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Table of Contents Image Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Support for JavaServer Pages Developer's Guide
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1 General JSP Overview

Introduction to JavaServer Pages
What a JSP Page Looks Like
Convenience of JSP Coding Versus Servlet Coding
Separation of Business Logic from Page Presentation: Calling JavaBeans
JSP Pages and Alternative Markup Languages
Overview of JSP Syntax Elements
Scripting Elements
JSP Objects and Scopes
Standard Actions: JSP Tags
Bean Property Conversions from String Values
Custom Tag Libraries
JSP Execution
JSP Containers in a Nutshell
JSP Execution Models
JSP Pages and On-Demand Translation
Requesting a JSP Page

2 Overview of the Oracle JSP Implementation

Overview of the Oracle Application Server and JSP Support
Overview of the Oracle Application Server
Oracle HTTP Server and mod_oc4j
Overview of OC4J
Overview of the JSP Implementation in OC4J
Oracle JDeveloper JSP Support
Overview of Oracle Value-Added Features
Summary of Tag Libraries and Utilities Provided with OC4J
Overview of Oracle-Specific Features
Overview of Tags and API for Caching Support
Support for the JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library

3 Getting Started

Some Initial Considerations
Application Root Functionality
Classpath Functionality
Runtime Retranslation or Reloading
JSP Compilation Considerations
JSP Security Considerations
JSP Performance Considerations
Default Package Imports
JSP File Naming Conventions
JDK 1.4 Considerations: Cannot Invoke Classes Not in Packages
Key Support Files Provided with OC4J
JSP Configuration in OC4J
JSP Container Setup
JSP Configuration Parameters
OC4J Configuration Parameters for JSP
Key OC4J Configuration Files
JSP Configuration in Oracle Enterprise Manager
Application Server Control JSP Properties Page
Configuration Parameters Supported by the JSP Properties Page
Configuration Parameters Not Supported by the JSP Properties Page

4 Basic Programming Considerations

JSP-Servlet Interaction
Invoking a Servlet from a JSP Page
Passing Data to a Servlet Invoked from a JSP Page
Invoking a JSP Page from a Servlet
Passing Data Between a JSP Page and a Servlet
JSP-Servlet Interaction Samples
JSP Data-Access Support and Features
Introduction to JSP Support for Data Access
JSP Data-Access Sample Using JDBC
Use of JDBC Performance Enhancement Features
EJB Calls from JSP Pages
JSP Support for Oracle SQLJ
OracleXMLQuery Class
JSP Resource Management
Standard Session Resource Management: HttpSessionBindingListener
Overview of Oracle Value-Added Features for Resource Management
Runtime Error Processing
Servlet and JSP Runtime Error Mechanisms
JSP Error Page Example

5 JSP XML Support

JSP XML Documents and JSP XML View: Overview and Comparison
Details of JSP XML Documents
Summary Table of JSP XML Syntax
JSP XML root Element and JSP XML Namespaces
JSP XML Directive Elements
JSP XML Declaration, Expression, and Scriptlet Elements
JSP XML Standard Action and Custom Action Elements
JSP XML Text Elements and Other Elements
Sample Comparison: Traditional JSP Page Versus JSP XML Document
Details of the JSP XML View
Transformation from a JSP Page to the XML View
The jsp:id Attribute for Error Reporting During Validation
Example: Transformation from Traditional JSP Page to XML View

6 Additional Programming Considerations

General JSP Programming Strategies
JavaBeans Versus Scriptlets
Static Includes Versus Dynamic Includes
When to Consider Creating and Using JSP Tag Libraries
Additional JSP Programming Tips
Hiding JSP Pages from Direct Invocation
Use of a Central Checker Page
Workarounds for Large Static Content or Significant Tag Library Usage
Method Variable Declarations Versus Member Variable Declarations
Page Directive Characteristics
JSP Preservation of White Space and Use with Binary Data

