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OracleŽ Application Server Containers for J2EE Security Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number Part No. B10325-02
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Oracle HTTPS for Client Connections

This chapter describes the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE) implementation of HTTPS that provides SSL functionality to client HTTP connections. The following topics are included:


This chapter discusses how to use the Secure Sockets Layer protocol to communicate securely between networked applications. It begins by discussing fundamental SSL concepts, then continues with information about using Oracle HTTPS and JSSE.


  • Secure communication between a client and Oracle HTTP Server is independent of secure communication between Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J. (Also note that the secure AJP protocol used between Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J is not visible to the end user.) This section covers only secure communication between OC4J and the client.

  • OC4J standalone supports SSL communication directly between a client and OC4J, using HTTPS. This is discussed in "Configuring OC4J Standalone for SSL" .

Overview of SSL Keys and Certificates

In SSL communication between two entities, such as companies or individuals, the server has a public key and an associated private key. Each key is a number, with the private key of an entity being kept secret by that entity, and the public key of an entity being publicized to any other parties with which secure communication might be necessary. The security of the data exchanged is guaranteed by keeping the private key secret, and by the complex encryption algorithm. This system is known as asymmetric encryption, because the key used to encrypt data is not the same as the key used to decrypt data.

Asymmetric encryption has a performance cost due to its complexity. A much faster system is symmetric encryption, where the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt data. But the weakness of symmetric encryption is that the same key has to be known by both parties, and if anyone intercepts the exchange of the key, then the communication becomes insecure.

SSL uses both asymmetric and symmetric encryption to communicate. An asymmetric key (PKI public key) is used to encode a symmetric encryption key (the bulk encryption key); the bulk encryption key is then used to encrypt subsequent communication. After both sides agree on the bulk encryption key, faster communication is possible without losing security and reliability.

When an SSL session is negotiated, the following steps take place:

  1. The server sends the client its public key.

  2. The client creates a bulk encryption key, often a 128 bit RC4 key, using a specified encryption suite.

  3. The client encrypts the bulk key with the server's public key, and sends the encrypted bulk key to the server.

  4. The server decrypts the bulk encryption key using the server's private key.

This set of operations is called key exchange. After key exchange has taken place, the client and the server use the bulk encryption key to encrypt all exchanged data.


It is possible, but rare, for the client to have its own private and public keys as well.

In SSL the public key of the server is sent to the client in a data structure known as an X.509 certificate. This certificate, created by a certificate authority (CA), contains a public key, information concerning the owner of the certificate, and optionally some digital rights of the owner. Certificates are digitally signed by the CA which created them using that CA's digital certificate public key.

In SSL, the CA's signature is checked by the receiving process to ensure that it is on the approved list of CA signatures. This check is sometimes performed by analysis of certificate chains. This occurs if the receiving process does not have the signing CA's public key on the approved list. In that case the receiving process checks to see if the signer of the CA's certificate is on the approved list or the signer of the signer, and so on. This chain of certificate, signer of certificate, signer of signer of certificate, and so on is a certificate chain. The highest certificate in the chain (the original signer) is called the root certificate of the certificate chain.

The root certificate is often on the approved list of the receiving process. Certificates in the approve list are called trust points or trusted certificates. A root certificate can be signed by a CA or can be self-signed, meaning that the digital signature that verifies the root certificate is encrypted through the private key that corresponds with the public key that the certificate contains, rather than through the private key of a higher CA.

Functionally, a certificate acts as a container for public keys and associated signatures. A single certificate file can contain one or multiple chained certificates, up to an entire chain. Private keys are normally kept separately to prevent them from being inadvertently revealed, although they can be included in a separate section of the certificate file for convenient portability between applications.

A keystore is used to store certificates, including the certificates of all trusted parties, for use by a program. Through its keystore, an entity such as OC4J (for example) can authenticate other parties as well as authenticate itself to other parties. Oracle HTTP Server has what is called a wallet for the same purpose. Sun's SSL implementation introduces the notion of a truststore, which is a keystore file that includes the trusted certificate authorities that a client will implicitly accept during an SSL handshake.

In Java, a keystore is a instance that you can create and manipulate using the keytool utility that is provided with the Sun Microsystems JDK. The underlying physical manifestation of this object is a file. Go to the following site for information about keytool:

Creating Keys and Certificates With OC4J and Oracle HTTP Server

The steps for using keys and certificates for SSL communication in OC4J are as follows. These are server-level steps, typically executed prior to deployment of an application that will require secure communication, perhaps when you first set up an OracleAS instance.

  1. Use keytool to generate a private key, public key, and unsigned certificate.You can place this information into either a new keystore or an existing keystore.

