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Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for MQ Series Installation and User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10411-01
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Installation and Configuration

This chapter discusses the following topic:

Installing the MQ Series Adapter

This section contains these topics:

Preinstallation Tasks

The MQ Series adapter must be installed in one of the following Oracle homes:

Before installation, make sure that the MQ Series server and possibly the MQ Series client if the server is running on a remote host, are installed.

For IBM installation guides, see the following:

Verify that the MQ Series installation is working before commencing the installation of the MQ Series adapter.

See Also:

Verifying the Installation in all IBM guides.

Consult the following guides before proceeding with MQ Series adapter installation:

Installation Tasks

To install the MQ Series adapter:

  1. On the Available Product Components page of the OracleAS InterConnect installation, select MQ Series adapter, then select Next.

    Consider the following scenarios:

  2. If installing OracleAS InterConnect for the first time on this machine, complete the following steps to enter the hub database information:

    1. On the Welcome page, select Next. The OracleAS InterConnect Hub Database Configuration page displays. Enter information in the following fields:

      • Host Name--The host name of the machine where the hub database is installed.

      • Port Number--The TNS listener port for the hub database.

      • Database SID--The SID for the hub database.

    2. Click Next. The Database User Configuration page displays. Enter information in the following fields:

      • User Name--The hub database user name. Make sure the OracleAS InterConnect Hub is installed. If the Hub is not installed, complete the installation and note the user name and password.

      • Password--The password for the hub database user.

  3. Click Next. The Adapter Configuration page displays. Enter the application to be defined or already defined in iStudio in the Application Name field. White spaces or blank spaces are not permitted. The default value is myMQseriesApp.

  4. Click Next.

    The OracleAS InterConnect Adapter for MQ Series usage page displays.

  5. Select one of the following options and go to the step specified to enable the sending and/or receiving of messages from an external data source, such as an MQ Series server. You can change your selections later by editing parameter settings in the adapter.ini file.

    If You Select... Then Click Next and Go to Step...

    Configure for both sending and receiving messages


    Configure for sending messages ONLY


    Configure for receiving messages ONLY


  6. Enter the following information in the OracleAS InterConnect MQ Series Adapter Configuration - Configure sending endpoint information page:

    • MQ Series inbound queue--The URI of the MQ Series queue to which messages are sent.

    • MQ Series inbound log queue--The URI of the MQ Series queue which temporarily stores log records during sending transactions. This queue and the next can refer to the same physical MQ Series queue.

    • MQ Series inbound id queue--The URI of the MQ Series queue which is used to store and generate unique (sequential) transaction identifiers for the inbound or sending transactions.

  7. Click Next.

    The installation page that displays next is based on the selection you made in Step 5:

    If You Selected... Then Go to Step...

    Configure for both sending and receiving messages


    Configure for sending messages ONLY


  8. Enter the MQ Series outbound queue and topic information. This is a URI for the MQ Series queue or topic from which messages are receiving. It is used for listening to incoming messages from MQ Series or as JMS ReplyTo addresses when sending request messages to MQ Series.

  9. Enter the following information on the OracleAS InterConnect MQ Series Adapter-Define MQ Series connection information page:

    • MQ Series Java installation path--This path specifies the root directory of the MQ Series Java (client) installation, which typically is /opt/mqm/java. During startup, the MQ Series Adapter will look in the lib subdirectory of this path to find the JAR files jms.jar,,, and connector.jar.

    • MQ Series Queue Manager--The name of the MQ Series queue manager to which to connect.

    • MQ Series Client Connection Type--From the drop down list, select the type of connection to make to the MQ Series queue manager. Select Remote to use a client connection (through an MQ Series channel), or select Local to bind to a queue manager running on the same machine as the adapter.

  10. Click Next.

    The installation page that displays next is based on the selection you made in Step 9:

    If You Selected... Then Go to Step...





  11. Enter the following information on the OracleAS InterConnect Adapter for MQ Series-Specify MQ Series client connection parameters page:

    • Host Name--The DNS name of the host where the MQ Series queue manger resides.

