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Oracle® Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10851-01
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Basic Administration

This chapter introduces you to the single sign-on administrator and acquaints you with basic administrative tasks. The chapter contains the following topics:

The Single Sign-On Administrator's Role

When the single sign-on server is accessed for the first time, only one single sign-on administrator exists: orcladmin, the OracleAS super user. The person installing OracleAS selects the password for this user at install time. The orcladmin account is used to create other accounts, including accounts for iASAdmins, the group that administers single sign-on.

As a single sign-on administrator, you have full privileges for the single sign-on server. Using the administration pages, you can do the following:

Granting Administrative Privileges

To exercise your privileges as a single sign-on administrator, you must be a member of the administrative group iASAdmins. This means that an existing member of this group must add you to it. The single sign-on server becomes a member of iASAdmins when the server is installed.

To assign a user to iASAdmins:

  1. Start Oracle Directory Manager. To learn how to start this tool, see Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide.

  2. Log in as cn=orcladmin, the directory super user. You must use the password that was assigned to this user when Oracle Internet Directory was installed.


    The directory superuser cn=orcladmin is not the same as the OracleAS super user orcladmin. These are separate, hierarchically unequal accounts.

  3. In the System Objects frame, click in succession the following entries:

    • Entry Management

    • cn=default_identity_management_realm

    • cn=OracleContext

    • cn=Groups

    • cn=iASAdmins

    For example:


    Where dc=oracle,dc=com is the default identity management realm. In reality, the default is likely the domain name of your installation.

  4. In the uniquemembers text box of the iASAdmins tab, add an entry for the user. uniquemembers is an attribute of the entry iASAdmins. As such it defines members of the group iASAdmins.

  5. Click Apply.

Figure 2-1 reproduces the interface for granting administrative privileges.

Figure 2-1 iASAdmins Tab of Oracle Directory Manager

Text description of iasadmin.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration iasadmin.gif

To create new users, use Oracle Delegated Administration Services. See Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide to learn how to use this tool. is a multipurpose configuration file for OracleAS Single Sign-On. This file contains basic parameters required by the single sign-on server. The default values of these parameters are adequate for most installations. Hence the file requires no modification out of the box. is also used to implement advanced single sign-on features such as multilevel authentication. Appendix C contains a copy of the file. is also in the single sign-on configuration directory at $ORACLE_HOME/sso/conf.


When editing, take care not to insert blank space at the end of each line.

Stopping and Starting Single Sign-On Components

You can issue separate commands to stop and start just the Oracle HTTP Server or the entire single sign-on middle tier. Another command stops and starts just the OC4J_SECURITY instance. Still another command stops and starts all infrastructure components.

Stopping and Starting the Oracle HTTP Server

Issue these two commands to stop and then start the Oracle HTTP Server:

$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc type=ohs
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc type=ohs

You can also stop and start the server by issuing this command:

$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc type=ohs

Stopping and Starting the OC4J_SECURITY Instance

Issue these two commands to stop and then start the OC4J_SECURITY instance:

$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY

You can also stop and start the OC4J_SECURITY instance by issuing this command:

$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY

Stopping and Starting the Single Sign-On Middle Tier

To stop and then start the single sign-on middle tier, stop and start both the Oracle HTTP Server and the OC4J_SECURITY instance:

$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc type=ohs
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc type=ohs

$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_SECURITY

Stopping and Starting All Components

Issue the following commands to stop and then start the Oracle HTTP Server, the single sign-on server, OC4J, and Oracle Internet Directory:

$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall

This command assumes that infrastructure components are all in the same Oracle home.

Setting Browser Preferences for OracleAS Single Sign-On

Logging in and out of OracleAS Single Sign-On successfully requires that the following browser settings be in place:

Cache Settings

To enable the correct cache settings:

  1. Go to the cache settings dialog box:

    • Internet Explorer: Tools->Internet Options->General->Settings

    • Netscape Communicator: Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Cache

  2. Select Every visit to the page in Internet Explorer or Every time in Netscape Communicator.

Image Settings

To ensure that images are automatically loaded:

  1. Navigate as follows:

    • Internet Explorer: Tools->Internet Options->Advanced

    • Netscape Communicator: Edit->Preference->Advanced

  2. Select Show pictures in Internet Explorer or Automatically load images in Netscape Communicator.

Accessing the Administration Pages

You can use the administration pages within the single sign-on UI to set the single sign-on session length and to enable the server to verify IP addresses. You can also use these pages to administer partner applications and external applications.

To access the administration pages:

  1. Enter a URL of the following form:


    where host is the name of computer on which the server is located, port is the port number of the server, and single_sign_On_DAD is the database access descriptor for the single sign-on schema. The default DAD is orasso.

    The Access Partner Applications page appears.

  2. Click Login in the upper right corner of the Access Partner Applications page.

    The login page appears.

  3. Enter your user name and password; then click Login.

  4. The home page appears. To perform administrative functions, click SSO Server Administration.

Figure 2-2 reproduces the SSO Server Administration page.

