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Oracle® Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B12118-01
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Syntax for LDIF and Command-Line Tools, 6 of 10

Replication-Management Command-Line Tools Syntax

This section contains these topics:

Replication Conflict Resolution Command-Line Tools

When a replication conflict arises, Oracle directory replication server places the change in the retry queue and tries to apply it from there for a specified number of times. If it fails after that specified number, then the replication server puts the change in the human intervention queue. From there, the replication server repeats the change application process at less frequent intervals while awaiting your action.

At this point, you need to:

  1. Examine the change in the human intervention queue

  2. Reconcile the conflicting changes

  3. Place the change either back into the retry queue or into the purge queue.

Two tools assist in this process. Use the OID Reconciliation tool to synchronize conflicting changes, and the Human Intervention Queue Manipulation tool to move changes from the human intervention queue to either the retry queue or the purge queue.

The Human Intervention Queue Manipulation Tool

The Human Intervention Queue Manipulation Tool enables you to move the changes from the human intervention queue to either the retry queue or the purge queue. Moving the change to the purge queue means that there are no further attempts to re-apply the change log entry. Perform the following general steps to address changes in the human intervention queue:

  1. Shutdown the Oracle directory replication server.

  2. Analyze the replication log.

  3. Use the Human Intervention Queue Manipulation Tool to move the changes to either the retry queue or the purge queue as described in the following sections.


    To run shell script tools on the Windows operating system, you need one of the following UNIX emulation utilities:

Moving a Change from the Human Intervention Queue into the Retry Queue

To place a change back into the retry queue, use this syntax: -connect connect_string [-start change_number] 
[-end change_number] [-equal change_number] -supplier supplier_node

The arguments are:

Table A-20 Arguments for Moving a Change from the Human Intervention Queue into the Retry Queue
Argument Description

-connect connect_string

Connects to the database using the net service name defined in the tnsnames.ora file

-start change_number

Specifies the start change number for the retry operation. If you skip this option, then the command moves all the changes with change numbers less than or equal to the specified end change number back to the retry queue.

-end change_number

Specifies the end change number for the retry operation. If you skip this option, then the command moves all the changes with change numbers greater than or equal to the specified start change number back to the retry queue.

-equal change_number

Specifies the change number. The command moves the exact change conflict back to the retry queue. This option should not be present when -start or -end is used.

-supplier supplier_node

Specifies the supplier node where the changes originate

Moving a Change from the Human Intervention Queue into the Purge Queue

To place a change into the purge queue, use this syntax: -connect connect_string [-start change_number] [-end change_number] 
[-equal change_number] -supplier supplier_node

Arguments are:

Table A-21  Arguments for Moving a Change from the Human Intervention Queue into the Purge Queue
Argument Description

-connect connect_string

Connects to the database using the net service name defined in the tnsnames.ora file

-start change_number

Specifies the start change number for the purge operation. If you skip this option, then the command moves all the changes with change numbers less or equal to the specified end change number back to the purge queue.

-end change_number

Specifies the end change number for the purge operation. If you skip this option, then the command moves all the changes with change numbers greater or equal to the specified start change number back to the purge queue.

-equal change_number

Specifies the change number of the change. The command moves the exact change conflict back to the purge queue. This option should not be present when -start or -end is used.

-supplier supplier_node

Specifies the supplier node where the changes originate


When using or, if you do not want all changes to be moved, then you must supply either the -equal flag, or a combination of the -start and -end flags.

Examples: Using the Human Intervention Queue Manipulation Tool

The following examples illustrate how to use the Human Intervention Queue Manipulation Tool.

Example: Retrying and Discarding Changes

Suppose that, after analyzing the replication log, you decide to do the following:

To do this, you issue these two commands: -connect oiddb1 -start 10324 -end 10579 -supplier ldap_rep1 -connect oiddb1 -start 10581 -end 10623 -supplier ldap_repl

The first command moves changes originating in ldap_rep1 with change numbers from 10324 to 10579 back to the retry queue. The second command deletes changes that originate in the supplier ldap_repl and that have change numbers from 10581 to 10623.

Example: Moving a Single Change from the Human Intervention Queue to the Retry Queue

The following command moves the change with change number equal to 10519 back to the retry queue. -connect oiddb1 -equal 10519 -supplier ldap_repl
Example: Moving a Group of Changes from the Human Intervention Queue to the Retry Queue

The following command moves all the changes with change number greater or equal to 10324 back to the retry queue. -connect oiddb1 -start 10324 -supplier ldap_repl

The following command moves all the changes with change numbers less than or equal to 10579 back to the retry queue. -connect oiddb1 -end 10579 -supplier ldap_repl
Example: Moving All Changes from the Human Intervention Queue to the Retry Queue

The following command includes no options. It moves all changes that originate in the supplier ldap_repl from the human intervention queue to the retry queue. -connect oiddb1 -supplier ldap_repl

The OID Reconciliation Tool

When the Oracle directory replication server encounters inconsistent data, you can use the OID Reconciliation Tool to synchronize the entries on the consumer with those on the supplier. When you do this, perform the following general steps:

  1. Set the supplier and the consumer to read-only mode.

  2. Ensure that the supplier and the consumer are in tranquil state. If they are not in a tranquil state, then wait until they have finished updating.