7 JSP Translation and Deployment

Functionality of the JSP Translator
Features of Generated Code
General Conventions for Output Names
Generated Package and Class Names
Generated Files and Locations
Oracle JSP Global Includes
The ojspc Pretranslation Utility
Overview of Basic ojspc Functionality
Overview of ojspc Batch Pretranslation
Option Summary Table for ojspc
Command-Line Syntax for ojspc
Option Descriptions for ojspc
Summary of ojspc Output Files, Locations, and Related Options
JSP Deployment Considerations
Overview of EAR/WAR Deployment
Application Deployment with Oracle JDeveloper
JSP Pretranslation
Deployment of Binary Files Only

8 JSP Tag Libraries

Overview of the Tag Library Framework
Overview of a Custom Tag Library Implementation
Overview of Tag Library Changes Between the JSP 1.1 and 1.2 Specifications
Tag Library Descriptor Files
Overview of TLD File Validation and Features
Use of the tag Element
Other Key Elements and Their Subelements: validator and listener
Tag Library and TLD Setup and Access
Overview: Specifying a Tag Library with the taglib Directive
Specifying a Tag Library by Physical Location
Packaging and Accessing Multiple Tag Libraries in a JAR File
Use of web.xml for Tag Libraries
Oracle Extensions for Tag Library Sharing and Persistent TLD Caching
Example: Multiple Tag Libraries and TLD Files in a JAR File
Tag Handlers
Overview of Tag Handlers
Attribute Handling, Conversions from String Values
Custom Tag Processing, with or without Tag Bodies
Summary of Integer Constants for Body Processing
Simple Tag Handlers without Iteration
Simple Tag Handlers with Iteration
Tag Handlers That Access Body Content
TryCatchFinally Interface
Access to Outer Tag Handler Instances
OC4J JSP Tag Handler Features
Disabling or Enabling Runtime or Compile-Time Tag Handler Reuse
Tag Handler Code Generation
Scripting Variables, Declarations, and Tag-Extra-Info Classes
Using Scripting Variables
Scripting Variable Scopes
Variable Declaration Through TLD variable Elements
Variable Declaration Through Tag-Extra-Info Classes
Validation and Tag-Library-Validator Classes
TLD validator Element
Key TLV-Related Classes and the validation() Method
TLV Processing
Validation Mechanisms
Tag Library Event Listeners
TLD listener Element
Activation of Tag Library Event Listeners
Access of TLD Files for Event Listener Information
End-to-End Custom Tag Examples
Example: Using the IterationTag Interface
Example: Using the IterationTag Interface and a Tag-Extra-Info Class
Compile-Time Tags
General Compile-Time Versus Runtime Considerations
JSP Compile-Time Versus Runtime JML Library

9 JSP Globalization Support

Content Type Settings
Content Type Settings in the page Directive
Dynamic Content Type Settings
Oracle Extension for the Character Set of the JSP Writer Object
JSP Support for Multibyte Parameter Encoding
Standard setCharacterEncoding() Method
Overview of Oracle Extensions for Older Servlet Environments

A Servlet and JSP Technical Background

Background on Servlets
Review of Servlet Technology
The Servlet Interface
Servlet Containers
Servlet Sessions
Servlet Contexts
Application Lifecycle Management Through Event Listeners
Servlet Invocation
Web Application Hierarchy
Standard JSP Interfaces and Methods

B The Apache JServ Environment

Getting Started in a JServ Environment
Adding Files to the Apache JServ Web Server Classpath
Mapping JSP File Name Extensions for JServ
JSP Configuration Parameters for JServ
Setting JSP Parameters in JServ
Using ojspc for JServ
Considerations for the JServ Environment
The mod_jserv Apache Mod
JSP Container Features for Application Root Support in JServ
Overview of Application and Session Framework for JServ
JSP and Servlet Session Sharing in JServ
Dynamic Includes and Forwards in JServ
JServ Directory Alias Translation
JSP Security Considerations in JServ
Multibyte Parameter Encoding in JServ
JSP Application and Session Support for JServ
Overview of globals.jsa Functionality
Overview of globals.jsa Syntax and Semantics
The globals.jsa Event-Handlers
Global Declarations and Directives
Migration from globals.jsa

C Third Party Licenses

Apache HTTP Server
The Apache Software License
Apache JServ
Apache JServ Public License


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