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Oracle® Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12118-01
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Directory Storage of Password Verifiers, 4 of 4

Storing and Managing Password Verifiers for Authenticating to Oracle Components

Oracle components store both passwords and password verifiers in Oracle Internet Directory. This section contains these topics:

About Password Verifiers for Oracle Components

Oracle components can store their password values in Oracle Internet Directory as password verifiers. A password verifier is a hashed version of a clear text password, which is then encoded as a BASE64 encoded string.

You can choose one of these hashing algorithms to derive a password verifier:

During Oracle application installation, the Oracle Universal Installer creates for that application a password verifier profile entry containing all the necessary password verification information. It places this entry as shown in Figure 16-1: immediately below the application entry, which resides under the products entry, which, in turn, resides under the realm-specific Oracle Context.

This verifier profile entry is applicable to users in the specified realm only. For verifier generation to take effect, you must set the orclcommonusersearchbase attribute in the common entry of the realm-specific Oracle context to the appropriate value.

Figure 16-1 Location of the Password Verifier Profile Entry

Text description of oidag045.gif follows

Text description of the illustration oidag045.gif

Attributes for Storing Password Verifiers

Both the directory and Oracle components store the user password in the user entry, but in different attributes. Whereas the directory stores user passwords in the userPassword attribute, Oracle components store user password verifiers in the authPassword, orclPasswordVerifier, or orclpassword attribute. Table 16-1 describes each of the attributes used by Oracle components.

Table 16-1  Attributes for Storing Password Verifiers in User Entries
Attribute Description


Attribute for storing a password to an Oracle component when that password is the same as that used to authenticate the user to the directory, namely, userpassword. The value in this attribute is synchronized with that in the userpassword attribute.

Several different applications can require the user to enter the same clear text password used for the directory, but each application may hash it with a different algorithm. In this case, the same clear text password can become the source of several different password verifiers.

This attribute is multivalued and can contain all the other verifiers that different applications use for this user's clear text password. If the userpassword attribute is modified, then the authpasswords for all applications are regenerated.


Attribute for storing a password to an Oracle component when that password is different from that used to authenticate the user to the directory, namely, userpassword. The value in this attribute is not synchronized with that in the userpassword attribute.

Like authPassword, this attribute is multivalued and can contain all the other verifiers that different applications use for this user's clear text password.


Attribute for storing only the 03LOGON verifier for enterprise users. The 03LOGON verifier is synchronized with the userpassword attribute, and it is generated by default for all user entries associated with the orcluserv2 object class.

When Oracle Internet Directory is installed, a database security profile entry is created by default in the Root Oracle Context. The presence of this entry triggers the generation of 03LOGON verifiers for user entries associated with the orcluserv2 object class.

Each of these attribute types has appID as an attribute subtype. This attribute subtype uniquely identifies a particular application. For example, the appID can be the ORCLGUID of the application entry. This attribute subtype is generated during application installation.

In Figure 16-2, various Oracle components store their password verifiers in Oracle Internet Directory. Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On uses the same password as that for the directory, and hence stores it in the authPassword attribute.The other applications use different passwords and hence store their verifiers in orclPasswordVerifier attribute.

The following is an example of an application verifier profile:

orclpwdverifierparams;authpassword: crypto:SASL/MDS $ realm:dc=com
orclpwdverifierparams;orclpasswordverifier: crypto:ORCLLM
orclpwdverifierparams;authpassword: crypto:ORCLWEBDAV $ realm:dc=com

$ usernameattribute: mail
$ usernamecase: lower
$ nodomain: TRUE

SASL/MD5 and ORCLWEBDAV verifiers are generated by using user name, realm, and password. The user name attribute to be used can be specified in the verifier profile entry. The case of the user name can also be specified as either upper or lower. The ORLWEBDAV verifier is generated by appending the name of the identity management realm to the user name. If this is not required, then the verifier profile entry must specify nodomain: TRUE.

In the previous example, ORCLWEBDAV verifier is generated by using the value of the mail attribute without appending the name of the realm. Also, the user name is converted to lower case before generating the verifier.

Figure 16-2 Authentication Model

Text description of oidag046.gif follows

Text description of the illustration oidag046.gif

Default Verifiers for Oracle Components

To save you from having to create a profile for each Oracle component, and to enable sharing of password verifiers across all components, Oracle Internet Directory provides a default set of password verifiers. The default verifier types are MD5, MD5-IFS (SASL/MD5 with the user name set to the value of the nickname attribute and realm = Authorized_Users), WEBDAV, ORCLLM, and ORCLNT.

Two profile entries are required: one for applications using personal identification numbers (PINs), which use numeric values only, and another for applications using alphanumeric passwords.

