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Oracle® Application Server Portal Configuration Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10356-01
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F Integrating JavaServer Pages with OracleAS Portal

OracleAS Portal gives you the ability to create various kinds of Web pages. You can supplement this ability with JavaServer Pages (JSPs).

This appendix describes how you can secure OracleAS Portal to allow access to only approved JSPs, and prevent unauthorized access by JSPs to portlet content. It also describes the steps required to allow access for protected external JSPs that require login.

The following topics are covered in this appendix:

F.1 Using the JavaServer Page Configuration File

Because almost any JSP using the tag library can request OracleAS Portal portlet content, there is a need for a secure way to ensure that only approved JSPs obtain access. You can control this through two mechanisms:

The configuration file identifies the OracleAS Portal instances, and page groups within those instances, to which an external JSP is allowed access.

The specific coding requirements of the configuration file are explained in Section F.1.1, "Contents of Your JavaServer Page Configuration File".

Your completed configuration file must then be identified to OracleAS Portal. This step is explained in Section F.1.3, "Location of Your JavaServer Page Configuration File".

This section contains the following sub-sections:

F.1.1 Contents of Your JavaServer Page Configuration File

The required tags are:

F.1.1.1 The <jps> Tag

The <jps> tag is a container tag that provides a list of OracleAS Portal instances to which external JSPs can have access.

Opening tag

<jps version="1.0">

Version must be set to 1.0 for the current OracleAS Portal release.

Closing tag


F.1.1.2 The <portal> Tag

The <portal> tag describes an individual OracleAS Portal instance.

Opening tag

<portal name="MyPortal" default="true">

Closing tag


Table F-1  The <portal> Tag's Attributes
Attribute Value


Any descriptive name given to an OracleAS Portal instance. The name must be unique within the configuration file.


A true or false flag indicating whether this portal is the default instance that is used if a usePortal tag does not specify a portal name. If you provide no value, default is set to false.

Only one default portal is allowed for each configuration file.

F.1.1.3 The <database> Tag

The <database> tag provides database connection information about a given OracleAS Portal instance. For example:

<database data-source="jdbc/MyPortal"/>

The data-source attribute value is the name of the data source, which must be specified in the data-sources.xml file located in the J2EE_HOME/config directory.

Here is an example of a data-source definition:


The username and password attributes must be set to the OracleAS Portal application schema user name and password.

F.1.1.4 The <url> Tag

The <url> tag provides connection information to the OracleAS Portal instance. For example:

<url protocol="http" host="" port="7500" path="/pls/portal"/>

Table F-2  The <url> Tag's Attributes
Attribute Value


The name of the protocol used to connect to the OracleAS Portal instance. Currently, only http and https protocols are supported. If you do not specify a protocol attribute, the default will be http.


The machine name for the OracleAS Portal middle-tier.


Port number. If no port is specified, the default number will be 80.


For this release, path must be set to /pls/<PORTAL-DAD-NAME>.

F.1.1.5 The <cookie> Tag

The <cookie> tag describes the OracleAS Portal cookie. For example:

<cookie name="portal" maxAge="-1" path="/" domain=""/>

Table F-3  The <cookie> Tag's Attributes
Attribute Value


The name of the cookie. This must be the same as the OracleAS Portal instance cookie name. name is a required attribute of the cookie tag.


The maximum age of the cookie, specified in seconds. Specify a value of -1 if you want the cookie to persist until browser shutdown. maxAge is a required attribute of the cookie tag.


The path on the server to which the browser returns this cookie. path is a required attribute of the cookie tag.


This attribute should be specified only if changes were made to the SSO portlet cookie configuration. See the SSO documentation.

F.1.1.6 The <pageGroups> Tag

The <pageGroups> tag forms a container for the pageGroup tags. This tag has no attributes.

Opening tag


Closing tag


F.1.1.7 The <pageGroup> Tag

The <pageGroup> tag describes each individual page group's properties. For example:

<pageGroup name="JPSDemo" key="welcome" default="true"/>

Table F-4  The <pageGroup> Tag's Attributes
Attribute Value


The page group name. This must be the name given to the page group when it was created in OracleAS Portal.


The page group's key. The value must match the Access Key value that was assigned to the page group in OracleAS Portal. (Note that a page group identified here must have JSP Access enabled.)


A flag set to true or false indicating whether or not this page group is the default page group within this OracleAS Portal instance. A default page group is the one used in the usePortal tag if no page group name is supplied. If no value provided for default in this pageGroup tag, it will be set to false.

