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Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide
Release 2.6.3

Part Number B10283-02
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Viewing Error Information for a Workflow

The Workflow Errors page shows error information for an errored workflow.

The page displays the workflow type internal name and item key as well as the following details for the selected workflow:

Note: If you navigated to the Workflow Errors page from an error status link for a workflow, the page shows details for each errored activity within the workflow. If you navigated to the page from an error status link for a single errored activity, the page shows details for only that activity.

If the Workflow Errors page shows only one errored activity, and you have workflow administrator privileges, you can use the activity administration buttons to respond to the error.

Note: When you reassign a notification from the Status Monitor, Oracle Workflow transfers complete ownership and responsibility for the notification to the new recipient. If you want to delegate authority to respond to the notification but retain ownership of the notification yourself, or if you want to enter comments to the new recipient, you must use the Notifications Worklist to reassign the notification. See: To Reassign a Notification to Another User, Oracle Workflow User's Guide.

Note: You cannot reassign a notification if the Expand Roles option is selected for the notification. The Reassign button appears only for an errored notification activity.

Additionally, you cannot reassign a voting notification that tallies the recipients' responses. See: Voting Activity, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

Note: If you suspend the root process for a workflow, all subprocesses for the workflow are suspended as well. The Suspend button appears only for an errored process activity.

Note: If you resume the root process for a workflow, all subprocesses for the workflow are resumed as well. The Resume button appears only for an errored process activity that is suspended.

Note: You cannot skip a suspended process activity. You must resume the process before you can skip it.

Note: You cannot retry a suspended process activity. You must resume the process before you can retry it.

You can also select the Return link to return to the previous page.

See Also

Accessing the Administrator Monitor

Viewing Workflows in the Status Monitor

Viewing Child Workflows

Viewing Activity History

Viewing a Status Diagram

Viewing Participant Responses

Viewing Workflow Details

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