  2. Obtain a signature for the certificate, using either of the following two approaches.

    You can generate your own signature:

    1. Use keytool to "self-sign" the certificate. This is appropriate if your clients will trust you as, in effect, your own certificate authority.

    Alternatively, you can obtain a signature from a recognized certificate authority:

    1. Using the certificate from Step 1, use keytool to generate a certificate request, which is a request to have the certificate signed by a certificate authority.

    2. Submit the certificate request to a certificate authority.

    3. Receive the signature from the certificate authority and import it into the keystore, again using keytool. In the keystore, the signature will be matched with the associated certificate.


Oracle Application Server includes OracleAS Certificate Authority (OCA). This allows customers to create and issue certificates for themselves and their users, although these certificates would likely be unrecognized outside a customer's organization without prior arrangements. See the Oracle Application Server 10g Security Guide for information about OCA.

The process for requesting and receiving signatures is up to the particular certificate authority you use. Because that is outside the scope and control of OracleAS, the OracleAS documentation does not cover it. You can go to the Web site of any certificate authority for information. (Any browser should have a list of trusted certificate authorities.) Here are the Web addresses for VeriSign, Inc. and Thawte, for example:

For SSL communication between OC4J and Oracle HTTP Server, you would also execute the preceding steps for Oracle HTTP Server, but using a wallet and Oracle Wallet Manager instead of a keystore and the keytool utility. See the Oracle Application Server 10g Security Guide for information about wallets and the Oracle Wallet Manager.

In addition, you would execute the following steps as appropriate.

If the OC4J certificate is signed by an entity that Oracle HTTP Server does not yet trust:

  1. From OC4J, use keytool to export the OC4J certificate. This places the certificate into a file that is accessible to Oracle HTTP Server.

  2. From Oracle HTTP Server, use Oracle Wallet Manager to import the OC4J certificate.

If the Oracle HTTP Server certificate is signed by an entity that OC4J does not yet trust, and if OC4J is in a mode of operation that requires client authentication (as discussed in "Requesting Client Authentication"):

  1. From Oracle HTTP Server, use Oracle Wallet Manager to export the Oracle HTTP Server certificate. This places the certificate into a file that is accessible to OC4J.

  2. From OC4J, use keytool to import the Oracle HTTP Server certificate.

During communications over SSL between Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J, all data on the communications channel between the two is encrypted. The following steps are executed:

  1. The OC4J certificate chain is authenticated to Oracle HTTP Server during establishment of the encrypted channel.

  2. Optionally, if OC4J is in client-authentication mode, Oracle HTTP Server is authenticated to OC4J. This also occurs during establishment of the encrypted channel.

  3. The bulk encryption key is securely exchanged using the PKI public key, and is then used for the encryption of further communications on the channel.

Example: Creating an SSL Certificate and Generating Your Own Signature

This example corresponds to Step 2 above, in the mode where you generate your own signature by using keytool to self-sign the certificate.

First, create a keystore with an RSA private/public keypair, using the keytool command. This example (in which % is the system prompt) uses the RSA keypair algorithm to generate a keystore to reside in a file named mykeystore, which has a password of 123456 and is valid for 21 days:

% keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -keystore mykeystore -storepass 123456 -validity 21

Note the following:

The keytool prompts you for more information, as follows:

What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]: Test User
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  Support
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  Oracle
What is the name of your City or Locality?
  [Unknown]:  Redwood Shores
What is the name of your State or Province?
  [Unknown]:  CA
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
  [Unknown]:  US
Is <CN=Test User, OU=Support, O=Oracle, L=Reading, ST=Berkshire, C=GB> correct?
  [no]:  yes

Enter key password for <mykey>
        (RETURN if same as keystore password):


To determine your two-letter country code, use the ISO country code list at the following URL:

The mykeystore file is created in the current directory. The default alias of the key is mykey.

Requesting Client Authentication

OC4J supports a client authentication mode in which the server explicitly requests authentication from the client before the server will communicate with the client. In an OracleAS environment, Oracle HTTP Server acts as the client to OC4J.

For client authentication, Oracle HTTP Server must have its own certificate and authenticate itself by sending a certificate and a certificate chain that ends with a root certificate. OC4J can be configured to accept only root certificates from a specified list in establishing a chain of trust back to a client.

A certificate that OC4J trusts is called a trust point. In the certificate chain from Oracle HTTP Server, the trust point is the first certificate that OC4J encounters that matches one in its own keystore. There are three ways to establish trust:

OC4J verifies that the entire certificate chain up to and including the trust point is valid to prevent any forged certificates.

If you request client authentication with the needs-client-auth attribute, perform the following steps. See "OC4J Configuration Steps for SSL" for how to configure this attribute.

