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Oracle® Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12118-01
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Addition of a Directory Node by Using the Database Copy Procedure, 6 of 7

Tasks To Be Performed on the New Node

Complete the following steps on the new node.

  1. Log in to the new node (dsm-sun).

  2. Edit the oratab file appropriately for the new instance, at all database nodes. See the sample file for syntax.

    Begin oratab
    End oratab 
  3. Make sure the environment variables are set in the new directory site.

  4. Install the Oracle database and Oracle directory server. Perform software only install of the Oracle database and directory server. Installation of Oracle database and directory software can be performed on the new node at any time before the database files are copied to the new machine. Perform post-installation (that is: activities for the database as well as the Directory server.


    To run shell script tools on the Windows operating system, you need one of the following UNIX emulation utilities:

    See Also:

    Oracle9i installation documentation

    If you have already performed Oracle database and Directory installation on the new node, then proceed to Step 5.

  5. Copy the files initNLDAP.ora and configNLDAP.ora from the sponsor node (rst-sun) to the new node under the UNIX directory
    $ORACLE_BASE/ADMIN/NLDAP/PFILE. Files can be copied to the new machine using tools such as FTP. Make sure the transfer mode is ASCII.

  6. Create a symbolic soft link from $ORACLE_HOME/DBS TO $ORACLE_BASE/ADMIN/NLDAP/PFILE.

     $ ln -s $ORACLE_BASE/admin/NLDAP/pfile/initNLDAP.ora 
     $ ln -s $ORACLE_BASE/admin/NLDAP/pfile/configNLDAP.ora 
  7. Copy the archived file created in the sponsor node procedure, using a tool such as FTP. (You created this file in Step 15.) Set the transfer mode to binary.

    ftp> open rst-sun
    Connected to
    220 rst-sun FTP server (UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0) ready.
    Name (rst-sun:oracle):              
    331 Password required for oracle.
    230 User oracle logged in.
    ftp> cd /private1/oracle/oradata/LDAP
    250 CWD command successful.
    ftp> binary
    200 Type set to I.
    ftp> mget oradb.tar.Z

    If the data files are huge (several gigabytes or terabytes) and the network bandwidth is low, then it may be a better idea to physically ship the compressed file on any media, such as tape or disk, from the sponsor to the new node.

  8. Copy the file newdb.sql created under Step 6 of the sponsor node setup to the background user dump destination directory. You must transfer the file newdb.sql only in ASCII mode. For example:

     $ cd /private1/oracle/app/oracle/admin/NLDAP/udump 
                    (that is::$ORACLE_BASE/admin/SID/udump)
    $ ftp
    ftp> open rst-sun
    ftp> cd /private1/oracle/app/oracle/admin/LDAP/udump
    ftp> mget newdb.sql
  9. At the UNIX shell prompt execute the following commands:

    $ sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect /as sysdba
    SQL> startup nomount
    SQL> @newdb.sql
    SQL> shutdown normal
    SQL> startup (uncomment the parameter job_queue_process prior to  startup)
    $ lsnrctl start
  10. Log in to the sponsor node and start up the database and listener on the sponsor node; for example, rst-sun.

    $ telnet rst-sun
    $ sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect /as sysdba
    SQL> startup
    SQL> exit
    $ lsnrctl start (By default listener name is LISTENER)
    $ exit
  11. If the sponsor node is a master site, then proceed to Step 12.

    If the new node is created by using backup database copy of the MDS, then the master definition catalog needs to be dropped and the underlying Oracle9i Advanced Replication catalogs must be created. To drop the definition of the MDS from the Oracle9i Advanced Replication catalog on the new node and add the Oracle9i Advanced Replication catalogs, execute the following scripts.

    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin
    $ sqlplus repadmin/repadmin
    SQL> @ldapdropmds.sql
    SQL> @ldapcreindex.sql

    Specify the global name of the new node when prompted.

  12. To configure the Oracle9i Advanced Replication, at the shell prompt, execute the following command:

    $ -addnode


    To run shell script tools on the Windows operating system, you need one of the following UNIX emulation utilities:

  13. Update the LDAP replication agreements to include the new node.

    Sample LDIF file:

    dn: orclagreementid=000001, cn=orclreplagreements
    changetype: modify
    add: orcldirreplgroupdsas
    orcldirreplgroupdsas: dsm-sun
  14. Start up the LDAP replication server on all the nodes, including new and sponsor nodes.

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