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Oracle® Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12118-01
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Directory Schema Administration, 3 of 7

Object Classes in the Directory

This section contains these topics:

About Object Class Management

This section explains how to add and modify an object class. Oracle Corporation recommends that you understand the basic concepts of directory components before attempting to add to or modify the base schema in the directory.

See Also:

Guidelines for Adding Object Classes

When you add a directory entry, you associate it with one or more object classes. Each object class contains attributes that you want to associate with the new entry. For example, if you are creating an entry for an employee, you can associate the entry with the person object class. This object class contains many of the attributes that you want to associate with that employee entry--including, for example, name, address, and telephone number.


Each object class derives from a hierarchy of superclasses, and it inherits attributes from these superclasses. By default, all object classes inherit from the top object class. When you assign an object class to an entry, the entry inherits all of the attributes of both that object class as well as its superclasses.

Mandatory and Optional Attributes in Object Classes

The attributes that entries inherit from an super class may be either mandatory or optional. Values for optional attributes need not be present in the directory entry.

You can specify for any object class whether an attribute is mandatory or optional; however, the characteristic you specify is binding only for that object class. If you place the attribute in another object class, you can again specify whether the attribute is mandatory or optional for that object class. You can:

Addition of Entries in Top-Down Sequence

Entries must be added in a top-down sequence--that is, when you add an entry, all of its parent entries must already exist in the directory. Similarly, when you add entries that reference object classes and attributes, those referenced object classes and attributes must already exist in the directory schema. In most cases this will not be a problem because the directory server is delivered with a full set of standard directory objects.

Object Class Explosion

When you add or perform an operation on an entry, you do not need to specify the entire hierarchy of superclasses associated with that entry. This feature, called object class explosion, enables you to specify only the leaf object classes. Oracle Internet Directory resolves the hierarchy for the leaf object classes and enforces the information model constraints. For example, the inetOrgPerson object class has top, person and organizationalPerson as its superclasses. When you create an entry for a person, you need to specify only inetOrgPerson as the object class. Oracle Internet Directory then enforces the schema constraints defined by the respective superclasses, namely, top, person, and organizationalPerson.

When you add object classes, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Guidelines for Modifying Object Classes

This section discusses the types of modifications you can make to an existing object class. You can perform modifications through Oracle Directory Manager and through the command-line tools.

You can make these changes to an object class:

When you modify object classes, keep these guidelines in mind:

Guidelines for Deleting Object Classes

There are also some limitations on deleting object classes:

Managing Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

This section tells you how to use Oracle Directory Manager to search for object classes, view their properties, add, modify, and delete them.

Searching for Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

You can specify your search for an object class by:

This section provides more details on how to enter an object class search.

To search for an object class:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand each of the following objects in succession: Oracle Internet Directory Servers and directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management. The Schema Management tab pages appear in the right pane.

  3. Choose the Find Object Classes button at the lower right of the right pane, or, from the menu bar, choose Edit, then choose Find Object Classes. The Find: Object Classes dialog box appears.

  4. In the menu farthest to the left on the search criteria bar, select the property of the object class for which you want to search. Options are listed and described in Table C-20.


    Not all attributes are used in every object class. Be sure that the attribute you specify actually corresponds to one in the object class for which you are looking. Otherwise, the search will fail.

  1. In the menu in the middle of the search criteria bar, select the filter you want to use for your search. Options are listed and described in Table C-21.

  2. In the text box at the right end of the search criteria bar, type the value of the property of the object class you are searching for. For example, to search for all object classes with names that begin with the letters orcl, type those letters in the text box at the right end of the search criteria bar.

  3. Below the Criteria field are five buttons described in the next table. Use these buttons to further refine your search.

  4. Choose Search. The results of your search appear in the window at the lower portion of the Find:Object Class dialog box.

Viewing Properties of Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To view all object classes in the schema:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand each of the following objects in succession: Oracle Internet Directory Servers and directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Object Classes tab page.

    To examine an individual object class and its attributes, in the Object Classes tab page, choose the object class. The properties of the selected object class appear in the Object Class dialog box.

Adding Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To add object classes by using Oracle Directory Manager:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand each of the following objects in succession: Oracle Internet Directory Servers and directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Object Classes tab and choose the Create button in the toolbar. The New Object Class dialog box appears.

    Alternatively, in the Object Classes tab page, select an object class that is similar to one you would like to create, and then choose Create Like. The New Object Class dialog box displays the attributes of the selected object class. You can create the new object class by using the selected one as a template.

  4. In the New Object Class dialog box, enter the information in the fields. These are described in Table C-23.

  5. Choose OK.

    See Also:

Modifying Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To modify an object class:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand each of the following objects in succession: Oracle Internet Directory Servers and directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Object Classes tab and choose the object class you want to modify. The Object Class dialog box appears.

  4. In the Object Class dialog box, modify or add the information in the fields. These are described in Table C-23.

  5. Choose OK.

    See Also:


    You can add attributes to an auxiliary object class or a user-defined structural object class.

    See Also: Example: Adding a New Attribute to an Auxiliary or User-Defined Object Class for an example of adding attributes to an auxiliary object class

Deleting Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager


Oracle Corporation recommends that you not delete object classes from the base schema. If you delete an object class that is referenced by any entries, those entries then become inaccessible.

Should you decide to delete an object class from the base schema, be careful not to delete one that is in use or that you might want to use in the future.

To delete an object class by using Oracle Directory Manager:

  1. In the navigator pane, select Schema Management.

  2. In the right pane, select the Object Classes tab page and select the object class you want to delete.

  3. Choose Delete.

Managing Object Classes by Using Command-Line Tools

You can use command-line tools to add or modify existing object classes in the directory schema. The command-line tools enable you to use input files. Furthermore, the commands can be batched together in scripts.

To add or modify schema components, use ldapmodify.


"ldapmodify Syntax"

Example: Adding a New Object Class

In this example, an LDIF input file, new_object_class.ldi, contains data similar to this:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify
add: objectclasses
objectclasses: ( NAME 'myobjclass' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ 
sn ) MAY ( telephonenumber $ givenname $ myattr ) )

Be sure to leave the mandatory space between the opening and closing parentheses and the object identifier.

To load the file, enter this command:

ldapmodify -h myhost -p 389 -f new_object_class.ldi

This example adds the structural object class named myobjclass, giving it an object identifier of, specifying top as its superclass, requiring cn and sn as mandatory attributes, and allowing telephonenumber, givenname, and myattr as optional attributes. Note that all the attributes mentioned must exist prior to the execution of the command.

To create an abstract object class, follow the previous example, replacing the word STRUCTURAL with the word ABSTRACT.

Example: Adding a New Attribute to an Auxiliary or User-Defined Object Class

To add a new attribute to either an auxiliary object class or a user-defined structural object class, use ldapmodify. This example deletes the old object class definition and adds the new definition in a compound modify operation. The change is committed by the directory server in one transaction. Existing data is not affected. The input file should be as follows:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry 
changetype: modify 
delete: objectclasses 
objectclasses: old value 
add: objectclasses 
objectclasses: new value

For example, to add the attribute changes to the existing object class country, the input file would be:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify 
delete: objectclasses 
objectclasses:  ( NAME 'country' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST c MAY 
( searchGuide $ description ) ) - add: objectclasses objectclasses: ( NAME 'country' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST c MAY
( searchGuide $ description $ changes ) )

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