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Oracle® Application Server Certificate Authority Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10663-01
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Managing Policies in Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority

Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority automatically enforces the policies specified by the organization to apply to requests for certificate issuance, revocation, or renewal. The policy rules supplied with Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority support standard needs. They are, however, configurable by the administrator, using the Configuration Management tab of the Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority web interface, or by adding custom policy plug-ins to meet the site's needs. The administrator can also bypass policies by disabling them, if needed.

This chapter explains the policy management component of the Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority, including the tools for developing custom policy plug-ins.

Topics in this chapter include:


Table 5-1 Policy Concepts, Terms, and Definitions in Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority
Concept or Term Definition

Policy Rule or Policy

In Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority, a policy rule is a set of defaults and ranges for the values of parameters that apply to certificates, requests, etc. For example, a policy rule for validity period can specify 365 days as the minimum validity, 730 days as the default, and 3650 days as the maximum.

Policy rules can also contain predicates, which limit or alter the application of the rule. Without predicates, a policy rule for a particular operation, such as renewal, applies to all such requests.


A predicate, in Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority, is an expression you create to identify a type of certificate or certificate request, plus corresponding values. When the type of certificate or certificate request matches the predicate expression, these corresponding values are used to evaluate the request's validity, instead of the policy's default values.

Predicates are available only for OCA default policies; they cannot be used with custom policies, which are discussed at section Developing a Custom Policy Plug-in.

Examples: Type=="client", Type=="server", or Type=="*"


A Java class that implements a policy rule.

Overview of Policy Management

Policy management means formulating and applying policies (sets of rules) chosen by the Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority administrator to enforce organizational constraints. Constraint examples include the choices offered to the user for selecting key algorithm, key size, and validity period.

As the administrator, you can use policies shipped with Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority to define the following operations:

You can enable, disable, or modify policy rules using the edit capability of the Configuration Management tab in Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority's web interface. See the section entitled Policy Sub-tab of Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority.

You can also create new rules and develop policy plug-ins to embody them. Each rule is embodied in a policy plug-in, that is, a Java class that implements the evaluations or restrictions chosen by the administrator. There is a one-to-one mapping between a policy rule and a policy plug-in. Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority's default plug-ins cover most of the common policy configuration needs. To write a policy plug-in, the administrator must follow good programming practices and use the APIs provided by the Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority package, as described in Developing a Custom Policy Plug-in.

After developing a new plug-in defining a site-specific policy, you can use that same Policy subtab to name and describe it to Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority. If you also enable it, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority will enforce the new rules as it does its own.

Policy rules are enforced by the policy processor module in the Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority engine. This processor module applies all enabled rules sequentially; rules that are not enabled, or are disabled, are not enforced. The order used is the order in which they are listed on the Policy Rules page for each operation, in the Policy subtab. That is, the processor module calls the policy plug-ins in the order specified on the Policy Rules page for each operation. Every incoming request is subjected to all applicable enabled policy rules for that type of operation, i.e., request, renewal, or revocation. If a rule is enabled and its terms are not met by an incoming request, that request is rejected.

Each policy rule relates to one or more attributes of a request for certificate issuance, revocation, or renewal. For example, one such attribute relates to minimum and maximum key sizes used in an RSA algorithm. The relevant default policy checks that all such attributes are within the algorithm's valid ranges.

Policies are administered through the web interface using the Policy subtab of the administrative interface.

Further details of policy processing involving predicates are discussed in the section titled Predicates in Policy Rules.

Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority Policies

Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority supplies constraint-specific policy rules that the policy processor uses to evaluate an incoming certificate enrollment, revocation, or renewal request. Within each rule, you can configure Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority to check an incoming request for particular attributes, and either accept these attributes, alter them, or reject the request.

If a policy rule is enabled, the Oracle Certificate Authority server applies the rule to the certificate request being processed

Table 5-2 lists the default constraint-specific policy rules; the first column contains links to the discussion of each policy rule.

Table 5-2 Default Constraint-specific Policy Rules  
Policy Rule Name Function Default State


Enforces constraints on key lengths



Enforces a specified validity period on certificates



Prohibits multiple certificates being issued to the same name for the same usage



Allows or rejects requests for revocation of expired certificates



Allows or rejects requests for renewal of expired certificates



The RSAKeyConstraints policy rule imposes constraints on the minimum and maximum key sizes used for RSA public/private keys.