  3. Identify the inconsistent entries or subtree on the consumer.

  4. Use the OID Reconciliation Tool to fix the inconsistent entries or subtree on the consumer.

  5. Set the participating supplier and consumer back to read/write mode.


    To run shell script tools on the Windows operating system, you need one of the following UNIX emulation utilities:

The OID Reconciliation Tool uses this syntax:

oidreconcile -h supplier_host -c consumer_host [-P supplier_port] [-p consumer_
port] [-s scope] -b "basedn" -W supplier_password -w consumer_password [-T 
Table A-22 Arguments for Reconciling Inconsistent Data by Using the OID Reconciliation Tool
Argument Description

-h supplier_host

Supplier host. This can be a computer name or IP address.

-c consumer_host

Consumer host. This can be a computer name or IP address.

-P supplier_port

Supplier TCP port. If you do not specify this option, then the tool connects to the default port (389).

-p consumer_port

Consumer TCP port. If you do not specify this option, then the tool connects to the default port (389).

-s scope

Reconcile scope: subtree. Note: You cannot specify base or one-level for this argument.

-b "basedn"

Specifies the distinguished name of the entry on which to perform reconciliation.

-W supplier_password

The password of the replication DN of the supplier node

-w consumer_password

The password of the replication DN of the consumer node

-T thread

Number of worker threads

When the OID Reconciliation Tool receives the specified DN, it compares the orclGuid of the parent DN on both the supplier and the consumer.

If the global identification (orclGuid) of both parents match, and the option -s subtree is set, then the OID Reconciliation Tool does the following:

  1. Deletes all the entries in the subtree on the consumer node

  2. Replaces them with entries from the supplier node

For example, the following command replaces the whole subtree starting from "ou=hr,o=acme,c=us" on the consumer with the equivalent subtree on the supplier:

oidreconcile -h supplier_host -P 389 -c consumer_host -p 389 
-b "ou=hr,o=acme,c=us" -s subtree -W supplier_password -w consumer_password

If the global identification (orclGuid) of both parents ("o=acme,c=us") match, and -s subtree is not set, then the OID Reconciliation Tool replaces only the entry itself on the consumer node with the specified entry from the supplier node.

For example, the following command, in which the option "-s subtree" is not set, replaces only the specified entry, "ou=hr,o=acme,c=us".

oidreconcile -h supplier -P 389 -c consumer -p 389 -b "ou=hr, o=acme, c=us" 
-W supplier_password -w consumer_password

The next figure helps to explain how this process works.

Figure A-1 Example: OID Reconciliation Tool Process

Text description of oidag067.gif follows

Text description of the illustration oidag067.gif

This figure shows two DITs, one on a supplier node and one on a consumer node. In the DIT on the supplier node, the orclGuid for c=us is 1 (one), the orclGuid for o=acme is 10, and the orclGuid for ou=st is 15. On the consumer node, the orclGuid for o=acme is 5, and the orclGuid for ou=st is 7.

The orclGuids for the parent of o=acme,c=us--namely, c=us--on both the supplier and the consumer match. Therefore, the following command replaces all entries under o=acme,c=us on the consumer with the corresponding ones on supplier:

oidreconcile -h supplier -c consumer -b "o=acme, c=us" -s subtree -W supplier_
password -w consumer_password

If the orclGuid of both parents does not match, then the OID Reconciliation Tool does not perform the reconciliation. Instead, it tells the user the first ancestor on the consumer in which the orclGuid matches that of the same ancestor on the supplier.

For example, in the previous example, suppose that you were to run the following command:

oidreconcile -h supplier -c consumer -b "ou=st, o=acme, c=us" -s subtree 
-W supplier_password -w consumer_password

This command would result in a message providing the first ancestor of ou=st in which the match of the orclGuid is o=acme,c=us. This message means that you should use o=acme,c=us as the basedn argument for oidreconcile.

The Replication Environment Management Tool

The Replication Environment Management Tool is used to manage Oracle Internet Directory replication configuration activities.

More specifically, the replication environment management tool:

The syntax for the Replication Environment Management Tool is:

remtool [ -asrsetup | -addnode | -delnode |-asrverify  |-asrrectify | -chgpwd | 
-asrcleanup | -suspendasr | -resumeasr  | -dispqstat  |  -dispasrerr | -paddnode 
| -pdelnode  | -pchgpwd  | -presetpwd  | -pchgwalpwd | -pcleanup  ]
[-v] [-connect repadmin_name/password@net_service_name  |                          
-bind host:port/replication_dn_password]
Table A-23  Arguments for the Replication Environment Management Tool (remtool)
Argument Description


For Oracle9i Advanced Replication only.

Connect string of the master definition site (MDS) or Remote Master Site (RMS) only. If -connect option is not specified, then the tool prompts you for connection details.

This argument requires three elements:

  • Name of the replication administrator

  • Password of the replication administrator

  • Net service name of the MDS or RMS


For LDAP based replication only.

Bind details of the directory server

This argument requires three elements

  • Host name at which directory server is running

  • Port at which directory server is listening

  • Password of replication DN.


Verbose mode

Specifying -v option not only shows the progress of remtool, but also logs all actions of remtool in remtool.log created under $ORACLEHOME/ldap/log folder. If -v option is not specified, then remtool logs only limited action of remtool.