    • Port Number--The port number to connect to on the MQ Server host. The default port number is 1414. This port is defined when starting the MQ Series listener via the command runmqlsr (for example, runmqlsr -m <qmqr> -t tcp -p 1415).

    • MQ Series Channel Name--The name of the MQ Series channel to use for the client connection.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Complete any other fields for other components selected for installation, such as other adapters.

    When finished, the Summary page displays.

  14. Click Install to install the MQ Series adapter. The adapter is installed in the following directory:

    Platform Directory





    Application is the value you specified in Step 3.

  15. Click Exit at the end of Installation page to exit the MQ Series adapter installation.

Configuring the MQ Series Adapter

Table 2-2, Table 2-3, and Table 2-4 describe executable files, configuration files, and directories. These files and directories are accessible from the directory shown in Table 2-1:

Table 2-1 MQ Series Adapter Directory
Platform Directory





Table 2-2 Executable Files
File Description

start.bat (Windows)

start (UNIX)

Takes no parameters, starts the adapter.

stop.bat (Windows)

stop (UNIX)

Takes no parameters; stops the adapter.

ignoreErrors.bat (Windows)

ignoreErrors (UNIX)

If an argument is specified, then the given error code will be ignored. If no argument is specified, than all error codes specified in the ErrorCodes.ini will be ignored.

Table 2-3 Configuration Files
File Description

ErrorCodes.ini (Windows and UNIX)

Should contain one error code per line.

adapter.ini (Windows and UNIX)

Consists of all the initialization parameters which the adapter reads at startup. Refer to Appendix A for a typical adapter.ini file.


One or more D3L XML files that describe the mappings between MQ Series native/binary fixed-structure messages and OracleAS InterConnect Application View messages.

Table 2-4 Directories
File Description


The messages are persisted in this directory. This directory or its contents should not be edited


The logging of adapter activity is done in subdirectories of the log directory. Each new run of the adapter creates a new subdirectory in which logging is done in an oailog.txt file.

Using the Application Parameter

Adapters do not have integration logic. The MQ Series adapter has a generic transformation engine that processes metadata from the repository as runtime instructions to do transformations. The application defines for an adapter what its capabilities are. For example, it can define what messages it can publish, what messages it can subscribe to, and what are the transformations to perform. The application parameter allows the adapter to become smart in the context of the application to which it is connected. It allows the adapter to retrieve from the repository only that metadata that is relevant to the application. The application parameter must match the corresponding application that will be defined in iStudio under the Applications folder.

If you are using pre-packaged metadata, after importing the pre-packaged metadata into the repository, start up iStudio to find the corresponding application (under the Applications folder in iStudio) to use as the application for the adapter you are installing (unless the package you are using provides directions for what the application should be).

ini Files

Hub.ini Parameters

The MQ Series adapter connects to the hub database using parameters from the hub.ini file located in the hub directory. The following table lists the parameter name, a description for each parameter, the possible and default values, and an example.

Table 2-5 Hub.ini Parameters
Parameter Description Example


The name of the hub database schema (or username). The default value is oaihub904.



The password for the hub database user. There is no default value. You input the hub_password value during installation.



The name of the machine hosting the hub database. There is no default value. You input the hub_host value during installation.



The system identification number (SID) of the hub database. There is no default value. You input the hub_instance value during installation.



The transparent network services (TNS) listener port number for the HUB database instance. There is no default value. You input the hub_port value during installation.



The valid name of the repository this adapter talks to. The default value is InterConnectRepository.


Real Application Clusters-specific Hub.ini Parameters

When a hub is installed on a Real Application Clusters (RAC) database, parameters listed in Table 2-6 represent information on additional nodes used for connection and configuration. These parameters are added on top of the default parameters which represent the primary node. In Table 2-6, x represent the node number, which varies between 2 and the number of nodes. For example, if the Real Application Clusters setup contains 4 nodes, x can take a value between 2 and 4.

Table 2-6 Real Application Cluster-specific hub.ini Parameters
Parameter Description Example


Number of nodes in Real Application Clusters.



The host where the Real Application Clusters database is installed.



The instance on the respective node.



The port on which the listener is listening.