Table 5-3 describes the parameters of the RSA key constraints module.

Table 5-3 Parameters in the RSA Key Constraints Policy Rule  
Parameter Description

Status (Enabled/Disabled)


Specifies (on the Policy Rules page) whether the rule is enabled or disabled.

If you enable the rule and set the remaining parameters correctly, Oracle Certificate Manager applies the rule to certificates specified by the predicate expressions.

If you disable the rule, the Oracle Certificate Manager allows the RSA key size to be any multiple of 16 between 512 and 4096 bits.


Default: "*"

Specifies the predicate expression for this rule, to limit the types of certificate to which this rule will apply. If you want the rule to be applied to certificate requests, type * in this field.

Examples: Type=="client"

See Predicates in Policy Rules.



Specifies the minimum length (bits), for the RSA key (the length of the modulus in bits). The value must be smaller than or equal to the one specified by the maxSize parameter.

Valid values: 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096 bits.



Specifies the minimum length (bits), for the key (the length of the modulus in bits). The value must be greater than or equal to the one specified by the minSize parameter.

Valid values: 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096 bits.

An administrator can specify multiple sets of predicates, minSize, and maxSize using complex predicate expressions.

For example, an organization might need (minsize, maxsize) for Sales and Finance departments to be (512,1024) and (1024,2048), respectively. Multiple predicate expressions and value sets can be used to specify this requirement:

Predicate 1: dn=="ou=Sales"

minSize, maxSize are specified as 512,1024

Predicate 2: dn=="ou=Marketing"

minSize, maxSize are specified as 1024,2048

Text description of rsakeyconstraint.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration rsakeyconstraint.gif


The ValidityRule policy rule determines if the validity period in the certificate request is acceptable and enforces the minimum and maximum validity dates as follows:

Table 5-4 describes the parameters for the issuance validity constraints module. The illustration at the end of this section shows how they appear in the web interface

Table 5-4 Parameters in the ValidityRule Policy 
Parameter Description

Status (Enabled/Disabled)


Specifies (on the Policy Rules page) whether the rule is enabled or disabled.

If you enable the rule and set the other parameters correctly, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority checks the configured validity period in certificates specified by the predicate parameter.

If you disable the rule, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority does not use the period specified in the rule to check the configured validity period in certificates. Instead, it uses the validity period specified in the request.

Minimum Validity

Default Minimum=90 days

Specifies the minimum validity period (days) for certificates.

Valid values: an integer greater than zero and less than the value specified by the Maximum Validity parameter.

Maximum Validity

Default Maximum=3650 days

Specifies the maximum validity period (days) for certificates.

Valid values: an integer greater than zero and greater than the value specified by the Minimum Validity parameter.

Default validity period is the Default Maximum: 3650 days.


Default = 365 days

Specifies the validity period for SSO / SSL Users. Must be between minimum and maximum validity period.

Value set to 365 days.


Specifies the predicate expression for this rule, to limit the types of certificate to which this rule will apply. If you want the rule to be applied to all certificate requests, type * in the field.

Examples: Type=="client"

See Predicates in Policy Rules.

If this rule is disabled, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority issues certificates with the validity specified in the certificate request, as long as that period is less than or equal to the validity period of the certificate of the CA.

For the automatic client users (i.e., SSO- and SSL-authenticated users), the validity is automatically set by using the "Default Validity period" in the matching predicate specified in the policy. For all other users, validity is expected as part of the certificate request. This capability enables an administrator to specify the exact validity period that automatic users will get, eliminating the need for such users to enter this value.

The validity period that applies to the Certificate Authority can be 5 years or even 10 years. The longer the validity period is for the CA, the longer its issued certificates remain valid without the need for renewal or replacement. The installation process for Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority uses a default of 10 years for the root CA. The following illustration shows the validity-rule parameters.

Text description of validityparams.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration validityparams.gif


The UniqueCertificateConstraint policy rule prevents OCA from issuing multiple certificates to the same subject name for the same usage. When enabled, this policy can reject such a request, if the parameter in the policy is set to prohibit multiple such certificates.

The policy checks the incoming request against the Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority repository for any certificates matching the subject DN of the incoming certificate request. If an existing certificate is found for the subject DN, then the certificate usages (ssl, signing, etc.) are checked. If there is an existing certificate for the requesting DN that also specifies the same usage as is being requested, the request is rejected if the policy is set to reject multiples.