The verifiers for PIN-based applications--for example, the voice mail application in Oracle9iAS Unified Messaging--are stored in the orclpasswordverifier attribute. The verifiers for alphanumeric password-based applications--for example, Oracle Internet File System--can be stored in either:

These profile entries also contain the list of subscribed applications and these are specified as values in the uniquemember attribute in the profile entries. By default, the DN of the Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On identity is one of the subscribed applications. This means that Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On is a proxy member for all its partner applications. All applications not based on Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On must add their identities (DNs) to the uniquemember attribute in the appropriate profile entry.

The following is an example of the profile entries.

Cn=defaultSharedPwdProfileEntry, cn=common, cn=products, cn=oraclecontext
Objectclass: orclpwdverifierprofile
Cn: orclcommonpwdprofileentry
Orclappid: orclcommonpwd
Orclpwdverifierparams;authpassword: crypto:SASL/MD5 $ realm:Authorized_Users
Orclpwdverifierparams;authpassword: crypto:ORCLWEBDAV $ realm:Authorized_Users
Orclpwdverifierparams;authpassword: crypto:ORCLLM
Orclpwdverifierparams;authpassword: crypto:ORCLNT
Orclpwdverifierparams;orclpasswordverifier: crypto:SSHA
Uniquemember: cn=SSO,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
Uniquemember: cn=IFS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext

Cn=defaultSharedPINProfileEntry, cn=common, cn=products, cn=oraclecontext
Objectclass: orclpwdverifierprofile
Cn: orclcommonpinprofileentry
Orclappid: orclcommonpin
Orclpwdverifierparams;orclpasswordverifier: crypto:MD5
Orclpwdverifierparams;orclpasswordverifier: crypto:SSHA
Uniquemember: cn=SSO,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
Uniquemember: cn=Unified Messaging,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext

For PIN-based applications, authpassword is not an option. Such applications use the orclpasswordverifier attribute.

Example: How Password Verification Works for an Oracle Component

Figure 16-3 shows an example of password verification for an Oracle component. In this example, the Oracle component stores its password verifiers in the directory.

Figure 16-3 How Password Verification Works

Text description of oidag047.gif follows

Text description of the illustration oidag047.gif

  1. The user tries to log in to an application by entering a user name and a clear text password.

  2. The application sends the clear text password to the directory server. If the application stores password verifiers in the directory, then the application requests the directory server to compare this password value with the corresponding one in the directory.

  3. The directory server:

    1. Generates a password verifier by using the hashing algorithm specified for the particular application

    2. Compares this password verifier with the corresponding password verifiers in the directory. For the compare operation to be successful, the application must provide its appID as the subtype of the verifier attribute. For example:

      ldapcompare -p389 -D "DN_of_the_appplication_entity" -w "password" -b 
      "DN_of_the_user" -a orclpasswordverifier; appID -v password_of_the_user
    3. Notifies the application of the results of the compare operation.

  4. Depending on the message from the directory server, the application either authenticates the user or not.

If an application does not use the compare operation, then it:

  1. Hashes the clear text password entered by the user

  2. Retrieves from the directory the hashed value of the clear text password as entered by the user

  3. Initiates a challenge to the user to which the client responds. If the response is correct, then the application authenticates the user.

Managing Password Verifier Profiles for Oracle Components by Using Oracle Directory Manager

You can use Oracle Directory Manager to view and modify password verifier profile entries.

Viewing and Modifying a Password Verifier Profile for an Oracle Component by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To view an application's password verifiers:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand in succession Oracle Internet Directory Servers directory server instance.

  2. Select Password Verifier Management. The right pane displays two columns:

    • Path to Password Verifier Entry column lists the full DN of each password verifier profile entry

    • Password Verifier Entry column lists the corresponding RDNs of each password verifier profile entry

  3. Choose the password verifier you want to view. This displays the Password Verifier Profile dialog box for that password verifier. The fields in this dialog box are described in Table C-12.

  4. To modify the hashing algorithm used to generate a password verifier, in the Password Verifier Profile dialog box, enter the new value in the Oracle Password Parameters field.

Managing Password Verifier Profiles for Oracle Components by Using Command-Line Tools

You can view and modify password verifier profiles by using command-line tools.

Viewing a Password Verifier Profile by Using Command-Line Tools

To view an application's password verifier, perform a search specifying the DN of the password verifier profile.

Example: Modifying a Password Verifier Profile by Using Command-Line Tools

This example changes the hashing algorithm in an application password verifier profile entry. This password verifier synchronizes with the user's directory password.

ldapmodify -p 389 -h my_host -v <<EOF
dn: cn=MyAppVerifierProfileEntry,cn=MyApp,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext,o=my_
changetype: modify
replace: orclPwdVerifierParams
orclPwdVerifierParams;authPassword: crypto:SASL/MD5 $ realm:dc=com

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