Adapter.ini Parameters

The MQ Series adapter connects to the spoke application using parameters from the adapter.ini file. Table 2-7 lists the parameter name, description, the possible and default values, and example for each parameter.

Table 2-7 Adapter.ini Parameters
Parameter Description Example


The name of the application to which this adapter connects. This must match with the name specified in iStudio during creating of metadata. Any alphanumeric string can be used. There is no default value.



The partition this adapter handles as specified in iStudio. Any alphanumeric string can be used. There is no default value.



To have multiple adapter instances for the given application with the given partition, each adapter should have a unique instance number. Possible values are any integer greater than 1. There is no default value.



Specifies the amount of logging necessary. Possible values are:

0=errors only

1=status and errors

2=trace, status, and errors

The default value is 1.



The subscriber name used when this adapter registers its subscription. The possible value is a valid Oracle Advanced Queueing subscriber name. There is no default value.



Specifies conditions for message selection when registering its subscription with the hub. The possible value is a valid Oracle Advanced Queuing message selector string. There is no default value.

agent_message_selector=recipient_list like '%mqapp,%'


The subscriber name is used when multiple adapter instances for the given application with the given partition are used. Optional if there is only one instance running. The possible value is application name (parameter: application) concatenated with instance number (parameter: instance_number). There is no default value.

If application=mqapp, instance_number=2, then, agent_reply_subscriber_name=mqapp2


Used only if there are multiple adapter instances for the given application with the given partition. The possible value is a string built using concatenating application name (parameter:application) with instance number (parameter:instance_number). There is no default value.

If application=mqapp, instance_number=2, then agent_reply_message_selector=receipient_list like'%,mqapp2,%'


Specifies if message tracking is enabled. Set to false to turn off all tracking of messages. Set to true to track messages with tracking fields set in iStudio. Possible values are true and false. The default value is true.



Specifies if throughput measurement is enabled. Set to true to turn on all throughput measurements. Possible values are true and false. The default value is true.



Specifies if a custom DTD should be used for the common view message when handing it to the hub. By default adapters use an OracleAS InterConnect-specific DTD for all messages sent to the hub as other OracleAS InterConnect adapters will be retrieving the messages from the hub and know how to interpret them. Set to true if for every message, the DTD imported for the message of the common view is to be used instead of the OracleAS InterConnect DTD. Only set to true if a OracleAS InterConnect adapter is not receiving the messages from the hub. Possible values are true and false. There is no default value.



Specifies the metadata caching algorithm. Possible values are:

  • startup--Cache everything at startup. This may take a while if there are a lot of tables in the repository.

  • demand--Cache metadata as it is used.

  • none--No caching. This slows down performance.

The default value is demand.



Specifies the DVM caching algorithm. Possible values are:

  • startup--Cache all DVM tables at startup. This may take a while if there are a lot of tables in the repository.

  • demand--Cache tables as they are used.

  • none--No caching. This slows down performance.

The default value is demand.



Specifies the lookup table caching algorithm. Possible values are:

  • startup--Cache all lookup tables at startup. This may take a while if there are a lot of tables in the repository.

  • demand--Cache tables as they are used.

  • none--No caching. This slows down performance.

There default value demand.



With any of the agent caching methods enabled, metadata from the repository is cached locally on the file system.

Set this parameter to true to delete all cached metadata on startup.

Note: After changing metadata or DVM tables for this adapter in iStudio, you must delete the cache to guarantee access to the new metadata or table information.

Possible values are true and false. There default value is false.



Specifies the maximum number of application objects' metadata to cache. Possible values are any integer greater than 1. The default value 200.



Specifies the maximum number of common objects' metadata to cache. Possible values are any integer greater than 1. The default value 100.



Specifies the maximum number of messages' metadata to cache (publish/subscribe and invoke/implement). Possible values are any integer greater than 1. The default value is 200.



Specifies the maximum number of DVM tables to cache. Possible values are any integer greater than 1. The default value is 200.



Specifies the maximum number of lookup tables to cache. Possible values are any integer greater than 1. The default value is 200.



Specifies the maximum size that internal OracleAS InterConnect message queues can grow. Possible values are any integer greater than 1. The default value is 1000.