  1. Decide which of the certificates in the chain from Oracle HTTP Server is to be your trust point. Ensure that you either have control over the issuance of certificates using this trust point or that you trust the certificate authority as an issuer.

  2. Import the intermediate or root certificate in the server keystore as a trust point for authentication of the client certificate.


If you do not want OC4J to accept certain trust points, make sure these trust points are not in the keystore.

  1. Execute the steps to create the client certificate (documented in "Creating Keys and Certificates With OC4J and Oracle HTTP Server"). The client certificate includes the intermediate or root certificate that is installed in the server. If you wish to trust another certificate authority, obtain a certificate from that authority.

  2. Save the certificate in a file on Oracle HTTP Server.

  3. Provide the certificate for the Oracle HTTP Server initiation of the secure AJP connection.

During secure communication between the client and OC4J, the following functionality is executed:

Oracle HTTPS And Clients

HTTPS is vital to securing client-server interactions. For many server applications, HTTPS is handled by the Web server. However, any application that acts as a client, such as servlets that initiate connections to other Web servers, needs its own HTTPS implementation to make requests and to receive information securely from the server. Java application developers who are familiar with either the HTTP package, HTTPClient, or who are familiar with the Sun Microsystems, Inc., package can easily use Oracle HTTPS to secure client interactions with a server.

Oracle HTTPS extends the HTTPConnection class of the HTTPClient package, which provides a complete HTTP client library. To support client HTTPS connections, several methods have been added to the HTTPConnection class that use the OracleSSL class, OracleSSLCredential.


Oracle HTTPClient supports two different SSL implementations: the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) and OracleSSL. This documentation discusses the two implementations separately.

HTTPConnection Class

The HTTPConnection class is used to create new connections that use HTTP, with or without SSL. To provide support for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) digital certificates and wallets, the methods described in "Oracle HTTPS Example" have been added to this class.

See Also:

The HTTPClient Javadoc.

OracleSSLCredential Class (OracleSSL Only)

Security credentials are used to authenticate the server and the client to each other. Oracle HTTPS uses the Oracle Java SSL package, OracleSSLCredential, to load user certificates and trustpoints from base64 or DER-encoded certificates. (DER, part of the X.690 ASN.1 standard, stands for Distinguished Encoding Rules.)

The API for Oracle Java SSL requires that security credentials be passed to the HTTP connection before the connection is established. The OracleSSLCredential class is used to store these security credentials. Typically, a wallet generated by Oracle Wallet Manager is used to populate the OracleSSLCredential object. Alternatively, individual certificates can be added by using an OracleSSLCredential class API. After the credentials are complete, they are passed to the connection with the setCredentials method.

Overview of Oracle HTTPS Features

Oracle HTTPS supports HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1 connections between a client and a server. To provide SSL functionality, new methods have been added to the HTTPConnection class of this package. These methods are used in conjunction with Oracle Java SSL to support cipher suite selection, security credential management with Oracle Wallet Manager, security-aware applications, and other features that are described in the following sections. Oracle HTTPS uses the Oracle Java SSL class, OracleSSLCredential, and it extends the HTTPConnection class of the HTTPClient package. HTTPClient supports two SSL implementations, OracleSSL and JSSE.

In addition to the functionality included in the HTTPClient package, Oracle HTTPS supports the following:

In addition, Oracle HTTPS uses the HTTPClient package to support

The following sections describe Oracle HTTPS features in detail:

SSL Cipher Suites

Before data can flow through an SSL connection, both sides of the connection must negotiate common algorithms to be used for data transmission. A set of such algorithms combined to provide a mix of security features is called a cipher suite. Selecting a particular cipher suite lets the participants in an SSL connection establish the appropriate level for their communications.

HTTPClient supports two different SSL implementations, each of which supports different cipher suites. These are discussed below.

Choosing a Cipher Suite

In general, you should prefer:

SSL Cipher Suites Supported by OracleSSL

OracleSSL supports the cipher suites listed in Table 11-1. Note that with NULL encryption, SSL is only used for authentication and data integrity purposes.

Table 11-1 Cipher Suites Supported By OracleSSL  
Cipher Suite Authentication Encryption Hash Function (Digest)







RC4 128




RC4 128








RC4 40







DH anon




DH anon

RC4 128



DH anon




DH anon

RC4 40



DH anon











SSL Cipher Suites Supported by JSSE

JSSE supports the cipher suites listed in Table 11-1. Note that with NULL encryption, SSL is only used for authentication and data integrity purposes.

Table 11-2 Cipher Suites Supported By JSSE  
Cipher Suite Authentication Encryption Hash Function (Digest)







RC4 128




RC4 128








RC4 40



DH anon




DH anon

RC4 128



DH anon




DH anon

RC4 40



DH anon























Access Information About Established SSL Connections

Users can access information about established SSL connections using the getSSLSession method of Oracle HTTPS. After a connection is established, users can retrieve the cipher suite used for the connection, the peer certificate chain, and other information about the current connection.