Figure 2-2 SSO Server Administration Page

Text description of sso_admi.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration sso_admi.gif

Using the Edit SSO Server Page to Configure the Server

Use the Edit SSO Server page to fix the length of single sign-on sessions and to verify IP addresses. To access the Edit SSO Server page, click Edit SSO Server Configuration on the SSO Server Administration page.

The Edit SSO Server page contains the following heading and fields:

Table 2-1 SSO Session Policy
Field Description

Single sign-on session duration

Enter the number of hours a user can be logged in to the server without having to time out and log in again.

Verify IP addresses for requests made to the single sign-on server

Select to verify that the IP address of the browser is the same as the IP address in the authentication request.

Configuring Globalization Support

You can enable the single sign-on UI to be rendered in any language that the user's browser is configured for. English and the language of the operating system are installed when OracleAS is installed. To install additional languages, click the Product Languages button on the Select a Product to Install screen. If you forget to install additional languages during the installation of OracleAS, you can still enable the single sign-on UI for additional languages by running the ossoca.jar tool.

To enable the single sign-on server for additional languages after installation:

  1. Copy the desired language files from the CD home for the Repository Configuration Assistant (REPCD_HOME) to the Oracle home for OracleAS Single Sign-On:

    cp REPCD_HOME/portal/admin/plsql/nlsres/ctl/lang/*.* ORACLE_

    where lang is the desired language code. For example, this value would be ja for Japanese. Note that you must create the lang directory in the single sign-on home before running ossoca.jar.

  2. Add $ORACLE_HOME/lib to the library path environment variable.

  3. Issue the following command:

    $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar langinst lang 
    make_lang_avail $ORACLE_HOME

    For the variable lang, substitute the code for the language to be installed. For the variable make_lang_avail, substitute 1 if you want to make the language available. Substitute 0 if you want to make the language unavailable.

    In the following example, the Korean language is installed:

    $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar langinst ko 1 

For a complete list of the language codes supported, see Appendix A in Oracle Application Server 10g Globalization Guide.

Configuring the Global User Inactivity Timeout

Before reading this section, read "Global User Inactivity Timeout" in Chapter 1, "Components and Processes: an Overview."

The global user inactivity timeout is applicable to one domain only. This means that computers enabled for the timeout must reside within the same cookie domain. The applications on these computers use the domain cookie to track user activity. If, for example, you use for the single sign on server, other computers in the system must have the domain in their host name. One of these computers might be Another might be In addition, clocks on all of these computers, including the single sign-on server computer, must be synchronized with one another.

The global user inactivity timeout is not configured by default. You must enable it by running the ssogito.sql script, located at $ORACLE_HOME/sso/admin/ plsql/sso. The steps that follow include an example of ssogito.sql.

To configure the global user inactivity timeout:

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus, using the single sign-on schema name and password. The default schema name is orasso. To obtain the password, see Appendix B.

  2. Run ssogito.sql by entering the following command:

    SQL> @ssogito.sql

    A list of fields appears.

  3. In the Enter value for timeout_cookie_domain field, enter a domain name that is common to all of the applications enabled by the single sign-on server. Be sure to prepend a period before the domain name.


    If this field is left blank, the domain name defaults to the host name for the single sign-on server.

  1. In the Enter value for inactivity period field, enter the length of the desired inactivity period--say, 15 minutes.

  2. To enable the new settings, press the Return or Enter key. To cancel the transaction, press the Return or Enter key twice.

    Once you have completed a transaction, the script provides you with a summary of the new timeout settings. Here is an example of ssogito.sql:

    SQL> @ssogito
    SSO Server Inactivity Timeout Configuration
    Timeout          : DISABLED
    Cookie name      : OSSO_USER_CTX
    Cookie domain    :
    Inactivity period: 15 minutes
    Encryption key   : 093D678526DAA66D
    Note: timeout cookie domain will be defaulted
    to the SSO Server hostname
    To disable timeout set inactivity period to 0, (zero)
    Press return key twice if you do not want
    to change timeout configuration.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Enter value for timeout_cookie_domain:
    Enter value for inactivity_period: 15
    Timeout                  : ENABLED
    New timeout cookie domain:
    New inactivity period    : 15 minutes
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    No errors.

  3. Restart the single sign-on middle tier. See "Stopping and Starting the Single Sign-On Middle Tier".

  4. On the application middle tiers where the inactivity timeout is to be enabled, edit the mod_osso.conf file. Make sure that the OssoIdleTimeout parameter exists and that it is set to on. The file is in $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf. Here is an example file with the correct setting:

    LoadModule osso_module libsexec/
    <IfModule mod_osso.c>
      OssoIpCheck off
      OssoIdleTimeout on
      OssoConfigFile /u01/oracleas10g/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso.conf
    #Insert Protected Resources
  5. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server on the application middle tiers. See "Stopping and Starting the Oracle HTTP Server".

If Oracle Delegated Administration Services and the single sign-on server are located on the same middle tier, and you want the global user inactivity timeout to apply to the former, perform steps eight and nine on the single sign-on middle tier.

Obtaining the Sample Files

The ipassample.jar file contains sample code for single sign-on features such as certificate-enabled sign-on and deployment-specific pages. Use this command to extract the file:

$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/jar -xvf $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ipassample.jar

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