Text description of uniquecertconstraint.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration uniquecertconstraint.gif

Table 5-5 describes the parameters for the UniqueCertificateConstraint module.

Table 5-5 Parameters in the UniqueCertificateConstraint Policy Rule 
Parameter Description

Status (Enabled/Disabled)


Specifies (on the Policy Rules page) whether the rule is enabled or disabled.

When enabled, the rule uses the checkbox allowing multiple certificates with the same usage. If it prohibits multiple certificates for the same subject name and the same usage, the request is rejected.

If you disable the rule, OCA will approve multiple certificate requests for the same subject name and the same usage.

Checkbox allowing multiple certificates to have the same DN and the same usage

Default: checked

When checked, this box allows OCA to issue a new certificate for a DN that already has a certificate even if the usages are same.

When unchecked, this box prevents OCA from issuing a new certificate to a DN that already has a certificate if the new and old certificate usages would be the same.


The OCA Administrator can restrict revocation of expired certificates by applying this policy to user certificate revocation requests. If this policy is enabled, revocation of an expired certificate is allowed after its expiration date. If you don't want to allow revocation of expired certificates in your PKI setup, you can use the policy to configure Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority accordingly.

Text description of revocationconstraint.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration revocationconstraint.gif

Table 5-6 describes the parameters of the revocation constraints module.

Table 5-6 Parameters in the Revocation Constraints Policy Rule  
Parameter Description

Status (Enabled/Disabled)


Specifies (on the Policy Rules page) whether the rule is enabled or disabled.

If you enable the rule and set the other parameters correctly, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority verifies the validity period of the certificate being revoked, checks the value assigned to the allowExpiredCerts parameter, and accordingly allows or denies the revocation request.

If you disable the rule, OCA does not verify the validity period of the certificate being revoked, nor whether it is expired. The certificate is simply revoked.


Default: True

Specifies whether to allow (True) or prevent (False) revocation of expired certificates.


The OCA Administrator can restrict the time window during which renewal of certificates is allowed by applying this policy to certificate renewal requests (including the administrator certificate renewal). If this policy is enabled, a user cannot renew a certificate outside the range of days specified around its expiration date. You can exclude or constrain renewal of expired certificates in your PKI setup by configuring this policy accordingly.

Table 5-7 describes the parameters of the renewal constraints policy rule.

Table 5-7 Parameters in the Renewal Constraints Policy Rule  
Parameter Description

Status (Enabled/Disabled)


Specifies (on the Policy Rules page) whether the rule is enabled or disabled.

If you enable the rule and set the other parameters correctly, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority verifies whether the request is made with in the specified number of days before or after its expiry by checking against the parameters renewalNotBefore and renewalNotAfter. If it succeeds, it will set the validity period to the value specified in the validityPeriod parameter.

If you disable the rule, the OCA does not verify the requested date of the certificate being renewed; it simply renews the certificate and sets the validity period to 365 days.


(No defaults)

Specifies the predicate expression for this rule. If you want the rule to be applied to all certificate requests, specify '*' in this field (default). Since auto users are always of type client, ocmcert, Type predicate expression need not be used, e.g., DN=="ou=ST,o=Oracle,c=US". (DN entries must be contiguous, and must be complete down to the "C=" entry, but need not necessarily start with CN.)

See Predicates in Policy Rules.


Default: TRUE

Specifies whether to allow (value set to TRUE) or prevent (FALSE) renewal of certificates.


Default: 10

Specifies how many days before its expiration that a certificate can be renewed.

Permissible values are 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30.


Default: 10

Specifies how many days after the expiration of a certificate it can be renewed.

Permissible values are 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30


Default: 365 days

Specifies the validity period, in days, for renewed certificates. Permissible values: Numeric, for whatever period is desired.

Text description of renewalconstraint.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration renewalconstraint.gif

All Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority policies are managed by the OCA administrator using the policy subtab of the administrative web interface.

Policy Sub-tab of Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority

When you first select the Policy sub-tab, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays all the policy rules that can apply to certificate requests.