Specifies the maximum size that internal OracleAS InterConnect persistence queues can grow. Possible values are any integer greater than 1. The default value is 1000.



Specifies how often the persistence cleaner thread should run. Possible values are any integer greater than 30000 milliseconds. The default value is 60000.



Specifies how often the persistence thread should retry when it fails to push a OracleAS InterConnect message. Possible values are any integer greater than 5000 milliseconds. There default value is 60000.



Specifies how to turn on or off the pipeline for messages from the Bridge towards the hub. If you set the pipeline to false, the file persistence is not used in that direction.



Specifies how to turn on or off the pipeline for messages from the hub towards the Bridge. If you set the pipeline to false, the file persistence is not used in that direction.



Windows only. The value that the environment variable PATH should be set to the specified value before forking the Java VM. Typically, all directories containing all necessary DLLs should be listed here. Possible values are the valid path environment variable setting. There is no default value.



The classpath used by the adapter Java VM. If a custom adapter is developed and as a result, the adapter is to be used to pick up any additional jars, add the jars to the existing set of jars being picked up. Possible values are the valid classpath. There is no default value.



The entry class for the Windows service. Possible values are oracle/oai/agent/service/AgentService. There is no default value.



Windows only. The maximum size to which the Java VM's stack can grow. Possible values are the valid Java VM maximum native stack size. The default value is the default for the Java VM.



Windows only. The maximum size to which the Java VM's native stack can grow. Possible values are the valid Java VM maximum native stack size. The default value is the default for the Java VM.



Windows only. Specifies the minimum heap size for the adapter Java VM. Possible values are the valid Java VM heap sizes. The default value is the default Java VM heap size.



Windows only. Specifies the maximum heap size for the adapter Java VM. Possible values are any valid Java VM heap sizes. The default value is 536870912.



Windows only. The number of service_vm_arg<number> parameters specified. Possible values are the number of service_vm_arg<number> parameters. There is no default value.



Windows only. Specifies any additional arguments to the Java VM. For example, to get line numbers in any of the stack traces, set service_vm_arg1=java.compiler=NONE. If there is a list of arguments to specify, use multiple parameters as shown in the example by incrementing the last digit starting with 1. Be sure to set the service_num_vm_args correctly. Possible values are any valid Java VM arguments. There is no default value.

service_vm_arg1=java.compiler= NONE


The CORBA port number on which the adapter CORBA service listens. Generally, this port is allocated dynamically. However, it can be configured to enable access across firewall.



Format for date fields expressed as string. The following pattern letters are defined. All other characters from A to Z and from a to z are reserved.

Letter  Date or Time                    Component Examples

G          Era designator                  AD

y           Year                                   1996; 96

M          Month in year                    July; Jul; 07

w          Week in year                     27

W          Week in month                  2

D           Day in year                        189

d           Day in month                     10

F           Day of week in month       Number 2

E           Day in week                        Tuesday; Tue

a           A.M./P.M. marker              P.M.

H           Hour in day (0-23)              0

k           Hour in day (1-24)              24

K           Hour in A.M/P.M. (0-11)   0

h           Hour in A.M./P.M. (1-12)  12

m           Minute in hour                    30

s           Second in minute                55

S           Millisecond                           978

z           Time zone                              Pacific

The default date format is EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy.

Note: This parameter specifies date format. It is applicable for the date format only.

Date format pattern dd/MMM/yyyy can represent 01/01/2003.


Multiple date format can be specified as num_nls_formats=2




This parameter is a valid ISO Country Code. These upper-case and two-letter codes are defined by ISO-3166. You can find a full list of these codes at a Web site, such as,

The default Country code is US.

Note: This parameter specifies date format. It is applicable for the date format only.



This parameter is a valid ISO Language Code. These lower-case and two-letter codes are defined by ISO-639. You can find a full list of these codes at a Web site, such as,

The default language code is en.

Note: This parameter specifies date format. It is applicable for the date format only.