Table A-24  Options for Configuring and Managing an Oracle9i Advanced Replication-Based DRG (remtool)
Argument Description


Create a Directory Replication Group (DRG) by configuring Oracle9i Advanced Replication


Add a new node to an existing DRG.


Reconfigure Oracle9i Advanced Replication to delete a node from an existing DRG


Verify correctness of Oracle9i Advanced Replication configuration of a DRG. This option reports problems but does not rectify them.


Verify correctness of Oracle9i Advanced Replication setup for a DRG and rectify the problems, if any


Change replication administrator database account password on all nodes of a DRG


Clean up Oracle9i Advanced Replication setup of a DRG


Quiesce / Suspend replication activity of a DRG


Resume replication activity of a DRG


Display queue statistics of all nodes


Display all deferred transaction errors and administrative request errors of a DRG

Table A-25  Options for Configuring and Managing an LDAP-Based Replication DRG (remtool)
Argument Description


Add a partial replica to a DRG.


Delete a partial replica from a DRG


Change password of replication DN of a replica


Reset password of replication DN of a replica


Change password of replication DN of a replica only in wallet


Cleanup partial replication setup of a DRG

Example 1: Verifying Oracle9i Advanced Replication Configuration (Verbose Mode)

In the following example, the Replication Environment Management Tool:

The command is:

remtool -asrverify -v
Example 2: Verifying Oracle9i Advanced Replication Configuration (Non-Verbose Mode)

In the following example, the Replication Environment Management Tool:

The command is:

remtool -asrverify
Example 3: Verifying Oracle9i Advanced Replication Configuration and Rectifying the Problems

In this example, the Replication Environment Management Tool:

The command is:

remtool -asrrectify -v -connect repadmin/


The syntax is:

remtool -addnode [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_password@connectid_
Usage Notes for the -ADDNODE Option
  1. The addnode option is used to add a new node to an existing DRG created by ASRSETUP option.

  2. The node to be added must be empty.

  3. Oracle Internet Directory processes on the master definition site (MDS) and other remote master sites (RMSs) must be down.

  4. After the addnode procedure is complete, Oracle Internet Directory processes can be started.

  5. The SYSTEM user password of the new node is required for this option.

Example: -ADDNODE Option

In this example, MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM is added to a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM for which the following command is issued:

remtool -addnode -v -conn repadmin/repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid2      my_host      MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM  OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2      my_host      MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM  OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Make sure that the replication administrator database 
account does not exist already in the new node to be 
added to the DRG. If the account exists, that 
account will be dropped and will be created newly.
Enter global name of new node to be added          : MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM

Enter SYSTEM user password of new node to be added : 
Adding a new node...

MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating purge job...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Quiescing replication activity...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding replication site MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM to 
replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid2...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid2" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
Node MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM has been added to this DRG.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1     my_host       MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2     my_host       MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
rid3     my_host       MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid3  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----


The syntax is:

remtool -asrsetup [-v]
Usage Notes for the -ASRSETUP Option
  1. For the -asrsetup option, the -conn[ect] option is ignored.

  2. The user is prompted for following details:

         MDS Globalname
         MDS Password
         globalname of all RMSs
         password of all RMSs
  3. All Oracle Internet Directory processes must be down in MDS and all RMSs. After the ASRSETUP option is completed, the user can bring up all Oracle Internet Directory processes and replication server processes.

Example: -ASRSETUP Option

In this example, a DRG is created consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM for which the following command is issued:

remtool -asrsetup -v

The results are as follows:

ASR Setup for OID Replication
Make sure that the replication administrator that you
enter below does not exist already in any of the nodes
that will be part of the DRG to be created now. If the
user exists, that user will be dropped and will be
created newly.
Enter replication administrator's name       : repadmin

Enter replication administrator's password   : 
Reenter replication administrator's password : 
Enter Master Definition Site (MDS) details   : 
Enter global name of MDS                     : MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM

Enter SYSTEM user password of MDS            : 
Enter Remote Master Site (RMS) details       : 
Enter global name of RMS #  1                : MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM

Enter SYSTEM user password of MDS            : 
Are there more Remote Master Sites in the group? [y/n/q] : n

Verify the details you had entered.
Replication administrator's name   : repadmin
Master Definition Site             : MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
Remote Master Site #  1            : MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM
Are these details correct? [y/n/q] : y

ASR setup in progress...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating purge job...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication 
administrator to repadmin...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating purge job...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding object TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG to replication 
group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Generating replication support for TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding object TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT to replication 
group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Generating replication support for TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding replication site MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM to 
replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid2...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid2" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid1" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid2...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid2" hostname has been added to replication 
agreement entry.
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity...
ASR setup has been configured successfully.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1      my_host      MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2      my_host      MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----

-CHGPWD Option

The syntax is:

remtool -chgpwd [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_password@connectid_of_

  1. Used for changing password of replication administrator of DRG created by ASRSETUP procedure.

       created by ASRSETUP procedure.
  2. In ASR based replication repadmin password is same in all nodes. This option will change the password of replication administrator database account at all nodes.