Text description of policyonentrynew072403.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration policyonentrynew072403.gif

You can change the display to show the policy rules applicable to revocations or renewals by selecting either "Revocations" or "Renewals" from the drop-down box labeled "View Policies For". Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority then displays those policies. The policies shipped with Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority, and the actions available to the administrator, are summarized in the following sections:

Policies specify the rules by which certificate requests are evaluated and by which issued certificates are renewed or revoked. You can add a policy for requests, revocations, or renewals and, if more than one policy exists, reorder the policies to alter the sequence in which they are applied. For each policy of a given type, you can view and edit its parameters and predicates, enable or disable it. Deletion of OCA Default Policies are not allowed, but you can delete custom policies.

To add a policy, you must specify its name and description, and specify a class that you have previously added as a jar in the $ORACLE_HOME/oca/policy directory. (For Windows, $ORACLE_HOME\oca\policy.)

See Also:

Developing a Custom Policy Plug-in

The administrator can disable any policy. Disabling a policy does not remove it from the possibility of future use, but rather resets an entry in the OCA repository that can later be re-enabled. Deleting a policy makes it permanently unavailable (unless you later add it as if new).

Policies are enabled by an entry in the OCA repository. Enabling a disabled policy (or one that was specified in the OCA repository but not enabled) makes its parameters and predicates effective once again.

Policy parameters usually specify default limits or ranges that a certificate request must not violate or it will be rejected automatically. Some parameters simply enable or disable a capability or a constraint. Parameters apply to all circumstances except those specified in predicates.

Policy predicates identify specific types of certificates or requests for which the policy parameter limits, ranges, or constraints are specified to be different from the defaults for all other certificates or requests.

Changes you make to any Policy configuration parameters will take effect only after Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority is restarted, as described in the section titled Starting and Stopping Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority in .

Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority ships with policies that apply to certificate requests, revocations, and renewals, as discussed in the sections that follow.

The administrator can override the policy by unchecking the "apply policy" checkbox when issuing a certificate.

Certificate Request Policies as Shipped

Certificate requests must satisfy the parameters and predicates of the policies that restrict four factors important to security. You can adjust the parameters and predicates affecting the following issues in the policies as shipped:

Certificate Revocation Policy as Shipped

The RevocationConstraintRule is an OCA default policy shipped with Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority. You can set parameters and predicates on this policy as required, such as to allow or disallow revocation of expired certificates.

Certificate Renewal Policy as Shipped

You can set the parameters and defaults for the RenewalRequestConstraint policy, which establish whether and when certificates can be renewed, and for how long. You specify the window within which renewal is to be allowed, by setting a number of days before and after the certificate's established expiration date. The default is 10 days before and after that date. You can also change the default renewal period, which is initially set at 365 days.

Policy Actions

The buttons you see on the Policy Rules screen represent the actions you can take, which are described in the sections that follow: Edit, Enable or Disable, Delete, Reordering Policies, and Adding Policies.

Text description of policyactions.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration policyactions.gif


When you select a policy and click Edit, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays the screen for that policy, showing its parameters and predicates as currently set. For example, the screen for the key constraints policy shows the defaults for maximum and minimum key sizes. It also shows the predicates that change those defaults for specific certificate types.

On any such page, you can choose different values for the default parameters or for the specific values associated with the existing predicates. For standard policies, you can also change those predicates by typing in the Expression text box, reorder the predicates using the Reorder button, or add a predicate using the Add button. (See Reordering Predicates and Adding Predicates.)

The Custom Policy edit screen will appear when you select a custom policy and click edit. The usual edit screen is only for default policies.

Enable or Disable

When you create a policy, you can choose to enable it. If you do, it will apply to the type of operation (request, revocation, or renewal) for which you specified it. If you do not enable it, or if you choose to disable it at some point, its parameters, defaults, and predicates will not apply to any request, revocation, or renewal.

However, a disabled policy remains available in the database. You can then later enable it at your discretion.

A deleted policy, on the other hand, is removed from the database, making it permanently unavailable unless re-entered as a wholly new policy.


On the Policy Rules page, the default Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority policies cannot be deleted; only Custom Policies can be deleted. If you had added a custom policy, it would appear in the list, and you could select it and click Delete.

On the Edit page for a particular rule, you can select a predicate and click Delete. Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority immediately removes that predicate and displays an informational message saying it has done so.