Only one default page group is allowed for each portal instance.

F.1.2 Example JavaServer Page Configuration File

The following is an example of a JSP configuration file:

Example F-1 Example JavaServer Page Configuration File

<jps version="1.0">
   <portal name="MyPortal" default="true">
      <database data-source="jdbc/MyPortal"/>
      <url host="" port="7500" path="/pls/portal"/>
      <cookie name="portal" maxAge="-1" path="/" />
         <pageGroup name="JPSDemo"  key="welcome" default="true"/>
         <pageGroup name="JPSDemo2" key="welcome" default="false"/>
   <portal name="AnotherPortal">
      <database data-source="jdbc/AnotherPortal"/>
      <url protocol="http" host="" port="8888"
      <cookie name="portal90" maxAge="-1" path="/" />
         <pageGroup name="JPSDemo"  key="welcome"/>
         <pageGroup name="JPSDemo1"  key="welcome1"/>
         <pageGroup name="JPSDemo2"  key="welcome2"/>
         <pageGroup name="JPSDemo3"  key="welcome3"/>
         <pageGroup name="JPSDemo4"  key="welcome4"/>

F.1.3 Location of Your JavaServer Page Configuration File

By default, the name of the configuration file is assumed to be wwjps.xml, and the default location of the file is:


However, your configuration file can have any other name, and can be located anywhere in the file system.

You specify the location using a context parameter in the web.xml file, which is located in the directory J2EE_HOME/applications/portal/portal/WEB-INF.

The context parameter in the web.xml file is:

      <description>This parameter specifies the location of the JPS
         configuration file</description>

F.1.4 External JavaServer Page Login

External JSPs can be categorized by their login requirements:

Protected external JSPs have additional setup requirements. These are explained in the next section.

F.2 Setting Up a JAZN File for External Communication

The following steps are required only for protected external JSPs. That is, external JSPs that require login.

In the external JSPs, if you need to log in to the portal, you need to use the following tag syntax:

<portal:usePortal id="AnyPortal" pagegroup="AnyPageGroup" login="true" />

When you execute this JSP, you will be redirected to the OracleAS Single Sign-On server if you are not already logged on. In order to make this work, look at the following sections:

F.2.1 Setting Up mod_osso

By default, your Oracle HTTP Server is registered with the OracleAS Single Sign-On server. The following steps are given here only if that has been changed, and re-registration is necessary.

F.2.1.1 Register Oracle HTTP Server with OracleAS Single Sign-On Server

You need to register your Oracle HTTP Server with the OracleAS Single Sign-On server as a partner application. To do so:

  1. Go to your OracleAS Single Sign-On server home and login, for example:
  2. Go to SSO Server administration: Administer Partner applications: Add Partner Application.

  3. Enter the following at the prompts.

    • Name: Oracle HTTP Server (any name)

    • Home URL:

    • Success URL:

    • Logout URL:

  4. Click Apply. Keep a record of the values that are displayed. You will need these values in the next step.

F.2.1.2 Create a Directory File

Create a file (for example, portal.clr) based on Example F-2. Replace the values in this example file with the values you got in the previous step (when you registered your application).

Example F-2 Example Directory File


After making your changes in the file, place the file in the following directory:

<Oracle HTTPhome>/Oracle HTTP/Oracle HTTP/conf/osso/

F.2.1.3 Run Oracle HTTP osso.conf

Go to <Oracle HTTPhome>/Oracle HTTP/Oracle HTTP/conf/osso/ and run:

<Oracle HTTPhome>/Oracle HTTP/Oracle HTTP/bin/apobfuscate portal.clr osso.conf

F.2.1.4 Remove Comments from the httpd.conf File

In your httpd.conf file, make sure the following line is not commented out:

include "<Oracle HTTPhome>/Oracle HTTP/Oracle HTTP/conf/mod_osso.conf"

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide

F.2.1.5 Restart the Oracle HTTP Server

After completing the earlier steps, restart the Oracle HTTP Server.

F.2.2 Setting Up JAZN with LDAP

JAZN is the internal name for a Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) provider. JAAS is a Java package that enables applications to authenticate and enforce access controls upon users. The use of JAZN in OracleAS Portal is limited to the authentication of external JSPs

Confirm that the JAZN is working with the LDAP. (You can use the demo provided by the JAZN.)

Do the following additional step:

Port number 389 is a default port for LDAP servers. However, any other port can be assigned. Contact your Oracle Internet Directory Administrator to obtain <host> and <port> information.

See Also:

For more information:

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