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Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide
10g (9.0.4)

Part Number B10381-01
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Oracle HTTP Server Concepts

This chapter introduces you to the Oracle HTTP Server directory structure, and configuration files, configuration file syntax, modules, and directives.

Topics discussed are:

Documentation from the Apache Software Foundation is referenced when applicable.


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Understanding Oracle HTTP Server Directory Structure

Oracle HTTP Server is installed in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache directory on UNIX or ORACLE_HOME\Apache directory on Windows for configuring modules. For example, the modplsql folder contains the subdirectories necessary to configure and run PL/SQL applications.

Figure 2-1 illustrated Oracle HTTP Server directory structure.

Figure 2-1 Oracle HTTP Server Directory Structure

Text description of dirstruc.gif follows.

Text description of the illustration dirstruc.gif

The Apache directory is located at the top level under the ORACLE_HOME. It contains subdirectories for configuring modules such as mod_jserv, mod_plsql, mod_oradav. It also contains another directory called Apache, which is the base directory of Oracle HTTP Server. Table 2-1 contains information about the subdirectories within the Apache directory.

Table 2-1 Apache Subdirectories
Directory Name Contents


Contains Oracle HTTP Server executables.


Contains the CGI scripts. These are programs or shell scripts that can be executed by Oracle HTTP Server on the behalf of its clients.


Contains the configuration files.


Contains FastCGI scripts.


Contains the HTML scripts. The htdoc directory and its subdirectories are accessible to anyone on the Web, and therefore pose a severe security risk if used for anything other than publicly availably data.


Contains the icons that Oracle HTTP Server uses when displaying information or error messages.


Contains header files for building custom modules.


Contains the all shared library files for modules.


Contains the log data, for both access and errors.


Contains the man page for Oracle HTTP Server.

Accessing Configuration Files

Oracle HTTP Server is configured by placing directives, which are basically instructions, into text configuration files. Most of the configuration files are located in:

Some of these files are read only once when the server starts or is reloaded, whereas some files are read every time a related file or directory is requested.

The configuration files which are read only once are called server-wide configuration files.

See Also:

Appendix D, "Oracle HTTP Server Configuration Files"

Configuration Files Syntax

Oracle HTTP Server contains one directive per line. The back-slash "\" can be used as the last character on a line to indicate that the directive continues onto the next line. There must be no other characters or white space between the back-slash and the end of the line.

Directives in the configuration files are case-insensitive, but arguments to directives are often case-sensitive. Lines which begin with the character "#" are considered comments, and are ignored. Comments may not be included on a line after a configuration directive. Blank lines and white space occurring before a directive are ignored, so you may indent directives for clarity.

Understanding Modules

Oracle HTTP Server is a modular server. Modules extend the basic functionality of the Web server, and support integration between Oracle HTTP Server and other Oracle Application Server components. Oracle HTTP Server includes Apache modules as well as Oracle HTTP Server modules.

You can add modules using the LoadModule directive. Below is an example of LoadModule usage.

LoadModule status_module modules/ 

See Also:

Chapter 8, "Oracle HTTP Server Modules"

Classes of Directives

Table 2-2 classifies directives according to the context in which they can be used: global, per-server, and per-directory.

Table 2-2 Classes and Directives  
Class Context Where Used


server configuration

Inside server configuration files, but only outside of container directives (directives such as VirtualHost that have a start and end directive).


server configuration, virtual host

Inside server configuration files, both outside (for the main server) and inside VirtualHost directives.


server configuration, virtual host, directory

Everywhere; particularly inside the server configuration files.


In Table 2-2, each class is a subset of the class above it. For example, directives from the per-directory class can also be used in the per-server and global contexts, and directives from the per-server class can be used in the global context.

Scope of Directives

Directives placed in the main configuration files apply to the entire server. If you wish to change the configuration for only a part of the server, you can scope your directives by placing them in specific sections.