Security-Aware Applications Support

Oracle HTTPS uses Oracle Java SSL to provide security-aware applications support. When security-aware applications do not set trust points, Oracle Java SSL allows them to perform their own validation letting the handshake complete successfully only if a complete certificate chain is sent by the peer. When applications authenticate to the trustpoint level, they are responsible for authenticating individual certificates below the trustpoint.

After the handshake is complete, the application must obtain the SSL session information and perform any additional validation for the connection.

Security-unaware applications that need the trust point check must ensure that trust points are set in the HTTPS infrastructure.

See Also:

Oracle Advanced Security Administrator's Guide for information about Oracle Java SSL. Framework Support

The HTTPClient package provides basic support for the framework with the HTTPClient.HttpUrlConnection class. However, many of the Oracle HTTPS features are supported through system properties only.

Features that are only supported through system properties are

Specifying Default System Properties

For many users of HTTPS it is desirable to specify some default properties in a non-programmatic way. The best way to accomplish this is through Java system properties which are accessible through the java.lang.System class. These properties are the only way for users of the framework to set security credential information. Oracle HTTPS recognizes the following properties:

The following sections describe how to set these properties.

This property can be set to point to the text wallet file exported from Oracle Wallet Manager that contains the credentials that are to be used for a specific connection. For example:

where default.txt is the name of the text wallet file that contains the credentials.

If no other credentials have been set for the HTTPS connection, then the file indicated by this property is opened when a handshake first occurs. If any errors occur while reading this file, then the connection fails and an IOException is thrown.

If you do not set this property, the application is responsible for verifying that the certificate chain contains a certificate that can be trusted. However, HTTPClient using Oracle SSL does verify that all of the certificates in the certificate chain, from the user certificate to the root CA, have been sent by the server and that all of these certificates contain valid signatures.

This property can be set to the password that is necessary to open the wallet file. For example:

where welcome1 is the password that is necessary to open the wallet file.

Potential Security Risk with Storing Passwords in System Properties

Storing the wallet file password as a Java system property can result in a security risk in some environments. To avoid this risk, use one of the following alternatives:

Oracle.ssl.defaultCipherSuites (OracleSSL only)

This property can be set to a comma-delimited list of cipher suites. For example:


The cipher suites that you set this property to are used as the default cipher suites for new HTTPS connections.

See Also:

Table 11-1 for a complete list of the cipher suites that are supported by OracleSSL.

Oracle HTTPS Example

The following is a simple program that uses Oracle HTTPS, HTTPClient, and OracleSSL to connect to a Web server, send a GET request, and fetch a Web page. The complete code for this program is presented here followed by sections that explain how Oracle HTTPS is used to set up secure connections.

import HTTPClient.HTTPConnection;
import HTTPClient.HTTPResponse;

public class HTTPSConnectionExample
    public static void main(String[] args)
        if(args.length < 4)
            "Usage: java HTTPSConnectionTest [host] [port] " +
            "[wallet] [password]");

        String hostname = args[0].toLowerCase();
        int port = Integer.decode(args[1]).intValue();
        String walletPath = args[2];
        String password = args[3];

        HTTPConnection httpsConnection = null; 
        OracleSSLCredential credential = null;

            httpsConnection = new HTTPConnection("https", hostname, port);
        catch(IOException e)
            System.out.println("HTTPS Protocol not supported");

            credential = new OracleSSLCredential();
            credential.setWallet(walletPath, password);
        catch(IOException e)
            System.out.println("Could not open wallet");

        catch (IOException e)
            System.out.println("Could not establish connection");
        }[] peerCerts = null;
            peerCerts =
(httpsConnection.getSSLSession()).getPeerCertificateChain(); } catch( e) { System.err.println("Unable to obtain peer credentials"); System.exit(-1); } String peerCertDN =
peerCerts[peerCerts.length -1].getSubjectDN().getName(); peerCertDN = peerCertDN.toLowerCase(); if(peerCertDN.lastIndexOf("cn="+hostname) == -1) { System.out.println("Certificate for " + hostname + " is issued to "
+ peerCertDN); System.out.println("Aborting connection"); System.exit(-1); } try { HTTPResponse rsp = httpsConnection.Get("/"); System.out.println("Server Response: "); System.out.println(rsp); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occured during Get"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } }

Initializing SSL Credentials In OracleSSL

This program example uses a wallet created by Oracle Wallet Manager to set up credential information. First the credentials are created and the wallet is loaded using

credential = new OracleSSLCredential();
credential.setWallet(walletPath, password);

After the credentials are created, they are passed to HTTPSConnection using


The private key, user certificate, and trust points located in the wallet can now be used for the connection.