Example: -CHGPWD Option

In this example, the password of the replication administrator of a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is changed for which, the following command is issued:

remtool -chgpwd -v -conn repadmin/repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1       my_host     MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2       my_host     MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Enter new password of the replication administrator   : 
Reenter new password of the replication administrator : 
Changing the password of all nodes...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Changing password of replication administrator 
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Changing password of replication administrator 
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM...
Password has been changed.


The syntax is:

remtool -delnode [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_password@connectid_ 
Usage Notes for the -DELNODE Option
  1. The -DELNODE option is used for deleting a node from a DRG that is created by ASRSETUP option.

  2. The global name of the node to be deleted must be specified.

  3. Oracle Internet Directory processes must be down in all nodes of the DRG.

  4. The -DELNODE option can be used to remove only RMS from a DRG.

  5. The -DELNODE option cannot be used to remove MDS from a DRG.

  6. The -DELNODE option can be also used to remove a RMS from a DRG that has only two nodes: one MDS and one RMS. This leaves the DRG with only an MDS. The user can add multimaster nodes later on to this DRG.

  7. If remtool detects that one of the nodes in a DRG is not up and running when invoked with the -DELNODE option, remtool selects that node for deletion.

Example 1: -DELNODE Option

In this example, MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM is removed from a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM, MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM for which the following command is issued:

remtool -delnode -v -conn repadmin/repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1      my_host      MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2      my_host      MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
rid3      my_host      MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid3  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Enter globalname of node to be deleted : MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM

Deleting an existing node...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication site MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM from 
replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" 
host : 
MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Deleting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been removed from 
replication agreement entry as it is not part of DRG or was repeated.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Deleting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been removed from 
replication agreement entry as it is not part of DRG or was repeated.
Node MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM has been deleted from this DRG.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1     my_host       MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2     my_host       MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----

Example 2: -DELNODE Option

In this example, MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is removed from a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM for which the following command is issued:

remtool -delnode -v -conn repadmin/repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1     my_host       MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2     my_host       MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- -----------------
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Enter globalname of node to be deleted : MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM

Deleting an existing node...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication site MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM from 
replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" 
host : 
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Deleting replication agreement entry my_host_rid2...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid2" hostname has been removed from 
replication agreement entry as it is not part of DRG or was repeated.
Node MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM has been deleted from this DRG.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1      my_host       MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Warning : This replication group has only one node.


The syntax is:

remtool -asrcleanup [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_
Usage Notes for the -ASRCLEANUP Option
  1. The -ASRCLEANUP option is used to clean up an existing ASR setup.

  2. The -ASRCLEANUP option can be used to clean up flawed ASR setup as well.

  3. The -ASRCLEANUP option prompts the user for SYSTEM password of all sites taking part in replication.

Example 1: -ASRCLEANUP Option

In this example, ASR setup is cleaned up from a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM for which the following command is issued:

remtool -asrcleanup -v 

The results are:

Enter replication administrator's name       : repadmin

Enter replication administrator's password   : 
Enter global name of MDS                     :

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1      my_host       MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2      my_host       MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Cleaning up...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication site MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM from 
replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_
Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" 
host : 
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_
Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" 
host : 
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin...
ASR setup has been cleaned up.


The syntax is:

remtool -asrrectify [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_
Usage Notes for the -ASRRECTIFY Option
  1. The -ASRRECTIFY option is used for detecting and rectifying problems in Oracle9i Advanced Replication setup.

  2. The -ASRRECTIFY option reports errors and rectifies them.

  3. Oracle Corporation recommends that, before executing this option, you stop Oracle Internet Directory servers.

  4. To use the -ASRRECTIFY option, all the nodes must be up and running. The -ASRRECTIFY option fails, if any of the nodes are not running.

  5. If necessary, the -ASRRECTIFY option prompts for the SYSTEM user password.

Example 1: -ASRRECTIFY Option

In this example, ASR setup errors are deducted and rectified in a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM for which the following command is issued:

remtool -asrrectify -v -conn repadmin/

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1      my_host      MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2      my_host      MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Rectifying ASR setup...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Quiescing replication activity...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding object TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG to replication 
group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Generating replication support for TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support has been generated for TABLE 
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Quiescing replication activity...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding object TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT to replication 
group LDAP_REP...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Generating replication support for TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support has been generated for TABLE 
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...

--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
DB Name               Init   Repl   DB     Purge  Sch.   Repl   Repl
                      Param  Admin  Links  Job    Links  Group  Agrmt
                             Role                               Entry
--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Crtd   Chkd   
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.  Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   
--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
Legends :
  Chkd  - Checked. No errors.
  Crtd  - ASR setup errors were found and corrected.
  Err   - Error occurred while doing ASR setup verification.
  NCrtd - ASR setup has errors, but not corrected.
Summary of findings:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support has been generated for TABLE 

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support has been generated for TABLE 
Example 2: -ASRRECTIFY Option

In this example, ASR setup errors are deducted and rectified in a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM. Here remtool detects that user has changed global name of MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM to NEWNAME.MY_COMPANY.COM after setting up ASR. Remtool rectifies this error first before continuing with other checks. The following command is issued:

remtool -asrrectify -v -conn repadmin/

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" 
host : 
(instance name : rid2, hostname : my_host)
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Global name of database "rid2" at host "my_host" has 
been changed to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Global name of database "rid2" at host "my_host" has 
been changed to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1      my_host      MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2      my_host      MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Rectifying ASR setup...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...

