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Oracle Application Server Portal Error Messages Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10608-01
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7 Other Error Messages

This chapter describes the error messages, their causes, and suggested actions, that are not covered elsewhere in this manual.

This chapter contains the following error messages:

7.1 ORA-01821 to ORA-41417

This section contains the following error messages:

ORA-01821: Date format not recognized, SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly.

ORA-06550: Execute ORA-06550: line 8, column 2:PLS-00306:wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PROCESS_SIGNON' ORA-06550: line 8, column 2: PL/SQL: Statement ignored.

ORA-12154: Unable to start Portal.

ORA-12541: Database login failed.

ORA-14000: Cannot insert NULL into DATABASE.

ORA-41417: Error running Portal.

ORA-01821: Date format not recognized, SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly.

Cause: Unable to install OracleAS Portal repository

Action: Change the following init.orasetting: nls_date_format="mm/dd/yyyy" to nls_date_format="mm/dd/yy".

ORA-06550: Execute ORA-06550: line 8, column 2:PLS-00306:wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'PROCESS_SIGNON' ORA-06550: line 8, column 2: PL/SQL: Statement ignored.

Cause: Some type of application error. In this case, the PROCESS_SIGNON procedure isn't expecting to be called with the parameters that it has been given.

Action: Find the error in the application code.

ORA-12154: Unable to start Portal.

Cause: Logging in to Portal fails with error "TNS: could not resolve service name."

Action: Look for a problem in the SQL*Net area.

ORA-12541: Database login failed.

Cause: Database login failed; cannot connect to the Gateway settings.

Action: Check the password in the dads.conf file, located in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/conf directory.

ORA-14000: Cannot insert NULL into DATABASE.

Cause: Unable to install OracleAS Portal. It hangs incomplete.

Action: In the database parameter file, change the system_trig_enabled= to be FALSE instead of TRUE. The default value is TRUE.

Action: If the above action fails:

  1. Drop existing OracleAS Portal.

  2. Edit logintrg.sql, and change:

    CALL portal_login(ora_login_user)

to begin

portal _login(ora_login_user);end;
  • Re-install OracleAS Portal.

  • ORA-41417: Error running Portal.

    Cause: Encountered error WWC-41417.

    Action: Increase tablespace size.

    7.2 WWS-25883 to WWS-40019

    This section contains the following error messages:

    WWS-25883. Some or all of the Oracle Text indexes are missing or invalid. Oracle Text searching is disabled.

    WWS-26000. Oracle Text Base URL can not be null.

    WWS-26001. Link Text for Internet Search Engine can not be null if a URL is specified.

    WWS-30071. Item %1 from page group %2 is not a valid image.

    WWS-30072. Default value %1 is not of the correct datatype for attribute %2 from page group %3.

    WWS-30073. Default value %1 is not a valid value for attribute %2 from page group %3.

    WWS-30074. The value for results per page must be an integer greater than zero.

    WWS-30593. Invalid number format entered.

    WWS-30698. Invalid username specified. User does not exist!

    WWS-30713. Publish Date cannot be earlier than current date.

    WWS-30741. This item has been checked out so you cannot edit it.

    WWS-30742. Advanced Search link can not be null.

    WWS-30743. Advanced Search page can not be null.

    WWS-30744. Not enough search terms specified, you must enter two search terms for the Near operator.

    WWS-30745. Too many search terms specified, you must enter two search terms for the Near operator.

    WWS-30748. Pending items cannot be unzipped. The item must first be approved.

    WWS-32006. You must enter at least one search term.

    WWS-25883. Some or all of the Oracle Text indexes are missing or invalid. Oracle Text searching is disabled.

    Cause: Oracle Text searching capabilities can only be used if all of the Portal Oracle Text indexes are present and valid.

    Action: Ensure that the Portal Oracle Text indexes are present and valid. Create or recreate the indexes if necessary.

    WWS-26000. Oracle Text Base URL can not be null.

    Cause: No value for the Oracle Text Base URL has been specified.

    Action: Specify a value for the Oracle Text Base URL. This should normally be the URL to the Portal instance up to and including the portal DAD. i.e., http://hostname.domain:port/pls/dad/.

    WWS-26001. Link Text for Internet Search Engine can not be null if a URL is specified.

    Cause: If a URL is specified for the Internet Search Engine preference, it is also necessary to specify a value for the Link Text preference as well.