Verifying Connection Information

Although SSL verifies that the certificate chain presented by the server is valid and contains at least one certificate trusted by the client, that does not prevent impersonation by malicious third parties. An HTTPS standard that addresses this problem requires that HTTPS servers have certificates issued to their host name. Then it is the responsibility of the client to perform this validation after the SSL connection is established.

To perform this validation in this sample program, HTTPSConnectionExample establishes a connection to the server without transferring any data using the following:


After the connection is established, the connection information, in this case the server certificate chain, is obtained with the following:

peerCerts = (httpsConnection.getSSLSession()).getPeerCertificateChain();

Finally the server certificate's common name is obtained with the following:

String peerCertDN = peerCerts[peerCerts.length -1].getSubjectDN().getName();
peerCertDN = peerCertDN.toLowerCase();

If the certificate name is not the same as the host name used to connect to the server, then the connection is aborted with the following:

if(peerCertDN.lastIndexOf("cn="+hostname) == -1)
    System.out.println("Certificate for " + hostname + " is issued to " +
    System.out.println("Aborting connection");

Transferring Data Using HTTPS

It is important to verify the connection information before data is transferred from the client or from the server. The data transfer is performed in the same way for HTTPS as it is for HTTP. In this sample program a GET request is made to the server using the following:

HTTPResponse rsp = httpsConnection.Get("/");

Using HTTPClient with JSSE

OracleAS supports HTTPS client connections using the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE). A client can configure HTTPClient to use JSSE as the underlying SSL provider.

  • The JSSE SSL implementation is not thread-safe; if you need to use SSL in a threaded application, use OracleSSL.

  • For full information on JSSE, see the Sun documentation at

HTTPClient still uses OracleSSL as the default provider, but the developer can easily change this by setting the SSLSocketFactory on the HTTPConnection class. This following code snippet demonstrates how a client could configure HTTPClient to use JSSE for SSL communication.

public void obtainHTTPSConnectionUsingJSSE() throws Exception
// set the trust store to the location of the client's trust store file
      // this value specifies the certificate authorities the client accepts
   System.setProperty("", KEYSTORE_FILE);
   // creates the HTTPS URL
   URL testURL = new URL("https://" + HOSTNAME + ":" + HTTPS_PORTNUM);
   // call SSLSocketFactory.getDefault() to obtain the default JSSE 
  // of an SSLSocketFactory
   SSLSocketFactory socketFactory = 
   HTTPConnection connection = new HTTPConnection(testURL);

   // configure HTTPClient to use JSSE as the underlying
   // SSL provider
   // call connect to setup SSL handshake
   catch (IOException e)
       e.printStackTrace();    }

   HTTPResponse response = connection.Get("/index.html");

Configuring HTTPClient To Use JSSE

The steps required to use JSSE with HTTPClient are as follows:

  1. Create a truststore using the keytool.

    • For details of using the keytool, see

    • JSSE's implementation of SSL has some subtle differences from Oracle's implementation. Unlike in OracleSSL, if no truststore is set, the JDK default truststore will be used. This default will accept known certificate authorities, such as Verisign and Thawte. Many self-signed certificates will be rejected by this default.

  2. Set the truststore property. A client wishing to use JSSE must specify the client truststore location in Unlike OracleSSL, the client does not need to set the property.

  3. Obtain the JSSE SSLSocketFactory by calling SSLSocketFactory.getDefault().

  4. Create an HTTPClient connection.

  5. Configure the HTTPClient connection to use the JSSE implementation of SSL. HTTPClient can be configured to use JSSE in one of two ways:

    1. (Per-connection) The client calls HTTPConnection.setSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory factory)

    2. (Entire VM) The client calls the static method: HttpConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory factory). This static method must be called before instantiating any HTTPConnection instances.

  6. Call HTTPConnection.connect() before sending any HTTPS data. This allows the connection to verify the SSL handshaking that must occur between client and server before any data can be encrypted and sent.

  7. Use the HTTPConnection instance normally. At this point, the client is set up to use HTTPClient with JSSE. There is no additional configuration necessary and basic usage is the same.

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J for SSL

For secure communication between Oracle HTTP Server and OC4J, configuration steps are required at each end, as detailed in the following sections:

Oracle HTTP Server Configuration Steps for SSL

In Oracle HTTP Server, verify proper SSL settings in mod_oc4j.conf for secure communication. SSL must be enabled, with a wallet file and password specified, as follows:

Oc4jEnableSSL on
Oc4jSSLWalletFile wallet_path
Oc4jSSLWalletPassword pwd

The wallet_path value is a directory path to the wallet file, without a file name. (The wallet file name is already known.) The pwd value is the wallet password.

