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Oracle Application Server Portal Error Messages Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10608-01
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3 Security Error Messages

This chapter describes the error messages, their causes, and suggested actions, that you may encounter while configuring or logging into OracleAS Portal. For more information on securing OracleAS Portal, refer to the Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide , located on Portal Center (

This chapter contains the following security error messages:

3.1 WWC-41031 to WWC-41657

This section contains the following error messages:

WWC-41031 Unable to connect to the LDAP server

Cause: The Portal is unable to access the OID server. The Portal stores the OID host, OID port, Application DN and Application password in its own schema. It would be unable to access the OID server if any one of these values in incorrect.

Action: Use the command line tool ldapbind to verify that the OID server is up and running. If the OID server is up but the Portal application is still unable to access the OID server, then run ptlasst using -mode MIDTIER - type OID to rewire the Portal with the OID server. The ptlasst script is located in the directory ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca.

WWC-41415. You do not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation.

Cause: The user does not have permission to perform the operation. This is a common error message that is displayed for all the portal UI objects when viewing the page, or when editing a page, layout or style.

Action: Make sure that you are logged on as the user who has permission to perform the operation.

WWC-41419 Authentication failed. Please try again.

Cause: The specified username and password is incorrect.

Action: Please verify the username and password. The username must correspond to the nickname attribute of the user entry in the OID server. The passwords are case-sensitive.


The seeded user accounts orcladmin, PORTAL and PORTAL_ADMIN are created with the password specified for the Oracle Application Server Administrator during install. However, if you have done a custom Portal install with a schema name other than Portal, then you may have specified the initial password using the -pwd parameter during the middle-tier wiring of the OracleAS Portal. This password would have been used when creating the schema and schema_ADMIN accounts in OID.

WWC-41426. There is no such user or group found. Please enter the name of a valid user or group and try again.

Cause: When creating or editing a page, an invalid user or group name is entered when trying to set the access privileges for the page.

Action: Check that the name for the user or group is valid. Use the popup list next to the name field to try and find the user or group name.

WWC-41439 You cannot login because there is no configuration information stored in the enabler configuration table.

Cause: An alias defined in the Apache configuration causes Apache to translate to just host. In this case, the login link will show only host:port (dropping the domain).

Action: Remove all such aliases from your Apache configuration.

Cause: The default domain is not set in the Apache configuration. When this occurs, only the hostname is shown in the login link and the domain is not included.

Action: Include the domain in the ServerName parameter.

Cause: The Portal was configured with an incorrect host or port.

Action: Run ptlasst using -mode MIDTIER -type SSO. The ptlasst script is located in the directory ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca. The 9.0.2 version of ptlasst had -mode SSOPARTNERCONFIG which has been replaced with -mode MIDTIER -type SSO in 9.0.4.

WWC-41443. user name, you are not authorized to log in. Please see your portal administrator to enable logins for your account.

Cause: The option 'Allow User to Log On' is not checked in the user preferences. The user may log on to the server, but not Portal.

Action: Ask your Portal Administrator to check the option.

WWC-41433. Please specify an appropriate database user name. It should be an existing proxy client to user name.

Cause: When editing a user's profile, you assign a database schema to the user's account, and the database schema that you select has not granted connect privileges to the schema owner (Portal schema).

Action: To create a schema that you can assign to users, you need to use the Schema portlet to create a new schema and check the box that indicates "Use this Schema for Portal Users". You can also update an existing schema for this purpose by going in through Edit Schema on the Schema portlet.

WWC-41470. Error while connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory.

Cause: The OID server may not be operational.

Action: Check with the administrator to make sure the OID server is operational.

WWC-41496. An error was encountered while refreshing the cache for OID Parameters.

Cause: The OID Server may not be operational.

Action: Check whether the OID port is operational and that the Portal configuration is referring to the correct hostname and port. A command line LDAPbind can be used to check if the LDAP port is up and running.

WWC-41657 Your account is globally locked. Please try logging on after the global lockout duration has passed.

Cause: The user's account has been locked out. The account is typically locked out if the user tries to login repeatedly using an incorrect password. The number of failed attempts allowed is controlled by the password policy stored in the OID server.

Action: The OID administrator can reset a user's password to release the lockout. The user's account is automatically released after the lockout duration has elapsed if the password policy contains a non-zero Account Lockout Duration.

3.2 Login Error Messages

This section contains unnumbered login error messages, and are described in detail below.

Error: "Proxy logon failed" together with the message "TNS could not resolve service name" when trying to connect or login to OracleAS Portal.

Cause: The logon is using a tnsalias in the DAD configuration that is not correct.

Action: Make sure the net service name that is in the DAD for the database connect has been defined in the TNSNAMES.ORA or LDAP.ORA file.

Error: "Database Login Failure" while trying to connect to OracleAS Portal.

Cause: The target database is not up and running, or the DAD is not properly configured.

Action: Make sure the Oracle database is up and running.

Make sure the connect information, database user, and password information is correctly specified in the DAD. (The DAD can only be configured and edited through OEM.) The DAD can be edited within OEM by navigating to the "PLSQL Properties" under the HTTP Server. The orasso DAD is created under the Infrastructure HTTP Server, while the OracleAS Portal DAD is created under the midtier server. The connect information should be specified in host:port:sid format or net service format.

Error: Internal Server error when trying to access any page in OracleAS Portal.

Cause: This problem is most likely due to the Parallel Page Engine or the Portal OC4J Instance process having gone down or been misconfigured.

Action: Ensure that the Portal OC4J Instance process has been started and is configured correctly by trying to access the following URL from any browser:


If this does not work, then Portal OC4J Instance is failing. Check the OC4J log files for more details. The log files are located in:


Error: "Proxy log on failed" together with the message "TNS could not resolve service name" when trying to connect or login to OracleAS Portal.

Cause: This is likely due to a Net8 configuration problem.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME where the listener was started is pointing to the same home where the TNSNAMES.ORA or LDAP.ORA file is located. Check that TNSNAMES.ORA or LDAP.ORA exists, is valid, and that it contains the service name associated with your DAD. Refer to the Net8 documentation provided with your database for more information.

Error: The enabler configuration table (WWSEC_ENABLER_CONFIG_INFO$) does not have any entries.

Cause: The Configuration Assistant did not detect any entries in the WWSEC_ENABLER_CONFIG_INFO$ table after the configuration was complete. OracleAS Portal uses the WWSEC_ENABLER_CONFIG_INFO$ table when contacting the Single Sign-On Server. This table must have at least one entry for OracleAS Portal to function properly.

Action: Check the OracleAS Portal installation/configuration log file for other errors. Additional errors in the log file are usually an indication that there is a more fundamental problem with the way the database is configured. The log file is located in ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca/install.log. If there are no other errors, the problem can manually be resolved by running the ptlasst script, mode SSOPARTNERCONFIG... Refer to the Configuration Guide for more information.

Error: Cannot log in to OracleAS Portal due to an incorrect Proxy Setting.

Cause: If the Proxy Setting is incorrect or invalid, OracleAS Portal cannot process logins correctly.

Action: Using SQL*Plus, login as the OracleAS Portal schema owner (default is portal) and issue the following statements:

p_path=> 'oracle.portal.proxy', 
p_name=> 'name', p_level_type =>wwpre_api_value.SYSTEM_LEVEL_TYPE, p_
level_name => null, 
p_value => NULL); 
p_path=> 'oracle.portal.proxy', 
p_name=> 'port', 
p_level_type => 
p_level_name => null, 
p_value=> NULL); 
After issuing these statements, the value of the proxy setting will be NULL.

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