--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
DB Name               Init   Repl   DB     Purge  Sch.   Repl   Repl
                      Param  Admin  Links  Job    Links  Group  Agrmt
                             Role                               Entry
--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.  Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   
--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
Legends :
  Chkd  - Checked. No errors.
  Crtd  - ASR setup errors were found and corrected.
  Err   - Error occurred while doing ASR setup verification.
  NCrtd - ASR setup has errors, but not corrected.


The syntax is:

remtool -asrverify [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_password@connectid_
Usage Notes for the -ASRVERIFY Option
  1. This option is used for just detecting problems in ASR setup. It will just report errors and won't rectify them.

  2. While executing this option, Oracle Internet Directory servers can be up.

  3. If, by mistake, the replication administrator account is dropped in any of the nodes, then the -asrverify" option fails. In this case, the -asrrectify option can be used to recreate the replication administrator account and add it back to the DRG.

  4. If, by mistake, the password of replication administrator account of one node of the DRG to be checked is changed, then the -asrverify option fails. In this case, the -asrrectify option can be used to change the replication administrator account and add it back to the DRG.

  5. If the global name of any node is changed after Oracle9i Advanced Replication setup, then the -asrverify reports an error and does not proceed further. The -asrrectify option can be used to revert back to the previous global name and rectify other issues.

  6. To exercise this option, all the nodes must be up and running.

Example 1: -ASRVERIFY Option

In this example, errors in ASR setup are found in a DRG consisting of two nodes for which the following command is issued:

remtool -asrverify -v -conn repadmin/

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--------------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
--------------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1     my_host      MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1   MDS 
rid2     my_host      MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2   RMS 
-------------------------------------------- ------------- -----------------
Verifying ASR setup...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE 
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE 
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE 
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE 
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry...

--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
DB Name               Init   Repl   DB     Purge  Sch.   Repl   Repl
                      Param  Admin  Links  Job    Links  Group  Agrmt
                             Role                               Entry
--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   NCrtd  Chkd   
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.  Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   Chkd   NCrtd  Chkd   
--------------------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
Legends :
  Chkd  - Checked. No errors.
  Crtd  - ASR setup errors were found and corrected.
  Err   - Error occurred while doing ASR setup verification.
  NCrtd - ASR setup has errors, but not corrected.
Summary of findings:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE 

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE 

MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE 

MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE 


The syntax is:

remtool -dispasrerr [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_
Usage Notes for the -DISPASRERR Option
  1. This option is used for displaying ASR errors in a DRG.

  2. It displays both ASR administrative request errors and deferred transaction errors.

Example: -DISPASRERR Option

In this example, ASR errors of DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM are reported for which the following command is issued:

remtool -dispasrerr -v -conn repadmin/

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid      my_host       MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2     my_host       MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Following administrative request errors were found at MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM

--------------------  --------------------  -------------------------------
Admin request         Request raised at     Error
raised by
--------------------  --------------------  -------------------------------
REPADMIN              MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  ORA-23309: object ODS.ASR_CHG_L  
REPADMIN              MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  ORA-23309: object ODS.ODS_CHG_S  
REPADMIN              MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  ORA-23416: table "ODS"."ODS_CHG  
REPADMIN              MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  ORA-23308: object ODS.ODS_CHG_S  
REPADMIN              MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  ORA-23416: table "ODS"."ASR_CHG  
REPADMIN              MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.  ORA-23308: object ODS.ASR_CHG_L  
--------------------  --------------------  -------------------------------
Following deferred transaction errors were found at MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM

---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------------------
Deferred         Deferred Trans   Destination      Error
Transaction ID   Origin DB
---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------------------
1.2.3733         MY_HOST1.MY_COM  MY_HOST1.MY_COM  ORA-01403: no data found
---------------  ---------------  ---------------  ----------------------------
No deferred transaction errors were found at MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM


The syntax is:

remtool -dispqstat [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_password@connectid_

  1. This option is used for displaying queue statistics of DRG that uses ASR based replication. This option cannot be used for the DRG that uses LDAP based replication.

  2. For DRG that uses ASR and LDAP based replication, this option displays queue statistics for nodes that uses ASR based replication only.

Example: -DISPQSTAT Option

In this example, queue statistics of DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM are reported for which the following command is issued:

remtool -dispqstat -v -conn repadmin/

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1     my_host       MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2     my_host       MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Queue Statistics :
-------------- -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
   Supplier       Consumer       New      Retry     Purge      HIQ    Change #
-------------- -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
MY_HOST1.MY CO MY_HOST1.MY CO     3         9         10         6      2003
MY_HOST1.MY CO MY HOST2.MY CO     2         7         8          5      2001
MY_HOST2.MY CO MY_HOST1.MY CO     2         8         5          8      2002
MY_HOST2.MY CO MY_HOST2.MY CO     2        10         7          8      2000
-------------- -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
  New: No. of new change logs
  Retry: No. of change logs in retry queue
  Purge: No. of change logs in purge queue
  HIQ: No. of change logs in Human Intervention Queue (HIQ)
  Change # : Last applied change log no.