For more information about the mod_oc4j.conf file, see Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide.

OC4J Configuration Steps for SSL

In the default-web-site.xml file (or other Web site XML file, as appropriate), you must specify appropriate SSL settings under the <web-site> element.

  1. Turn on the secure flag to specify secure communication, as follows:

    <web-site ... secure="true" ... >

    Setting secure="true" specifies that the AJP protocol should use an SSL socket.

  2. Use the <ssl-config> sub-element and its keystore and keystore-password attributes to specify the path and password for the keystore, as follows:

    <web-site ... secure="true" ... >
       <ssl-config keystore="path_and_file" keystore-password="pwd" />

    The <ssl-config> element is required whenever the secure flag is set to "true".

    The path_and_file value can indicate either an absolute or relative directory path and includes the file name. A relative path is relative to the location of the Web site XML file.

  3. Optionally, to specify that client authentication is required, turn on the needs-client-auth flag. This is an attribute of the <ssl-config> element.

    <web-site ... secure="true" ... >
       <ssl-config keystore="path_and_file" keystore-password="pwd" 
                   needs-client-auth="true" />

    This sets up a mode where OC4J will accept or reject a client entity, such as Oracle HTTP Server, for secure communication depending on its identity. The needs-client-auth flag instructs OC4J to request the client certificate chain upon connection. If OC4J recognizes the root certificate of the client, then the client is accepted.

    The keystore that is specified in the <ssl-config> element must contain the certificates of any clients that are authorized to connect to OC4J through secure AJP and SSL.

Here is an example that sets up secure communication with client authentication:

<web-site display-name="OC4J Web Site" protocol="ajp13" secure="true" >
   <default-web-app application="default" name="defaultWebApp" root="/j2ee" />
   <access-log path="../log/default-web-access.log" />
   <ssl-config keystore="../keystore" keystore-password="welcome" 
              needs-client-auth="true" />

Only the portions in bold are specific to security. The protocol value is always "ajp13" for communication through Oracle HTTP Server, whether or not you use secure communication. A protocol value of ajp13 with secure="false" indicates AJP protocol, while ajp13 with secure="true" indicates secure AJP protocol.

For more information about elements and attributes of the <web-site> and <ssl-config> elements, see the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Servlet Developer's Guide.

Configuring OC4J Standalone for SSL

For secure communication between a client and OC4J, configuration is required on OC4J standalone. You are required to provide a certificate on the client-side only if you configure client-authentication.

In the default-web-site.xml file of OC4J (or other Web site XML file, as appropriate), you must specify appropriate SSL settings under the <web-site> element.

  1. Turn on the secure flag to specify secure communication, as follows:

    <web-site ... protocol="http" secure="true" ... >

    Setting secure="true" specifies that the HTTP protocol is to use an SSL socket.

  2. Use the <ssl-config> sub-element and its keystore and keystore-password attributes to specify the directory path and password for the keystore, as follows:

    <web-site ... secure="true" ... >
       <ssl-config keystore="path_and_file" keystore-password="pwd" />

    The <ssl-config> element is required whenever the secure flag is set to "true".

    The path_and_file value can indicate either an absolute or relative directory path and includes the file name.


    You can hide the password through password indirection. See Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Security Guide for a description of password indirection.

  3. Optionally, turn on the needs-client-auth flag, an attribute of the <ssl-config> element, to specify that client authentication is required, as follows:

    <web-site ... secure="true" ... >
       <ssl-config keystore="path_and_file" keystore-password="pwd" 
                   needs-client-auth="true" />

    This step sets up a mode where OC4J accepts or rejects a client entity for secure communication, depending on its identity. The needs-client-auth attribute instructs OC4J to request the client certificate chain upon connection. If the root certificate of the client is recognized, then the client is accepted.

    The keystore specified in the <ssl-config> element must contain the certificates of any clients that are authorized to connect to OC4J through HTTPS.

  4. Optionally, specify each application in the Web site as shared. The shared attribute of the <web-app> element indicates whether multiple bindings (different Web sites, or ports, and context roots) can be shared. Supported values are "true" and "false" (default).

    Sharing implies the sharing of everything that makes up a Web application, including sessions, servlet instances, and context values. A typical use for this mode is to share a Web application between an HTTP site and an HTTPS site at the same context path, when SSL is required for some but not all of the communications. Performance is improved by encrypting only sensitive information, rather than all information.

