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Oracle Application Server InterConnect Adapter for HTTP Installation and User's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10413-01
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Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter provides answers to frequently asked questions about the HTTP adapter.

This chapter contains this topic:

Troubleshooting Questions

The following questions address troubleshooting issues for the HTTP adapter.

How do I know the HTTP adapter started properly?

View the oailog.txt file located in the appropriate timestamped subdirectory of the HTTP adapter logs directory.

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where Application is the value you defined in Step 3 and timestamp_in_milliseconds is the directory. If no exceptions are listed, the adapter started properly.

The HTTP adapter did not start properly - what is wrong?

View the exceptions in the adapter log file (oailog.txt). The exceptions provide information about inconsistencies. One possible reason is that the HTTP adapter did not connect to the repository. Ensure that the repository is started properly and the HTTP adapter connects to the repository once it is started properly. You do not need to restart the adapter.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server InterConnect User's Guide for instructions on starting the repository on UNIX and Windows

I changed an element in iStudio, but the HTTP adapter uses old information - what is happening?

The HTTP adapter caches the information from iStudio (the information that is stored in the repository) locally for better performance in a production environment. If you change something in iStudio and want to see the change in the runtime environment, you need to perform the following procedures:

To see iStudio changes in the runtime environment:

  1. Stop the affected adapters.

  2. Delete the adapter cache files.

  3. Restart the adapter.

Each adapter has a persistence directory located in the directory named after the HTTP application. Deleting this directory when the adapter has been stopped makes the adapter obtain the new metadata from the repository when started.

If I cannot answer some HTTP configuration questions or I make a mistake during installation, can I edit these settings later?

Yes, edit the parameters in the following file:

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All configuration parameters with the exception of bridge_class can be edited more than once.

See Also:

"Hub.ini Parameter File" for parameter information

Can I install multiple HTTP adapters on the same computer?

You can install multiple HTTP adapters on the same computer by specifying a different Oracle home for each adapter during the installation process. If you try to install a second adapter in the same Oracle home, the installer overwrites previous installations of the HTTP adapter. However, you can still install multiple adapters in the same Oracle home, by using the copyAdapter utility and manually editing some configuration files (see the next question for details).

How do I install a second HTTP adapter in the same Oracle home?

To install a second HTTP adapter in the same Oracle home, complete the following steps:

  1. Use the copyAdapter utility to make a copy of the existing HTTP adapter:

      On UNIX:

      % cd ORACLE_HOME/oai/9.0.2/bin 
      % copyAdapter <oldAdapterName> <newAdapterName>

      On Windows:

      c:\> cd ORACLE_HOME\oai\9.0.2 bin
      c:\< copyAdapter <oldAdapterName> <new AdapterName>
  2. Change the parameters in the adapter.ini file for the new adapter. In particular, make sure the following parameters in the new adapter.ini file are different from the adapter.ini file for the existing HTTP adapter:

    1. Change the send endpoint (ota.send.endpoint) parameter.

    2. Change the receive endpoint (ota.receive.endpoint) parameter.

      The default receive endpoint set by the installer is:

      http://<machine name>:<port number>/oai/servlet/transportServlet

      You can change the receive endpoint to the following:

      http://<machine name>:<portnumber>/oai1/servlet/transportServlet
    3. Change the payload type parameter (ota.type) if necessary.

    4. Change the rmi registry port parameter (http.receiver.registry_port) to a port not used on this machine.

  3. Change the content of the web.xml file to match that of the adapter.ini file. The web.xml file is in the following directory:

    On UNIX:


    On Windows:

    • Change the rmi port to match the value entered in Step 2d.

      • Change the following entry in the web.xml file:



        <param-value> port-number-you-used-step-2d </param-value>
  4. Change the following entry in the application.xml file in the ORACLE_HOME\oai\9.0.2\adapters\<your new http app name>\webapps\META-INF directory:



  5. Prepare the java archive parameter (oai1.ear):

    On UNIX:

    % cd ORACLE_HOME/oai/9.0.2/adapters/<your http app name>/webapps
    % jar cvf oai.war WEB-INF
    % jar cvf oai1.ear oai.war META-INF

    On Windows:

    c:\> ORACLE_HOME\oai\9.0.2\adapters\<your new http app name>\webapps
    c:\> jar cvf oai.war WEB-INF
    c:\> jar cvf oai1.ear oai.war META-INF

    An .ear file has been created called oai1.ear which is ready for deployment.

  6. Deploy the oai1.ear file in the OracleAS environment:

    On UNIX:

    % cd ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin
    % dcmctl shell
    dcmctl> deployApplication -f oai1.ear  -a oaiservlet1 -co oc4j_oai
    dcmctl> exit

    On Windows:

    c:\> ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin\dcmctl shell
    dcmctl> deployApplication -f oai1.ear  -a oaiservlet1 -co oc4J_OAI
    dcmctl> exit


    Here, oaiservlet1 is a unique application name that you assign to your servlet. If this name is already used in the current environment, select a different name.

  7. Restart the HTTP server. Verify if the new receiving endpoint is functioning by entering the URL used in Step 2b in your browser. If the servlet is deployed correctly, a diagnostic page appears.

How do I make the adapter.ini file password parameters secure?

In order to encrypt password values specified in the adapter.ini file, perform the following steps:

To encrypt password values:

  1. Locate the password value to encrypt.

  2. Run the encrypt utility to encrypt the password value. The encrypt utility is located in the ORACLE_HOME/oai/9.0.4/bin directory for UNIX and the ORACLE_HOME\oai\9.0.4\bin directory for Windows. For example, to encrypt the http.sender.password parameter, enter the following:

    encrypt password
  3. Prefix the name of the parameter in the adapter.ini file with encrypted_:

  4. Replace the value with the new encrypted value created in Step 2. For example, if you want to encrypt the password for the parameter http.sender.password, replace the line:


    with the value you received from running the encrypt tool in Step 2:



    You can also encrypt the http.sender.wallet_password parameter by performing these instructions.

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