The syntax is:

remtool -suspendasr [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_
Usage Notes for the -SUSPENDASR Option
  1. This option is used to suspend Oracle9i Advanced Replication activity of a DRG that uses it for replication.

  2. While Oracle9i Advanced Replication activity is suspended, replication cannot take place.

Example: -SUSPENDASR Option

In this example, replication activity of DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is suspended for which the following command is issued:

remtool -suspendasr -v -conn repadmin/

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid      my_host       MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2     my_host       MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Altering replication status...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Quiescing replication activity...
Replication status has been altered successfully.


The syntax is:

remtool -resumeasr [-v] [-conn[ect] rep_admin_name/rep_admin_password@connectid_
Usage Notes for the -RESUMEASR Option
  1. This option is used to resume ASR activity of a DRG that uses ASR for replication.

Example: -RESUMEASR Option

In this example, replication activity of DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM and MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is resumed for which the following command is issued:

remtool -resumeasr -v -conn repadmin/repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM

The results are:

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS.
MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Instance Host Name     Global Name             Version       Replicaid     Site
Name                                                                       Type
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
rid1      my_host      MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1  MDS 
rid2      my_host      MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2  RMS 
-------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
Altering replication status...

MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity...
Replication status has been altered successfully.


The syntax is:

remtool -paddnode [-v] [-bind <hostname>:<port>/<replication_dn_password>]
Usage Notes for the -PADDNODE Option
  1. Using this option a read-only replica or a read-only partial replica can be added to a node, known as supplier node.

  2. Supplier node can be part of a DRG that uses ASR for replication or LDAP for replication or both.

  3. New replica to be added should not be part of any DRG.

  4. If the user does not specify supplier directory details using -bind option, user is prompted to specify supplier details:

  5. If the supplier details are valid, remtool identifies all nodes in the DRG, if any, and displays the details before asking for consumer details.

  6. After getting consumer directory details, if the DRG has multiple nodes, it prompts the user to specify the supplier's replicaid. Here user can specify the replicaid of any node of the DRG that uses LDAP based replication.

  7. In case user wants to specify a ASR based replica as supplier, user must specify the ASR based replica as supplier in -bind option or when remtool prompts the user to specify it.

  8. Remtool, after adding a replica, displays a list of naming contexts available in supplier replica along with "*". "*" indicates that whole directory will be included for replication barring DSE. User can select to replicate a portion of directory by selecting required naming contexts or whole directory by selecting "*". If user does not select any naming context, none of the naming contexts will take part in replication.

  9. Remtool includes cn=oraclecontext naming context for replication whether or not user specifies naming context(s) to be included for replication.

Example 1:-PADDNODE Option

In this example, the directory server ldap://my_host:3060 is added as partial read-only replica by specifying naming contexts to be replicated to directory server ldap://my_host:3040 for which the following command is issued:

remtool -paddnode -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

The results are:

Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid        my_host:3040             --                      RW   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Enter consumer directory details:
Enter hostname of host running OID server    : my_host

Enter port on which OID server is listening  : 3060

Enter replication dn password                : 
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rid2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rid1,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry 
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rid2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rid1,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry 
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid] : Adding entry 
prep,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry 
prep,cn=replication configuration...
Replica ldap://my_host:3060(my_host_rid2) has been added to this DRG.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1        my_host:3040            --                      RW   

002 my_host_rid2        my_host:3060            my_host_rid1            RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Replica ldap://my_host:3060 (my_host_rem2) can be made partial replica by 
specifying naming contexts to be replicated.

List of available naming contexts in supplier replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_
host_rid1) :

    1. * [replicate whole directory]
    2. dc=com
    3. dc=org
    4. dc=net
    5. dc=edu
Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : dc=org

Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : dc=edu

Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : e

Following naming contexts will be included for replication:
    1. dc=org
    2. dc=edu
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry 
rid,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry 
rid,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry 
rid,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry 
rid,cn=replication configuration...

Selected naming contexts have been included for replication.
Example #2: -PADDNODE Option

In this example, directory server ldap://my_host:3060 is added as partial replica to directory server ldap://my_host:3040, which is part of the DRG consisting of ldap://my_host:3040 and ldap://my_host:3080 that uses LDAP based replication. The user can connect to either my_host:3040 or my_host:3080 and add a consumer replica to my_host:3040.

In this example, the following command is issued:

remtool -paddnode -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

The results are:

Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040             --                      RW   

002 my_host_rid3       my_host:3080             my_host_rid1            RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Enter consumer directory details:
Enter hostname of host running OID server    : my_host    

Enter port on which OID server is listening  : 3060

Enter replication dn password                : 
Enter replicaid of the supplier              : my_host_rid1
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_r[my_host_rid1]id2] : Modifying entry 
orclreplicaid=my_host_rid2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry 
orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry 
orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry 
orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry 
orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration...
Replica ldap://my_host:3060(my_host_rem2) has been added to this DRG.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1        my_host:3040               --                     RW   

002 my_host_rid2       my_host:3060               my_host_rid1           RO   

003 my_host_rid3       my_host:3080               my_host_rid1           RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Replica ldap://my_host:3060 (my_host_rid2) can be made partial replica by 
specifying naming contexts to be replicated.