    If an HTTPS Web application is marked as shared, then instead of using the SSL certificate to track the session, the cookie is used to track the session. This is beneficial in that the SSL certificate uses 50K to store each certificate when tracking it, which sometimes results in an "out of memory" problem for the session before the session times out. This could possibly make the Web application less secure, but might be necessary to work around issues such as SSL session timeouts not being properly supported in some browsers.

  5. Optionally, set the cookie domain if shared is true and the default ports are not used. When the client interacts with a Web server over separate ports, the cookie believes that each separate port denotes a separate Web site. If you use the default ports of 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS, the client recognizes these as two different ports of the same Web site and creates only a single cookie. However, if you use non-default ports, the client does not recognize these ports as part of the same Web site and will create separate cookies for each port, unless you specify the cookie domain.

    Cookie domains track the client's communication across multiple servers within a DNS domain. If you use non-default ports for a shared environment with HTTP and HTTPS, set the cookie-domain attribute in the <session-tracking> element in the orion-web.xml file for the application. The cookie-domain attribute contains the DNS domain with at least two components of the domain name provided.

    <session-tracking cookie-domain="" />

Example 11-1 HTTPS Communication With Client Authentication

The following configures a Web site for HTTPS secure communication with client authentication:

<web-site display-name="OC4J Web Site" protocol="http" secure="true" >
   <default-web-app application="default" name="defaultWebApp" />
   <access-log path="../log/default-web-access.log" />
   <ssl-config keystore="../keystore" keystore-password="welcome" 
              needs-client-auth="true" />

Only the portions in bold are specific to security. The protocol value is always "http" for HTTP communication, whether or not you use secure communication. A protocol value of http with secure="false" indicates HTTP protocol; http with secure="true" indicates HTTPS protocol.

Then, configures the news application to accept both HTTP and HTTPS connections:

<web-app application="news" name="news-web" root="/news" shared="true" /> 

This Web site uses the default port numbers for HTTP and HTTPS communication. If it did not, you would also add the cookie-domain attribute.

<session-tracking cookie-domain="" />

For more information about elements and attributes of the <web-site>, <web-app>, and <session-tracking> elements, see the XML Appendix in the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE Servlet Developer's Guide.

Example 11-2 Creating an SSL Certificate and Configuring HTTPS

The following example uses keytool to create a test certificate and shows all of the XML configuration necessary for HTTPS to work. To create a valid certificate for use in production environments, see the keytool documentation.

  1. Install the correct JDK

    Ensure that JDK 1.3.x is installed. This is required for SSL with OC4J. Set the JAVA_HOME to the JDK 1.3 directory. Ensure that the JDK 1.3.x JAVA_HOME/bin is at the beginning of your path. This may be achieved by doing the following:


    $ PATH=/usr/opt/java130/bin:$PATH
    $ export $PATH
    $ java -version
    java version "1.3.0"


    set PATH=d:\jdk131\bin;%PATH%

    Ensure that this JDK version is set as the current version in your Windows registry. In the Windows Registry Editor under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/JavaSoft/Java Development Kit, set 'CurrentVersion' to 1.3 (or later).

  2. Request a certificate

    1. Change directory to ORACLE_HOME/j2ee

    2. Create a keystore with an RSA private/public keypair using the keytool command. In our example, we generate a keystore to reside in a file named 'mykeystore', which has a password of '123456' and is valid for 21 days, using the 'RSA' key pair generation algorithm with the following syntax:

      keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -keystore mykeystore -storepass 123456 
      -validity 21


    • the keystore option sets the filename where the keys are stored

    • the storepass option sets the password for protecting the keystore

    • the validity option sets number of days the certificate is valid

    The keytool prompts you for more information, as follows:

    keytool -genkey -keyalg "RSA" -keystore mykeystore -storepass 123456 
    -validity 21
    What is your first and last name?
      [Unknown]:  Test User
    What is the name of your organizational unit?
      [Unknown]:  Support
    What is the name of your organization?
      [Unknown]:  Oracle
    What is the name of your City or Locality?
      [Unknown]:  Redwood Shores
    What is the name of your State or Province?
      [Unknown]:  CA
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
      [Unknown]:  US
    Is <CN=Test User, OU=Support, O=Oracle, L=Reading, ST=Berkshire, C=GB> 
      [no]:  yes
    Enter key password for <mykey>
            (RETURN if same as keystore password):


    To determine your 'two-letter country code', use the ISO country code list at the following URL:

    The mykeystore file is created in the current directory. The default alias of the key is mykey.

  3. If you do not have a secure-web-site.xml file, then copy the default-web-site.xml to $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/secure-web-site.xml.

  4. Edit secure-web-site.xml with the following elements:

    1. Add secure="true" to the <web-site> element, as follows:

      <web-site port="8888" display-name="Default OracleAS Containers for J2EE 
      Web Site" secure="true">
    2. Add the following new line inside the <web-site> element to define the keystore and the password.