    Action: Specify Link Text for the Interent Search Engine.

    WWS-30071. Item %1 from page group %2 is not a valid image.

    Cause: The specified item is not a valid image.

    Action: Choose an item which is a valid image.

    WWS-30072. Default value %1 is not of the correct datatype for attribute %2 from page group %3.

    Cause: A default value has been specified for an attribute and the value is not of the correct datatype for that attribute.

    Action: Correct the default value so that it is consistent with the datatype for the attribute.

    WWS-30073. Default value %1 is not a valid value for attribute %2 from page group %3.

    Cause: A default value has been specified for an attribute and the value is not valid for that attribute.

    Action: Correct the default value so that it is a valid value for the attribute.

    WWS-30074. The value for results per page must be an integer greater than zero.

    Cause: A value specified for the results per page was not an integer greater than zero.

    Action: Specify a value for the results per page which is an integer greater than zero.

    WWS-30593. Invalid number format entered.

    Cause: You entered an invalid value for a number attribute. It is possible that the LOV associated with the attribute returns incorrect values.

    Action: Contact the owner of the LOV so that it can be changed to return the correct type of values.

    WWS-30698. Invalid username specified. User does not exist!

    Cause: You entered an invalid user name or group name.

    Action: Enter the correct user name or group name. If you are not sure of the name, click the Browse Users or Browse Groups icon and select from the list provided.

    WWS-30713. Publish Date cannot be earlier than current date.

    Cause: Either you attempted to publish this item before the current date, or you attempted to create a sub-item with a publish date before the publish date of the parent item.

    Action: Change the publish date of the item to a future date, or set the publish date of the sub-item to the same or a later date than the publish date of the parent item.

    WWS-30741. This item has been checked out so you cannot edit it.

    Cause: Another user has checked out the item. You were able to see the edit icon because the page has not been refreshed since the other user checked out the item.

    Action: Refresh the page to show the current status of its content. As soon as the other user checks the item in, you will be able to edit it.

    WWS-30742. Advanced Search link can not be null.

    Cause: The Advanced Search Link is specified by either selecting a page or specifying a URL. The choice to specify an Advanced Search Link has been made but the advanced search link value has not been specified.

    Action: Specify an Advanced Search Link value.

    WWS-30743. Advanced Search page can not be null.

    Cause: The Advanced Search Page is specified by either selecting a page or specifying a URL. The choice to specify an Advance Search Page has been made but the Advanced Search Page value has not been specified.

    Action: Specify an Advanced Search Page value.

    WWS-30744. Not enough search terms specified, you must enter two search terms for the Near operator.

    Cause: The near operator requires two search terms to be specified. Fewer than two terms have been specified.

    Action: Specify two search terms when using the near operator. The search will return results that have near with a high score.

    WWS-30745. Too many search terms specified, you must enter two search terms for the Near operator.

    Cause: The near operator requires two search terms to be specified. More than two terms have been specified.

    Action: Specify two search terms when using the near operator. The search will return results that have near with a high score.

    WWS-30748. Pending items cannot be unzipped. The item must first be approved.

    Cause: Item is pending, cannot be unzipped.

    Action: Unzip after the item is approved.

    WWS-32006. You must enter at least one search term.

    Cause: A search has been submitted that does not contain any valid search criteria. Either there have been no criteria specified or the criteria specified are not relevant to the type of results searched for. For example, only a category criteria has been specified and the search is for categories. However categories do not themselves belong to categories and so the criteria is not valid and is ignored.

    Action: Ensure that the search contains some valid search criteria.

    WWS-32024. The file could be not filtered.

    Cause: To offer the searching of file contents, Themes and Gist of a file and View as HTML the file must be filtered and converted to plain text. This is not always possible. Some document formats are not supported. This might also be caused by a problem with the setup and configuration of Oracle Text. For example, if Oracle Text indexes are dropped, autoquery portlet results are not immediately invalidated in OracleAS Web Cache. You may see this error if you click on a cached link.

    Action: Verify that the document is in a format that is not supported by Oracle Text. Consult the Portal Configuration Guide for information about how to verify the Oracle Text functionality.

    7.3 Syndication Channel Administration Error Messages

    The following are syndication channel administration error messages.