List of available naming contexts in supplier replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_
host_rid1) :

    1. *  [replicate whole directory]
Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : e


Example #3:-PADDNODE Option

In this example, OID server ldap://my_host:3080 is added as partial replica to OID server ldap://my_host:3040 that is part of the DRG consisting of ldap://my_host:3040 and ldap://my_host:3060 that uses ASR based replication. The user must connect to my_host:3040 to add a consumer replica to my_host:3040 in this case. In this example, the following command is issued:

remtool -paddnode -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

The results are:

Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            my_host_rid2            RW   

002 my_host_rid2       --                      my_host_rid1            RW   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Enter consumer directory details:
Enter hostname of host running OID server    : my_host

Enter port on which OID server is listening  : 3080

Enter replication dn password                : 
Enter replicaid of the supplier              : my_host_rid1

ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry 
orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry 
orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
Replica ldap://my_host:3080(my_host_rem3) has been added to this DRG.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040             my_host_rid2           RW   

002 my_host_rid2       --                       my_host_rid1           RW   

003 my_host_rid3       my_host:3080             my_host_rid1           RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Replica ldap://my_host:3080 (my_host_rid3) can be made partial replica by 
specifying naming contexts to be replicated.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

List of available naming contexts in supplier replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_
host_rid1) :

    1. * [replicate whole directory]
    2. dc=com
    3. dc=org
    4. dc=net
    5. dc=edu
Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : *

Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : e

Following naming contexts will be included for replication:
    1. *
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid] : Adding entry 
rid,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry 
rid,cn=replication configuration...
Selected naming contexts have been included for replication.


The syntax is:

remtool -pdelnode [-v] [-bind <hostname>:<port#>/<repl_dn_password>]
Usage Notes for the -PDELNODE Option
  1. This option can be used to delete a read-only or read-only partial replica from a DRG.

  2. This option cannot be used to delete a ASR based replica. -delnode option has to be used.

Example 1: -PDELNODE Option

In this example, replica ldap://my_host:3080 is removed from the DRG created as shown in Example 3 of -PADDNODE option. This DRG consists of 3 replicas - ldap://my_host:3040, ldap://my_host:3060, ldap://my_host:3080 - of which ldap://my_host:3040 and ldap://my_host:3060 uses ASR based replication and ldap:my_host:3040 and ldap://my_host:3080 uses LDAP based replication. To delete replica ldap://my_host:3080, user has to give bind details of either ldap://my_host:3040 or ldap://my_host:3080.


A user cannot delete the replica ldap://my_host:3080 by giving bind details of ldap://my_host:3060, although binding to it gives details of all replicas.

In this example, the following command is issued:

remtool -pdelnode -v -bind my_host:3040/ods
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl   Replicaid         Directory Information    Supplier Information   Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001  my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            my_host_rid2           RW   

002  my_host_rid2       --                      my_host_rid1           RW   

003  my_host_rid3       my_host:3080            my_host_rid1           RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Enter replicaid of the replica to be deleted : my_host_rid3

ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry 
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
Replica ldap://my_host:3080(my_host_rid3) has been deleted from this DRG.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            my_host_rid2             RW   

002 my_host_rid2       --                      my_host_rid1             RW   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Example #2: -PDELNODE Option

In this example, a replica is deleted from a DRG consisting of three replicas. All three replicas use LDAP-based replication. Required replica can be deleted by binding to any of these three replicas.

In this example, the following command is issued:

remtool -pdelnode -v -bind my_host:3040/ods
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            --                       RW   

002 my_host_rid3       my_host:3080            my_host_rid1             RO   

003 my_host_rid2       my_host:3060            my_host_rid1             RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Enter replicaid of the replica to be deleted : my_host_rid3

ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry 
orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Deleting entry 
orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem2,cn=replication configuration...
Replica ldap://my_host:3080(my_host_rid3) has been deleted from this DRG.
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            --                      RW   

002 my_host_rid2       my_host:3060            my_host_rid             RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----


The syntax is:

remtool -pchgpwd [-v] [-bind <hostname>:<port>/<replication_dn_password>]
Usage Notes for the -PCHGPWD Option
  1. This option is used to change password of replication DN.

  2. The replication DN of Oracle Internet Directory server identified by "-bind" option will be changed.

  3. Password of replication DN of the identified replica will be changed both in Oracle Internet Directory repository and in wallet.

  4. If the replica is taking part in replication, then password will be changed in other replicas for the local replica's replication DN. Note that, unlike ASR based replication, the replication DN password of each replica can be different from others.

  5. This option has to be executed in the host, where Oracle Internet Directory server whose replication DN password has to be changed is running. This is mandatory as password in wallet must also to be changed. Otherwise remtool will report an error as shown in example #2.

Example 1: -PCHGPWD Option

In this example, the password of replica ldap://my_host:3040/ods is changed for which the following command is issued:

remtool -pchgpwd -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

The results are:

Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040             --                     RW   

002 my_host_rid3       my_host:3080             my_host_rid1           RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Replication DN password of ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rem) associated with 
database 'rid' will be changed.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Enter new password of replication DN         : 
Reenter new password of replication DN       : 
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
Password has been changed.
Example 2: -PCHGPWD Option

In this example, user tries to change the password of replica my_host:3040 from a different host for which the following command is issued:

remtool -pchgpwd -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

The results are:

Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            --                      RW   

002 my_host_rid3       my_host:3080            my_host_rid1            RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Replication DN password of ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rid1) associated with 
database 'rid1' will be changed.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Enter new password of replication DN         : 
Reenter new password of replication DN       : 
ldap://my_host:3040 : Invoke the remtool at host my_host to change the password 
of ldap://my_host:3040 replica.
Error occurred while changing password of replica ldap://my_host:3040(my_host_
ldap://my_host:3040 : Invoke the remtool at host my_host to change the password 
of ldap://my_host:3040 replica.