      <ssl-config keystore="<Your-Keystore>" 
      keystore-password="<Your-Password>" />

      Where <Your-Keystore> is the full path to the keystore and <Your-Password> is the keystore password. In our example, this is as follows:

      <!-- Enable SSL -->
      <ssl-config keystore="../../keystore" keystore-password="123456"/>


      The keystore path is relative to where the XML file resides.

    3. Change the web-site port number, to use an available port. For example, the default for SSL ports is 443, so change the Web site port attribute to port="4443". To use the default of 443, you have to be a super user.

    4. Now save the changes to secure-web-site.xml.

  5. If you did not have the secure-web-site.xml file, then edit server.xml to point to the secure-web-site.xml file.

    1. Uncomment or add the following line in the file server.xml so that the secure-web-site.xml file is read.

      <web-site path="./secure-web-site.xml" />


      Even on Windows, you use a forward slash and not a back slash in the XML files.

    2. Save the changes to server.xml.

  6. Stop and re-start OC4J to initialize the secure-web-site.xml file additions. Test the SSL port by accessing the site in a browser on the SSL port. If successful, you will be asked to accept the certificate, because it is not signed by an accepted authority.

When completed, OC4J listens for SSL requests on one port and non-SSL requests on another. You can disable either SSL requests or non-SSL requests, by commenting out the appropriate *web-site.xml in the server.xml configuration file.

<web-site path="./secure-web-site.xml" /> - comment out this to remove SSL
<default-site path="./default-web-site.xml" /> - comment out this to 
      remove non-SSL

Requesting Client Authentication with OC4J Standalone

OC4J supports a "client-authentication" mode in which the server explicitly requests authentication from the client before the server will communicate with the client. In this case, the client must have its own certificate. The client authenticates itself by sending a certificate and a certificate chain that ends with a root certificate. OC4J can be configured to accept only root certificates from a specified list in establishing a chain of trust back to the client.

A certificate that OC4J trusts is called a trust point. This is the first certificate that OC4J encounters in the chain from the client that matches one in its own keystore. There are three ways to configure trust:

OC4J verifies that the entire certificate chain up to and including the trust point is valid to prevent any forged certificates.

If you request client authentication with the needs-client-auth attribute, perform the following:

  1. Decide which of the certificates in the client's chain is to be your trust point. Ensure that you either have control of the issue of certificates using this trust point or that you trust the certificate authority as an issuer.

  2. Import the intermediate or root certificate in the server keystore as a trust point for authentication of the client certificate.

  3. If you do not want OC4J to have access to certain trust points, make sure that these trust points are not in the keystore.

  4. Execute the preceding steps to create the client certificate, which includes the intermediate or root certificate installed in the server. If you wish to trust another certificate authority, obtain a certificate from that authority.

  5. Save the certificate in a file on the client.

  6. Provide the certificate on the client initiation of the HTTPS connection.

    1. If the client is a browser, set the certificate in the client browser security area.

    2. If the client is a Java client, you must programmatically present the client certificate and the certificate chain when initiating the HTTPS connection.

HTTPS Common Problems and Solutions

The following errors may occur when using SSL certificates:

Keytool Error: Unsupported encoding

Cause: You cannot allow trailing whitespace in the keytool.

Action: Delete all trailing whitespace. If the error still occurs, add a new line in your certificate reply file.

Keytool Error: KeyPairGenerator not available

Cause: You are probably using a keytool from an older JDK.

Action: Use the keytool from the latest JDK on your system. To ensure that you are using the latest JDK, specify the full path for this JDK.

Keytool Error: Failed to establish chain from reply

Cause: The keytool cannot locate the root CA certificates in your keystore; thus, the keytool cannot build the certificate chain from your server key to the trusted root certificate authority.

Action: Execute the following:

keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias cacert -file cacert.cer (keytool 
-keystore keystore -import -alias intercert -file inter.cer) 

If you use an intermediate CA keytool, then execute the following:

keystore keystore -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias serverkey keytool -keystore 
keystore -certreq -file 

Get the certificate from the Certificate Signing Request, then execute the following:

keytool -keystore keystore -import -file -alias serverkey

No available certificate corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled

Cause: Something is wrong with your certificate.

IllegalArgumentException: Mixing secure and non-secure sites on the same ip + port

Cause: You cannot configure SSL and non-SSL web-sites to listen on the same port and IP address.

Action: Check to see that different ports are assigned within secure-web-site.xml and default-web-site.xml files.

Keytool does not work on HP-UX

Cause: On HP-UX, it has been reported that the 'keytool' does not work with the RSA option.

Action: Generate the key on another platform and FTP it to the HP-UX server.

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