Character encoding for published messages. The adapter uses this parameter to generate encoding information in encoding tag of transformed OracleAS InterConnect message. OracleAS InterConnect represents messages internally as an XML document. The default encoding of the XML document is UTF-8. However, this encoding can be configured using this parameter, which is typically used when the OracleAS InterConnect message consists of characters not supported by UTF-8 and when the XMLParser is unable to handle them.


MQ Series Adapter Parameters

Table 2-8 lists the parameters specific to the MQ Series adapter.

Table 2-8 MQ Series Adapter-specific Parameters
Parameter Description Example


Indicates the entry class for the MQ Series adapter. Do not modify this value. The only possible value is oracle.oai.agent.adapter.mqseries.MQBridge. There is no default value.


This defines the message type that the MQ Series adapter will handle for both incoming and outgoing messages. Possible values are XML and D3L. The default value is XML.


mq.default.sender. destination.uri

A URI for the MQ Series inbound queue to which messages will be sent from OracleAS InterConnect. The syntax for the URI is described in the MQ Series Using Java guide. Possible values are any valid JMS queue URIs. There is no default value.

mq.default.sender. destination.uri=queue: ///INBOUND.QUEUE?priority=1


URI for the MQ Series log queue used during send transactions. Possible values are any valid JMS queue URIs. There is no default value.


mq.default. sender.seq_queue.uri

URI for the MQ Series transaction id (sequence generator) queue used during send transactions. It can refer to the same queue as mq.default.sender.log_queue.uri. Possible values are any valid JMS queue URIs. There is no default value.



The MQ Series adapter will normally read and write JMS messages from/to MQ Series queues, which include a JMS specific header section. To suppress this header when interacting with external non-JMS clients (C or non-JMS Java applications), this property can be defined. In addition to causing the JMS header suppression, it will also define the message MQMD Format field of each message being sent by the adapter. If the value is set to MQFMT_STRING, it will cause all messages to be sent as Text messages, no matter which mode the adapter is operating in (XML or D3L language). Normally, D3L mode will cause the adapter to send only Bytes messages. The default value is blank.


mq.default.receiver. destination.uri

A URI for the MQ Series outbound queue or topic from which messages will be received. Used for listening to incoming messages or as a ReplyTo address when sending request messages to MQ Series. Possible values are any valid JMS queue URIs. There is no default value.

mq.default.receiver. destination.uri=topic: //SAP/Events/HR/ newEmployee


A URI for an MQ Series queue where faulty received native messages will be placed. This occurs if messages cannot be XML parsed or translated by D3L due to, typically, syntax errors. Other cases could be if OracleAS InterConnect is unable to accept a message from the MQ Series adapter. The default value is blank.


mq.default.receiver. selector

JMS selector expression applied while dequeueing from the receiver destination. Possible values are any valid JMS selector expressions. There is no default value.

mq.default.receiver. selector=JMS_IBM_Format <> 'MQSTR' AND JMSXUserID = 'scott'

mq.default. receiver.transacted

Specifies whether or not the JMS sessions for the receive URI should be transacted. The JMS session for the sender URI is always transacted. The possible value are Y and N. The default value is N.

mq.default.receiver. transacted=Y

mq.default. receiver.durable

If the receiver.destination.uri parameter specifies a JMS topic, then this parameter defines whether or not a durable subscriber should be used to subscribe to the topic. The possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.

mq.default.receiver. durable=Y


The name of the MQ Series queue manager to connect to. The possible value is any MQ Series queue manager name. There is no default value.


mq.default. connection_type

The type of connection to make to an MQ Series queue manager. The possible values are bind (local) or client (remote). There is no default value.


The name of the MQ Series channel to use for the client connection. The possible value is any valid MQ Series channel name. The default value is blank.


The DNS name of the host where the queue manager resides. The possible value is a valid hostname that can be reached over the network from the MQ Series adapter. The default value is blank.



The port to connect to on the MQ Server host (IBM's default is 1414). The possible value is a valid port number for the MQ Series listener. The default value is blank.



MQ Series user ID when connecting to the queue manager. Equivalent to the MQ Series environment variable MQ_USER_ID. The value may be used to verify the identity of the MQ Series adapter. The possible value is a valid MQ Series username. The default value is blank.


