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Oracle® Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12118-01
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Logging, Auditing, and Monitoring the Directory, 2 of 4

Using Debug Logging

This section contains these topics:

About Oracle Internet Directory Debug Logging

Oracle Internet Directory enables you to:

About Log Messages

This section discusses log messages--those associated with specified LDAP operations and those not. It provides an example of a trace log and explains how to interpret it.

Log Messages for Specified LDAP Operations

Log messages for a specified operation are stored as a trace object. This object tracks the operation from start to finish across the various Oracle Internet Directory modules. It is entered in the log file when one of the following occur:

Each thread has one contiguous block of information for each operation, and that block is clearly delimited. This makes it easy, in a shared server environment, to follow the messages of different threads, operations, and connections.

If, because of an internal message buffer overflow, a single trace object cannot contain all the information about an operation, then the information is distributed among multiple trace objects. Each distributed piece of information is clearly delimited and has a common header. To track the progress of the operation, you follow the trace objects and their common header to the end, which is marked with the trace message "Operation Complete".

Log Messages Not Associated with Specified LDAP Operations

Messages not associated with any LDAP operation are represented in a simple format, which is not object-based. It is entered in the log file when either the operation completes or a high priority message is encountered.

Example: Trace Messages in Oracle Internet Directory Server Log File

2003/01/28:13:44:27 * Main:1 * Starting up the OiD Server, on node dthakuri-sun 

2003/01/28:13:44:27 * Main:1 * Oid Server Connected to DB store via inst1 
connect string.
2003/01/28:13:44:27 * Main:1 * OiD LDAP server started.

2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerController:1 * INFO * slsfctSpawnDispatcher * Entry
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerController:1 * INFO * gslsfctSpawnDispatcher * 
Spawned server dispatcher thread successfully. Thread id : 1 
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerController:1 * INFO * gslsfctSpawnDispatcher * Exit

2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO : ServerWorker : Entry 
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO : gslsfccRegisterThread : Entry
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO : gslsfccRegisterThread : Exit
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO * gslfsfAStr2Filter * 
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO * gslfsfAStr2Filter * 
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO * gslfsfCStr2Simple * 
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO * gslsbnrNormalizeString() String to 
Normalize: "objectclass" 
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO * gslsbnrNormalizeString() 
Normalized value: "objectclass"

2003/01/28:13:45:49 * ServerWorker:6 * ConnID:0 * OpId:0 * OpName:bind
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfbiADoBind * Entry
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfbiGetControlInfo * Entry
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfbiGetControlInfo * Exit
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfbiADoBind * connID=0 opID=0 Version=3 BIND dn="" 
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfrsBSendLdapResult * Entry
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfrsASendLdapResult2 * Entry 
13:45:49 * INFO * sgslunwWrite * Entry
13:45:49 * INFO * sgslunwWrite * Exit
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfrsASendLdapResult2 * Exit
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfrsBSendLdapResult * Exit
13:45:49 * INFO * gslfbiADoBind * Exit
13:45:49 * INFO * Total Bind operation time for dn=2588  micro sec and Total 
Worker time=3434  micro sec

2003/01/28:13:45:49 * ServerWorker:6 * INFO * ServerWorker * Operation Complete

2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:7 * INFO * ServerWorker : Entry 
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:7 * INFO * gslsfccRegisterThread : Entry
2003/01/28:13:44:31 * ServerWorker:7 * INFO * gslsfccRegisterThread : Exit

2003/01/28:13:48:53 * ServerWorker:13 * ConnID:0 * OpId:0 * OpName:bind
13:48:14 * INFO * gslfbiADoBind * Entry
13:48:53 * INFO * gslfbiGetControlInfo * Entry
13:48:53 * INFO * gslfbiGetControlInfo * Exit
13:48:53 * INFO * gslfbiADoBind * conn=0 op=0 Version=3 BIND dn="cn=proxy" 
13:48:53 * INFO * gslsbbBind * Entry
13:48:53 * INFO * gslsbnrNormalizeString * String to Normalize: "proxy"
13:48:53 * INFO * gslsbnrNormalizeString * Normalized value: "proxy"
13:48:53 * INFO * gslfrsBSendLdapResult * Entry
13:48:53 * INFO * gslfrsASendLdapResult2 * Entry 
13:48:53 * INFO * sgslunwWrite * Entry
13:48:53 * INFO * sgslunwWrite * Exit
13:48:53 * INFO * gslfrsASendLdapResult2 * Exit
13:48:53 * INFO * gslfrsBSendLdapResult * Exit
13:48:53 * INFO * gslsbbBind * Exit
13:48:53 * INFO * gslfbiADoBind:Exit
13:48:53 * INFO * Total Bind operation time for dn = cn=proxy is  3710  micro 
 Total Worker time = 4767  micro sec

2003/01/28:13:48:53 * ServerWorker:13 * INFO * ServerWorker * Operation Complete

2003/01/28:14:05:56 * ServerWorker:6 * FATAL * ServerWorker * Processing 
shutdown notification
2003/01/28:14:05:56 * ServerWorker:6 * WARNING * ServerWorker * Shutting down 
worker ID :  6

How to Interpret Trace Messages in the Log File

As shown in the sample messages in the previous section, log information can be associated with either a thread that performs an operation or one that does not. In the case of a thread that performs an operation, the header of the log contains:

A thread that does not perform an operation logs normal trace messages. Its header contains the date, time, and the thread identifier. It does not contain connection and operation-related information.