Reordering Policies

As an administrator, you can change the order in which policies are applied. For example, the default policies for certificate requests appear in the order shown on the following screen:

Text description of policyonentrynew072403.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration policyonentrynew072403.gif

When you click Reorder, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays the list of existing policies. You can select and re-position them until you have your desired order, using the following screen:

Text description of reorderonentry.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration reorderonentry.gif

To move the Unique policy up two positions, click it to select it and then click the upward-pointing button two times, creating the following screen:

Text description of confignwuniqueup3.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration confignwuniqueup3.gif

When you click OK, you see that policy in the first position instead of where it had been, as shown on the following screen:

Text description of cnfgnplcieswuniqueup3.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration cnfgnplcieswuniqueup3.gif

Note that Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays an Information message alerting you to the change.

The predicates within a policy rule can also be reordered in a similar way. See the section titled Reordering Predicates.

Adding Policies

On the Policy Rules page, you can click the Add button to add a new policy for the type of operation you were reviewing, i.e., for requests, revocations, or renewals. Only custom policies can be added, as embodied in an object class that you have already defined and made available as a jar in the $ORACLE_HOME\oca\policy directory. Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays a form for you to enter the new policy's name, description, and object class, and to specify whether it should be enabled. For more information on custom policy development, see Developing a Custom Policy Plug-in.

Text description of addacustompolicy.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration addacustompolicy.gif

See Developing a Custom Policy Plug-in for further explanation.

You can also add a predicate, within a policy rule, to any of the default policies displayed on the edit page for the policy. (Predicates cannot be added to custom policies.) See Adding Predicates.

Predicates in Policy Rules

Policy rules are specified and enforced according to certain conventions, as explained briefly in the section Overview of Policy Management. This section explains the use of predicates in policy rules and supplies examples, in the following subsections:


Policy rules cannot be shared across request types, i.e., requests for certificate issuance, revocation, or renewal.

A predicate specifies certain values and an expression used as a test of incoming certificate requests. The specified values are to be used instead of the policy's defaults if the predicate expression is matched by the corresponding elements of a certificate request. When a match occurs, the values associated with that predicate expression are used to evaluate the request's validity and set its parameters, instead of the policy's default values.

Predicates are optional, and they cannot be used in custom policies.

You can specify predicates in the web interface for a rule within a default policy. Once specified, the predicates are matched with every incoming request for the particular certificate operation the policy applies to, i.e., request, revocation, or renewal.

If an incoming certificate or certificate request matches no predicate expression, or if the rule has no predicates, then the default values, ranges, or actions specified for the policy are used to evaluate the request. For example, values in the request are checked to verify they are in the correct default range specified in the policy. If they are, the request will be honored. Values that do not match the specified defaults or are not in the specified ranges cause the request to be rejected with an informational error message.

If an incoming certificate or certificate request does match a type specified in a predicate, then the defaults or ranges in the rule are not applied to that certificate or certificate request. The only values that can be applied to it are those you specify as corresponding to that predicate.

Thus, as an administrator, you can enhance a rule in a default policy and configure it for different user populations. For example, you can set a longer validity period for the "Development" department that for the "Sales" department.

The predicate expression is a logical expression. You form the expression using variables and relational operators. For example, you could set up a predicate to set different validity dates for certificates for users in different groups.

The following are valid sample predicate expressions:

Type==client AND DN=="ou=Sales,o=oracle,c=us"
Type==server AND DN=="o=Oracle,c=us"

Table 5-8 lists the logical operators used in predicate expressions.

Table 5-8 Logical Operators  
Operator Description


Equal to


Not equal to


Logical operator AND

The following rules use the delimiter ":=" to separate the name of the policy expression and its valid syntax. They show what is valid in constructing policy expressions:

Predicate expression := Expression | AndExpression
AndExpression := Expression AND Expression
Expression := Attribute op Value 

Attribute :=  <attrib_name>
op:    ==  or    != 

Value :=  a string 

Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority does not support operators such as OR, <, and >. You can implement the OR logical expression by splitting the predicate into multiple predicates and specifying the same value. (The policy plug-ins and APIs support multiple predicates.) In the predicates, values can be any string enclosed in double quotes. Attribute is always specified as <attrib_name>. All predicate expressions and string values are case-insensitive. A Value in an Expression can be set to "*" to match every "attribute" under consideration, e.g., type=="*" matches all the certificate types. However, using "*" with any other string to form partial-pattern string matching is not supported.