    Error Code: OSS-00190

    Error Code: OSS-00191

    Error Code: OSS-00192

    Error Code: OSS-00195

    Error Code: OSS-00198

    Error Code: OSS-00199

    Error Code: OSS-00200

    Error Code: OSS-00201

    Error Code: OSS-00204

    Error Code: OSS-00205

    Error Code: OSS-00209

    Error Code: OSS-00190

    Error getting a connection.

    Cause: An error occurred when trying to get a connection to the infrastructure database.

    Action: Check the infrastructure database status and restart the listener if needed.

    Error Code: OSS-00191

    Cannot find subscription with ID {0}.

    Cause: The attempt to lookup a subscription with the specified ID in Syndication Services, failed.

    Action: Check that the specified subscription has not been removed. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Syndication Services --> Subscription page for information about subscription IDs. See Oracle Application Server Syndication Services Developer's and Administrator's Guide for more information.

    Error Code: OSS-00192

    Cannot find subscriber with ID {0}.

    Cause: The attempt to lookup the Portal_Syndication subscriber with the specified ID in Syndication Services, failed.

    Action: Check that the specified subscriber, Portal_Syndication, has not been removed. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Syndication Services --> Offer Management page and specifically view or edit offer access for a content provider to see if the Portal_Syndication user is granted access as a subscriber to the content. See Oracle Application Server Syndication Services Developer's and Administrator's Guide for more information.

    Error Code: OSS-00195

    Error performing JNDI lookup of {0}.

    Cause: The lookup on the DAV repository of the specified resource failed because the resource could not be found.

    Action: Check that the specified resource is available. See the Edit Channel Properties page and check the name of the destination Portal page folder.

    Error Code: OSS-00198

    Error reading subscription report.

    Cause: The requested report was not found in Syndication Services.

    Action: Verify that the requested report is available.

    Error Code: OSS-00199

    Cannot pull content for channel {0} as previous update is still in progress.

    Cause: A content delivery process previously started is still in process. A new delivery process cannot be started because the previous one has not yet completed.

    Action: Wait until the previous delivery is completed and try again later to pull the content. Check the update log to see if the update is completed.

    Error Code: OSS-00200

    Inconsistent subscriber ID for channel {0}: expected {1} but current subscriber ID is {1}.

    Cause: The specified Portal_Syndication subscriber is not the one associated to the current channel.

    Action: Check that the mapping of the channel and the Portal_Syndication subscriber is consistent. Match the user identity from the Edit Defaults of the portlet with the owner (user) of the subscription as specified in Oracle Enterprise Manager Syndication Services --> Offer Management page. Specifically, view or edit offer access for a content provider to see if the Portal_Syndication user is granted access as a subscriber to the content.

    Error Code: OSS-00201

    Cannot find channel with name {0}.

    Cause: The lookup of the channel, given the specified name, has failed.

    Action: Check that the specified channel exists, or if it exists and still fails, delete it and recreate it.

    Error Code: OSS-00204

    Cannot access resource {0} from root {1}.

    Cause: The specified DAV resource is not accessible from the specified DAV root context.

    Action: Check the setting of the content destination folder. See the Edit Channel Properties page and check the name of the destination Portal page folder.

    Error Code: OSS-00205

    Cannot update the confirmed state for package {0} because the previous update is still in progress.

    Cause: A content delivery process previously started is still in process. The application cannot save a new state because the previous delivery process keeps a lock on the subscription.

    Action: Wait until the previous delivery is completed and try again later. Check the update log to see if the update is completed.

    Error Code: OSS-00209

    Cannot create the subscription as an exception occurred: {0}.

    Cause: The specified Syndication Services internal exception occurred while creating a new subscription.

    Action: The nested exception should give you more information about the Oracle Application Server Syndication Services error. Refer to Appendix A "Error Messages" in Oracle Application Server Syndication Services Developer's and Administrator's Guide for more information about the error message. Contact the administrator if the problem persists.

    7.4 WebDAV Issues

    The following sections provide information on the common problems encountered while using WebDAV clients to connect to OracleAS Portal.