Encrypted_mq.default. password

MQ Series (encrypted) password when connecting to the queue manager. Equivalent to the MQ Series environment variable MQ_PASSWORD. The value may be used to verify the identity of the MQ Series adapter.



Fully qualified class name of the receive exit being used. The possible value is the classname of a Java class that implements The default value is blank.

mq.default.receive_exit=mypackage. myReceiveExit


Fully qualified class name of the send exit being used. The possible value is the classname of a Java class that implements The default value is blank.



Fully qualified class name of the security exit being used. The possible value is the classname of a Java class that implements The default value is blank.



The coded-character-set-ID in use on connections instead of the default. For possible values, see table 16 in the MQ Series Using Java Guide.

See Also:

The default value is blank (~819).



The number of milliseconds between attempts to receive a message. Possible values are 0-java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE. The default value is 5000.



The number of milliseconds before an idle transaction identifier will expire. Possible values are 0-java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE. The default value is 60000.


mq.default.event. name

Should be used if the bridge will only handle one single fixed event name for outbound messages (from MQ Series) and none of the other options below are feasible to use. This parameter requires only one D3L file defined below, with an event name exactly matching this hardcoded event name. The possible value is a valid OracleAS InterConnect event name. The default value is blank. Price.update


If this parameter value is Y, the bridge uses the IBM MQ Series Message Format field as the name of the OracleAS InterConnect event. This message field or property is often referred to as:

  • (C)--MQMD Format field (MQFMT)

  • (Java)

The possible values are Y and N. The default value is N.


mq.default.event. property

If the sending external application is able to specify the event name as a message property value, use this parameter to define the name of the message property that will carry the message event name. The possible value is a valid JMS message property name. The default value is blank.


Allows a custom Java class to be defined to determine which event name the native MQ Series message corresponds to. It is invoked by the bridge, which provides the received JMS message as input, expecting the event name in return (as a String). This Java class must implement the oracle.oai.agent.adapter.mqseries.MQEventExit interface. The possible value is the Java class name of a class that implements the oracle.oai.agent.adapter.mqseries.MQEventExit interface. The default value is blank.

mq.default.event.exit= mypackage.myMqEventExit

Starting the MQ Series Adapter

On UNIX, start the MQ Series adapter using the start script in the following directory:


Type start, then press Enter.

On Windows, start the adapter from the Services window available from the Start menu.

  1. Access the Services window from the Start menu:

    On... Choose...

    Windows NT

    Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services

    Windows 2000

    Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

    The Services window displays.

  2. Select the OracleHomeOracleASInterConnectAdapter-Application service.

  3. Start the service based on your operating system:

    On... Choose...

    Windows NT

    Choose Start.

    Windows 2000

    Right click the service and choose Start from the menu that displays.

The MQ Series adapter, in turn, automatically starts the publishing engine, a tool for notifying foreign applications of additions, deletions, or updates to the native application (in this case, PeopleSoft objects and databases).

See Also:

Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter Publishing Engine User's Guide

Sample Log File of Successfully Started MQ Series Adapter

The following file displays an MQ Series adapter that was started successfully:

Service.exe -debug "Oracle OAI Adapter 9.0.4 -mqapp"
The Adapter service is starting..
Registering your application (MQAPP)..
Initializing the Bridge oracle.oai.agent.adapter.mqseries.MQBridge..
Starting the Bridge oracle.oai.agent.adapter.mqseries.MQBridge..
Service started successfully.

Stopping the MQ Series Adapter

On UNIX, stop the MQ Series adapter using the stop script in the following directory:


Type stop, then press Enter.

On Windows, stop the adapter from the Services window available from the Start menu.

  1. Access the Services window from the Start menu:

    On... Choose...

    Windows NT

    Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services

    Windows 2000

    Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

    The Services window displays.

  2. Select the OracleHomeOracleASInterConnectAdapter-Application service.

  3. Stop the service based on your operating system:

    On... Choose...

    Windows NT

    Choose Stop.

    Windows 2000

    Right click the service and choose Stop from the menu that displays.

You may verify the stop status by viewing the oailog.txt files in the appropriate time stamped subdirectory of the log directory within the adapter directory.

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