Table 5-9 describes the attributes and the values they can have.

Table 5-9 Predicate Attributes  
Attributes Variable Name Description



Specifies the certificate type. Allowable values include the following:

  • type=="client"

  • type=="server"

  • type=="ca "



Specifies the type of certificate usage. Allowable values including the following:

  • usage=="ssl"

  • usage=="smime_enc"

  • usage=="smime_sign"

  • usage=="code_sign"

  • usage=="ca_sign"



Specifies the distinguished name. Valid parameters include any valid partial or complete DN. (DN entries must be contiguous, and must be complete down to the "C=" entry, but need not necessarily start with CN.)

Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority uses DNs as specified in RFC1779, with the most significant component last. For example, in the well-formed DN "cn=user31415,ou=security,ou=ST,o=Oracle,c=US", cn is the least significant component and c is the most significant one.

The term RDN stands for "relative distinguished name," meaning the most granular level local entry name that needs no further qualification to address an entry uniquely. If an RDN appears multiple times, then the least significant RDN, specified first, is understood to be a child of the RDN occurring next. In the above example, since "ou=security" appears before "ou=ST", "security" is understood as a sub-division under "ST" division.

A DN specified in the predicate can start at any RDN but should complete at the root. For example, "ou=ST,o=Oracle,c=US" is a valid partial DN that can be specified where as, "ou=ST,o=Oracle" is an invalid partial DN as it stops at "o=Oracle" and doesn't contain the root (i.e. "c=US").

To support the big-endian order, where the most significant component is first, OCA internally converts it to little-endian order before DN matching is done, for policy evaluations only.

When DN components are matched against a DN expression mentioned in a predicate expression, the following rules are applied:

The predicate matches the DN if the whole predicate is a last part of the DN.

For example, if the predicate expression is

then it would match all of the following DNs:

The above predicate expression fails to match the following DNs:

Multiple Predicate Evaluation

A policy rule can have more than one predicate. When the policy rule has multiple predicates, evaluation begins by comparing the first predicate expression against the incoming certificate request object. If it matches, the rule is applied. If not, then evaluation compares the next predicate expression against that request. This procedure continues until a predicate matches the certificate request object or, if no predicates match, the policy rule's default values are applied.

No attempt is made to find the best match: the first match that occurs is used. The administrator is responsible for specifying the order of predicates in the manner most appropriate to the organization.

One criterion is to place, at the top of the rules, those predicate expressions targeted for specific matches and least-significant RDNs, so they will be evaluated first.

Evaluation Example for Multiple Predicates

The following example demonstrates how a rule evaluates multiple predicates. In this example, the policy rule is about the key sizes used by the RSA rule. The rule has two predicate expressions, about server certificates and client certificates, specifying corresponding minimum and maximum key sizes. If an incoming server or client certificate request specifies a key size outside the range specified for its corresponding predicate, the rule will reject it.

Text description of keysizeexample.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration keysizeexample.gif

If neither predicate expression matches the incoming certificate request, then the rule compares the requested key size with the minimum and maximum specified as defaults. If the requested key size is outside this range, the request is rejected; otherwise, it is approved.

One Further Example of Evaluating Multiple Predicates

Evaluation of multiple predicates can be subtle. They are applied in the top-down order in which they are listed on the Edit page of the Configuration Management tab in the Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority web interface. The sequence is important.

Suppose the first predicate listed in a policy specifies Type=="client" and OU=="Oracle" and CN=="Clay", and then sets the keylength to 2048.

Then, suppose a later predicate in that same policy specifies Type=="client" and OU=="Oracle", setting the keylength to 512.

Then only client requests from Clay will have the keylength set to 2048; all other Oracle client requests will have it set to 512.

However, if the order is reversed, so that the more general predicate is earlier in the policy, even Clay will have a keylength of 512. The more specific predicate will never be encountered, since only the one earlier in the sequence, the more general one, will be acted on for this policy.

