of the files.

  • For each file in config_files_list, checks if the first entry (the key file) exists. If it does not exist, assumes this component does not exist and moves on to the next file. Otherwise, backs up all files in the list. If any files do not exist, logs an error and continues.

  • Excludes files listed in config_exclude_files.inp.

  • When finished, stores the backup in config_backup_path/config_bkp_timestamp.

  • If any errors are encountered, creates a log file in log_path/config_bkp_timestamp.


Performs an incremental configuration file backup.

Works the same as backup_config, except:

  • Backs up all configuration files that have changed since the last full or incremental configuration file backup.


Performs an online backup of the Metadata Repository.

  • Opens config.inp (or the alternate file specified with the -e option) and retrieves log_path.

  • Assumes the database is open.

  • Performs a backup of the datafiles and control files using RMAN. The commands are in backup_online.dat.

  • Stores the backup in the directory specified in backup_online.dat. (This is usually set to the database_backup_path in config.inp.)

  • Stores a log file in log_path.

  • Leaves the database open.


-l incr_backup_level

Performs an incremental online backup of the Metadata Repository.

Works the same as backup_online, except:

  • The -l option specifies the increment level (0 - 4).

  • Uses the backup_online_incrlevel.dat file

There are two types of incremental backups, cumulative and differential. The tool uses the default type, which is differential. For more information, refer to Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide in the Oracle9i Documentation Library.


[-i dbid]

Configures the tool.

When using this on an Infrastructure, make sure the Metadata Repository is up before you run this command.

  • Updates config_files_list and install_type in config.inp with the appropriate information for your installation.

  • If using this on an Infrastructure, updates the configuration file with the database id (dbid) and creates customized *.dat files from the database backup *.tmpl files. By default, it queries the Metadata Repository for the dbid. If you use the -i option, you can supply the dbid (this is used for migrating the Metadata Repository from one node to another, such as for Disaster Recovery).


Same as "configure" but does not perform the Infrastructure configuration.

Note: You should use "configure" for all middle-tier and Infrastructure installations; "configure_nodb" applies to disaster recovery strategies described in Oracle Application Server 10g High Availability Guide.


Prints a usage message.


Lists any configuration files that have changed since the last full or incremental backup. This command checks the modification date of each file; it doesn't check the actual contents of the file. It writes the list of files to a log file and prints the name of the log file.


[-t config_bkp_timestamp]


Restores configuration files.

  • Opens config.inp (or the alternate file specified with the -e option) and retrieves config_backup_path and log_path.

  • If the -t option is supplied and it is the timestamp from a full backup, it restores that full backup.

  • If the -t option is supplied and it is the timestamp from an incremental backup, it restores the full backup and all incremental backups up to and including the specified incremental backup.

  • If the -t option is not supplied, displays a list of configuration file backups in config_backup_path and exits. You can then rerun the command and supply one of these files with the -t option.

  • Restores all files from the configuration file backup to the Oracle home, preserving owner, group, permissions, and timestamp.

  • If any errors are encountered, creates a log file in log_path/config_rst_timestamp.

The -n option suppresses prompts so you can use the tool in batch mode.


[-u timestamp][-c][-n]

Restores and recovers the Metadata Repository from the available cold and online backups.

  • Opens config.inp (or the alternate file specified with the -e option) and retrieves log_path.

  • Restores the control files and datafiles, and performs recovery using RMAN. The commands are in restore_db.dat.

  • Stores a log file in log_path.

  • Leaves the database open.

By default, this command restores and recovers the database to its most recent state. You can use the -u option to restore and recover the database to its state at a particular point in time. For example: -m restore_db -u 7/26/2003_13:45:06

By default, this command does not restore the control file. You can use the -c option to restore the control file.

If you use the -u or -c option, be sure to do a full backup right away because all past backups are invalidated.

The -n option suppresses prompts so you can use the tool in batch mode.

Refer to Section 12.7, "Best Practices for Restoring and Recovering the Metadata Repository" for more information.

12.6.3 Usage Examples

This section contains usage examples for the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool.

12.7 Best Practices for Restoring and Recovering the Metadata Repository

This section describes best practice tips for using the OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool to restore and recover the Metadata Repository. It contains the following sections:

12.7.1 Restoring and Recovering the Metadata Repository to the Same Host

This section covers several circumstances under which you may need to restore and recover the Metadata Repository to the same host:

Corrupted or Lost Datafile

If a datafile is corrupted or lost, you can use the following command to restore from the latest backup and perform a full recovery: -m restore_db
Corrupted or Lost Control File

If a control file is corrupted or lost, you can use the following command to restore a control file backup, restore the datafiles, and perform a full recovery: -m restore_db -c

When you use the -c option, it restores the control file. This causes entries for tempfiles in locally-managed temporary tablespaces to be removed. You must add a new tempfile to the TEMP tablespace, or Oracle will display error ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty.

To add a tempfile to the TEMP tablespace:

SQL> alter tablespace "TEMP" add tempfile 'ORACLE_HOME/oradata/GDB/temp01.dbf' 
size 5120K autoextend on next 8k maxsize unlimited;

GDB is the first part of the global database name.

Note that when you restore a control file, the tool performs an "alter database open resetlogs." This invalidates all backups and archivelogs. You should immediately perform a complete cold backup of the Metadata Repository, which will serve as the new baseline for your subsequent partial online backups.

Point-in-time Recovery

If you lost configuration files in your middle-tier or Infrastructure installation and restored those, you may want to restore the database to the same point-in-time as the configuration file backup. You can do this using the following command: -m restore_db -u timestamp

You can specify any time between the time of your first backup and the current time, as long as none of the online redo logs were compromised. If any online redo logs are missing or corrupted, the latest time that can be specified is the time at which the last backup was made.

Note that when you do point-in-time recovery, the tool performs an "alter database open resetlogs." This invalidates all backups and archivelogs. You should immediately perform a complete cold backup of the Metadata Repository, which will serve as the new baseline for your subsequent partial online backups.

12.7.2 Restoring and Recovering the Metadata Repository to a New Host

When you restore the Metadata Repository to a new host (with the same hostname and IP address), the new host will not have the online redo logs that existed on the original host. Therefore, you cannot perform a full recovery--RMAN would give an error stating that it cannot find a certain log file (the online redo log file). Instead, you should do a point-in-time recovery using a time sometime between the first and most recent backup. You can do this using the following command: -m restore_db -c -u timestamp

If this command returns an error and the log shows that the datafiles were restored and recovered, then issue an "alter database open resetlogs" and the database will be opened in a consistent state. If no datafiles were restored and recovered, it is most likely an early timestamp was specified and you should retry the command with a later timestamp.

When you use the -c option, it restores the control file. This causes entries for tempfiles in locally-managed temporary tablespaces to be removed. You must add a new tempfile to the TEMP tablespace, or Oracle will display error ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty.

To add a tempfile to the TEMP tablespace:

SQL> alter tablespace "TEMP" add tempfile 'ORACLE_HOME/oradata/GDB/temp01.dbf' 
size 5120K autoextend on next 8k maxsize unlimited;

GDB is the first part of the global database name.

Note that whenever you restore the Metadata Repository to a new host, the control file will be restored from backup. This means that an "alter database open resetlogs" is always done, which invalidates all backups and archivelogs. You should immediately perform a complete cold backup of the Metadata Repository, which will serve as the new baseline for your subsequent partial online backups.

12.8 Error Messages You Can Ignore

This section lists OracleAS Backup and Recovery Tool error messages you can ignore for certain configurations.

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