The syntax is:
remtool -pcleanup -v -bind my_host:3040/ods
Usage Notes for the -PCLEANUP Option
  1. This option can be used to clean up LDAP based replication setup.

  2. This option can be used to clean up a replica which has incomplete or flawed LDAP based replication setup. In case of incomplete or flawed LDAP-based replication setup, the Replication Environment Management Tool cleans up only the replica identified by the -bind option. If replication configuration information is corrupted, or the replication DN entry is not available, then it prompts for the super user DN and password.

  3. This option can be used only to clean up LDAP based replication setup and not ASR based replication setup.

Example 1: -PCLEANUP Option

In this example, the replication setup of a DRG that has 3 replicas taking part in LDAP based replication.

In this example, the following command is issued:

remtool -pcleanup -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

The results are:

Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040             --                      RW   

002 my_host_rid3       my_host:3080            my_host_rid1             RO   

003 my_host_rid2       my_host:3060            my_host_rid1             RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
DRG identified by replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rid1) will be cleaned up.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry 
orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry 
orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem2,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem3,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Deleting entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration...
Replica ldap://my_host:3040(my_host_rid1) has been cleaned up.
Example 2: -PCLEANUP Option

This example shows how -pcleanup option can be used to clean up flawed LDAP based replication setup.

Step 1: First replica ldap://my_host:3040 is added to ldap://my_host:3060.While replication setup is in progress, error occurs which results in flawed setup.

remtool -paddnode -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            --                      RW   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Enter consumer directory details:
Enter hostname of host running OID server    : my_host
Enter port on which OID server is listening  : 3060
Enter replication dn password                : 
Error occurred while adding partial replica ldap://my_host:3060.
ldap://my_host:3060 : Failed to add entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rid1,cn=replication configuration.
DSA is unwilling to perform

ldap://my_host:3060 : Failed to read replication configuration information.

Step 2: Again add ldap://my_host:3060 to ldap://my_host:3040, which results in error.

remtool -paddnode -v -bind my_host:3040/ods
ldap://my_host:3060 : Failed to read replication configuration information.

Step 3: As there was error in above paddnode procedure, no new node can be added. Hence call -pcleanup to clean the setup. After cleanup is complete, -paddnode can be invoked again to add a new replica.

remtool -pcleanup -v -bind my_host:3040/ods
ldap://my_host:3060 : Failed to read replication configuration information.
Error occurred while getting replication configuration information.
This tool will try to rectify the problem if super user DN and password are 
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Enter superuser DN                           : cn=orcladmin

Enter superuser password                     : 
Enter new password of replication DN         : 
Reenter new password of replication DN       : 
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            --                      RW   

002 my_host_rid2       my_host:3060            my_host_rid1            RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
DRG identified by replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rem) will be cleaned up.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry 
orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration...
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_
rem2,cn=replication configuration...
Replica ldap://my_host:3040(my_host_rem) has been cleaned up.


The syntax is:

remtool -presetpwd -v -bind my_host:3040/ods
Usage Notes for the -PRESETPWD Option
  1. This option is used for resetting replication DN password.

  2. To reset the replication DN password, Superuser DN and password are required.

  3. This will just reset the replication DN password in wallet and in the directory.

  4. This will not reset the password in any other directories of the DRG of which this directory is part.

Example: -PRESETPWD Option

In this example, the following command is issued to reset the password of replica my_host:3040:

remtool -presetpwd -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

The results are:

Enter superuser DN                           : cn=orcladmin

Enter superuser password                     : 
Replication DN password of ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rem) associated with 
database 'rid1' will be reset.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Enter new password of replication DN         : 
Reenter new password of replication DN       : 
ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry cn=replication 
dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration...
Password has been changed.


The syntax is:

remtool -pchgwalpwd -v -bind my_host:3040/ods
Usage Notes for the -PCHGWALPWD Option
  1. This option is used to change only the wallet password.

  2. This will set the wallet password to replication DN password stored in Oracle Internet Directory repository.

  3. Bind details must be that of the directory whose wallet password is to be changed.

  4. This option is useful in RAC environment.

Example: -PCHGWALPWD Option

In this example, password of replication DN of replica ldap://my_host:3040 is set to that of in Oracle Internet Directory repository in the wallet for which the following command is issued:

remtool -pchgwalpwd -v -bind my_host:3040/ods

The results are:

Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : 

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl  Replicaid          Directory Information   Supplier Information    Repl.
No.                                                                    Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 my_host_rid1       my_host:3040            --                      RW   

002 my_host_rid3       my_host:3080            my_host_rid1            RO   

--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Replication DN password of ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rid1) associated with 
database 'rid' will be set in wallet.
Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y

Password has been changed.

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