Reordering Predicates

You can reorder predicates in a manner similar to reordering policies, as described in Reordering Policies. If you click Reorder on a page displaying predicates, like the one shown in the Evaluation Example for Multiple Predicates section, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays a screen of the following type:

Text description of reorderpredicates.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration reorderpredicates.gif

Select the predicate you wish to move, by clicking it, and then click one of the reordering arrowhead buttons: the predicate will move in the direction you chose. For example, if you reversed the order of the predicates in the Evaluation Example for Multiple Predicates, you would see the following screen:

Text description of prdctsreordsbscrn.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration prdctsreordsbscrn.gif

Clicking OK would then make that the predicate order for the rule, as shown here:

Text description of mainscrnprdctsreord.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration mainscrnprdctsreord.gif

Notice that Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority also displays an Information message acknowledging the changed order.

Adding Predicates

You can add a predicate by clicking Add Another Row on a page displaying predicates. Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays a blank row for you to fill:

Text description of addingaprdctstart.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration addingaprdctstart.gif

If you fill in the blank row with a valid predicate, as shown below, it will be accepted when you press OK (which also returns you to the main policy page).

Text description of addingdone.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration addingdone.gif

On the Edit page for a specific policy, you can add a predicate by clicking Add Another Row. An example of a predicate is requiring that requests for a server certificate use a higher range of key lengths than required of end-user certificate requests, as in this screen:

Text description of keysizeexample.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration keysizeexample.gif

When you click Add Another Row, Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays an empty additional predicate row, where you can type your new predicate into the Predicate Expression box. You also specify the capability or default parameter range to be used when the predicate is matched:

Text description of prdctaddnampolicyrule.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration prdctaddnampolicyrule.gif

If you specify a predicate that is invalid or already present for this rule, an error message appears.

When you have specified the predicate to your satisfaction, click OK. Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority displays the original page for this rule with your new predicate row added at the bottom.

Developing a Custom Policy Plug-in

The default policy plug-ins shipped with OCA are generic. To enhance the policy structure for specific organizational requirements, an administrator can write a custom plug-in using the framework OCA provides. This framework includes APIs to get information about certificates and certificate requests, and a few generic functions. To implement a custom plug-in, an administrator must write a Java class and register it with OCA, which is also called "adding a policy."

The following situations are appropriate examples of goals for developing custom plug-ins to handle:

The APIs provided by OCA enable the administrator's custom plug-in to acquire request parameters and the attributes of certificates and certificate requests.

See Also:

The Javadoc accompanying Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority

The following subsections describe tools and examples to aid an administrator in developing custom plug-ins if the organization requires them:

What Processing Does a Policy Do?

A custom plug-in can be written by implementing OCACustomPolicyPlugin interface. OCAPolicyRequest object, which is passed to the 'enforce' method of this interface, has all the essential attributes (of the certificate or certificate request) and their values set. The custom plug-in can read these objects to get or set attributes of the certificate request or certificate.

The following steps are involved in custom policy plug-in processing:

Table 5-10 Steps in Custom Policy Plug-in Processing  



Enforce method of OCA custom plug-in receives OCAPolicyRequest from the policy processor

Automatic retrieval of the objects needed to get the actual parameter values set during the enrollment, renewal, or revocation requests. These parameters are the DN, validity period, serial number, etc.

The plug-in checks the retrieved parameters from OCAPolicyRequest with the parameter values expected by the plug-in.

If the policy check succeeds, it sets the plug-in result using setplug-inResult method and return TRUE to the policy processor. Otherwise it sets an error using setError() and returns FALSE to the policy processor.

Steps in Creating a New Policy Plug-in

The following four steps describe creating a new policy plug-in:

  1. Write a Java class that implements OCACustomPlugin interface, using the sample implementation shown in the next section as a guide.

  2. Save the java class implemented in step 1 and compile after adding $ORACLE_HOME/oca/lib/oca-1_3.jar to java CLASSPATH and obtaining the class file.

  3. Use the jar utility to jar the class file.

    1. For example, the code in the previous section would be jar'ed and kept in example.jar.

      To jar the class, use the jar utility available under $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin directory.

      • To create example.jar, execute:

        $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/jar cvf example.jar oca
      • where example.jar is the jar file name and oca is the package directory that contains custom/policy/plugin/examplePlugin.class

    2. If you then were to execute 'jar tvf example.jar', you would see the examplePlugin.class file under the directory structure oca/custom/policy/plugin.

  4. Place this jar file into the $ORACLE_HOME/oca/policy directory. (For Windows platforms, the slashes become backslashes: $ORACLE_HOME\oca\policy\). This directory is pre-created by Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority.