The section below discusses the following types of directives:

Container Directives

Container directives specify the scope within which directives take effect. The following container directives are discussed in detail below:


It is used to enclose a group of directives that apply only to the named directory and subdirectories of that directory. Any directory that is allowed in a directory context may be used. The directory is either the full path to a directory, or a wildcard string. In a wildcard string, ? matches any single character and * matches any sequences of characters. It is important to note that <Directory /> operated on the whole file system, where as <Directory dir> refers to absolute directories. <Directory> containers cannot be nested inside each other, but can refer to directories in the document root that are nested.


It should be used when specifying regular expressions, instead of using the tilde form of <Directory> with wildcards in the directory specification. The following two examples have the same result, matching directories starting with web and ending with a number from 1 to 9:

<Directory ~/web[1-9]/>
<DirectoryMatch "/web[1-9]/">


The <Files file> and </Files> directives support access control by filename. It is comparable to the <Directory> and <Location> directives. The directives given within this section can be applied to any object within a base name (the last component of the filename) matching the specified file name. <Files> sections are processed in the order that they appear in the configuration file, after the <Directory> sections, and .htaccess files are read, but before <Location> sections. Note that the <Files> directives can be nested inside <Directory> sections to restrict the portion of the file system to which they apply.


Provides access control by filename, just as the <Files> directive does. However, it accepts regular expression.


Limits the application of the directives within a block to those URLs specified, rather than to the physical file location like the <Directory> directive. <Location> sections are processed in the order that they appear in the configuration file, after the <Directory> sections and .htaccess files are read, and after the <Files> sections. <Location> accepts wildcard directories and regular expressions with the tilde character.


Functions in an identical manner to <Location> and you should use it for specifying regular expressions instead of the tilde form of <Location> with wildcards in the location specification.

For example:

<LocationMatch "/(extra|special)/data">

matches the URLs that contained the /extra/data or /special/data sub string.


<Limit method> defines a block according to the HTTP method of the incoming request. The following example limits the application of the directives that follow scripts that use the specified method:

  order deny, allow
  deny from all
  allow from

Generally, <Limit> should not be used unless needed. It is useful only for restricting directives to particular methods. <Limit> is frequently used with other containers, and it is contained in any of them.


Restrict access controls to all HTTP methods except the named ones.


Oracle HTTP Server has the capabilities to serve many different Web sites simultaneously. Directives can also be scoped by placing them inside <VirtualHost> sections, so that they will only apply to requests for a particular Web site.

Virtual host refers to the practice of maintaining more than one server on one machine, as differentiated by their apparent hostname. For example, it is often desirable for companies sharing a Web server to have their own domain, and Web servers accessible as, for example, and, without requiring you to know any extra path information.

Oracle HTTP Server supports both IP-based virtual hosts and name-based virtual hosts. The latter variant is sometimes also called host-based or non-IP virtual hosts.

Each virtual host can have its own name, IP address, and error and access logs. Within a <VirtualHost> container, you can set up a large number of individual servers run by a single invocation of the Oracle HTTP Server. With virtual hosting, you can specify a replacement set of the server-level configuration directives that define the main host, and are not allowed in any other container.

Block Directives

Specify a condition which must be true in order for directives within to take effect.

<IfModule> and <IfDefine> are block directives rather than container directives because they do not limit the scope of the directives they contain. They define whether Oracle HTTP Server parses the directives inside the block into its configuration, and the directives are ignored once the server is running.

About .htaccess Files

Oracle HTTP Server allows for decentralized management of configuration through special files places inside the Web tree. The special files are usually called .htaccess, but can be specified in the AccessFileName directive. Directives placed in .htaccess files apply to the directory where you place the file, and all subdirectories. The .htaccess files follow the same syntax as the main configuration files. Since .htaccess files are read on every request, changes made in these files take immediate effect.

The server administrator further controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files by configuring the AllowOverride directive in the main configuration files.

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