A trace object starts with the keyword BEGIN and ends with the keyword END.

Table 10-1 describes each field in a trace message.

Table 10-1 Fields in Trace Messages
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6

For messages not based on objects: Date and time

For messages based on objects: Time only

For non-object-based trace messages only, the thread identifier

Trace message criticality. This has four possible values:



  • WARN (Warning)

  • INFO (Informational)

Function name

Information about the operation performed. This information can be used to diagnose problems.

Error code, if available. The error code could be for the operating system, the Oracle database, or LDAP.

Setting Debug Logging Levels

You can set debug logging levels by using either Oracle Directory Manager or the OID Control Utility.

Setting Debug Logging Levels by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To set the debug logging level:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers and select a server instance. The group of tab pages for that server appear in the right pane.

  2. Select the Debug Flags tab.

  3. Select Debug Flags.

    Ordinarily, you can leave the check boxes on this tab page unselected. However, to generate a log for a specific problem, specify the debug logging level on this tab page.

Setting Debug Logging Levels by Using the OID Control Utility

To set debug logging levels by using the OID Control Utility, restart the Oracle directory server using the -debug flag for an LDAP server, and the -d flag for the replication server. Use the debug level number based on Table 10-2.

Because debug levels are additive, you need to add the numbers representing the functions that you want to activate, and use the sum of those in the command-line option.

By default, debug logging is turned off. To turn it on, modify the directory-specific entry (DSE) attribute orcldebugflag to the level you want. You can configure debug levels to one of the following levels.

To see debug log files generated by the OID Control Utility, navigate to $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/log.

Table 10-2 provides the complete list of debug logging levels.

Table 10-2  Debug Logging Levels
Logging Level Value Provides Information Regarding


Heavy trace debugging


Debug packet handling


Connection management, related to network activities


Search filter processing


Entry parsing


Configuration file processing


Access control list processing


Log of communication with the back end - that is with the database


Schema related operations


Replication specific operations


Log of entries, operations and results for each connection


Trace function call arguments


All possible operations/data

For example, to trace search filter processing (512) and active connection management (256), enter 768 as the debug level (512 + 256 = 768) as follows:

oidctl server=oidldapd instance=1 flags='-debug 768' restart
oidctl server=oidrepld instance=1 flags='-h my_host -p 389 -d 768' restart

This example restarts both the Oracle directory server as well as the Oracle directory replication server with the debugging flags.

Setting the Operation Debug Dimension

To make logging more focused, use the debug dimensions in conjunction with the debug levels. For example, to limit logging to particular directory server operations, specify the debug dimension to those operations.

Table 10-3 shows these dimensions.

Table 10-3  Debug Dimension Values for LDAP Operations
Operation Debug Dimension Value Provides Information Regarding




















All LDAP operations

You can set the debug operation dimension by using either Oracle Directory Manager or ldapmodify.

Setting the Operation Debug Dimension by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To set the operation debug dimension:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers and select a server instance. The group of tab pages for that server appear in the right pane.

  2. Select the Debug Flags tab.

  3. Select Debug Operation Flag.

By default, all operations are selected. However, to generate a log for a specific operation, select the corresponding operation. You can select more than one operation.

Setting the Operation Debug Dimension by Using ldapmodify

To log more than one operation, add the values of their dimensions. For example, if you want to trace ldapbind (1), ldapadd (4) and ldapmodify (16) operations, then create an LDIF file setting the orcldebugop attribute to 21 (1 + 4 + 16 = 21). The LDIF file is as follows:


To load this file, enter:

ldapmodify -h host_name -p port_number -f file_name

Force Flushing the Trace Information to a Log File

To minimize the performance overhead in I/O operations, the debug messages are flushed to the log file periodically instead of every time a message is logged by the directory server. Writing to the log file is performed when one of the following occur:

However, in some situations, you may want to see the trace messages in the log file as they are logged, without having to wait for the periodic flush. To do this, set the DSA configuration attribute orcldebugforceflush to 1. Do this by using ldapmodify as shown in the following example.

To enable force flushing by using ldapmodify, create an LDIF file as follows:

dn: cn=dsaconfig,cn=configsets,cn=oracle internet directory
changetype: modify
replace: orcldebugforceflush
orcldebugforceflush: 1

To load this file, enter the following:

ldapmodify -h host_name -p port_number -f file_name


  • When force flushing is enabled, the format of the trace message object for every operation becomes fragmented.

  • By default, force flushing is inhibited. After you have flushed the necessary information to the log file, you should disable force flushing.

See Also:

Table B-6 for information about the orcldebugforceflush attribute

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