  5. Stop OCA, OCA's OC4J, and OHS. Use the following commands in ORACLE_HOME:

    $ORACLE_HOME/oca/bin/ocactl stop
    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc type=oc4j instancename=oca
    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc type=ohs
  6. Start OHS, OCA's OC4J, and OCA, in that order. Use these similar commands:

    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc type= oc4j instancename=oca
    $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc type=ohs
    $ORACLE_HOME/oca/bin/ocactl start
  7. Use the OCA Administrator's web interface to add your custom policy to define your new rule.

    That is, navigate to the Policy Rules page within the Policy subtab of Configuration Management, click the Add button, and fill in the fields. You supply the name, description, and class for your custom policy, click the enable checkbox to enable it, and then click OK.

    Text description of addacustompolicy.gif follows.

    Text description of the illustration addacustompolicy.gif

  8. Restart OCA, as described in the section titled Starting and Stopping Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority in Chapter 3, "Introduction to OCA Administration and Certificate Management". Only after OCA is restarted will the new jar be found and recognized, and the rule be able to come into effect. After this step, the custom policy will be applied to requests for certificates, renewals, or revocations, depending on which section was modified by adding this plug-in.

An Example of a Custom Policy Plug-in

You need to implement OCACustomPolicyplugin interface to write a custom plug-in.

The first step in supplying your own policy plug-in is to create a new Java class.

This section shows you an example of a custom policy plug-in that ensures that the country code in the certificate request is not US.

1: package oca.custom.policy.plugin;

2: import;

3: import;

4: public class examplePlugin implements OCACustomPolicyPlugin

5: {

6: public boolean enforce (OCAPolicyRequest policyRequest)


// Add the functionality here.

// Assume the plug-in should reject all requests with country code as US.

7: if (!policyRequest.getCountry().equals("US"))

8: {

//Plug-in check succeeded. Country ID in request is not US.

//Hence return true.

9: return true;

10: }

11: else

12: {

//Plug-in check failed: Country ID in request is US. Set error and return false.

13: policyRequest.setError("examplePlugin",OCMPolicyConstants.POLICY_ERROR,

"Country ID cannot be US.");

//The first parameter is the plug-in name.

//The second parameter is the status, which is an ERROR.

//The third parameter is the Message to be displayed.

14: return false;

15: }

16: }

17: }

In the example above, line 1 is the package to which this custom policy plug-in belongs. The custom policy plug-in can belong to any package other than a package that starts with ''.

Lines 2 and 3 import the class files required. The Javadoc API documentation contains the details of these files.

Line 4 implements the OCACustomPolicyPlugin interface. The custom policy interface must be implemented by all custom plug-ins. The interface that OCA gives belongs to the package and is available in $ORACLE_HOME/oca/lib/oca-1_3.jar.

Line 6 implements the method that will contain the functionality of this plug-in. So when the policy processor invokes this plug-in it will invoke the 'enforce' method.

Line 7 checks if the country code is not US. The API documentation accompanying OCA contains the details of the methods that can be used on policyRequest.

Line 8 returns success to the policy processor.

Line 11 introduces the handling for the error condition, exercised when the country code in the request is US.

Line 13 sets an error code into policyRequest. This error code is read by the policy processor and is rendered to the screen. You can see something similar, when you get a new SSO User certificate and immediately try to renew this certificate. The Renewal plug-in will throw an error.

Line 14 returns an error status to the policy processor, indicating that the request failed the policy check and therefore will not be processed.

Generic Error Messages

Following are the generic error messages, and their associated constants, that can be set if any error is found while applying the policy. These messages are translated into the languages supported by OCA, such as the following three:

For example, in the above mentioned custom policy example, if line 13 is changed to

13: policyRequest.setError("examplePlug-in",OCMPolicyConstants.POLICY_ERROR,


then the output would show the an "Invalid Distinguished Name" error.

See also:

The Javadoc provided with the other documentation for descriptions of the classes and methods provided in OCA Custom plug-in, and the constants available for your use.


The generic error messages supported by OCA are translated into the languages supported by OCA, so they are available to use in custom plug-ins as well. By using these constants, these error messages are available to be rendered in any of the languages supported by OCA.

If these messages are not used, then any valid java string can be used. However, these java strings will not have been translated, and so they will be rendered simply as they are supplied.

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