    Error While Accessing a WebDAV Location

    Multiple Authentication Requests

    WebDAV Tables Need Repopulating

    Misleading Error Messages in WebDAV Clients

    Problem: OraDAV assumes a default Character Set used by the clients

    7.4.1 Error While Accessing a WebDAV Location

    If you are using a Web Browser as the WebDAV client and you experience a Forbidden Error when accessing a WebDAV location, an error is written to the Web server error log that looks like this:

    [Tue Jun  4 11:33:14 2002] [error] [client] Directory index 
    forbidden by rule: / 

    You must ensure that Options Indexes exists in their oradav.conf file, as shown in the following example:

    <Location /dav_portal/portal>
       DAV Oracle
       DAVDepthInfinity On 
       DAVParam ORACONNECT dbhost:dbport:dbsid
       DAVParam ORAUSER portal_schema
       DAVParam ORAPASSWORD portal_schema_password
       DAVParam ORACONTAINERNAME OraclePortal 
       DAVParam ORAPACKAGENAME portal_schema.wwdav_api_driver
       Options Indexes 

    7.4.2 Multiple Authentication Requests

    Due to the way some WebDAV clients behave, users might experience authentication requests multiple times. To avoid this, you can enable the Cookies option in the oradav.conf file. Its value is specified as the time in seconds before the cookie expires.

    7.4.3 WebDAV Tables Need Repopulating

    If the WebDAV tables in OracleAS Portal need repopulating (due to corruption), you can use the DAV Loader utility to repopulate them to the latest data available from OracleAS Portal. When corruption occurs, the following error appears in the Web server's error log file:

    [Fri Sep 13 11:33:19 2002] [error] [client] OraDAV (b8790): Apache 
    Error  -9999/6510 : ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
     ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPTH_API_PRIVATE", line 953
     ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
     ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPTH_API_PRIVATE", line 1515
     ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception
     ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB", line 801
     ORA-01403: no data found
     ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPTH_API_PRIVATE", line 982
     ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWDAV_INTERNAL", line 2154

    You can run the DAV Loader utility by executing the following procedure from SQL*Plus:

    set serveroutput on size 1000000

    This recreates the entire set of DAV data. To get more debugging information, you can also use:

    set serveroutput on size 1000000
            p_debug_mode => true);

    Running the DAV Loader removes any temporary documents, and any locks on documents, from the DAV tables. Items submitted for approval will no longer appear in DAV until they are accepted or rejected.

    7.4.4 Misleading Error Messages in WebDAV Clients

    When attempting to perform delete or copy operations at the page group level in a WebDAV client, you may experience the following error message:

    500 Internal Server Error

    This is not a server error, but a forbidden operation, because you cannot perform write operations at the page group level.

    When performing operations in Web Folders you may sometimes come across the following error message:

    The current operation cannot be completed because some unexpected error has 

    This may be because the information in Web Folders is out of sync with that in the portal itself. Try moving to the top level of the page group in Web Folders and refreshing. You may then be able to perform the operation that you were attempting. If this still doesn't work, take a look in the error log, which you will find in your personal page.

    7.4.5 Problem: OraDAV assumes a default Character Set used by the clients

    Cause: Some WebDAV clients send requests without specifying the character set in the content-type and XML headers. As a result, OraDAV assumes a default character set used by the clients.

    Action: To work around this, the NLS_LANG environment must be set to match with that of the WebDAV client.

    In the following example, the WebDAV client locale is Shift-JIS, and mod_oradav needs the NLS_LANG to be AMERICAN_AMERICA.ja16shjis. To set this:

    Stop the HTTP Server listener.


    Change the NLS_LANG environment variable by doing the following :


    Save the file.


    Start the HTTP Server listener.


    7.5 Unnumbered Error Messages

    This section contains the following unnumbered error messages:

    Error: The servlet produced the following error stack. ERROR STACK'

    Problem: Unable to create Oracle Text indexes

    Problem: The date is out of sync with the system clock

    Error: The servlet produced the following error stack. ERROR STACK'

    Cause: This error may occur for multiple reasons. The error stack should indicate what has caused the error. The problem may be a configuration error or it may be more critical.

    Action: If the problem is not obvious from the stack then contact Customer Support for assistance.

    Problem: Unable to create Oracle Text indexes

    Cause: If you encounter any of the following errors while creating an Oracle Text index a problem creating Oracle Text indexes occurred:

    Action: Your system should meet all the requirements described in the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide. Oracle Text must be installed in the same Oracle Home as the database.

    You must disable connection pooling from the Database Access Descriptor page.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server 10G mod_plsql User's Guide

    Problem: The date is out of sync with the system clock

    Cause: This error may occur when the sysdate value in the database that contains the OracleAS Metadata Repository is incorrect.

    Action: Check to make sure that the sysdate value in the database that contains the OracleAS Metadata Repository is incorrect. Refer to the Oracle9i database documentation for more information on how to do this.

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